Keyword election, need some advise

Profile picture of Piscola
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
2 replies
Hello friends, i have a particular question

for example i want to SEO for the word "cars" in my country,i choose a website with the keyword on domain like

w w w . cars . co m

but this one is bought so I choose w w w . cool cars . c om
and in the description:

Cool cars for everyone.... bla bla bla

Would this affect the keyword i am ranking for , i mean i wanted to rank only for "cars" not cool cars.. but always when i write some description in the SE or content in the website, there always will be a word next to cars like cool , big, blue, etc... so would this affect my seo for "cars" only, how to manage this?

Hoped i make myself clear..thanks
#advise #election #keyword
  • Profile picture of the author Craig McPherson
    Craig McPherson
    Profile picture of Craig McPherson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Piscola View Post

    i want to SEO for the word "cars" in my country

    Geeze, good luck mate.

    Have "cars" twice in your title, same in the description. It is fair to say that you will mention it during your content, so that is taken care of.
    Use your keyword in every <alt= and title=> tags

    Then backlink the bejeezus out of it but mix it up.
    60% of your backlinks use "cars" as anchor text
    20% use something else like "cool cars" as anchor text
    10% use something like "best cool cars" as anchor text

    Tough gig but all the best.

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