Latest: Skyscraper Technique 2.0

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Recently, Author of Backlinko shared a post "Skyscraper Technique 2.0" & aware about this latest Technique.

Do you Guys know about this latest Skyscraper Technique 2.0?
#latest #skyscraper #technique
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    Profile picture of dave_hermansen
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I had no clue that Brian Dean had updated the Skyscraper Technique but it makes perfect sense why he did (thanks for pointing it out). A HUGE part of Google's algorithm is now based on user signals and relevance, so it makes complete sense why he has now added that to perhaps the best link building technique there is.

    For those of you who don't know about it, you can read about it here -
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    • Profile picture of the author fastreplies
      Profile picture of fastreplies
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by dave_hermansen View Post

      I had no clue that Brian Dean had updated the Skyscraper Technique but it makes perfect sense why he did (thanks for pointing it out). A HUGE part of Google's algorithm is now based on user signals and relevance, so it makes complete sense why he has now added that to perhaps the best link building technique there is.
      If only his Technique has been designed with Joe Public in mind, who's in real life
      won't touch it with 6' pole due to complexities associated with deep knowledge of
      subjects which sometimes difficult to fully appreciate for people with high diligent
      capacities and not to someone with basic and below proficiency levels.

      • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
        Profile picture of dave_hermansen
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by fastreplies View Post

        If only his Technique has been designed with Joe Public in mind, who's in real life
        won't touch it with 6' pole due to complexities associated with deep knowledge of
        subjects which sometimes difficult to fully appreciate for people with high diligent
        capacities and not to someone with basic and below proficiency levels.

        If everything in the learning/training world was done with "Joe Public" in mind, school would stop after about grade 6.
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  • Profile picture of the author Castor Troy1
    Castor Troy1
    Profile picture of Castor Troy1
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    Skyscraper is a new way of making backlinks, though i didn't try this method. I think this is kind of a complicated method but works well if it done in a real way.
  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Princess Balestra
    Profile picture of Princess Balestra
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    tbh I woulda run with 'Goldminer Technique' cos it only got 1 hit on Google even now -- which is kinda weird bcs to Moi this seems way apter & more intrinsically persuasive than 'Skyscraper Technique' to what I figure is the target groop lookin' in on Linkoperson's essential marketin' smarts.

    Whole vibe is PANNIN' SECRET DEPTHS FOR TREASURE ... ain't it?

    So why I wanna hang out toppa a skyscraper all super visible in my exotica alongside eagleswarms gonna peck the JUICY outta my swimsuit-clad relaxorial ass?

    I wanna look in on a TECHNIQUE specifically gonna fix up HARDCORE GOLDMINERS.

    But anyways, such is the PAST.

    Fyooture begins next shoutout, I guess ...

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Profile picture of ryanbiddulph
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    Not aware of Brian's update but many respected bloggers love his older version of the technique. Not a list building guy, Neha, but BD knows his stuff inside-out for list building, SEO and traffic.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
    • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
      Profile picture of dave_hermansen
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      Originally Posted by ryanbiddulph View Post

      Not aware of Brian's update but many respected bloggers love his older version of the technique. Not a list building guy, Neha, but BD knows his stuff inside-out for list building, SEO and traffic.
      You should check it out, Ryan. I think you'd like it. It just expands the technique and adds user intent and user engagement to the equation.
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  • Profile picture of the author expmrb
    Profile picture of expmrb
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    Certainly its worth the read.
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  • Profile picture of the author fire3fly
    Profile picture of fire3fly
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    It's definitely a great idea for providing quality content and ranking.
  • Profile picture of the author M Arslan
    M Arslan
    Profile picture of M Arslan
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    Yeah, this technique will surely bring a ton of traffic. Because in this technique it clearly satisfy user intention.
  • Profile picture of the author Neonode
    Profile picture of Neonode
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    The Skyscraper technique is fantastic if you're in a field where people want to link to your site. If you're working in a highly competitive field where everything is fighting all the time about links... then the technique is useless.
    • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
      Profile picture of dave_hermansen
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      Originally Posted by Neonode View Post

      The Skyscraper technique is fantastic if you're in a field where people want to link to your site. If you're working in a highly competitive field where everything is fighting all the time about links... then the technique is useless.
      There really are very, very few niches where you can't create something spectacular that someone would want to link to. I've never heard of a niche that is "so competitive" that there are no other websites in complementary niches that aren't also competitors. Unfortunately, people think that their whole site needs to be about their products or services. That's the reason a website should always have an on-site blog.

      With a blog, you can write about things that are loosely related to your products or services. If you are selling dog houses, you might have a blog article about the top 10 indoor only dog breeds, the top 10 outdoor dog breeds, how to keep your dog from jumping up on people, how to keep your dog from chewing things he/she shouldn't chew on. Those are MUCH better articles for earning links than a page that sells dog houses is. Plenty of non-competing sites that are about dogs would like those articles.

      Remember, you are not necessarily trying to write articles that your individual customers will be interested in. You are trying to write articles that the people who can give you a link would find interesting for their readers. As long as it is loosely related to your website, it won't seem odd there.
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  • Profile picture of the author stephenchong
    Profile picture of stephenchong
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    Its difficult to implement skyscrapper. I tried it to get back links but never get any positive Response. Though its a good way to build backlinks but difficult to implement.
    • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
      Profile picture of dave_hermansen
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      Originally Posted by stephenchong View Post

      Its difficult to implement skyscrapper. I tried it to get back links but never get any positive Response. Though its a good way to build backlinks but difficult to implement.
      It all starts with finding sites that already link out to content and then producing the kind of content they like to link to. Too many people put the cart before the horse by creating content and then trying to find places to link to it. Of course, a little schmoozing of them on social networks ahead of time doesn't hurt, either.
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  • Profile picture of the author FractionTech
    Profile picture of FractionTech
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    In short we should focus on user intent all technique depend on User Intent + SEO = Higher Rankings
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