Keyword placement in domain names

Nick Lotter
Profile picture of Nick Lotter
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5 replies
Hey warriors!

There seems to be a lot of different opinions about this.

Lets say that the domain name for your keyword is taken. For argument's sake, lets say the keyword is ''mybestkeyword''. Which choice of domain is better for SEO purposes?

Some marketers believe its better to have your keyword first, some say its better at the back. Some say to use a hyphen between the words of the keyword, others say separate your keyword from the extra words with a hyphen. And some say it doesn't matter what you do as long as the keyword is in there somewhere.

I thought it would be interesting to get your opinions on what you think would be better seo wise.

My personal opinion is it doesn't matter. What do you guys think?
#domain #keyword #names #placement
  • Profile picture of the author zoobie
    Profile picture of zoobie
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    All of the above. But bear in mind your site is for your visitors and NOT just the bots. If you put too many dashes in your domain, it makes your users to easily type a wrong domain and end up to other sites.

    What I will do is to choose a shorter domain name which easier for the users and possible the search engines.
  • Profile picture of the author Mnair
    Profile picture of Mnair
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I use this strategy as well but now I try not to put hyphens in unless absolutely necessary. Another thing is that hyphens are dead giveaways ( i think) for affiliate sites. Although i learned this a bit late for my site. Not that there's anything wrong with affiliate sites.

    • Profile picture of the author Tasso Pepi
      Tasso Pepi
      Profile picture of Tasso Pepi
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Mnair View Post

      I use this strategy as well but now I try not to put hyphens in unless absolutely necessary. Another thing is that hyphens are dead giveaways ( i think) for affiliate sites. Although i learned this a bit late for my site. Not that there's anything wrong with affiliate sites.
      Yeah I have to agree with Mnair.. I think these sites with hyphens, don't look like an authority site. I think that can look a bit cheap and tacky IMHO....
      I think the top one is a winner for me.

      It is direct, it has the keyword and site, gives it a more professional sound...

      Well done and good luck..

  • Profile picture of the author Mega B
    Mega B
    Profile picture of Mega B
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    I would have though the 1st option but just a though and it may not be a good idea could you not use a few of the domain and direct them to the best one,could that work ???

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  • Profile picture of the author Nick Lotter
    Nick Lotter
    Profile picture of Nick Lotter
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for all the responses guys. As I said, in terms of SEO itself I believe as long as the keyword is represented in the domain, it shouldnt really matter. (I may be wrong but am open to correction)

    I agree with Tasso though and my first choice for a professional looking domain would definitely be the first one.
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