Here is one live example i have one campaign going on for that particular campaign i have made one review site...my domain is 1 year old where i have put review on that particular product...and i am targeting one keyword which has more than 2 lakhs search in google.
Here are few quick stats for first 5 sites which are on top for these kewword.
1st position
google page index:275
yahoo page index:17
yahoo linkdomain:12,124
domain age: 2007
2nd position
google page index:244
yahoo page index:122
yahoo linkdomain:125
domain age: no match found (I am using seo quak to see this data)
3rd position
google page index:132
yahoo page index:15
yahoo linkdomain:192
domain age : no match found
4rth position
google page index:86
yahoo page index:30
yahoo linkdomain:1203
domain age : 1998
5th position
google page index:5840
yahoo page index:312
yahoo linkdomain:35,276
age: 2007
My Stats
google page index:167
yahoo page index:102
yahoo linkdomain:566
age: 2008
Here are few question based on this real data
1. what is more important in google search results?
page rank or backlinking ?
2. people says backlinking is key to break any competition as I can see on 5th position has more backlinks then 1st position still its on 5th place then what are key factors which are really working to put 5th site on fifth place instead of 1st place ?
3. Does Website age matter while creating backlinks ?
4. How many backlinks are good for one day...lets says few people stats they are making 100's of backlink per day but few people says only 30 to 50 backlinks work well ? what is your practical experiece says..
I am expecting some real help instead of guess work so please answer this thread if you have some real experience so newbie can really learn from your experience
Hope this is going to be a good helping thread for others too.
Thanks for your time.
I'm all about that bass.
Rajiv Kumar
Skpe ID: ibmjango
Email id : rajivkumar900@gmail.com