Does This Tactic Help My Rankings, Or Hurt Them?

Profile picture of robvegas626
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I subscribed to a link-building service that charges a monthly fee. They require you to set up a "links" page on your site (in .php format) where they can automatically place links from other sites, and in return your link gets placed on the link pages of other sites in their network.

I did this with several of my less-important sites, and I am seeing their # of back links grow at a nice rate. But I've hesitated to do this with my main "money" site. My question is, can all of these outgoing links harm your rankings or de-value your site in any way?

Basically, when you use this service, you'll wind up with multiple "links" pages on your site that fill up with tons of outgoing links from all kinds of websites that are totally unrelated to you.

But on the flip side, all those sites will now have YOUR link on their links page. Is this advisable?
#hurt #rankings #tactic

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