2 replies
  • SEO
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I have read the threads about adsense by xfactor, clickbump and a few others.
What I have heard is that if I find a keyword where amazon is ranking on the first page,
then I should jump on it because it is really easy to replace amazon.

Now, what I want to know is if this is true for ezinearticles.com too.
I have found keywords where there are a few ezinearticles on the first page of google.
sometimes there is only one ezinearticle on the first page.

So, do I have a chance to build my own site for the keyword and get on the first page?

I input a new keyword into webcompanalyst and found the following results:
there were a few wikipedia articles, a few forums, a site or two and an amazon page too

the number of links were like this:

Backlinks -------------------- Sitelinks --------------------- page rank
5 ------------------------------ 276,981,051 ---------------------- 4(this is an amazon.com page)
4 ------------------------------ 54,912,364 ------------------------ 5
5838 --------------------------- 128904 ----------------------- 5
3 ----------------------------- 103,777 -------------------------- 0

Now, I dont think putting the whole data here, is required but the other numbers
were also quite similar

when searched for with quotes, the number of competing sites is 1,940,000

now,do you think there is a chance to rank for this kind of keyword?

#amazoncom #ezinearticles #question
  • Profile picture of the author halfpoint
    Based on those numbers am I right in assuming that the on page SEO of those pages isn't great, possibly with the exception of number 3?

    From those numbers it kind of looks to me as though none of those sites are trying to rank for the keyword (apart from number 3), however, they are benefiting from being authority sites about a subject related to the keyword.

    It's hard to say without seeing the on page stuff, but yes, you should be able to rank for that keyword fairly easily.

    As for your other question, any time you see an Ezine Article or any web 2.0 type property on the front page that's generally a good sign that the keyword won't be too hard to rank for.
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  • Profile picture of the author visit_faraz
    so, I assume this means if I see a keyword with ezinearticles, amazon or wikipedia or other similar sites on the first page, I have a fair chance of getting ranked for that term?
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