Outsourcing SEO... where?

by 13 replies
Hey warriors,

Does anyone know a reliable and well-established firm to outsource SEO and organic traffic generation off search engines? you know, backlink building and that kind of stuff.

Any first-hand recommendation will be appreciated.

#search engine optimization #outsourcing #seo
  • Endless rise and developer hut. I use them both every day.
  • There are many services available. I own a service with fellow Warrior Mike Ambrosio that many of the top names in the industry use. And there is also the Warriors for Hire section and WSO forum.
    • [1] reply
    • i would like to use your service but cant afford it ,its very expensive.why? what about the little guys
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  • just create your own team. i wouldnt go to any firms.
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    • It depends what type of links you want.

      There are quite a few small offers that people have both in the classifieds section here (Some may have been deleted since the recent rule changes) and other forums as well.

      You can find some pretty good deals around. I'd probably go with smaller offers from different people for different types of links rather than hiring one company to do it all.
  • There are a lot of companies that claim to do SEO. I would suggest finding a provider that will comit to the results you need. I have several clients that spent thousands of dollars without ever actually getting the results they wanted. I actually have a towing company that is a client of mine that has already been through 4 different companies before we met.
  • Why not try getting people from the philippines,,,?
    • [1] reply
    • I have been using services from a guy who just released a program that offers link building, social bookmarking, on page seo for WP, and a bunch more stuff. I think his service filled up quickly buy you may be able to get in or on a waiting list. Just do a search for Dr. Net or go to drnet.com. Highly recommended based on what he did for me.
  • Banned
  • If you have knowledge of SEO, than its better to start the work yourself. Other wise there are many firms or companies that will do SEO for you, but mostly they Demand high and deliver less quality work.
  • There are many freelancers out there. You can see professionals who can do the task that you want them to do. Odesk.com is legit and they can provide you good services.

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