Keyword ranking for old blogs

Profile picture of saldannoun
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7 replies
Hi. Just a beginner here in the digital marketing world. I've got a question in regards to SEO ranking. I've got a website where I sell a product. I've had this site for around 2 years and when it first launched I submitted 6 blogs to the blog page. After I launched it I got caught up with other things and didn't give it much attention. I wanted to ask if i was to start sharing these blogs on social networks would it help increase ranking due to the traffic I am bringing to the website. Considering it's an old blog? If I was to change the date on the blog would this also work in favor of SEO or would there be a chance I may get penalized by google? Any info would be much appreciated
#blogs #keyword #ranking
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  • Profile picture of the author bhavesh11
    Profile picture of bhavesh11
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    To increase the effectiveness of your SEO efforts and boost your search engine traffic, you can just update your old content and give yourself an improved freshness score.
  • Profile picture of the author ahmed2520
    Profile picture of ahmed2520
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I guess you should update your old blog and use new content in it that will improve your ranking position
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisMeyer@CM
    Profile picture of ChrisMeyer@CM
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you were to start sharing these blogs on social networks, you would theoretically increase traffic which could increase your site's search ranking. I say "could" because social traffic isn't a ranking factor, meaning it doesn't have a direct effect on your site's ability to rank.

    Still, like you said, you would be increasing traffic. And more traffic to your site, where ever it comes from, increases the likelihood that your posts earn links, attract return visitors, and otherwise increase your online visibility, brand recognition, and authority. All these things affect SEO in a direct or indirect way.

    As for changing the date, no, that won't help SEO in any significant way though you probably won't be penalized if it's only on a few pages. But, like the other posters here said, updating your posts with fresh, helpful content will help your rankings.

    Hope that helps!
  • Profile picture of the author Radhika Shah
    Radhika Shah
    Profile picture of Radhika Shah
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just update the old content with new with target keyword which will give you good traffic and keep sharing on social media aswell.
  • Profile picture of the author mylifeinsuranceforelderly
    Profile picture of mylifeinsuranceforelderly
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If we update our old blogs, correct their navigation structures and do on-page seo of our old blog. It can again relist in google. Google again can rank your website after checking your new and updated content.
  • Profile picture of the author WF-Cody
    Profile picture of WF-Cody
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Simply changing the date won't help much for your website. Better to just go and add new and relevant content to your blog to boost your ranking. Make sure that you are posting your blogs as well on your social media outlets to draw in more interest and traffic.
  • Profile picture of the author kebumen
    Profile picture of kebumen
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi, if you want to rank your old blog, especially if your blog developed by Wordpress, its easy and simple way. You can update your old content, such as add a tags in the end of article, add keywords will be targeted inside your old content, add images, or anything else. After that, you can resubmit your old post that have been update in search engine, and see the results. If you routine this tips, maybe you will get better rank for your old blog.
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