I am fairly new to this forum and the advice being given is excellent and was hoping a few veterans might be able to give some advice to help me make some decisions this year.
I have been affiliate marketing clickbank products primarily for about 2 years in my spare time while working full time. I primarily do article marketing but have dabbled in other things and now own a few websites ... some of which i am proud of even! :p
Before Xmas my business was doing about $450-500 a week ... sadly the last 5 weeks it has gone back down to about $250-300 a week.
My problem is that writing articles and creating content and trying to get ranked highly in the search engines is just so damned time consuming!
I am very interested in perhaps hiring a writer from the Philippines and teaching them to create good articles but want to know if this is a worthwhile investment.
I hear you can hire a writer with excellent English for about $400 a month which I could afford but i need to somehow shift my thinking that I know I will be earning an extra $100 a week to cover this cost pretty quick and then go on to bigger and better things.
Has anyone got any experience with this sort of business model?
Another related question I guess - How much unique article distribution linking back to your site or a page on your site will help it rank higher? I seem to sling articles and link back with relevant anchor text to sites and they hardly seem to budge sometimes ... do I just need to do more? (which is where a steady supply or articles might help.)
I really want to find a way top automate and scale the tedious parts of my business so i can spend more time learning more and planning better things.
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