
Profile picture of Hengster
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8 replies
Hi guys,

I am fairly new to this forum and the advice being given is excellent and was hoping a few veterans might be able to give some advice to help me make some decisions this year.

I have been affiliate marketing clickbank products primarily for about 2 years in my spare time while working full time. I primarily do article marketing but have dabbled in other things and now own a few websites ... some of which i am proud of even! :p

Before Xmas my business was doing about $450-500 a week ... sadly the last 5 weeks it has gone back down to about $250-300 a week.

My problem is that writing articles and creating content and trying to get ranked highly in the search engines is just so damned time consuming!

I am very interested in perhaps hiring a writer from the Philippines and teaching them to create good articles but want to know if this is a worthwhile investment.

I hear you can hire a writer with excellent English for about $400 a month which I could afford but i need to somehow shift my thinking that I know I will be earning an extra $100 a week to cover this cost pretty quick and then go on to bigger and better things.

Has anyone got any experience with this sort of business model?

Another related question I guess - How much unique article distribution linking back to your site or a page on your site will help it rank higher? I seem to sling articles and link back with relevant anchor text to sites and they hardly seem to budge sometimes ... do I just need to do more? (which is where a steady supply or articles might help.)

I really want to find a way top automate and scale the tedious parts of my business so i can spend more time learning more and planning better things.
#outsourcing #outsourcingseorankingroi #ranking #roi #seo
  • Profile picture of the author raynman
    Profile picture of raynman
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Why don't you just hire someone that knows what they're doing so you can get a better product?
  • Profile picture of the author Ben Roy
    Ben Roy
    Profile picture of Ben Roy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think you're definitely running down the right path. I see a lot of people that never think beyond how much money they can make if they run themselves ragged. Addressing the outsourcing issue now is exactly the right time.

    If I were you, I would probably try to ease into it a bit more. Maybe you can find someone else to share a writer with so you aren't incurring such a large cost. Or maybe you can find a non-full-time resource that you can do a bit more pay-as-you-go. Make sure things are working, make sure you can handle that many articles, make sure you're getting the ROI you expect. Then scale it up as your business grows.
    • Profile picture of the author Hengster
      Profile picture of Hengster
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Ben Roy View Post

      If I were you, I would probably try to ease into it a bit more. Maybe you can find someone else to share a writer with so you aren't incurring such a large cost. Or maybe you can find a non-full-time resource that you can do a bit more pay-as-you-go. Make sure things are working, make sure you can handle that many articles, make sure you're getting the ROI you expect. Then scale it up as your business grows.
      I have tried outsourcing some article writing before and have had varied amounts of success. Usually I pay x for set of articles but the revenue gained back from that sort of practice is usually not great.

      I was hoping a full time or part time person might output more for your money and do the tedious stuff like posting it and so forth as well.

      Thanks for the reply!
    • Profile picture of the author Chris Busa
      Chris Busa
      Profile picture of Chris Busa
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      You can hire someone off this forum for cheap or you can get it outsourced at sites like guru.com, getafreelancer.com, elance.com these are just some sites you can have articles written for you cheap.

      Just make sure you see samples of their work first, also you can get one article written for you then go to humanrewriter.com and have your articles rewritten.

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      • Profile picture of the author Hengster
        Profile picture of Hengster
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Chris Busa View Post

        Just make sure you see samples of their work first, also you can get one article written for you then go to humanrewriter.com and have your articles rewritten.
        That is an interesting site. Thanks for that!
  • Profile picture of the author raynman
    Profile picture of raynman
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    How many articles are you looking to have done for $400/month?
    • Profile picture of the author Hengster
      Profile picture of Hengster
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by raynman View Post

      How many articles are you looking to have done for $400/month?
      That number is an estimate for someone working 40 hours a week from what I have heard.

      If that is the case then I think 8-10 decent articles a day written and posted to article directories would be pretty easy for a writer doing the same subject mostly.

      so about 160-200 articles I would estimate ... maybe more?

      as such it works out at about $2-3 an article + posting time.

      If the quality is even just ok that's better than I could get at Elance.com or anywhere else.
      • Profile picture of the author raynman
        Profile picture of raynman
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Hengster View Post

        That number is an estimate for someone working 40 hours a week from what I have heard.

        If that is the case then I think 8-10 decent articles a day written and posted to article directories would be pretty easy for a writer doing the same subject mostly.

        so about 160-200 articles I would estimate ... maybe more?

        as such it works out at about $2-3 an article + posting time.

        If the quality is even just ok that's better than I could get at Elance.com or anywhere else.
        You'll probably find the cheap labor your looking for. Good luck.

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