Keyword Prediction: Potential overnight millionaire maker. Viable Strategy?

Profile picture of XX
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7 replies
My theory is this. Predicting a very specific number 1 search term several months in advance, easily obtaining a top page ranking due to nearly non-existent competition.

For example (Hypothetical): Let's say I was a movie reviewer and saw a sneak preview of a movie months before it aired in theaters. In the movie, lets pretend the main character wore a t-shirt that was somehow the absolutely funniest, most desirable t-shirt in the world. You just KNEW this shirt was going to be a pop culture phenomenon. The shirt has text that said "Pink dancing frog fish" I was absolutely sure, that as soon as this movie hit theaters, that millions of people would hit google, typing in this obscure reference. So what I did was create a basic web page selling the shirt, or even promoting a CPA offer, and SEO the hell out of it for months leading up to the movie release. Because I was an early mover, I would have top google page ranking for atleast a few days after the movie came out, and make millions.

Sort of like insider trading in keywords, Are there any major concepts I am overlooking? Please advise.
#keyword #maker #millionaire #overnight #potential #prediction #strategy #viable
  • Profile picture of the author DireStraits
    Profile picture of DireStraits
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by XX View Post

    My theory is this. Predicting a very specific number 1 search term several months in advance, easily obtaining a top page ranking due to nearly non-existent competition.

    For example (Hypothetical): Let's say I was a movie reviewer and saw a sneak preview of a movie months before it aired in theaters. In the movie, lets pretend the main character wore a t-shirt that was somehow the absolutely funniest, most desirable t-shirt in the world. You just KNEW this shirt was going to be a pop culture phenomenon. The shirt has text that said "Pink dancing frog fish" I was absolutely sure, that as soon as this movie hit theaters, that millions of people would hit google, typing in this obscure reference. So what I did was create a basic web page selling the shirt, or even promoting a CPA offer, and SEO the hell out of it for months leading up to the movie release. Because I was an early mover, I would have top google page ranking for atleast a few days after the movie came out, and make millions.

    Sort of like insider trading in keywords, Are there any major concepts I am overlooking? Please advise.
    This is a good idea, but perhaps somewhat flawed.

    You can predict rises in stocks and shares in some cases because those with insider information as to various activities or deals that company may be striking up know the affect such a thing would have on a share price, based on past experience.

    But without a time machine, how exactly can you predict what will be popular in the future and what won't?

    Take the movie, "back to the future". Suppose that was just released.

    Do I spent my time building a site around DeLorean models, orange "life preserve"-style waistcoats, Doc Brown wigs, Mr. Fusion style blenders, t-shirts with every single remotely witty or silly quote from the movie?

    There are are a million and one things to pick and unfortunately it's virtually impossible to know in the majority of cases what will prove popular in the future and what will not.

    Sometimes even a great idea or invention (or in this case - keyword phrase) can be a huge failure despite all predictions and evidence to suggest it's going to be the answer to every ones dreams or problems.

    I'm sure if you did this enough you'd stumble on a few gems amongst a much greater number of absolute failures... but if your confident (and there is no evidence to suggest anything either way) the potential monetary returns of those that prove successful will be worth it, then take your risk.
  • Profile picture of the author Edge88
    Profile picture of Edge88
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    Originally Posted by XX View Post

    My theory is this. Predicting a very specific number 1 search term several months in advance, easily obtaining a top page ranking due to nearly non-existent competition.

    For example (Hypothetical): Let's say I was a movie reviewer and saw a sneak preview of a movie months before it aired in theaters. In the movie, lets pretend the main character wore a t-shirt that was somehow the absolutely funniest, most desirable t-shirt in the world. You just KNEW this shirt was going to be a pop culture phenomenon. The shirt has text that said "Pink dancing frog fish" I was absolutely sure, that as soon as this movie hit theaters, that millions of people would hit google, typing in this obscure reference. So what I did was create a basic web page selling the shirt, or even promoting a CPA offer, and SEO the hell out of it for months leading up to the movie release. Because I was an early mover, I would have top google page ranking for atleast a few days after the movie came out, and make millions.

    Sort of like insider trading in keywords, Are there any major concepts I am overlooking? Please advise.
    I know the movie was just an exmaple. but basically yes. if you can predict a hot trend months ahead of time, then you have a leg up, and can earn a lot form that.

    Here's another movie related example. Say you know the first iron man is going to be released a year beforehand (and you can easily find out what movies will come out next year). You can pretty much assume it's going to be a big movie and parents will be googling "Iron Man toys" or "Where to buy iron man toys" or what have you. You can optmize for all of those keywords, and when the movie does come out, you'll be all set.

  • Profile picture of the author Edge88
    Profile picture of Edge88
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    Here's another example in pop culture. Have you seen "I'm on a boat" on youtube? It was hilarious and a smash hit. and at some point one of the guys said "I've got a nautical themed pashmina afghan."

    You would not believe how many people wanted a freaking nautical themed pashmina afghan, there were yahoo questions, blogs, everything. If someone were to quickly throw up a site selling nautical themed pashmina afghan, with proper on page SEO. They would've ranked right away. And the backlinks wouldve came naturally too. To this day I dont think there anyone offering nautical themed pashmina afghans, but the I'm on a boat fever has died down.

    Here's the link, if you haven't seen it. it was a SNL skit
  • Profile picture of the author pana
    Profile picture of pana
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    man thats a great idea... thanks..
  • Profile picture of the author adesbarats
    Profile picture of adesbarats
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    I think it's a pretty ingenious idea. You would have to set up some kind of alert system. Something that would allow you to have your hand on the pulse of what is going on in the world - so you could be continually creating a list of potential hot up and comer keywords. Setting up that alert system and staying on top of it 24/7 would probably be your biggest challenge. But if you could come up with a system that would allow you to create the list, you have something.

    You would also have to get pretty good at going through the list and making a "gut" call of which will be the best candidates to push hard. Naturally, you will have failures, but get one or two winners and they could cash in big.

    Interesting idea on paper anyway!
  • Profile picture of the author garyv
    Profile picture of garyv
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    Domainers have been trying to predict the future for years. The problem is, that you have to be careful w/ trademarks and copyrights. If you pick the wrong domain name, it can be taken from you.

    But otherwise, building sites on future events and trends has been happening for a long time and can be quite profitable if you happen to catch a popular wave just right.

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