How to Track your Clickbank (etc.) affiliate sales via adwords

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I came up with a way to track my clickbank and other networkd sales as an affilaite via adwords.

Maybe I am not the first one to find it out, but I want to share since this forum has given me a lot.

First the flipside, there is a limit to 8 characthers (for CB) and this is a limitation within the Clickbank tracking system. Nothing we can do.

This technique works for any network that allows tracking codes to be added to affiliate URL's. You need to read their instructions, there may be character limitations, no space allowed or anything else that will mess it up.

What you do is, in Adwords when creating an ad,
Change your regular CB link:

(Note: The Warrior Forum truncated the dsiplated URL's, hover the link to see it in the lower part of your browser)

To this:{k eyword:default}

(where "default" is your "fallback" keyword if no dynamic insterion was available)

Now when you have a sale, you log in to clickbank and check your referrers,
and you will see which keyword made the sale.

Unfortunately, you only see the first 8 charachters if the keyword phrase is longer.

There you have the basics.
I know, I know, you should send traffic to a landing page, not to the clickbank url.

Well, not so hard to do...

In your adwords ad, make the link to{keyword}

Make your landing page a PHP file (here called yourpage.php).
On that page you link to the product using this link:<? echo $_GET['key'] ?>


This is what happens;
Adwords dynamic keyword insertion inserts the keyword like this:

In turn, your landing page creates this link to the product:

(which, in terms of Clickbank would be interpreted as tracking code playstat because of the 8 char limit).

To test that it works like it should you can go to this link:

and hover your affilaite link and make sure it links to:

I hope you found this useful! It has it's limits, but being able to track keywords as an affiliate (for free) is something a lot of people have been wanting I think.

Feel free to comment!
#adwords #affiliate #clickbank #sales #track
  • Profile picture of the author bimawarrior
    Thanks for the technique Marcus!
    I am not an expert in php, your pointer does give me clear guide on how to apply the tracking.

    There is one possible problem I can see using this technique.
    Other then us, affiliates, the merchant will also know what keyword converted the sales.

    I know from one of my PPC friend that he generated some sales from a Clickbank merchant using one keyword.
    Some day, the merchant prohibit the use of that 'one keyword' for no reason. (We suspect that the merchant knows the keyword converted so well and decide to keep it for them selves)

    Since the first time learning PPCing I always 'camouflage' all my keywords using simple tracking code.

    I used to use an excel template months ago.
    I have this two columns:
    Keywords, Landing Page
    playstation :
    playstations :
    play station :
    play stations :

    By using these kind of tracking code (A0001 and so on....)
    It will allow me to track longer keyword such as "Play Station Console" and so on....

    Not to say, it also avoid the merchant to knowing what keywords made the sales.

    The last two months, I don't use excel anymore. I have developed my own apps which is quite handy and has got some raving fans

    Just my 2 cents

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  • Profile picture of the author apatters
    This is a really clever trick, thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author Markus Wahlgren
    Glad you liked it apatters!

    Bimawarrior, Apa kabar, thanks for elaborating on the php, tracking etc. That works for sure, but then you'd have to set up a unique url for each keyword, that works of course - just takes a bit more time.

    Note; I am back.

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    • Profile picture of the author Markus Wahlgren
      Originally Posted by precious007 View Post

      Thanks for sharing, I have been using this technique thou php newbies can`t implement it.
      Well, I could do it and I am certainly no php expert I am good at research thou, that's how I found out how the "echo" thingamagizmo works.

      Note; I am back.

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  • Profile picture of the author keivn2
    Nice advice.

    It is indeed good for someone like me who have a trouble to get into a tracking tools.

    Although it need some manual work but i guess it is better than nothing.
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