Does Backlinking really worth over page rank ? Bare Truth Revealed ?

Profile picture of rajivkumar900
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
6 replies
Does Back linking really worth over page rank ?

Here is one live example i have one campaign going on for that particular campaign i have made one review domain is 1 year old where i have put review on that particular product...and i am targeting one keyword which has more than 2 lakhs search in google.

Here are few quick stats for first 5 sites which are on top for these kewword.

1st position

google page index:275
yahoo page index:17
yahoo linkdomain:12,124
domain age: 2007

2nd position
google page index:244
yahoo page index:122
yahoo linkdomain:125
domain age: no match found (I am using seo quak to see this data)

3rd position
google page index:132
yahoo page index:15
yahoo linkdomain:192
domain age : no match found

4rth position
google page index:86
yahoo page index:30
yahoo linkdomain:1203
domain age : 1998

5th position
google page index:5840
yahoo page index:312
yahoo linkdomain:35,276
age: 2007

My Stats
google page index:167
yahoo page index:102
yahoo linkdomain:566
age: 2008

Here are few question based on this real data

1. what is more important in google search results?
page rank or backlinking ?

2. people says backlinking is key to break any competition as I can see on 5th position has more backlinks then 1st position still its on 5th place then what are key factors which are really working to put 5th site on fifth place instead of 1st place ?

3. Does Website age matter while creating backlinks ?

4. How many backlinks are good for one day...lets says few people stats they are making 100's of backlink per day but few people says only 30 to 50 backlinks work well ? what is your practical experiece says..

I am expecting some real help instead of guess work so please answer this thread if you have some real experience so newbie can really learn from your experience

Hope this is going to be a good helping thread for others too.

Thanks for your time.
#backlinking #bare #page #rank #revealed #traffic generation #truth #worth
  • Profile picture of the author Patrik
    Profile picture of Patrik
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The pagerank of a site is based on the links, so they are not really different things. However since different links carry different weight, one site can have 10 incoming links from very valueable sites and have a higher pagerank than another site which has 500 low-value links.

    Therefor the pagerank value is based on a complicated mathematical formula of the link structure, based on the essential info on pagerank. However it is also said that pagerank is not the only thing google uses to determine what position a site has in the search results. Some other variables also often referred to carry weight in the result position are things like keywords, the anchor text of incoming links, domain age and even heard that how long until domain expires can have some weight.

    I am no expert of course though... But based on basic google pagerank data, pageran is known to be based on the quality and number of incoming links. But that this number is logaritmic in nature... Meaning that the difference between a 1.2 and 1.9 pagerank value is very small, and 6.7 and 6.9 sites are very widely apart. Therefor a single link from a pagerank 6 site, could "potentially" give more link value to the site than for instance 100 pagerank 2 links (random numbers).

    But I am not entirely sure if I missunderstood you...
  • Profile picture of the author jasonmorgan
    Profile picture of jasonmorgan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It looks like you have page index (number of indexed pages on the site) I would say this is irrelevant.

    Get the number of total site-wide backlinks and backlinks to page.

    Page Rank of site and page rank of page.

    Then run your comparison.

    I'm all about that bass.

    • Profile picture of the author rajivkumar900
      Profile picture of rajivkumar900
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by jasonmorgan View Post

      It looks like you have page index (number of indexed pages on the site) I would say this is irrelevant.

      Get the number of total site-wide backlinks and backlinks to page.

      Page Rank of site and page rank of page.

      Then run your comparison.
      answer is bit confusing my friend could you please elaborate this what do you really mean ? and what do you mean by site wide backlink ?
      if I want to promote a particular product on my site should I make backlink for my whole site or should i consider only that particular page ?
      please give example some example so newbie can take help from that.

      Thanks for your time.

      Rajiv Kumar
      Skpe ID: ibmjango
      Email id :

  • Profile picture of the author Jason Perez O'Connor
    Jason Perez O'Connor
    Profile picture of Jason Perez O'Connor
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Need to find the links back to the actual page, in yahoo site explorer, instead of entire site, go to inlinks then put except from this domain.

    With the search Make Money Online:

    The first 2 results are from this site:

    Make Money Online: 101 Top Ways of Making Money On the Internet, Tried and Tested

    This one has 1,300 backlinks going to it and uses it in the title, and its permalink.

    Probably well optimized.

    And probably has good off-sit optimization if its above its competitor in 3rd place with half the backlinks

    3rd place is:

    Make Money Online - Free Paid Surveys, Cashback Websites, Earn Money On The Internet

    They only have it in the title and description, still the use of make money online is used quite alot on that main page, maybe affecting them abit? using it too much?

    They have 2300 links going to that main page, maybe a lot of them are of crappy value? not well optimized?

    Sitting in 4 place is the site, now this site has the actual domain name making moneyonline, and also uses it in its title and description, but only has a mere 300 backlinks going to it, thats 2000 less than the competitor above and 1000 less than the guys up in place number 1.

    Yet maybe the 300 links contain some good juice, and the name of domain pulls alot of weight, plus the on-site optimization may be good?.

    In 5th, is:

    10 ways to make money online - Times Online with an article telling you 10 ways to make money online with a measly 90 backlinks.

    Yet still enough to hold a good placing in 5th place, must be some good links.

    In 6th is, with

    7.2 k links going to it but only ranking 6th? if you visit the site, it's only a one page site with a banner, some adsense and a link to a how to page, with the phrase Make Money used in its title and anchor link quite a bit, yet maybe the sheer volume of backlinks is helping it keep it's rank? Plus its domain name is very popular searched term which probably gets a lot of random visitors and the age of the domain is probably quite old, you can check those stats out at quantcast or smt? Don't take my word for it.

    So much to take into consideration, and this is by no mains a way of measure, but checking this stuff out might help you beat your competition when going for mid-high ranged keywords

    using yahoo site explorer you can see exactly where those links come from, then do ctrl+f to find exactly where on the page those links are placed, see if you can get yours put in, and then try to get a link on the site that is ranked top, google may see that site linking to you and prioritize you.

    Then you can see the quality of the sites linking to them, and try to improve on that.

    SEO is a stupidly broad topic, and there is a lot to take into consideration so much so that it can be mind boggling !

  • Profile picture of the author Jason Perez O'Connor
    Jason Perez O'Connor
    Profile picture of Jason Perez O'Connor
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Also, yahoo wont display all the links, but they are the best for checking backlinks in my experience, and you can make a good estimate from this.

  • Profile picture of the author Jason Perez O'Connor
    Jason Perez O'Connor
    Profile picture of Jason Perez O'Connor
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    And also forgot to mention, the amount of relevant links going to the pages from the pages going to you, and those pages pages and so on Maybe not as influential but every little helps


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