Are you experiencing these 6 common WordPress technical SEO issues?

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WordPress, just like any other CMS platforms, experiences a lot of technical SEO issues that hurt your site rankings. Here are 6 common issues and insights on how to fix them.

Slow page speeds
Your SEO may suffer if your website takes too long to load. Numerous causes, like big picture files, subpar hosting, or cumbersome programming, may be at blame for this.

To increase page performance, you may experiment with compressing pictures, employing a cache plugin, and code optimization.

Duplicate content
This happens when your site contains several pages with identical material, which might harm your rankings. Use 301 redirects to combine duplicate pages, or canonical tags to identify the original source of the information, to solve this.

Broken connects
When a page on your website connects to a page that doesn't exist, you have a broken link. Users may find this annoying, and it may also harm your SEO.

To find and fix broken links, you may use plugins like Broken Link Checker.

Misuse of headings
Headings (H1, H2, H3, etc.) are crucial for structuring your material and letting search engines know how essential it is. Multiple H1 tags on a page or inappropriate heading usage might mislead search engines and lower your ranks.

Only one H1 tag per page is recommended, and subheadings should be arranged logically.

Missing meta descriptions
In search results, meta descriptions are the short passages of text that follow the title tag. They are crucial for providing visitors an idea of what to anticipate from your website.

Search engines will generate a meta description for you if you don't have one based on the content of the page. To increase click-through rates, it is preferable to create your own succinct and attractive meta description.

Non-responsive design
A website that does not adjust to multiple screen sizes and devices is considered non-responsive. The user experience and your rankings may suffer if your site is not responsive.

To build a unique responsive design for your site, you may either utilize responsive WordPress themes or pay a developer.
#common #experiencing #issues #seo #technical #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author AdvantagePerks
    The speed gets affected quite a lot by the number of plugins. This can easily be prevented. Also switching to new web image formats can speed the website so much. The theme can affect everything though, if there is too much JS, which also affects the responsiveness.

    The rest can easily be sorted with some of the popular free SEO plugins for WordPress like YoastSEO or RankMath.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11755795].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Red Planet
    The speed is one of the main ranking factor of ranking it should be optimized well , and there might be some technical issue that prevents your website from ranking ..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11760193].message }}

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