White hat techniques

Marko Vel
Profile picture of Marko Vel
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15 replies
Hello Warriors
Is there anyone using only white hat techniques for adsense blogs?
#hat #techniques #white
  • Profile picture of the author Marko Vel
    Marko Vel
    Profile picture of Marko Vel
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    Hello nomanbd
    This question about which tools or techniques you using for better position on google for you blog.
  • Profile picture of the author affiliated survivor
    affiliated survivor
    Profile picture of affiliated survivor
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    I only use white hat techniques. Not because I hate Blackhat techniques, but because I never found something really good. The best thing I could think of would be making autoblogs with new pages getting indexed automatically. Bookmark plug-ins or Rss. Lots of blogs producing lots of indexed pages where I can insert links to my website, to articles and so on. But on the other hand I don´t like the idea of making so much garbage blogs.
  • Profile picture of the author Marko Vel
    Marko Vel
    Profile picture of Marko Vel
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    I have totally agree with you affiliated survivor
    I just had the same reason why i asked this here, but anyway i just wanna to hear some another opinion about this things.
    If it's not a secret how you managing all of that, do you have enough time?
  • Profile picture of the author affiliated survivor
    affiliated survivor
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    I just write as much articles as I can. May be 2-3 a day. In time this all adds up. Articles always have relevant backlinks, since the articles are related to my websites. I did blog comments in the past but it only gave me lots of useless links. On top of that lots of blogs went no follow and I did a lot for nothing. If I insert a link in website A to Website B and I write articles for website A I always try to have the main keyword of website B also in the article text. So that the backlinks for website B are relevant to the second grade.
  • Profile picture of the author Marko Vel
    Marko Vel
    Profile picture of Marko Vel
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    Thanks for your respond affiliated survivor
    So, in your opinion blog comments are useless?
    What is the best method for you?
  • Profile picture of the author affiliated survivor
    affiliated survivor
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    I don´t think they are completely useless. If I see a relevant blog and can post a comment I still will do it. But I´m not going out searching for blogs to comment on. I think I get more out of my time by writing articles.

    What I do is not for getting rich quick. It takes time. Especially when you are starting with nothing you earn quite little in the first months. But in time things get easier. When you have a few websites with lots of backlinks, you can get new sites easier and with less work to Google´s first page. Last year, end of december, I had earned $7.60 for december. Now, 11 months later, I made about $1,000 in November. (My sites are in Europe. I earned 860 Euro, which is around $ 1,000)

    $ 1,000 in 11 month does not sound much. You probably could not sell an ebook promising to reach only $ 1,000 a month within a year. But a year is over quick and I´m satisfied with something that is really working.
  • Profile picture of the author Marko Vel
    Marko Vel
    Profile picture of Marko Vel
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    No, i think that is really great progress for almost a year, just keep with a good work
    And about ebooks, i red a lot of them and about 10% was really good, the rest of ebooks was crap.
    All the time same story's without some quality content and concrete thing and ideas.
  • Profile picture of the author affiliated survivor
    affiliated survivor
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    I started with a free ebook from Dr. Andrew Williams about making fat affiliate sites. The idea behind the ebook was to make a website with some shop pages and drive traffic to the shop pages with long tailed keyword pages. Later I bought IPK (Info Product Killer) which was promising to make quite a lot of money quick. I didn´t make a lot of money quick, but I must say that I didn´t follow the ebook to the letter. Nevertheless IPK left me with some sites that still make money. So I´m quite satisfied with it, even though I didn´t make five figure profits.

    What I do now is a mixture of both. I´m trying to expand with Adwords. But I have to make a profit within a 10 Euro margin (Amazon.de has a upper limit of 10 Euro) And for the cheapest clicks I need the ultimate Quality Score, but have not figured this out yet. But I´m not in a hurry. Meanwhile I proceed as usual.
  • Profile picture of the author palobrian
    Profile picture of palobrian
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    personally I consider the long term and only employ white hat seo for my sites. It might be slower, but it is more steady and secure.
  • Profile picture of the author affiliated survivor
    affiliated survivor
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    Yes, instead of inventing some complicated tricks to give Google a wrong impression of your site, why not just give them what they want?
  • Profile picture of the author faizaali
    Profile picture of faizaali
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    i use white hat techniques that is directory submission, blogging, social bookmarking, article writing
  • Profile picture of the author Marko Vel
    Marko Vel
    Profile picture of Marko Vel
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    and what about some software like article rewrite or senuke or something like that just to make your life easier?
  • Profile picture of the author sarah_may
    Profile picture of sarah_may
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    We should follow only white hat SEO techniques to promote a blog or site, however it takes time to get results but that remains stable and useful in longer period. Some time black hat techniques resuts earlier but as soon SE detect your site will be penalised or banned.
  • Profile picture of the author affiliated survivor
    affiliated survivor
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    As I mentioned I´m active in Europe (the German language zone) and there is no SeNuke or anything. So I have to do everything the hard way. I spun an article however and 2 of them are ranking on the second page for months now. Both are indexed and appear in my webmaster tool account as backlinks. So in theory it could work.

    However most of the article directories, at least the good ones, demand 100% unique articles. I could try to insert a different key word and a different title in the articles, but then I have the problem that I do not find enough keywords that could fit in the same type of article. Germany has far less inhabitants than the US. Long tailed keywords that have a reasonable amount of visitors in the US, in Germany Google has not enough data. Meaning nearly or no visitors. To make spinning profitable I would need at least 10 different keywords.

    Another method would be filling blogs with these articles. It seems that about 50% off all search queries are for unique keywords. How to get this traffic? In Google´s keyword tool there are a lot of keywords with insufficient data. Keywords probably no one uses as page titles/main page keyword. Producing mass content, with a spinner, for these keywords could be profitable. But that´s only one of my theories. No one could know if it will work.

    I hardly do any bookmarking. In my experience the backlink power of bookmarks works only for a while. I´m not interested in things that only work for a while.

    Most of my websites have an RSS feed. And I submitted them to a number of RSS directories. I don´t know what this is worth but it is irratating that these feeds have to be updated regularily.

    I wonder if the software solutions are making life easier. It could work for a while, but then you have a lot of spam links pointing to your website. If relevant backlinks are better, and you have a large number of non-relevant backlinks, it could become difficult for the relevant backlinks to dominate your backlink pattern. It may be unpredictable what these Google bots make out of these backlinks.

    In general I think that finding a bl**ckhat method that works is as difficult as finding a white hat method that works. You cannot think: I only have to do something forbidden and everything gets easier.

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