Profile picture of GuerrillaIM
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I thought I would try to clear up a few things that I see people getting confused with.

De-indexed means that your site was removed from the google index. If your site does not show up for its main keyword, it DOES NOT mean your site was de-indexed. Even if you search for your domain name and your site does not come up, this also does not mean you have been de-indexed.

To see if your site is in the google index you search for this "" making sure not to put a space after the ":". If that does not bring back any results, then you actually have been "de-indexed", assuming you were indexed to start with.

Sent to hell is one of the popular terms used is SEO community to describe when a site still exists in the index, but dissapears down the rankings to a page where no one will ever see you. This is usually due to google disregarding a large portion of your links or applying a ranking penalty of some sort.

I have done several experiements trying purposefully to get a site de-indexed, just to see how far you have to push it before it happens. Contrary to popular belief it is pretty hard to get a site de-indexed. I certainly think the chances of it happening by accident without someone purposefully doing something dodgy to effect their rankings are extremely remote.

The 3 surefire ways to get your site de-indexed I have found are:

1. Multiple subdomains on same domain with automatically generated content. BlueFartters have been doing this trick for years. They get a domain then keep spawning autoblog subdomains off it with generated content and then interlink the sub domains. I also did an experiement with addidng reciprocal links directories to sub domains and had the reciprocal link point to my main domain. This also got me de-indexed.

2. Cloaked content. People use rubbish autogenerated content to display to search engine spiders, but display CPA offers to humans. This will get you de-indexed for sure.

3. Interlinked network over multiple domains. This one is harder to get de-indexed for. Generally if you interlink loads of unrelated domains in an obvious pattern, leaving obvious footprints then google can manually remove the network from the index if they deem it to be spam.

What usually happens with interlinked networks when people start screaming "OMG ALL SITEZ R DEINDEXED", is that they were ranking due to the fact of all the interlinking between sites they had done. The google algo then detected the obvious pattern of interlinking and chose to disregard the links. This of course reduced their ranking power and sent them to hell. The sites still exist in the index, they just dont rank as their incoming links have been disregarded.

I have been doing SEO for a long time and personally test everything before I comment on it. I have done all of these techniques just as an experiement to see what happens. I have never had a site de-indexed by accident in 8 years of optimizing sites.

If your site does go to hell it doesn't mean you should panic. They usually come back given time, some new content and some quality incoming links.

If you are going to base all your income in settining up SEO networks then you should create multiple networks, multiple accounts, mask your domain whois and hide obvious fingerprints. This way you wont run the risk of loosing your whole network in one swoop.

Getting de-indexed is rare, even for interlinked domains. Google usually just dis-regards the links so the sites don't rank well. Google generally looks to de-index automatically generated content or cloaked pages. As long as you don't put out rubbish pages or use BlueFart scripts you should be ok.

I could put 100 pages on 100 domains and interlink them. As long as all of those pages were good information then Google has no reason to de-index them, although if I interlinked them all it would leave an obvious fingerprint and it would just be a matter of time before those links were disregarded.

Does your data show different? I only have my own data to base this on and the people I work withs data so if you have some evidence to the contrary then it would be good to hear from you as I am in process of setting up several networks at the moment.
#deindexed #omg #wtf
  • Profile picture of the author Andy Fletcher
    Andy Fletcher
    Profile picture of Andy Fletcher
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Awesome post. I've added this to a required reading list in the FAQ.

    Keep up the good work.
  • Profile picture of the author sterlingtek
    Profile picture of sterlingtek
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    For your cloaking experiment what kind of cloaking did you try? There are ways of course to make high quality autoblogs, (rather then rubbish). There are from what I can see a ton of ways to cloak or redirect traffic based on, incoming keywords, page landing on, etc.. Supposedly there are also huge DBs of user agents etc. for the cloaking game to try to outfox the Search Engines that are updated daily. I have never used them but I am interested in redirecting based on incoming keywords with a couple of sites that are not producing, any thoughts?
    • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
      Profile picture of GuerrillaIM
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      Originally Posted by Andy Fletcher View Post

      Awesome post. I've added this to a required reading list in the FAQ.

      Keep up the good work.
      No problem, happy to help.

      Originally Posted by sterlingtek View Post

      For your cloaking experiment what kind of cloaking did you try? There are ways of course to make high quality autoblogs, (rather then rubbish). There are from what I can see a ton of ways to cloak or redirect traffic based on, incoming keywords, page landing on, etc.. Supposedly there are also huge DBs of user agents etc. for the cloaking game to try to outfox the Search Engines that are updated daily. I have never used them but I am interested in redirecting based on incoming keywords with a couple of sites that are not producing, any thoughts?
      I used a script that scraped and auto generated content but showed a squeeze page to human visitors. The script auto updated itself with a list of search engine spiders but it still got detected eventually.

      I know some guys who are serious autobloggers, they setup thousands of sites every day and use cloaking to push traffic to CPA offers. For them it is a numbers game. They know a domain will get burned, they just automate the process and make a bit of cash before it does. If you plan to make money cloaking then you will have to do it on a fairly large scale in my opinion as the sites wont last.
  • Profile picture of the author sezerb
    Profile picture of sezerb
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    Great post. Really informative. Many times you see people claiming their site is gone from the index just because they dropped ranking for a main keyword.
  • Profile picture of the author udeze
    Profile picture of udeze
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    Quite informative, I just logged on to my Webmasters tools and discovered that sitemap for 3 of my sites are showing 0, one of them dropped from 700 indexed pages to zero, however the indexed pages are still showing on google, this article has now clarified everything, it appears other people are having the same issues
  • Profile picture of the author Fraggler
    Profile picture of Fraggler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I just found this about the sitemap issue - http://webmaster-forum-announcements...url-count.html

    It is just a display bug!

    That was a great post by the way, GuerrillaIM. There are a lot of misunderstandings about Google that can be easily explained with some common sense and research.
  • Profile picture of the author NiyazK
    Profile picture of NiyazK
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Its good u made a topic regarding this. If anyone complains about their site being deindexed this topic will serve them better
  • Profile picture of the author vinild
    Profile picture of vinild
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    Some really valuable information. I had a few squidoo lenses I created about 6 six months ago (was just trying out) and the irony was I hadn't even put a link to my site. Now I realize that I need to put a link to all sites even though I no longer use them or they are outdated.
    Signature The Definitive Guide to Starting and Growing your Business faster than you thought possible.
  • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
    Fernando Veloso
    Profile picture of Fernando Veloso
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    Some of my sites were sent to hell and never came back.

    Guess the place must be damn good!!

    People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
    • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
      Profile picture of GuerrillaIM
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      Originally Posted by Fernando Veloso View Post

      Some of my sites were sent to hell and never came back.

      Guess the place must be damn good!!

      If your site has good content and inbound links, and should be ranking somewhere but is buried deep for all keywords, then you should check the outgoing links.

      Linking to a bad neighbourhood can get your site sent to hell. Also having badly formatted html or errors on the site will do the same.

      Usually removing offending links and tidying up all the code will bring them back eventually.
      • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
        Fernando Veloso
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        Originally Posted by GuerrillaIM View Post

        If your site has good content and inbound links, and should be ranking somewhere but is buried deep for all keywords, then you should check the outgoing links.

        Linking to a bad neighbourhood can get your site sent to hell. Also having badly formatted html or errors on the site will do the same.

        Usually removing offending links and tidying up all the code will bring them back eventually.

        I am talking about the last "I kill all webmasters" move by Google that nuked thousands of sites across the web, including 100% whitehat sites.

        These are NOT the usual greyish sites that get penalized - these are completly normal sites with unique relevant content, etc. It seems they got penalized simply cause they shared... ADSENSE.

        Thats relevant info I don't see discussed.

        People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
        • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
          Profile picture of GuerrillaIM
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          Originally Posted by Fernando Veloso View Post


          I am talking about the last "I kill all webmasters" move by Google that nuked thousands of sites across the web, including 100% whitehat sites.

          These are NOT the usual greyish sites that get penalized - these are completly normal sites with unique relevant content, etc. It seems they got penalized simply cause they shared... ADSENSE.

          Thats relevant info I don't see discussed.

          The majority of discussions on this topic are very emotional so I steer clear of them as no one really wants to look at the facts objectively.

          If you have an example de-indexed URL (or several would be even better) then lets look at it and see what we can do.

          I have an adsense network myself (with fairly low quality sites) and from time to time a site drops out of the index for "no reason".

          My own theory on this is due to Googles housekeeping. Google actually index less pages than other search engines. I believe they have a system inplace for clipping junk sites out of their index and this routine has some collateral damage to genuine sites that have grown a little stale or perhaps on some base level share similarities with junk sites.

          In all cases I have had my site re-indexed within 3 months by adding some new unique content and linking to it from homepage. Sometimes a domain gets re-indexed almost instantly, sometimes Im waiting months.

          In the last 10 years I have only ever had 1 domain that I couldn't get re-indexed (even with a re-inclusion request) but this domain had a very shady past before my client bought it.
  • Profile picture of the author James Ross
    James Ross
    Profile picture of James Ross
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    Wow, Thanks Guerrilla for a great writeup. I'm glad my main sites have come back but I'm still waiting in purgatory on others.

    • Profile picture of the author Boris_yo
      Profile picture of Boris_yo
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      I have question for you. I have a XFactor website - 5 pages of content + Privacy Policy, About Us, Contact Us and Sitemap.

      It's been 4 months and only 2 pages are indexed, main page and 2nd page of content. I tried to re-bookmarking website to no avail, i tried pinging it to no avail.

      Apparently there is something that Google doesn't like.

      Do you want to take a look at the website and tell me what you think about it? If yes i will PM you website.

  • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
    Profile picture of GuerrillaIM
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    Sure, PM away.
  • Profile picture of the author CET
    Profile picture of CET
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    Nice post Guerrilla!

    I'm currently working with a network of 17 sites and a couple of them are "in hell". I've been working on this for a while, and I don't have any answers for my client.

    They are all driven off of a single CMS and use the same HTML template, but they all have their own domain and unique content. I've come up with several hypothesis for the penalty, but none of them pan out, because we expect to see any penalty on one of them to be across all of them.

    Why would only a couple of sites in a network rank far differently when they're all the same, except in actual content?
    • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
      Profile picture of GuerrillaIM
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      Originally Posted by CET View Post

      Why would only a couple of sites in a network rank far differently when they're all the same, except in actual content?
      There are lots of things that effect ranking. Competition of keywords, incoming links etc...

      I don't know what sort of answer you are looking for. You are probably better off starting a new thread and giving more detailed information of the setup of your network.
  • Profile picture of the author James Sol Radina
    James Sol Radina
    Profile picture of James Sol Radina
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    Very helpful. Thank you. I am learning each day more and more SEO. I appreciate this!

    I offer Product Launch Blueprints and Product Launch Management Services. I studied under Jeff Walker's Product Launch Manager Coaching Program. I also provide online marketing for Personal Development Guru's in the Self Growth Industry. Looking forward to support you in any way I can. Namaste, James Sol Radina

  • Profile picture of the author steveyb
    Profile picture of steveyb
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    This has to be some of the most informative information I have read in this forum thanks.
    • Profile picture of the author FreshPLR
      Profile picture of FreshPLR
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      If you just focus on creating content and build backlinks in a steady, natural way, traffic will grow and in time you will make money. There seems to be too much focus on monetising today, instead of creating value for the searcher first, and then the dollars will follow tomorrow.
      • Profile picture of the author claycath
        Profile picture of claycath
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        Ok, what do you do if your site actually has been de-indexed? And you have no idea why. It's not an auto blog, not interlinking to my other sites, etc.

        Is there any way to get google to re-index it?

        I am adding content to beef it up and will add some backlinks too. But not understanding why it was de-indexed in the first place, it makes it hard to know how to fix it.


        • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
          Profile picture of GuerrillaIM
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          Originally Posted by claycath View Post

          Ok, what do you do if your site actually has been de-indexed? And you have no idea why. It's not an auto blog, not interlinking to my other sites, etc.

          Is there any way to get google to re-index it?

          I am adding content to beef it up and will add some backlinks too. But not understanding why it was de-indexed in the first place, it makes it hard to know how to fix it.
          Add the site to google webmaster tools. This will help diagnose the errors.

          You can request re-inclusion from the WMT control panel, although its a good idea to find out why it was removed first.

          I have seen google removing sites more agressively than usual that have badly formatted HTML recently. This is simple to fix if it is the case.

          Add it to WMT then wait a while for data to appear in there (takes a while usually). If you get stuck feel free to PM me.
          • Profile picture of the author claycath
            Profile picture of claycath
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            Thanks for the quick reply GuerrillaIM. Actually it was already in webmaster tools and I submitted my sitemap too months ago. It says no data available for pretty much everything.

            Can I PM you the URL and see if anything jumps out to you as being grounds for the deindexing?


            • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
              Profile picture of GuerrillaIM
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              Originally Posted by claycath View Post

              Thanks for the quick reply GuerrillaIM. Actually it was already in webmaster tools and I submitted my sitemap too months ago. It says no data available for pretty much everything.

              Can I PM you the URL and see if anything jumps out to you as being grounds for the deindexing?
              Sure, feel free.
  • Profile picture of the author LisaJordan
    Profile picture of LisaJordan
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    I checked my site that had been on page 1 since March and sure enough when I type in it's gone! Oh boy I guess I have some work to do. How do you find out why if there is such a thing.
    • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
      Profile picture of GuerrillaIM
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      Originally Posted by LisaJordan View Post

      I checked my site that had been on page 1 since March and sure enough when I type in it's gone! Oh boy I guess I have some work to do. How do you find out why if there is such a thing.
      The points I made in the original post are the most common causes I have found. In addition to them, autogenerated text content (markov) and badly formatted HTML or slow loading times can be to blame.

      Log into Google webmaster tools and see if there are any error messages and also see when you last crawl date was.
  • Profile picture of the author DNChamp
    Profile picture of DNChamp
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    I have a domain that is deindexed. Asked google 2x to reconsider and they have not. I have not touched the page so it does get a few type in traffic. Now with that domain is it a lost cause if I completly rebuild it? Should I just let it expire out?
    • Profile picture of the author socialbookmark
      Profile picture of socialbookmark
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      Originally Posted by DNChamp View Post

      I have a domain that is deindexed. Asked google 2x to reconsider and they have not. I have not touched the page so it does get a few type in traffic. Now with that domain is it a lost cause if I completly rebuild it? Should I just let it expire out?
      Unfortunately when Google penalize a website, the domain will be penalized and changing the subject of website or template of it and like this changes, can not help you too much. And it takes time that Google index and rank it again. I suggest you to make only some quality backlinks for your website and wait that Google index and rank it again.

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  • Profile picture of the author calfred
    Profile picture of calfred
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    But if you were using AdSense, Google can still track every websites you have, right?

    Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

    • Profile picture of the author yukon
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      • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
        Fernando Veloso
        Profile picture of Fernando Veloso
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        Originally Posted by yukon View Post

        Well yea, Adsense, Analytics, Webmaster Tools. They all provide code snippets for tracking sites.
        Last "killing" a couple weeks ago was made using Google own codes ^^. They have used these codes and the ability to know what sites belong to who, and just nuked them ALL.

        Many people got perfectly GOOD and AUTHORITY sites penalized simply cause they shared adsense, analytics or webmasters tools information.

        Thats why webmasters will never use Google scripts/products again.

        Never again.


        And sites BUYING LINKS in public... keep #1!!!

        I mean, sites that follow G Webmasters Guidelines get penalized for something we can't understand, completely irrational...

        But sites buying links publicly get #1 rankings for their good keywords.

        So yeah, unless Google solve this **** and start penalizing the right sites, I prefer to send my data and $ to Facebook.

        Google no more.
        People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
  • Profile picture of the author lroufs
    Profile picture of lroufs
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    hope I never get de-indexed. Just do it fare!
  • Profile picture of the author michielnl
    Profile picture of michielnl
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    if your domain (for example "") is de-indexed, to my experience the domain is de-indexed, but the content can be re-used easily.

    this is what i do to minimize loss:
    - get a new domain with small change in name (for example ""), 301 redirect old domain to new domain (to get max of link juice to old domain)
    - let new domain serve old pages ( by transfering content to new domain or set .htaccess file on new domain to get content from old domain on backside )
  • Profile picture of the author michielnl
    Profile picture of michielnl
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    another way to get your site de-indexed I have found is:

    get a crappy looking site ranking top 2 for a competitive term and wait for a human review member of google checks your site :-)

    google actually does do human reviews (a instruction guide for that leaked a couple of years ago)

    i always try to make sure that the main page of site should bring a very clear value to visitors (for example by publishing independent review list, etc etc) and that a first look at your site should not raise questions about user value (so make sure the layout is simple en user driven, for example by showing the top 5 best buy options etc)
    • Profile picture of the author markowe
      Profile picture of markowe
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      Originally Posted by michielnl View Post

      another way to get your site de-indexed I have found is:

      get a crappy looking site ranking top 2 for a competitive term and wait for a human review member of google checks your site :-)

      google actually does do human reviews (a instruction guide for that leaked a couple of years ago)

      i always try to make sure that the main page of site should bring a very clear value to visitors (for example by publishing independent review list, etc etc) and that a first look at your site should not raise questions about user value (so make sure the layout is simple en user driven, for example by showing the top 5 best buy options etc)
      Yeah, I suspect I have had a human review put paid to sites of mine (which were pretty poor, it has to be said!) I just wonder what they think of all those Xfactor-type sites out there like or whatever. There are still gazillions of those out there, doing fine AFAICS.

      I do interlink my sites too much, I do wonder sometimes if it's a good idea. Also, running a lot of sites off the same shared hosting. But then there are like 700 sites on the same server, I figure safety in numbers, ha ha!

      Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

  • Profile picture of the author dvduval
    Profile picture of dvduval
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    And overall the ones that get de-indexed are all about SEO but they just don't exude "quality". If you are going to do something, why not put something online that is worthwhile?
    It is okay to contact me! I have been developing software since 1999, creating many popular products like phpLD.
  • Profile picture of the author flx89
    Profile picture of flx89
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    all the best tips in just one post , great
    • Profile picture of the author marjames
      Profile picture of marjames
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      i knew it!!! why my site get de-indexed! from 1st spot to nowhere... its not in there ( but then I started it without knowing about de-indexing causes. I put a lot of effort, unique content, backlinking.. but because of subdomains auto-generated content, google slapped me off!!
      • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
        Profile picture of GuerrillaIM
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        Originally Posted by marjames View Post

        i knew it!!! why my site get de-indexed! from 1st spot to nowhere... its not in there ( but then I started it without knowing about de-indexing causes. I put a lot of effort, unique content, backlinking.. but because of subdomains auto-generated content, google slapped me off!!
        Yes, I discovered this through trial and error because for a while some years back (5 or 6) i was setting up multiple link directories on subdomains and getting really good results then all of a sudden those sites got de-indexed.

        After that I read a BH guide showing how to gain traffic bursts by generating hundreds of subdomains with autogenerated content.

        Some BH guys I spoke to were literally burning through hundreds of domains each week with this tactic.

        By deleting the subdomains I managed to get the sites in question re-indexed without any problem.
  • Profile picture of the author John Williamson
    John Williamson
    Profile picture of John Williamson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes, thank you, hopefully a lot of people will read this, because there definitely seems to be much confusion about slapped vs. de-indexed.
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  • Profile picture of the author JSProjects
    Profile picture of JSProjects
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great post. Definitely helps clear up some of the confusion around being de-indexed / slapped / the Google dance, etc.
  • Profile picture of the author ukbuddy2
    Profile picture of ukbuddy2
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is a massively helpful post

    I have had all my sites with hostgator deindexed
    it seems that maybe some of them failed the litmus test so google slapped them all in the same hosting company

    i have no idea now how to get them reindexed other than clear out any duplicate content and remove any kind of scraping tool.
    I had a shop plugin on a few of the sites

    anyway do you offer a service to help people with de0-indexing ?
    if not maybe a niche role there

    also do you know of any tools to use that will help find if site has been deindexed
    how to get reindexed



    Originally Posted by GuerrillaIM View Post

    I thought I would try to clear up a few things that I see people getting confused with.

    De-indexed means that your site was removed from the google index. If your site does not show up for its main keyword, it DOES NOT mean your site was de-indexed. Even if you search for your domain name and your site does not come up, this also does not mean you have been de-indexed.

    To see if your site is in the google index you search for this "" making sure not to put a space after the ":". If that does not bring back any results, then you actually have been "de-indexed", assuming you were indexed to start with.

    Sent to hell is one of the popular terms used is SEO community to describe when a site still exists in the index, but dissapears down the rankings to a page where no one will ever see you. This is usually due to google disregarding a large portion of your links or applying a ranking penalty of some sort.

    I have done several experiements trying purposefully to get a site de-indexed, just to see how far you have to push it before it happens. Contrary to popular belief it is pretty hard to get a site de-indexed. I certainly think the chances of it happening by accident without someone purposefully doing something dodgy to effect their rankings are extremely remote.

    The 3 surefire ways to get your site de-indexed I have found are:

    1. Multiple subdomains on same domain with automatically generated content. BlueFartters have been doing this trick for years. They get a domain then keep spawning autoblog subdomains off it with generated content and then interlink the sub domains. I also did an experiement with addidng reciprocal links directories to sub domains and had the reciprocal link point to my main domain. This also got me de-indexed.

    2. Cloaked content. People use rubbish autogenerated content to display to search engine spiders, but display CPA offers to humans. This will get you de-indexed for sure.

    3. Interlinked network over multiple domains. This one is harder to get de-indexed for. Generally if you interlink loads of unrelated domains in an obvious pattern, leaving obvious footprints then google can manually remove the network from the index if they deem it to be spam.

    What usually happens with interlinked networks when people start screaming "OMG ALL SITEZ R DEINDEXED", is that they were ranking due to the fact of all the interlinking between sites they had done. The google algo then detected the obvious pattern of interlinking and chose to disregard the links. This of course reduced their ranking power and sent them to hell. The sites still exist in the index, they just dont rank as their incoming links have been disregarded.

    I have been doing SEO for a long time and personally test everything before I comment on it. I have done all of these techniques just as an experiement to see what happens. I have never had a site de-indexed by accident in 8 years of optimizing sites.

    If your site does go to hell it doesn't mean you should panic. They usually come back given time, some new content and some quality incoming links.

    If you are going to base all your income in settining up SEO networks then you should create multiple networks, multiple accounts, mask your domain whois and hide obvious fingerprints. This way you wont run the risk of loosing your whole network in one swoop.

    Getting de-indexed is rare, even for interlinked domains. Google usually just dis-regards the links so the sites don't rank well. Google generally looks to de-index automatically generated content or cloaked pages. As long as you don't put out rubbish pages or use BlueFart scripts you should be ok.

    I could put 100 pages on 100 domains and interlink them. As long as all of those pages were good information then Google has no reason to de-index them, although if I interlinked them all it would leave an obvious fingerprint and it would just be a matter of time before those links were disregarded.

    Does your data show different? I only have my own data to base this on and the people I work withs data so if you have some evidence to the contrary then it would be good to hear from you as I am in process of setting up several networks at the moment.
    • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
      Profile picture of GuerrillaIM
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by ukbuddy2 View Post

      This is a massively helpful post

      I have had all my sites with hostgator deindexed
      it seems that maybe some of them failed the litmus test so google slapped them all in the same hosting company

      i have no idea now how to get them reindexed other than clear out any duplicate content and remove any kind of scraping tool.
      I had a shop plugin on a few of the sites

      anyway do you offer a service to help people with de0-indexing ?
      if not maybe a niche role there

      also do you know of any tools to use that will help find if site has been deindexed
      how to get reindexed


      Were all domains on the same IP and name servers?
  • Profile picture of the author ukbuddy2
    Profile picture of ukbuddy2
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    so does that mean not to put adsense on all your sites using the same account
    open multiple adsense accounts ??
    please enlighten
  • Profile picture of the author DNChamp
    Profile picture of DNChamp
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Question.....I do have Host gator baby package....have about 50 sites on the same nameservers......Are you saying this could be a red flag AND if so will I need to buy a complete seperate hosting package to do new sites on?
    • Profile picture of the author 36burrows
      Profile picture of 36burrows
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      Originally Posted by DNChamp View Post

      Question.....I do have Host gator baby package....have about 50 sites on the same nameservers......Are you saying this could be a red flag AND if so will I need to buy a complete seperate hosting package to do new sites on?
      NO, that is not a problem.

      There would only be a problem if you decided to interlink all of the sites together in order to manipulate search results.

      If none of them are linked together, you can have as many sites as you want.
    • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
      Profile picture of GuerrillaIM
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by DNChamp View Post

      Question.....I do have Host gator baby package....have about 50 sites on the same nameservers......Are you saying this could be a red flag AND if so will I need to buy a complete seperate hosting package to do new sites on?
      No I am not saying that its bad to have sites in same package, this is normal to have multiple sites but if you do something google doesnt like with multiple sites that share a common footprint you may have the entire network of sites removed.

      I have hosting accounts with 50+ sites in and h ave no problems but if I want to create hundreds of automatically generated sites and interlink them then you need to do a little bit of work to cloak it.

      Sometimes you might even have problems with hackers exploiting your sites and thats why all your sites get removed.

      When multiple sites are removed the ffirst step is to identify the common factors between thebsites to try and understand what is going.
      • Profile picture of the author jochris26
        Profile picture of jochris26
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        • Profile picture of the author ukbuddy2
          Profile picture of ukbuddy2
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          being deindexed is a real pain
          Sorry to hear re your site

          I added some links to a site and it dropped out the rankings for a few days then came back and has slowly crept back up there.

          I am still trying to get the sites reindexed at the moment.

          Interesting point above re addin new content and waiting- this is what we have done
          also adding more backlinks etc

          so we wait and see

        • Profile picture of the author markowe
          Profile picture of markowe
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          Originally Posted by jochris26 View Post

          Within a couple of days, my site dropped out of site. when I checked Is My Site Indexed? Find Out In Two Easy Steps!, it isn't found on Google, Yahoo, or Bing. So it seems like it has been de-indexed, but based on your original post, I have no clue as to why.
          Just to mention, your site is not deindexed in any of the major search engines (it would be very unusual to be deindexed in all of them), it just isn't ranked for its keywords. You only have one page "ranking" at about no. 300 in the SERPS, and that is not your main page. Just use the site: operator in Google, I don't know what those online tools do or don't do but they evidently just cause confusion.

          Anyway, your problem is VERY common, I have seen this many times - but still, no-one can really say for sure why Google does this. The most common issues in a case like this are:

          a) Your site was on page one due to a "new site" bonus but has now taken up its "real" position (though I see it's been registered for about a year so maybe not)

          b) It's doing a Google-dance and could return soon.

          c) It never was on page one, you just thought it was because Google was personalising your search results.

          d) You actually did get "penalised" (if there is such a thing) for some issue. I doubt they would figure out you were link-selling, there could be any number of other things.

          Sorry, if we knew all the answers we would all be dominating the SERPS... As it is, all of us have sites that do this. All I can say is that this NEVER happened to any site I made where I just let it rank naturally.

          The safest bet is to keep adding decent content for now and not do anything to try to manipulate your ranking, it could just make things worse... Continuing to add good content has got me out of positions like this in the past, where no amount of backlinking could, so it is worth just being patient.

          Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

          • Profile picture of the author ukbuddy2
            Profile picture of ukbuddy2
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            without being to simplistic either

            It may have been google was just reading your cache and placing you on front page #1 in google as you had previously visited there
            Then you cleared history or similar and it dropped of

            I spent about 3 months just slowly adding som efresh content and my sites are now back online
            I did change hosting etc and do th eprivacy thing too
            And now sites are over a year old and creeping back up


            Originally Posted by markowe View Post

            Just to mention, your site is not deindexed in any of the major search engines (it would be very unusual to be deindexed in all of them), it just isn't ranked for its keywords. You only have one page "ranking" at about no. 300 in the SERPS, and that is not your main page. Just use the site: operator in Google, I don't know what those online tools do or don't do but they evidently just cause confusion.

            Anyway, your problem is VERY common, I have seen this many times - but still, no-one can really say for sure why Google does this. The most common issues in a case like this are:

            a) Your site was on page one due to a "new site" bonus but has now taken up its "real" position (though I see it's been registered for about a year so maybe not)

            b) It's doing a Google-dance and could return soon.

            c) It never was on page one, you just thought it was because Google was personalising your search results.

            d) You actually did get "penalised" (if there is such a thing) for some issue. I doubt they would figure out you were link-selling, there could be any number of other things.

            Sorry, if we knew all the answers we would all be dominating the SERPS... As it is, all of us have sites that do this. All I can say is that this NEVER happened to any site I made where I just let it rank naturally.

            The safest bet is to keep adding decent content for now and not do anything to try to manipulate your ranking, it could just make things worse... Continuing to add good content has got me out of positions like this in the past, where no amount of backlinking could, so it is worth just being patient.
        • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
          Profile picture of GuerrillaIM
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          Originally Posted by jochris26 View Post

          I have a site that was on page 1 of google for its main keyword. (Fat Loss for Women-Your Female Fat Loss Guide to help lose fat fast naturally through training and a healthy diet) I sold sponsorship to 4 of the 8 posts on it by putting one link in the first paragraph of those posts. I figured I would be okay as the topic was related and the site seemed legitimate.

          Within a couple of days, my site dropped out of site. when I checked Is My Site Indexed? Find Out In Two Easy Steps!, it isn't found on Google, Yahoo, or Bing. So it seems like it has been de-indexed, but based on your original post, I have no clue as to why.

          It's all original content and everything is on the up and up. In fact, I don't even have a clue how to do the things you mentioned that would cause my site to be indexed.

          Any ideas on what might have happened? Do you think it will get indexed again?


          I can't say for sure but I have seen this exact thing happen before.

          The fact you saw this happen after you added the links makes me think that you have linked to a bad neighbourhood.

          I have seen it happen several times when people add a link to a site that has either for some weird reason got an adult classification or has done something that google doesn't like.

          A lot of times this happens innocently. The guy buying the link uses IP cloaking to tailor adverts to the regions they are coming from and this looks suspicious to google (this was reason the BMW site got de-indexed a while back was due to their IP cloaking - although that wasn't so innocent ).

          It could be unrelated but due to the timeline involved I would start by investigating these links. See if they are indexed first. As a general rule I never link out to a site that is not indexed incase they are part of a bad neighbourhood that got deindexed already.
  • Profile picture of the author Born2rule
    Profile picture of Born2rule
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks GuerrillaIM, for this interesting post, I had some of my adsense site listed in the same adsense account de-index recently. Never list all your site on that adsense account, e.g. "url channel".
    You mention something about sub-domain, I wander if that is why my site was de-index, I don't know why it happen but somehow all the site that got deindex was index along with the primary/root domain. (hostgator baby share host acc). e.g "", I check with seo quake, I discover that the primary domain has 19 pages index, when I only have about "6 pages" on the primary domain, further investigation reveal that the sub-domain were being index along with the primary domain. I wonder if this is normal?
    I will try your re-index tips, I will add some post and quality back-link, hope that will reinstate my site!
    I can't pm you insufficient post count,please I would like you to have a close look at the index pages?
    • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
      Profile picture of GuerrillaIM
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Born2rule View Post

      Thanks GuerrillaIM, for this interesting post, I had some of my adsense site listed in the same adsense account de-index recently. Never list all your site on that adsense account, e.g. "url channel".
      You mention something about sub-domain, I wander if that is why my site was de-index, I don't know why it happen but somehow all the site that got deindex was index along with the primary/root domain. (hostgator baby share host acc). e.g "", I check with seo quake, I discover that the primary domain has 19 pages index, when I only have about "6 pages" on the primary domain, further investigation reveal that the sub-domain were being index along with the primary domain. I wonder if this is normal?
      I will try your re-index tips, I will add some post and quality back-link, hope that will reinstate my site!
      I can't pm you insufficient post count,please I would like you to have a close look at the index pages?
      I think I get what you are saying but would be much easier if I could see the URL.

      You can email <my forum name> if you like.
  • Profile picture of the author 36burrows
    Profile picture of 36burrows
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great post my friend and will definitely clear up a LOT of the confusion on this forum.
  • Profile picture of the author jochris26
    Profile picture of jochris26
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    Hey Markowe,

    Thanks a bunch for the feedback. I appreciate the help. I will just go after making it a high quality site and see what happens.

    Thanks again,

    Wishing you the best.

  • Profile picture of the author ukcarl
    Profile picture of ukcarl
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Ha Ha sent to hell love it never heard that before.

    I think the moral of the story here is don't do dodgy stuff and your golden add value and its hard to get your site removed and if your rankings drop you can get them back.
  • Profile picture of the author The Lawyer
    The Lawyer
    Profile picture of The Lawyer
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    There is a legal adage that says something to the effect of: If you drive the speed limit you will never get a speeding ticket

    Legally speaking, this is incorrect; however, the general message this adage tries to get across is relevant. If you are 100% white-hat you will never have anything to worry about.

    This is how life works. If you want to try to circumvent the rules, fine; but you are taking a risk.
  • Profile picture of the author chrome
    Profile picture of chrome
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    Great post,

    I've been testing all sorts of automated content for SEO for over 7 years now. All of these methods generally become ineffective after time. However, there are ways of using automated content which continue to work for long periods of time without being adversely affected by Google.
  • Profile picture of the author fathobbitsss
    Profile picture of fathobbitsss
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    Hi guerilla,

    what's your past experiences reguarding getting your own blog networks "sent to hell",

    and why do you think they were sent to hell.

    What would you recommend as best practices for hiding footprint.

    Does adsense ID matter?
    • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
      Profile picture of GuerrillaIM
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by fathobbitsss View Post

      and why do you think they were sent to hell.

      What would you recommend as best practices for hiding footprint.

      Does adsense ID matter?
      If you are going to try to game the search engines and are aware of the risks then you need to hide the footprint well.

      Simple tips I use are:

      - Use whoisguard
      - Use custom DNS
      - Don't use SPF record that includes multiple domains
      - Check your complete hosts record and change anything that is consistent throughout your network.
      - Don't over link between your network and use other sources of links also. Pay close attention to the IP's you link together and the sites you are linking. Keep track of it in spreadsheet (you can then convert this to xml and use report tools to create visual representation if you are feeling really clever).
      - Don't leave telltale commonalties in your HTML code or content

      I can't give you specifics of my exact methods as they work because not everyone does them. As soon as they become common knowledge I have to change things.
  • Profile picture of the author mosthost
    Profile picture of mosthost
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    I know this post is really old. De-indexing has become a lot more popular since it was written. Entire sites and many many pages are being dropped from Google on a regular basis.
  • Profile picture of the author Iain Key
    Iain Key
    Profile picture of Iain Key
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    Nice post, I've had sites Sent to Hell but never Deindexed

    Still they might as well be for the effect it has
  • Profile picture of the author ryanalden
    Profile picture of ryanalden
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Guerrilla

    i really appreciate and thanks to you for the information you have provide i really enjoyed reading the entire thread. It's really good to get this kind of valuable information . i specially like the cloaking one. thanks once again. keep it up...
  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    Profile picture of GeorgR.
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you get de-indexed there is always a reason behind it, you don't get de-indexed for minor stuff. It's usually major stuff like spamming, autoblogging or your site being part of a blog network and found out etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author inazuman
    Profile picture of inazuman
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    I have a lot of websites are affected by de-indexed. What I'm doing is just leave it and create a new website. lol

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