Your Number One Link Tactic

3 replies
  • SEO
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Although not many people will share this. I just wanted to start a discussion and list your number one link tactic. It could be a tool or just something you do to get some extra PR. Ill start off with two.

1. Recently I have added a little bit extra onto my article marketing that has got a lot of my articles on Ezine / Articlebase to PR 3, which has helped some campaigns.

2. Link Wheels can be good for long tail keywords (although, I don't see Google indexing them as much, I wonder if they are getting weary of certain web2.0 sites).

Any additions.
#link #number #tactic
  • Profile picture of the author sweetfranky
    My primary method now is building profile links to my articles. I love this method as I am able to rank up my articles on the SERP for a specific keyword.

    Now that the article is ranked high and it's PR goes up, the link in the article itself benefits. So now, I get even more traffic to my article and more traffic to my site across 2 keywords. Plus I can use my profile link list twice(once for my article and once again for site directly).
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  • Profile picture of the author jasonmorgan
    I'll play... I'll call this dirty deeds, done dirt cheap.

    As we all know, it can be difficult to add links in certain desirable places because mods are quick to delete comments and ban profiles that link to obvious IM sites, especially if you are dealing with less-acceptable content.

    Here is a technique you can use to generate backlinks and build up the authority of such a site.

    first, you need to think long-term and have some patience

    buy your domain

    put up something very non-IM on the site like a 'I'm a student and this is my personal homepage and it's currently under construction' ... no adsense or any of that junk. Maybe add a picture of a kitten, because everybody loves kittens.. or a lolcat.

    Of course, if your trying this with you might have a hard time but I'm not a huge believer that keywords domains are a must have. However, I do have a questionable domain containing the word 'dirty' and I played it off on my innocent dummy page as the blog of a sanitation worker with a warped sense of humor and I didn't have any angry mod problems so it's all in how you work it.

    now, you can start link building by leaving your comments and backlinks at the cream of the crop places that would typically hit the 'spam' button faster then you can say 'get your free 7 day report'.

    Unless you're adding links to you shouldn't have any problems getting your comments approved and be on your way to building up some really nice high pr backlinks on relatively spam-free sites... the places that have some real backlink value and aren't being abused by everybody and their second cousin with a cracked copy of scrapbox and SEnuke.

    If you're leaving real comments and aren't leaving links to sales pages (because our site is currently an innocent under construciton students site) mods are going to let your comments and backlink through their golden gates of SE goodness.

    You may not be getting your desired keywords, since that would kinda tip-off the mods, but that is OK. You don't need 100% anchor text. We are building authority, you can get your anchor text keywords when your virtual assistant is spamming your latest profile pdf's.

    After you've done this for about a month you should have a really kick-ass arsenal of backlinks that will have all of the other IMers envious and scratching their heads when all of their efforts are sent to the spam box and their sites join mine on the askimet list.

    Now, go ahead and switch your site over to the 'men, grow that certain part of your body an extra 2 inches' squeeze-a-rama.

    If you've done everything right, your questionable content site should have backlinks from places that you have no business having backlinks from and you're page should jump up to a respectable PR the next time goolge gets around to an update. Now you can be the really cool guy with the PR5 extenz site.

    I'm all about that bass.

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  • Profile picture of the author sndrsndv
    Ping all your web 2.0 properties that should get them indexed once in google you should start moving up the serps
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