A confusing pr question

2 replies
  • SEO
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Hey warriors i thought pr is transferable and it increases with the count of relevant and powerful backlinks you have to your site. But i sometimes see a page with zero backlinks pointing to it but still having the pr of 2 or 3. How is that possible is there something more:confused:

PR: wait... I: wait... L: wait... LD: wait... I: wait...wait... Rank: wait... Traffic: wait... Price: wait... C: wait...
#confusing #question
  • Profile picture of the author adsquare
    People will argue this for days - you will never get a clear answer. For me i would vote for time and traffic plays a major factor in determining "pr".

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  • Profile picture of the author khtm
    How do you know there's 0 backlinks pointing to it? AFAIK there's no tool that will show ALL backlinks, because then you could steal the backlinking "recipe" of your competitors.

    Also, a backlink from another page within the same domain counts as well
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