Need SEO help with Wordpress Website

Profile picture of beachguru
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
13 replies
Hi....I have an adsense wordpress website that has pages and links to articles (some written by me, some by others). I currently do not have categories since I no longer post (didn't like the maintenance). My questions are:
1. How should my permalinks be set up?
2. How do I incorporate meta tags/meta descriptions (please be elementary in explanation)
3. Will posting get me more traffic?

I'm confused because my website (fairly new) went from page 10 to page 16 after building an enormous amount of backlinks........any thoughts? Thanks so much in advance!
#seo #website #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author ASM Marketing
    ASM Marketing
    Profile picture of ASM Marketing
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by beachguru View Post

    Hi....I have an adsense wordpress website that has pages and links to articles (some written by me, some by others). I currently do not have categories since I no longer post (didn't like the maintenance). My questions are:
    1. How should my permalinks be set up?
    2. How do I incorporate meta tags/meta descriptions (please be elementary in explanation)
    3. Will posting get me more traffic?

    I'm confused because my website (fairly new) went from page 10 to page 16 after building an enormous amount of backlinks........any thoughts? Thanks so much in advance!
    1. Permalinks should be /%category%/%postname%/ or if you would prefer not to use categories (which you should do, for proper optimization), then just /%postname%/

    2. I recommend you download SEO All-In-One as a plugin for Wordpress. It will allow you to set correct META data for each post, and for your site in general.

    3. Yes, content runs the web.

    Hope this helps

    • Profile picture of the author beachguru
      Profile picture of beachguru
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Thanks, ASM.....will do
    • Profile picture of the author dudeitschris
      Profile picture of dudeitschris
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Great advice! That's exactly what I would have recommended. You may also consider finding a "related post" plugin. It will add links to related posts at the bottom of each article. That will really help the SEO too. It's always a good idea to include links with your keyword anchor text going back to your money pages.

      Second install the Onlywire Plugin and signup for all the Social Bookmarking sites. Go back and edit and resave each post and it will ping the Onlywire plugin, which will cause it to auto-bookmark all your articles across all the social bookmarking sites.

      Originally Posted by ASM Marketing View Post

      1. Permalinks should be /%category%/%postname%/ or if you would prefer not to use categories (which you should do, for proper optimization), then just /%postname%/

      2. I recommend you download SEO All-In-One as a plugin for Wordpress. It will allow you to set correct META data for each post, and for your site in general.

      3. Yes, content runs the web.

      Hope this helps

      SUPER SIMPLE social media strategy to flood your website with traffic and add 500 leads to your list in 30 days.
      • Profile picture of the author beachguru
        Profile picture of beachguru
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        When you say "Second install the Onlywire Plugin and signup for all the Social Bookmarking sites. Go back and edit and resave each post and it will ping the Onlywire plugin, which will cause it to auto-bookmark all your articles across all the social bookmarking sites."......not sure I'm understanding. If I start publishing posts now (since currently I do not), what steps should be taken? Thanks again
    • Profile picture of the author drhoba
      Profile picture of drhoba
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by ASM Marketing View Post

      1. Permalinks should be /%category%/%postname%/ or if you would prefer not to use categories (which you should do, for proper optimization), then just /%postname%/

      2. I recommend you download SEO All-In-One as a plugin for Wordpress. It will allow you to set correct META data for each post, and for your site in general.

      3. Yes, content runs the web.

      Hope this helps

      thanks alot but i have more category and sub category what is better for seo title

      or title
    • Profile picture of the author John Hocking
      John Hocking
      Profile picture of John Hocking
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by ASM Marketing View Post

      1. Permalinks should be /%category%/%postname%/ or if you would prefer not to use categories (which you should do, for proper optimization), then just /%postname%/

      Use /%category%/%postname%/

      It will give you more opportunity to organize you site into themed sections and get your keywords into the url.
      • Profile picture of the author Joshua.E1
        Profile picture of Joshua.E1
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I agree with Alex, just follow what he advised, you will be fine.

        As for the backlinks you talk about, are they from relevant source to your WP website?

        If this is the case, you may have been slapped by Google. Another thing is that, in a short period of time you have build the backlinks too fast.

        This is the other reason why your ranking drop.
  • Profile picture of the author michael_nguyen
    Profile picture of michael_nguyen
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Do the following aswell as getting backlinks with the keyword
    in anchor text.

    my 2 pence

  • Profile picture of the author hurn
    Profile picture of hurn
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    this is a good SEO practice.
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  • Profile picture of the author fathonix
    Profile picture of fathonix
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi beachguru,

    you have some to write your meta already.
    The number of post is not always proportional with earning. There are many people have few posts but their earning is so high, the key is your popularity, the popularity is made by backlinks.

    Only vanuable backlink can boost your site rank. the valuable backlink is from high pagerank pages. Don't waste your time to create backlink from nofollow pages or low pagerank pages. Let you try create backlink from high pagerank pages and of course they must be dofollow.

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