Blog outranking my product pages

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  • SEO
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Hello Everyone,

I'm wondering if others have this issue or if there are fixes I can put in place for this.

Let's say I sold fidget spinners. I made a blog post about fidget spinners and even linked them to my product page of fidget spinners. In google search engine, my blog post is out performing my product page.

Is there any way of basically forcing google to rank one page over the other? The blog is on the same domain.

#blog #outranking #pages #product
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    No, there is not a way to force Google to rank one page over another. Your blog post probably ranks better because it contains far more unique, valuable content than your product page.

    You can either seriously beef up your product page and hope it does better in the search engines or you can link to it prominently from the blog article.

    (It's also usually easier to get links to blog articles, so that might come into play, too).
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