How does Linkvana actually work?

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I have heard a lot about Linkvana. It is used as a link building tool by webmasters and SEOs.

I have posted on linkvana but I'm not really sure about how it works.

I hope our WF gurus can help me out understanding this thing.

#linkvana #work
  • Profile picture of the author PhilipSEO
    Originally Posted by theperfectstrategy View Post

    I have heard a lot about Linkvana. It is used as a link building tool by webmasters and SEOs.

    I have posted on linkvana but I'm not really sure about how it works.

    I hope our WF gurus can help me out understanding this thing.

    I am not a user of LinkVana but I believe all such software works in a similar way, by posting spun articles over a distributed low-quality blog network. The problem with such networks is that the sites are irrelevant to yours, and also, anyone can sign up, so those blogs will end up linking to bad neighborhoods (porn, gambling, viagra, penis enlargement...) and this will lead to quick link devaluation. Which is why this is not a highly effective link-building method.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kurt
      Originally Posted by PhilipSEO View Post

      I am not a user of LinkVana but I believe all such software works in a similar way, by posting spun articles over a distributed low-quality blog network. The problem with such networks is that the sites are irrelevant to yours, and also, anyone can sign up, so those blogs will end up linking to bad neighborhoods (porn, gambling, viagra, penis enlargement...) and this will lead to quick link devaluation. Which is why this is not a highly effective link-building method.
      Actually, Linkvana uses a network of sites/blogs on a variety of servers using different IPs, host, name servers, etc, acquired by fellow-Warrior Dave Kelly over many years.

      The interface automatically accepts and distributes posts to these sites.

      Dave's pretty strict on what can be posted and to what type of sites you can link to....I doubt you'll find any links to viagra or gambling.

      I think the biggest concern is that Google can always become a member, make some posts, then see where they appear and take action. But until then, Linkvana is a good source for getting links.
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      • Profile picture of the author PhilipSEO
        Kurt, thanks, so have you had good results with it? Quantify them a bit?
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        • Profile picture of the author Kurt
          Originally Posted by PhilipSEO View Post

          Kurt, thanks, so have you had good results with it? Quantify them a bit?
          Sorry Phillip (Phil?)...I vary things a lot and am not great at tracking. I can only say it's part of a "mix" that works, and I pretty much use it that way, just to add some links to campaigns that have a lot of automated type links.

          And I need to say that I'm friendly with Dave and was a beta tester for Linkvana and don't pay for my membership...So I do have some bias.
          Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
          Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
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          • Profile picture of the author PhilipSEO
            Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

            Sorry Phillip (Phil?)...I vary things a lot and am not great at tracking. I can only say it's part of a "mix" that works, and I pretty much use it that way, just to add some links to campaigns that have a lot of automated type links.

            And I need to say that I'm friendly with Dave and was a beta tester for Linkvana and don't pay for my membership...So I do have some bias.
            I go by Philip but take no offense at Phil. Thanks for the info and disclosure. I wouldn't mind betatesting something like that myself. And yes I can see how it would be good for diversification, so long as you don't put all your eggs in it.
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  • Don't you think it depends on how you use the medium? If I being honest want to use linkvana.. won't it be helpful?

    Anyways you can never stop such spammers.. they will do what they want to. I'm concerned about myself. If I want to use linkvana in a proper and right way what it was formed for.. will it help me?
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  • Profile picture of the author verbose
    You can also create your own blog network. I look for expiring Domains with a generic name
    and they have some PR 3 or 4. As I am cash strapped I figure it will take a year to get a decent amount together. Will be a hassle to keep them updated with new fresh content but I think worth it in the long run

    I love to take something simple and make it as complicated as I can.

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    • Profile picture of the author sambakker
      Originally Posted by verbose View Post

      You can also create your own blog network. I look for expiring Domains with a generic name
      and they have some PR 3 or 4. As I am cash strapped I figure it will take a year to get a decent amount together. Will be a hassle to keep them updated with new fresh content but I think worth it in the long run
      Depends on your market, what kind of competition are you up against and how much money and time do you have to throw at it?

      Create high quality sales funnels in minutes

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  • I have seen a kind of mixed response on Linkvana. But I'm sure gonna give it a try..
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  • Profile picture of the author sambakker
    Originally Posted by theperfectstrategy View Post

    I have heard a lot about Linkvana. It is used as a link building tool by webmasters and SEOs.

    I have posted on linkvana but I'm not really sure about how it works.

    I hope our WF gurus can help me out understanding this thing.

    My company used it in a big way awhile back. Didnt do anything for us. From what I have heard Linkvana's network got found out by google due to poor linking. I don't tend to use services like that anymore, there to public and I can't imagine with the amount of people using them that they are going to be effective or not get found out by google.

    Now for clients I tend to make my own private networks, that way I can control their linking and what content is posted where. Like anything it's probably worth a try as I don't know for fact that it is not effective anymore, however we ran it for about 3 months and couldnt find any backlinks that were flowing any kind of PR and on the sites we tested it out on it didn't do anything for them.

    Has anyone else done any tests like mine? Or has anyone had any success using it or other link network services?

    Create high quality sales funnels in minutes

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    • Profile picture of the author cbpayne
      Originally Posted by sambakker View Post

      From what I have heard Linkvana's network got found out by google
      I think you are making that up. Care to show where you heard that?
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      • Profile picture of the author sambakker
        Originally Posted by cbpayne View Post

        I think you are making that up. Care to show where you heard that?
        Sure, im a member at stomper net and they did a webinar on pumper sites/juicer sites where Eric (Forgot his last name) was going on about how it got found out. Are you a stomper member? I can find the thread im sure...

        Either way I have been doing this stuff and testing it long enough to know when something works for me and doesnt and linkvana was one of the things that didnt...take it for what it's worth

        Create high quality sales funnels in minutes

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    • Profile picture of the author PhilipSEO
      Originally Posted by sambakker View Post

      Now for clients I tend to make my own private networks, that way I can control their linking and what content is posted where.
      How well has this worked for you? What goes into such a network of yours, would you mind describing the process?

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  • Whoa Whoa Whoa.. this is getting hotter here. I see that it has worked for some and it has not worked for some. But anyways it is not taking anything from me to give it a try.. What say guys..
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