Can someone please tell me what an "XFactor Site" is?

Profile picture of GeorgR.
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25 replies
I gathered some hints the last few days but still not 100% sure.

Furthermore...i came across a blog where someone (again) is CLAIMING what a huge, huge difference it makes to have keyword in the domain name - and he claims that simply adding another word to the domain would have a BIG disadvantage.

Eg..."www" == almost guaranteed high ranking, while "www" would be way, way more difficult to rank because of the added word.

The problem is..i really want to see PROOF that this is not simply some blahblah because i simply don't believe this.
#xfactor site
  • Profile picture of the author Goatboy
    Profile picture of Goatboy
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    xFactor sites are generally 2 or 3 pages and highly keyword targeted. There was a thread not long ago that told how to Google only those sites.
  • Profile picture of the author InternetMarketingIQ
    Profile picture of InternetMarketingIQ
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    Keywords in domains help for sure.

    Try searching San Diego in Google. Every single first page result at the time of my search contained San Diego with the exception of Wickipedia and the News Results.

    But you can not always score a keyword only domain, so the next best thing is the shortest most common sense keyword domain with any related word. Obviously if you are Branding their may be exceptions. Nobody searched for Facebook or Myspace prior to their branding. So if you can brand and market your brand ... which is not easy then you can exclude keywords.
  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    Profile picture of GeorgR.
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    my problem is, i don't see the difference between what i (or others) already do, that is doing keyword research and building a site which is supposed to rank for this KW.

    99% of my sites are based on this, fire up MS or MNF, find a good keyword, low competition, good search volume. Make site, add content, backlink etc...etc...

    Same principle also with "Google Sniper" which is the same thing except that he uses wordpress while Xfactor *seems* to use simpler sites and focuses on Adsense?

    I cant help but yawn, regardless of "rave reviews" because this (to me) is simply reiteration of stone-old SEO basics and keyword research. It is my understanding that those "xfactor" site are simpler, have less pages (mainly only a couple or so)...but again isn't it just using principles most SEOs know already for ages?
    Using MNF/MS and then go for a really good "KW" and making a site around the KW...what else is new?
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  • Profile picture of the author Fraggler
    Profile picture of Fraggler
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    It is more to do with the keyword research than the site structure and domain name. It is just basic SEO monetised with AdSense. XFactor highlighted the potential in product based keywords and with a great and informative thread has created himself some sort of cult following hehe.
  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    Profile picture of GeorgR.
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    So it uses product names?
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    • Profile picture of the author XFactor
      Profile picture of XFactor
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      Originally Posted by GeorgR. View Post

      So it uses product names?
      Hi George,

      I'll be very happy to briefly explain what I think is happening with the
      whole "Xfactor" reference.

      So long as this thread can remain civil (lots of childish posters come
      around in public), then I'll be happy to help you with your questions.

      1) There is no such thing as an "Xfactor Method"

      I have a variety of websites in my portfolio. I have an authority site
      that will reach 2,000 unique pages of content in the next couple of

      I have about 10 general niche sites, with 100+ pages each of content.

      And I have approximately 90 highly targeted websites that was just
      all uploaded with articles - at 35 pages each.

      The "Xfactor Method" that you are reading about is due to my book
      that I provide with targeting micro niches.

      These are micro niches, not micro sites.

      I suggest that my students have 5 pages of content when they launch,
      then to grow them from there (an individual choice).

      2) There is no such thing as an "Xfactor Site"

      I use a variety of website designs and in my book there is one example
      of such a design that many customers are using.

      A large number of these customers have launched out 1-page websites
      on up to 5 pages, and that's it.

      I would assume that these are the sites that you may be hearing about.

      3) And finally, my success is built on basics, not some "Xfactor Secret"

      I used to game the search engines back when it was somewhat easy. Yes,
      I was a black-hat guy (very, very bad stuff to earn income).

      After a couple of years of losing hundreds and hundreds of domains, I
      started building simple white-hat web pages with good information,
      and slowly backlinked them with article marketing.

      To this day, this is my personal web publishing business model, and one
      that I preach in my book.

      So anything beyond these principles is not truly my personal method.

      However, I am always testing new things - always - not trendy things,
      but items of web layouts, article marketing services like Linkvana,
      different niche topics, etc.

      Hope this helps

      - John
    • Profile picture of the author Tom Goodwin
      Tom Goodwin
      Profile picture of Tom Goodwin
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      Originally Posted by GeorgR. View Post

      So it uses product names?
      Something like:

      for instance.
      • Profile picture of the author paulgl
        Profile picture of paulgl
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        And when you do a search for thigh high leather boots,
        with or without quotes, nary a site comes up on the first
        page with any of those keywords in their domains.

        Does that tell you anything? Like someone said, so 1997.


        If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

        • Profile picture of the author Radix
          Profile picture of Radix
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

          And when you do a search for thigh high leather boots,
          with or without quotes, nary a site comes up on the first
          page with any of those keywords in their domains.

          Does that tell you anything? Like someone said, so 1997.


          Do a larger sample. A lot of folks out there with parked domains sitting on good .coms, but not doing anything with them.

          I've got over fifty sites sitting on page one for their specific all in title KW. Only SEO I've done for any of these sites was some modest article writing.

          You have to put some content on the site and you do have to do a some article writing.
          Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.
          -Groucho Marx
          • Profile picture of the author Tom Goodwin
            Tom Goodwin
            Profile picture of Tom Goodwin
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            Originally Posted by Radix View Post

            Do a larger sample. A lot of folks out there with parked domains sitting on good .coms, but not doing anything with them.

            I've got over fifty sites sitting on page one for their specific all in title KW. Only SEO I've done for any of these sites was some modest article writing.

            You have to put some content on the site and you do have to do a some article writing.
            Agree, except you don't need any article writing. Obviously article backlinks can work, although I do solely forum profiles/blog commenting and my sites rank well and fast.
        • Profile picture of the author XFactor
          Profile picture of XFactor
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          Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

          And when you do a search for thigh high leather boots,
          with or without quotes, nary a site comes up on the first
          page with any of those keywords in their domains.

          Does that tell you anything? Like someone said, so 1997.

          Nice open micro niche there!

          There are thousands upon thousands upon thousands of these to
          get into.

          - John
        • Profile picture of the author Tom Goodwin
          Tom Goodwin
          Profile picture of Tom Goodwin
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          Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

          And when you do a search for thigh high leather boots,
          with or without quotes, nary a site comes up on the first
          page with any of those keywords in their domains.

          Does that tell you anything? Like someone said, so 1997.

          Note I actually own 1 of those ;-) I just haven't gotten around to even installing wordpress on it yet. Don't worry, it will be on page 1 soon after I do.
  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    Profile picture of GeorgR.
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    ok, i see clearer reason for uncivilized behavior here
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    • Profile picture of the author XFactor
      Profile picture of XFactor
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      Originally Posted by GeorgR. View Post

      ok, i see clearer reason for uncivilized behavior here
      Oh, and also I chose the avatar name "Xfactor" years ago because I enjoy
      the X-games.

      You would not believe how many emails I get asking me how I was able
      to launch such a popular nic-name and tie it in nicely with my product.

      All of it was never done on purpose.

      But when you use your mind right, hard work meets opportunity and creates
      good luck

      - John
      • Profile picture of the author Intrepreneur
        Profile picture of Intrepreneur
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        It's an ancient marketing tactic that will leave you with top rankings on Google for a very short period of time and possibly on the front age results of Yahoo for a very long time.

        How to do it:

        Get a keyword laiden domain with keywords you mined using Micro Niche Finder or whatever else you use.

        Build a site with about 4 pages, each realted to your main keyword.

        Get some backlinks from ezine articles.

        Wait for it to go to the top of Google.

        Then wait for it to drop again, never to be seen again.

        In other words a foolproof method of wasting your time building sites that were effective in 1997.
        • Profile picture of the author Radix
          Profile picture of Radix
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Lot's of folks talking about this specific WSO that did not actually buy it. This isn't a sales pitch or even criticism, just an observation. If you've read the book and been on the forum and still don't see the merit, then you're making an educated decision. Anything else is speculation.

          If nothing else this is a great intro for new folks to learn basic SEO and build habits and skills that will reward them over and over again.

          It's not a magic bullet.
          Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.
          -Groucho Marx
        • Profile picture of the author Heimir Finnson
          Heimir Finnson
          Profile picture of Heimir Finnson
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          Originally Posted by Intrepreneur View Post

          It's an ancient marketing tactic that will leave you with top rankings on Google for a very short period of time and possibly on the front age results of Yahoo for a very long time.

          How to do it:

          Get a keyword laiden domain with keywords you mined using Micro Niche Finder or whatever else you use.

          Build a site with about 4 pages, each realted to your main keyword.

          Get some backlinks from ezine articles.

          Wait for it to go to the top of Google.

          Then wait for it to drop again, never to be seen again.

          In other words a foolproof method of wasting your time building sites that were effective in 1997.
          Sure they will disappear if you do nothing with them.
          However, if you keep adding fresh unique content they will keep ranking.

          Build on the winners and flip the losers, that's my plan.

        • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
          Profile picture of GeorgR.
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by Intrepreneur View Post

          It's an ancient marketing tactic that will leave you with top rankings on Google for a very short period of time and possibly on the front age results of Yahoo for a very long time.

          How to do it:

          Get a keyword laiden domain with keywords you mined using Micro Niche Finder or whatever else you use.

          Build a site with about 4 pages, each realted to your main keyword.

          Get some backlinks from ezine articles.

          Wait for it to go to the top of Google.

          Then wait for it to drop again, never to be seen again.

          In other words a foolproof method of wasting your time building sites that were effective in 1997.
          There is nothing wrong with the BASIC approach, like KW research and adding content related to KW.

          The problem (if there is one) is rather if people slack and only make a "cheap" site with 3 or so low quality articles, no unique content and especially if they don't update content once in a while.

          The other problem is the danger of "over SEOing" in a sense that those people make sites like that,focusing on that ONE KW but totally ignore related keywords.

          For example they make a site about "dog collars for small puppies" and then have 4 articles, well, all about "dog collars for small puppies".


          Because Google has gotten way more "intelligent" in recent years, now its expected that related topics are covered as well. A collection of 4 articles about "dog collars for small puppies" does NOT make an authority site on that subject yet. Maybe those sites MIGHT rank temporarily...but Google might quickly see there is not much more "substance" to the sites. If you know what i mean.

          But i dont think its a problem of the "xfactor" method (or however you want to call it but rather a problem of the webmaster, lazyness, low quality etc..etc... that's how i see it.

          I think SEO and everything related to it has simply become "too complex" and the sites who want to compete must acknowledge this. You cant just be a lazy webmaster and put a simple 3 article page up and expect great rankings SIMPLY because your on-site SEO is good and you chose a a "good" keyword. There is so much more to it and webmasters must really leave that "1997 thinking" otherwise they wont be too successful.
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        • Profile picture of the author Shane Dolby
          Shane Dolby
          Profile picture of Shane Dolby
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          Originally Posted by Intrepreneur View Post

          It's an ancient marketing tactic that will leave you with top rankings on Google for a very short period of time and possibly on the front age results of Yahoo for a very long time.

          How to do it:

          Get a keyword laiden domain with keywords you mined using Micro Niche Finder or whatever else you use.

          Build a site with about 4 pages, each realted to your main keyword.

          Get some backlinks from ezine articles.

          Wait for it to go to the top of Google.

          Then wait for it to drop again, never to be seen again.

          In other words a foolproof method of wasting your time building sites that were effective in 1997.
          So what do you base your information on? What tests have you done to prove it? Have you bought the course? Or are you just trying to promote your sig?

          Oviously by your comments you have not read the course or even have a clue what it really says.
          Or are you like the Majority of the people you read it thought it said this but in reallity it said this and you now say it does not work because you truly did not follow what it said.

          This course is just like any of the hundreds that have been out there no matter what it is about. You have to Read IT word for word and work it.

          Basic seo will never change and has not changed since 1997. You probably were not even on the net in 97.

          Everything boils down to whether you are willing to work or are lazy and only put up 4-5 page sites. 98% of the people fall into the lazy category.

          Not starting fights or taking sides I just hate when people spew stuff and have no clue what they are talking about.

        • Profile picture of the author lee schmidt
          lee schmidt
          Profile picture of lee schmidt
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          Originally Posted by Intrepreneur View Post

          It's an ancient marketing tactic that will leave you with top rankings on Google for a very short period of time and possibly on the front age results of Yahoo for a very long time.

          How to do it:

          Get a keyword laiden domain with keywords you mined using Micro Niche Finder or whatever else you use.

          Build a site with about 4 pages, each realted to your main keyword.

          Get some backlinks from ezine articles.

          Wait for it to go to the top of Google.

          Then wait for it to drop again, never to be seen again.

          In other words a foolproof method of wasting your time building sites that were effective in 1997.
          Did you mean laden? And related?

          lol seriously, do I have some special version of firefox that automatically underlines misspelled words? You simply right click on your misspelled word and it gives you suggestions for what you meant to type. This is a standard features as far as I'm aware. Some people are so lazy...
  • Profile picture of the author Tom Goodwin
    Tom Goodwin
    Profile picture of Tom Goodwin
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    I can tell you that for "low lowing fruit", having your exact keyword in the domain makes a HUGE difference.

    I've i'm going after a semi-competitive keyword, it isn't that important anymore.

    But, I can tell you that for microniche website I have gotten domains with my exact keyword in it (.com, .org. or .net variety) on the first page of google with zero backlinks.

    I have tried the same with even just adding an "s" on the end of the keyword, and the results are starkly differently. With enough backlinks I can still get on the first page of google. But, if i'm going after a microniche website, I want the path of least resistance, which is always having my exact keyword as the domain name.

    As for what an xfactor site is. All it means is that there are 1+ pages of content ranging from maybe 300-1000 words on each page, focused on one particular keyword (typically a specific product or type of product). The format of the page is very simple and straightforward. There is usually one large adsense block before the text (to focus the reader's attention on it and you don't want too many adsense blocks as the cost per click will go way down). You typically thrown in a few pictures of the product you are discussing at the very top to break things up.

    Basically, you want the visitor to have only three options:

    (1) click on the adsense ad:
    (2) click back to go to google; or
    (3) type in a new web address into their browser.



    Originally Posted by GeorgR. View Post

    I gathered some hints the last few days but still not 100% sure.

    Furthermore...i came across a blog where someone (again) is CLAIMING what a huge, huge difference it makes to have keyword in the domain name - and he claims that simply adding another word to the domain would have a BIG disadvantage.

    Eg..."www" == almost guaranteed high ranking, while "www" would be way, way more difficult to rank because of the added word.

    The problem is..i really want to see PROOF that this is not simply some blahblah because i simply don't believe this.
  • Profile picture of the author InfoESource
    Profile picture of InfoESource
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    I think keywords in the domain is good but then what is a "Yahoo" or a "Google" and have you ever seen or bought a "Squidoo"? Building sites based on content that people is in my humble opinion, the way to go as XFactor posted.

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