Live SEO Challenge WSO Question

Brian Mullis
Profile picture of Brian Mullis
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428 replies
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I purchased the WSO at

Since the thread has been closed and since I was just told through the Challenge Help Desk that they will probably not enable comments in the member's area, there is no way for members to communicate.

So my question for purchasers of the WSO is: Have you had much success in finding keywords that meet all of the metrics taught in the Challenge, including the very last step in the "step-3.pdf" file, where it mentions a requirement for the site in the first position in Google? According to the instructions, if you can't find a keyword that meets this requirement, you will not be able to rank during the Challenge.

I'm being vague because I don't want to give away anything in an open forum but I think purchasers of the Challenge will know what I am talking about.
#challenge #live #question #seo #wso
  • Profile picture of the author GilS
    Profile picture of GilS
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    Thanks for opening this thread. I think it's a good idea to bounce ideas off one another here without exposing any trade secrets. I am still struggling with keywords and hope more members tune in here.
    • Profile picture of the author Jason Bell
      Jason Bell
      Profile picture of Jason Bell
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      likewise, this keyword validation process has definitely took me way pas 5 minutes! I seriously have been searching for the right keyword to use for the past two days..

      I do have a question though if you all could help out..

      I have found a keyword that has passed the criteria based on video 3. In this video it states that we need to check the anchor text of the first result, and if it has our keyword in the anchor text than we need to do a pr analysis to ensure it has no more than 30 links above pr 3. keyword passed this test, but i'm confused about the day 3 part 5 mind map posted.

      does this criteria only apply if your looking for your keyword through google adwords? or do we use this same criteria for market samurai as well?

      Reason being is that it says if yoru keywrd is the first result phrase-domain than that domain must have less than 20 PR 2
      or less, links with the keyword phrase in
      the anchor text.

      This confuses me; the criteria seems conflicting. The video says no more than 30 links past PR 3, but the mindmap says it must have less than 20 keyword links PR 2 or less.

      Bottom line I'm confused and if you all could shed some light I would greatly appreciate it. Like others doing this challenge, you probably would not want to start a website knowing the metric criteria was interpreted incorrectly. THanks


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  • Profile picture of the author rlaramli
    Profile picture of rlaramli
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    You may want to check Wrap-Up Keyword Research chart dated 24 Aug 2010 at the Live SEO Challenge site.

    I find the explanation there is a lot clearer than all the previous videos and transcripts. What is not explained there is that you need to click on (+) located on the right side of the box to move to the next step and click on (-) on the left side to return to the previous step.

    I hope this helps.
  • Profile picture of the author Dave d
    Dave d
    Profile picture of Dave d
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    Thanks for opening this thread. I spent 5 hours doing keyword research following the instruction to the letter. Then the next day there is an extra validation type PDF and in there it says something along the lines of if the 1st result does not have the keyword in the URL and has a page rank higher than 2 then its no good .

    This blew every single one of my keywords out of the water but if we had this information the day before then I would not have wasted 5 hours .

    Then suprise suprise after we get an almost impossible criteria for choosing keywords comments are closed
    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Jill Carpenter
      Profile picture of Jill Carpenter
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      Originally Posted by Brian Mullis View Post

      Since the thread has been closed and since I was just told through the Challenge Help Desk that they will probably not enable comments in the member's area, there is no way for members to communicate.
      This would pi$$ me off to no end.

      I would contact the product creator and tell them what you want.

      Attention: Anyone trying to build a real online business, but can't get the personal help they need to do so: Now there's hope....

      "We'll show YOU, through a live SEO challenge, how to go from zero to at least $200 a month working JUST 5 MINUTES A DAY"

      .... In fact,

      "We're so sure that this will work for you that we're backing our claim up with a 300% money back guarantee"
      Um, isn't the product creator giving you personal help???

      If not, I'd be looking for that 300% money back guarantee.

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

      • Profile picture of the author Alan Petersen
        Alan Petersen
        Profile picture of Alan Petersen
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        Remember, your success has been guaranteed.
        That's a bold and FTC scary guarantee. This thread will probably get deleted so why don't you guys form your own Skype group where you can meet and share results, etc.? It's free and easy to do. You can control who signs up so only challenge members can join your skype group. But I agree with Jill, I would be pist as well!
        • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
          Profile picture of L41db4ck
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          Yes, why are comments turned off?????

          And not letting us know about the + sign!!!! It's easy when you know it's there but....ffs

          Originally Posted by avenuegirl

          If not, I'd be looking for that 300% money back guarantee
          Only if you follow their instructions you not see a pattern in this thread? Their instructions are confusing to say the least!

          On the plus side I think I've finally found one keyword

          Rgds, our password-named poster

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        • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
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          Originally Posted by Alan Petersen View Post

          That's a bold and FTC scary guarantee. This thread will probably get deleted so why don't you guys form your own Skype group where you can meet and share results, etc.? It's free and easy to do. You can control who signs up so only challenge members can join your skype group. But I agree with Jill, I would be pist as well!
          I agree, we need somewhere private where we can discuss things.

          Edit: Actually, if they have said that the comments will remain closed then maybe we need to discuss it in public?

          Rgds, our password-named poster

          Google LOVES aged domains!
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          • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
            Jill Carpenter
            Profile picture of Jill Carpenter
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            Originally Posted by L41db4ck View Post

            I agree, we need somewhere private where we can discuss things.

            Edit: Actually, if they have said that the comments will remain closed then maybe we need to discuss it in public?
            You can discuss it where you wish, but this is SEO - so it needs to go into seo forum, and you are a group dealing with a specific product so you should get your own side group to discuss.

            Skype is a great option. You can just use the "chat" feature and people in the group can comment at any time like a mini forum.

            Here is what I'd do. I'd PM anyone who responded on the original thread and looked like they bought and ask them if they would like to get in on a group about the topic.

            While a 300 percent guarantee is promised to those who complete what they are instructed to do, you could still get a regular refund if you don't think you are getting the help you wanted (but you didn't get that from me. )

            Again, I do think contacting the product creator is the best route first. If there is a big enough demand for open conversation within the group, they really should listen to their customers - don't you think?

            Otherwise, they should have some type of help desk in place for assistance.


            "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

            • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
              Profile picture of L41db4ck
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Originally Posted by avenuegirl

              Hey, I agree with your O

              Well, apart from the SEO thing, we're not talking about SEO!

              Er, And skype groups, I've never tried that.

              We asked for open conversation and we got comments open on 1 post out of 10

              Originally Posted by avenuegirl

              they really should listen to their customers - don't you think?
              Yes, OF COURSE WE THINK THAT! (why wouldn't we? Sorry for shouting)

              And, they do have a helpdesk, (which isn't the same as a forum which is what we need)

              Rgds, our password-named poster

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      • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
        Black Hat Cat
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        Originally Posted by avenuegirl View Post

        This would pi$$ me off to no end.

        I would contact the product creator and tell them what you want.

        Um, isn't the product creator giving you personal help???

        If not, I'd be looking for that 300% money back guarantee.
        I suspect you would have better luck looking for bigfoot, lol. I can almost guarantee you no one will get that 300% refund. And there is no regular refund offer, so no one will be getting that either. Why do you think the wso thread was locked? And don't be surprised when this thread is locked/deleted either.

        Anyone surprised this offer isn't living up to its claims only has themselves to blame. Several of us warned that it wouldn't. We were told to shut up by those who didn't want their 5 minute wealth fantasy disturbed.
        • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
          Profile picture of L41db4ck
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          Originally Posted by Black Hat Cat View Post

          I suspect you would have better luck looking for bigfoot, lol. I can almost guarantee you no one will get that 300% refund. And there is no regular refund offer, so no one will be getting that either. Why do you think the wso thread was locked? And don't be surprised when this thread is locked/deleted either.

          Anyone surprised this offer isn't living up to its claims only has themselves to blame. Several of us warned that it wouldn't. We were told to shut up by those who didn't want their 5 minute wealth fantasy disturbed.
          We haven't found out whether they are any good at finding good keywords/building good adsense sites/SEO or not yet, that remains to be seen after the 30 days....just that they're not very prepared for a group training.

          By the way, It's not a 5 minute wealth fantasy, it's a $200/month adsense site after 30 days fantasy :p and I'm still giving it a go.

          They have taught me some new things already

          Rgds, our password-named poster

          Google LOVES aged domains!
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          • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
            Black Hat Cat
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            Originally Posted by L41db4ck View Post

            We haven't found out whether they are any good at finding good keywords/building good adsense sites/SEO or not yet, that remains to be seen after the 30 days....just that they're not very prepared for a group training.

            By the way, It's not a 5 minute wealth fantasy, it's a $200/month adsense site after 30 days fantasy :p and I'm still giving it a go.
            Keep telling yourself that.

            It was sold as "5 minutes a day to blah blah blah". That was blown out of the water on day 2.

            And by the way, for those keeping score...they didn't post a day 8 assignment (due yesterday), and they haven't posted today's assignment either, which should be day 9, but I guess will end up being day 8.
            • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
              Profile picture of L41db4ck
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              Originally Posted by Black Hat Cat View Post

              Keep telling yourself that.

              It was sold as "5 minutes a day to blah blah blah". That was blown out of the water on day 2.
              What they forgot to say was that they spend 5 mins a day, not you!

              Rgds, our password-named poster

              Google LOVES aged domains!
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              • Profile picture of the author AdamWB
                Profile picture of AdamWB
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                I bought the WSO and have been following it closely. As soon as I saw how they did their KW research, and then redid it, and then redid it again - I came to the conclusion this is just smoke. And the way they teach writing articles..joke. It's a lesson on how to NOT write articles - if you want quality/speed that is.

                Hopefully they've got some really cool unique ways to backlink/rank a site, or this is a complete waste of time IMO.

                I know I was defending this earlier before the offer opened up, but this is just another 10% WSO - where they only give you 10% of the info and you need to figure out the rest for yourself.
                • Profile picture of the author Colin Klinkert
                  Colin Klinkert
                  Profile picture of Colin Klinkert
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                  Originally Posted by AdamWB View Post

                  I bought the WSO and have been following it closely. As soon as I saw how they did their KW research, and then redid it, and then redid it again - I came to the conclusion this is just smoke. And the way they teach writing articles..joke. It's a lesson on how to NOT write articles - if you want quality/speed that is.

                  Hopefully they've got some really cool unique ways to backlink/rank a site, or this is a complete waste of time IMO.

                  I know I was defending this earlier before the offer opened up, but this is just another 10% WSO - where they only give you 10% of the info and you need to figure out the rest for yourself.
                  Well for me I am really hoping that we get a cool template to get the high CTR and as you say, interested to see if they can show a ranking method I don't already know...

                  I Blog about How To Make Money Online - It is my own experiences over the last 8 years, building some 7 figure businesses

    • Profile picture of the author Teleologist
      Profile picture of Teleologist
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      Originally Posted by Dave d View Post

      I spent 5 hours doing keyword research following the instruction to the letter. Then the next day there is an extra validation type PDF and in there it says something along the lines of if the 1st result does not have the keyword in the URL and has a page rank higher than 2 then its no good .

      This blew every single one of my keywords out of the water but if we had this information the day before then I would not have wasted 5 hours .
      Same here. The video is about going after the top three positions in Google not just the first position. And the video doesn't tell you to consider the PR unless the URL has the keyword in it. I spend over 7 hours getting what I thought were a couple of dozen good keywords and then I get this mind map that changes the criteria to only the first position in Google and nothing over PR 2 even if the keyword is not in the URL. That wiped out most of my keywords.

      Jack Wyatt

      • Profile picture of the author Colin Klinkert
        Colin Klinkert
        Profile picture of Colin Klinkert
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        Originally Posted by Teleologist View Post

        Same here. The video is about going after the top three positions in Google not just the first position. And the video doesn't tell you to consider the PR unless the URL has the keyword in it. I spend over 7 hours getting what I thought were a couple of dozen good keywords and then I get this mind map that changes the criteria to only the first position in Google and nothing over PR 2 even if the keyword is not in the URL. That wiped out most of my keywords.
        My Advice - Don't take it to the letter... I know for the 300% guarantee they say you must, but to be honest, you can outrank a PR2 site with no issues if you get the right inbound links and the right on page SEO...

        As I said in the 'other thread' that I shared above, I am waiting for the template that is meant to give 20%> CTR

        I Blog about How To Make Money Online - It is my own experiences over the last 8 years, building some 7 figure businesses

  • Profile picture of the author lefty359
    Profile picture of lefty359
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    When I emailed their support it said it didn't recognize my email! This deal has me sorry I got into it. I replied to the registration letter and asked for a refund. They said I had to wait until the challenge was over! It was supposed to be live but it's not.So far, I am not impressed.
  • Profile picture of the author Dave d
    Dave d
    Profile picture of Dave d
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    Hey guys Im gonna be setting up a Skype group if I can figure out how ! I dont have a lot of time to manage something that will take a lot of time so Im hoping this wont take a lot of effort. I will post back more details on this thread which I hope is not deleted.
    • Profile picture of the author GilS
      Profile picture of GilS
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      Originally Posted by Dave d View Post

      Hey guys Im gonna be setting up a Skype group if I can figure out how ! I dont have a lot of time to manage something that will take a lot of time so Im hoping this wont take a lot of effort. I will post back more details on this thread which I hope is not deleted.

      Go for it Dave. So far I have been absolutely dissatisfied with this course mainly due to poor planning. And whatever happened to George?
  • Profile picture of the author rlaramli
    Profile picture of rlaramli
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    Hi everybody,

    I submit tickets to their help desk suggesting for a forum where we can communicate. Apparently, they advised that there is already a forum at the help desk.

    Participants may want to check at the help desk. Go to the KNOWLEDGE BASE tab and you'll find the forum there, or rather it is the Forum. There are 5 sub-topics: Announcements, Tips & Tricks, General Help, Community Help and Feature Requests.

    Currently, there are 9 posts under General Help. All the rest are empty.

    I tried to click on the Community Help button, but could not find any button for posting. I have already asked them how and awaiting for response.

    • Profile picture of the author GilS
      Profile picture of GilS
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      Originally Posted by rlaramli View Post

      Hi everybody,

      I submit tickets to their help desk suggesting for a forum where we can communicate. Apparently, they advised that there is already a forum at the help desk.

      Participants may want to check at the help desk. Go to the KNOWLEDGE BASE tab and you'll find the forum there, or rather it is the Forum. There are 5 sub-topics: Announcements, Tips & Tricks, General Help, Community Help and Feature Requests.

      Currently, there are 9 posts under General Help. All the rest are empty.

      I tried to click on the Community Help button, but could not find any button for posting. I have already asked them how and awaiting for response.


      The only problem I have with the Help Desk is that they impulsively disable comments when they get overloaded with questions, just like they did with the Warrior Forum WSO thread. Having a forum/skype for those who paid $88 assures communication 24/7.
  • Profile picture of the author Dave d
    Dave d
    Profile picture of Dave d
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    The Live SEO Challenge Skype Group is now set up. Im just testing this out because if get to busy for me to handle then I cant afford for my other projects to suffer so lets just see how this goes.

    To gain access search skype for Live SEO Challenge. When requesting access I need to know the answer to the following which can be found at - Day 5 Keyword Research Validation Part 3.

    Fill in the blank to the sentence that ends .......then you dont need to worry about ____ Market Samurai / Adwords keyword tool match. That should be easy enough to answer so long as you paid for the course.
  • Profile picture of the author Dave d
    Dave d
    Profile picture of Dave d
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    Please do not just message me on skype saying "Im part of the SEO challenge" or something along those lines because that means nothing. I have given specific instructions on how to join in my previous post. This has been done using my own time and I dont have time verify everybody that does not follow the simple joining instructions.

    This is for the benefit of all members of the challenge so we dont have people in there just for fun who have not paid for the original WSO.

    • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
      Profile picture of L41db4ck
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      Originally Posted by Dave d View Post

      Please do not just message me on skype saying "Im part of the SEO challenge" or something along those lines because that means nothing. I have given specific instructions on how to join in my previous post. This has been done using my own time and I dont have time verify everybody that does not follow the simple joining instructions.

      This is for the benefit of all members of the challenge so we dont have people in there just for fun who have not paid for the original WSO.

      I can't find it or rather Skype doesn't find it. Live SEO Challenge?

      Rgds, our password-named poster

      Google LOVES aged domains!
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      • Profile picture of the author Dave d
        Dave d
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        Originally Posted by L41db4ck View Post

        I can't find it or rather Skype doesn't find it. Live SEO Challenge?
        Guys I have created this group twice now and each time it has just disappeared. I dont have the time to investigate this and figure it out. As well that despite my previous posts people are still messaging me saying they are part of the challenge. I mean if you cant follow basic instructions then I dont know how your going to see this challenge through.

        So I have given this Skype group thing a try and it has not worked out. If anybody is more experienced with skype or has any better ideas on how to bring the group together maybe a private blog or something then please raise your hand.
        • Profile picture of the author Colin Klinkert
          Colin Klinkert
          Profile picture of Colin Klinkert
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          Originally Posted by Dave d View Post

          Guys I have created this group twice now and each time it has just disappeared. I dont have the time to investigate this and figure it out. As well that despite my previous posts people are still messaging me saying they are part of the challenge. I mean if you cant follow basic instructions then I dont know how your going to see this challenge through.

          So I have given this Skype group thing a try and it has not worked out. If anybody is more experienced with skype or has any better ideas on how to bring the group together maybe a private blog or something then please raise your hand.

          You wish is my Command!

          Here is where we can chat about it:

          SEO challange Chat

          It is password protected. The password can be found under 'Day 5' There is a part that has been edited and it says:

          (xxxx searches per month)

          The xxxx is the number listed on that page after you login. enter that and it will give you access to chat

          I Blog about How To Make Money Online - It is my own experiences over the last 8 years, building some 7 figure businesses

  • Profile picture of the author Colin Klinkert
    Colin Klinkert
    Profile picture of Colin Klinkert
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    Good news is so far 2 people have made their way into the chat thread for in case we are no longer able to chat here.

    Also with the password protection, we know it is only paying members in there, here are the instructions again:

    SEO challange Chat

    It is password protected. The password can be found under 'Day 5' There is a part that has been edited and it says:

    (xxxx searches per month)

    The xxxx is the number listed on that page after you login. enter that and it will give you access to chat

    P.S - Yes I know I spelled 'Challenge' wrong in the title was in a rush

    P.P.S - if you comment needs approval after you post and it doesn't show, I will approve it as soon as I can. It is 11:30pm here & I will be heading to bed soon I think

    I Blog about How To Make Money Online - It is my own experiences over the last 8 years, building some 7 figure businesses

  • Profile picture of the author DonChipriani
    Profile picture of DonChipriani
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    It made me curious because of the bold guaranty statement, but boy, am I glad now I did not get into it. I hope it will work out for you guys in the end. I hope you learn something new.

    I know that for some this is good as they will finally take action and do it. They'll have the extra motivation since they paid for it For those, the cost is going to worth it.

    This is the main problem most are dealing with, lack of action, stuck on learning and learning... I know I've been there too lol

  • Profile picture of the author Yogini
    Profile picture of Yogini
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    I also found that the keywords I found did not meet the criterion once they put up the final requirements. Why weren't they all listed at once so people didn't have to waste time? I have not been able to find something with the number of searches they recommend that qualifies now due to the restrictions they put on position 1 when you analyze further. Probably if you don't find this they won't give you the money back guarantee. I'm not even sure why that position 1 criterion is so critical as being position 2 or 3 seem fine.

    I am frustrated that they closed comments and that the additional 100 comments on the day that was opened have not been responded to at all. When I wrote support with keyword questions I was just given copy/paste from the pdfs rather than an explanation and clarification as I had asked. Since so many people are still stuck with the problems of narrowing down the keywords after their last day of the additional criterion, they should first iron out this problem .

    • Profile picture of the author nige1
      Profile picture of nige1
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi All,
      In reply to the thread starter Brian ,no,I have in 12 active hours failed to find one keyword that passes all the criteria given in the flash diagram.
      I have already suggested to them that they are using this exercise to harvest suitable keywords for themselves ,if any can be found.
      I have also challenged them to show in a video themselves finding a keyword passing all the tests.
      No reply so far.
      • Profile picture of the author Dave d
        Dave d
        Profile picture of Dave d
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        Originally Posted by nige1 View Post

        Hi All,
        In reply to the thread starter Brian ,no,I have in 12 active hours failed to find one keyword that passes all the criteria given in the flash diagram.
        I have already suggested to them that they are using this exercise to harvest suitable keywords for themselves ,if any can be found.
        I have also challenged them to show in a video themselves finding a keyword passing all the tests.
        No reply so far.
        Some valid points there. I actually enjoy KW research and usually find it the easier part of IM. As well as that I do KW research for clients, but this criteria set out seems a complete impossibility and Im slowing begining to wonder if its meant to be that way so people will just give up and move on to something new and then bang goes their guarantee as well as the original investment.

        Like you said since this is errr a live challenge (they did say live yeh ok) I want to see them choose a keyword live that meets all of their criteria.

        I'll spend another 5 minutes actually I meant 5 hours on this and if I cant find another keyword that meets the criteria then I will have to find the next best alternative. Which will of course invalidate my guarantee but Im sure George and co. wont mind at all.
        • Profile picture of the author Colin Klinkert
          Colin Klinkert
          Profile picture of Colin Klinkert
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by Dave d View Post

          Some valid points there. I actually enjoy KW research and usually find it the easier part of IM. As well as that I do KW research for clients, but this criteria set out seems a complete impossibility and Im slowing begining to wonder if its meant to be that way so people will just give up and move on to something new and then bang goes their guarantee as well as the original investment.

          Like you said since this is errr a live challenge (they did say live yeh ok) I want to see them choose a keyword live that meets all of their criteria.

          I'll spend another 5 minutes actually I meant 5 hours on this and if I cant find another keyword that meets the criteria then I will have to find the next best alternative. Which will of course invalidate my guarantee but Im sure George and co. wont mind at all.
          What annoys me is the claim its 5 minutes. I do value my time, but I outsource most of the work so it's not a big deal, however, I feel for those people that asked over and over, you sure it takes only 5 minutes and they guaranteed it did.

          My thinking is that it takes 5 minutes for them to explain to us what we need to do and that then takes a few hours!

          Come join us in the chat thread I mentioned above if you like and want to talk specifics with only buyers and speak your mind

          I Blog about How To Make Money Online - It is my own experiences over the last 8 years, building some 7 figure businesses

          • Profile picture of the author SteveSch
            Profile picture of SteveSch
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hi all,

            Thanks for the + sign info. I never would have seen this.

            I think it really boils down to 2 things.

            1.) They are trying to cover their assets. In the comments it seemed like many, if not most, people were trying for the 300% refund. That was in pretty much every post they made.

            2.) We're all Guinea Pigs for their 'course'.

            I really don't care about the 300%. I just wanted to learn to make a site that made $200 a month. Heck, even $50 a month would be OK.

            It's a shame they are starting to play no comment games. There were actually a few comments that pointed out something good. Like the + sign.? I never would have found the plus sign.

            Thank you,
            • Profile picture of the author Global365
              Profile picture of Global365
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              I'm kinda pissed too about the comments feature but I think it may be a bit premature to burn them at the stake yet...let's give them another week to see their true colors, if nothing is clarified by then its time for a witch hunt ;-)

              LOL...just got this back from support in regard to closed comments...apparently having comments enabled is overloading there servers...ROFL that is starting to smell like a wet dog on a hot august afternoon....


              We apologize for the inconvenience. The comments are temporarily disabled as requested by our host.


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  • Profile picture of the author rlaramli
    Profile picture of rlaramli
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    For those who are struggling with the keyword research like me, you may want to consider checking the video tutorials provided by Market Samurai.

    I found them to be very refreshing! These videos definitely compliment those provided in this challenge program. There are 9 videos on keyword research and I watched all of them. In the Intro video, it mentioned the four golden rules and they are:

    (1) Relevance
    (2) Traffic
    (3) Competition
    (4) Commerciality

    Wow, after watching all these videos I feel that I know so much better now than before on keyword research. This would definitely assist me in the Live SEO Challenge.

    I am off to do my keyword research. I know I am rather slow, but I want to make sure I get over with this keyword issue before I proceed to the next steps because the keyword research step is very important..
  • Profile picture of the author Aristocratic
    Profile picture of Aristocratic
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    there's been no new videos since last week. thought we were supposed to be given m-f? would seem a course like this would be already setup to have vids ready to go. I feel delayed.


    • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
      Black Hat Cat
      Profile picture of Black Hat Cat
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Can we get a 200% refund for them not holding up their end of the bargain, lol? Nothing new yesterday or today. Absolutely ridiculous. There is no reason to screw everyone because a few people don't know how to write a freakin' article.

      Might be time to go the chargeback route.
      • Profile picture of the author Global365
        Profile picture of Global365
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        This is really starting to smell like another Tahiti Joe, and If Daniel Tan has any sense he will try and get these losers back on track or his reputation is gonna suffer bad for recommending and profiting from this mess to everyone. We can not only go after these idiots but we can go after Tan for a refund also..

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        • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
          Black Hat Cat
          Profile picture of Black Hat Cat
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          Originally Posted by Global365 View Post

          This is really starting to smell like another Tahiti Joe, and If Daniel Tan has any sense he will try and get these losers back on track or his reputation is gonna suffer bad for recommending and profiting from this mess to everyone. We can not only go after these idiots but we can go after Tan for a refund also..
          Oh, gets even better. According to their help desk, there will be no videos this week. They are going to be pushed back to next week.

          Yep, will definitely be pushing for a chargeback now.
          • Profile picture of the author Aristocratic
            Profile picture of Aristocratic
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by Black Hat Cat View Post

            Oh, gets even better. According to their help desk, there will be no videos this week. They are going to be pushed back to next week.

            Yep, will definitely be pushing for a chargeback now.
            Yeh got this from the 'help' desk:
            Since we've already used up so many days this week we're going to push everything back one week so that the next day will start on Monday of next week.

            Yet we were not informed, and this is utterly ridiculous. We paid for daily training and are not getting it.

            COMING SOON

            • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
              Black Hat Cat
              Profile picture of Black Hat Cat
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Well, I can't really complain, because I pointed out in the original thread that it was a BS wso, so I only have myself to blame. Basically I joined to watch the scam unravel, but it still sucks losing money, assuming the chargeback fails.
  • Profile picture of the author 4morereferrals
    Profile picture of 4morereferrals
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    • Profile picture of the author Global365
      Profile picture of Global365
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Unless Tan starts refunding people for the commissions he made off of promoting this offer his reputation is going to be as good as dead on the forum...guess it will teach everyone to promote a scam..

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      • Profile picture of the author malaika
        Profile picture of malaika
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I also bought this but I went in with my eyes wide open. I am hoping to learn something new and I believe that I have with just how to find a good keyword. I have always thought its easier than that but then again...

        I just hope that the time they have taken off is mainly to re-organize so that we don't have to do double work again. I have found a close enough keyword and I am happy with it. I honestly don't mind being no.2 or 3 on Google. let's see how this goes. Unfortunately for me, no refund is possible as PayPal does not allow me to receive money.
    • Profile picture of the author patrickwagner
      Profile picture of patrickwagner
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I've been online for a long time but fairly new at this forum. I am also shocked that someone would be able to rip-off this very tight group of marketers.

      I hope this all works out but it doesn't seem to be going in the right direction.

      Patrick Wagner

      Be my Fan on Facebook at

      And read my SEO & Social Media Tips blog at

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      • Profile picture of the author Kelly Greene
        Kelly Greene
        Profile picture of Kelly Greene
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Well today's email from George clears things up to my satisfaction. The offer they mention shows they are committed to making this a success if they are willing to go that far, and that they are intent on completing this in 30 days is good to hear.

        Originally Posted by Dave d View Post

        Even though I never expected it to take 5 minutes a day its kinda what annoys me the most. When they said 5 minutes I thought ok lets say 30 min max.

        I then find myself spending hours on keyword research and then the keyword validation makes all my keyword research pointless.

        It seems that the 5 minute thing was just a marketing tool used for hype. I wish they could have being honest and just said 2 - 3 hours a day on average because thats what it really boils down to.
        There are 3 days of keyword research so 15 min to get a keyphrase if you're really holding them to it. It is completely possible to find one useable keyphrase in that time or less.

        Yes they should have included the required parameters from the start though, but I don't really mind. I've probably found 40+ keywords to stockpile in a matter of a day or two, but only because I've been using an extra method to validate and going through all the top searched terms ie fitness, etc looking for untapped ones also.

        Just start it off with the adwords tool and the paramaters, and when you hit search you should get a few ones that meet the criteria right away, which can then be exported and analyzed in MS. If it's still a big list, I only have one thing checked in off-page and go through all of them until the number one result meets that criteria, and only then do the full parameters.

        Originally Posted by patrickwagner View Post

        I've been online for a long time but fairly new at this forum. I am also shocked that someone would be able to rip-off this very tight group of marketers.

        I hope this all works out but it doesn't seem to be going in the right direction.

        Patrick Wagner
        Nobody is being ripped off and anybody crying foul at this point I can't take seriously.
        • Profile picture of the author Dave d
          Dave d
          Profile picture of Dave d
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by Kelly Greene View Post

          Well today's email from George clears things up to my satisfaction. The offer they mention shows they are committed to making this a success if they are willing to go that far, and that they are intent on completing this in 30 days is good to hear.

          There are 3 days of keyword research so 15 min to get a keyphrase if you're really holding them to it. It is completely possible to find one useable keyphrase in that time or less.

          Yes they should have included the required parameters from the start though, but I don't really mind. I've probably found 40+ keywords to stockpile in a matter of a day or two, but only because I've been using an extra method to validate and going through all the top searched terms ie fitness, etc looking for untapped ones also.

          Just start it off with the adwords tool and the paramaters, and when you hit search you should get a few ones that meet the criteria right away, which can then be exported and analyzed in MS. If it's still a big list, I only have one thing checked in off-page and go through all of them until the number one result meets that criteria, and only then do the full parameters.

          Nobody is being ripped off and anybody crying foul at this point I can't take seriously.
          I cannot believe how calmly your taking this. Todays email confirms that they completely messed up the keyword research section of the challenge.

          They totally back tracked on everything they told us to do because some keywords may have gotten though a loophole.

          Therefore wasting everyones time as well as money which was spent on domains which now could be useless for the challenge as they said they will have to be reviewed.

          Does that sound like the challenge organisers went into this fully prepared knowing exactly what they were doing ? I certainly dont think so.

          They are in such a mess they offered to do the keyword research for us. What will we learn from that ? nothing.

          Were now a week behind and they only way a lot of people found out was through a separate forum.

          This is completely amateurish to say the least.
          • Profile picture of the author Kelly Greene
            Kelly Greene
            Profile picture of Kelly Greene
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by Dave d View Post

            I cannot believe how calmly your taking this. Todays email confirms that they completely messed up the keyword research section of the challenge.

            They totally back tracked on everything they told us to do because some keywords may have gotten though a loophole.

            Therefore wasting everyones time as well as money which was spent on domains which now could be useless for the challenge as they said they will have to be reviewed.

            Does that sound like the challenge organisers went into this fully prepared knowing exactly what they were doing ? I certainly dont think so.

            They are in such a mess they offered to do the keyword research for us. What will we learn from that ? nothing.

            Were now a week behind and they only way a lot of people found out was through a separate forum.

            This is completely amateurish to say the least.
            Why am I so calm? These guys reps are on the line as longstanding members and a chargeback is a few clicks away if I really feel it warranted.

            Why would the domains be useless? All the criteria was there before that day came up to purchase.

            They are offering to do all the keyword research for you if you do not have one still yet(we're 2 weeks in mind you), and in addition are offering to review yours if you are still not sure about certain criteria. Sounds fine to me.

            The message today stated there would be additional homework available this weekend in order to get back on track to 30 days, so again it looks like they are listening and trying to get things shaped up.
            • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
              Black Hat Cat
              Profile picture of Black Hat Cat
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Originally Posted by Kelly Greene View Post

              The message today stated there would be additional homework available this weekend in order to get back on track to 30 days, so again it looks like they are listening and trying to get things shaped up.
              The message also said everything would be pushed back to until Monday, lol.

              Day 11 will start on Monday of next week. We've decided to push everything back to Monday of next week to give everyone ample time to catch up. But for those of you out there who have already caught up. Don't worry we'll be giving you homework between now and Monday to make sure that the 30 day challenge will still only last 30 days

              So, which is it? Are they pushing everything back to Monday, or are they going to start back up on the weekend? It can't be both.

              Their excuse is lame anyway. The folks who are lagging behind have 90 days to catch up. They don't have to go at the same speed as those of us who want to get this done in 30 days. Should they hold everything up for those who may just now be taking a look at the material?

              They are offering to do all the keyword research for you if you do not have one still yet(we're 2 weeks in mind you), and in addition are offering to review yours if you are still not sure about certain criteria. Sounds fine to me.
              They also said they'd release new info M-F. How's that working out?
            • Profile picture of the author Dave d
              Dave d
              Profile picture of Dave d
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Originally Posted by Kelly Greene View Post

              Why would the domains be useless? All the criteria was there before that day came up to purchase.

              They are offering to do all the keyword research for you if you do not have one still yet(we're 2 weeks in mind you), and in addition are offering to review yours if you are still not sure about certain criteria. Sounds fine to me.

              Why would the domains be usless, eh here is a quote from there email

              But then people started finding these really weird and competitive keywords because of a loophole in our instructions. The only reason that loophole is there is because all of our team members have a background in SEO so they probably wouldn't have even thought of using such competitive terms and would have discarded them outright. But I know that many of you don't have a professional background in SEO and thus might not be able to discard the obviously unprofitable keywords.

              Now that seems pretty clear to me that some of the keywords chosen as a result of their forumla may have gotten through a loophole and they are too competitive and therefore uselss for this challenge.

              I know there are many people on the challenge who have bought multiple domains myself included and I dont know about you but I dont have a stockpile of money to constantly buy domains at will.
  • Profile picture of the author AdamWB
    Profile picture of AdamWB
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    LoL- just logged in today to see what's up and it's another day of 'sample articles.'

    They are so vague on some of most crucial parts of their keyword research, which can really make or break this whole system... yet we are spending half a week on these 'sample articles' which IMO are pointless anyways.
  • Profile picture of the author Dave d
    Dave d
    Profile picture of Dave d
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi guys. I appreciate there is an enormous benefit to keeping this thread going so people can really see what these guys and their over hyped and over promised WSO are really all about.

    If you guys are interested in freely discussing this then I have set up a forum at IM Niche| Live SEO Challenge Once registered you will need a password besides the one given in registration. The details for the password are as follows

    The password can be found under 'Day 5' There is a part that has been edited and it says:

    (xxxx searches per month)

    To keep up with the discussion here, this a post I made on the forum which I will paste on this thread

    "Here is where Im at right now. I still want this to work believe me I do. Now I have spent $88 and further $24 on 3 domains. If I push for a refund now I lose $24 no big deal and I'll take it as lesson learned.

    Or I could go and shell out a further $30 plus on articles and whatever other outsourcing is required further down the line as well as a bunch of man hours. I have no problem with that.

    However I lost faith in these guys I dont know if they're the real deal or not. These guys couldn't run a bath never mind a IM course. Im very unwilling to invest any more time or money into this because I dont trust them. Ever since they started hiding behind that help desk I had a bad feeling.

    I cant believe the only way I found out about not having any videos was through a third party. That is completely unacceptable.

    My finger is hovering over the refund button right now but I'll wait a few hours before making up my mind "
    • Profile picture of the author SteveSch
      Profile picture of SteveSch
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      You won't really lose $24. If the domains are good they are still worth having. You can go to the War Room and pick up Google Grinder. I have one site I built with this system.

      My site is not on the first page yet but it has made a small amount. After the Google dance I expect it to do very well. I just was in hopes that I could learn some good tips from this 'WSO'.


      Originally Posted by Dave d View Post

      Now I have spent $88 and further $24 on 3 domains. If I push for a refund now I lose $24 no big deal and I'll take it as lesson learned.
  • Profile picture of the author D Baker
    D Baker
    Profile picture of D Baker
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Is there anyone that is pleased with this WSO and doesn't feel like he was scammed and robbed of 88$ ???
    • Profile picture of the author Kelly Greene
      Kelly Greene
      Profile picture of Kelly Greene
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by D Baker View Post

      Is there anyone that is pleased with this WSO and doesn't feel like he was scammed and robbed of 88$ ???
      I am overall satisfied with the content given thus far, but not with the delay of it(essentially no new content this week), and what seems increasingly poor communication. It started off okay, but has trailed off.

      Next week will be their chance to redeem themselves with solid content.

      The whole 5 minute thing though - I seriously hope people do not expect to be able to do it that quickly themselves using the software and methods the first time through.
      • Profile picture of the author Dave d
        Dave d
        Profile picture of Dave d
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Kelly Greene View Post

        I am overall satisfied with the content given thus far, but not with the delay of it(essentially no new content this week), and what seems increasingly poor communication. It started off okay, but has trailed off.

        Next week will be their chance to redeem themselves with solid content.

        The whole 5 minute thing though - I seriously hope people do not expect to be able to do it that quickly themselves using the software and methods the first time through.
        Even though I never expected it to take 5 minutes a day its kinda what annoys me the most. When they said 5 minutes I thought ok lets say 30 min max.

        I then find myself spending hours on keyword reasearch and then the keyword validation makes all my keyword research pointless.

        It seems that the 5 minute thing was just a marketing tool used for hype. I wish they could have being honest and just said 2 - 3 hours a day on average becuase thats what it really boils down to.
    • Profile picture of the author bryce84
      Profile picture of bryce84
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by D Baker View Post

      Is there anyone that is pleased with this WSO and doesn't feel like he was scammed and robbed of 88$ ???
      I still feel it is just too early for anyone to claim this is a scam. It is a 30 day challenge and this is just about 2 weeks so lets give them the 30 that they asked for before labeling it as a scam. I can say that the 5min a day is more for the video but the actual work has taken me on average more than 5 min a day...
  • Profile picture of the author aaramire
    Profile picture of aaramire
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    ehh since everyone is stating their dis-satisfaction with this challenge here are my two cents:

    It's called the live seo challenge but from a customer/consumer point of view there is no difference since there is zero interaction implemented/allowed.

    they said it was going to be five minutes a day (or 30 minutes before you get good at it) ..not too sure what to think of that..not really an issue for me as long as they deliver

    missing days/comments disabled - this is the most irritating part of the challenge. First comments were disabled now there are no uploaded videos. Yes i saw the e-mail but we are paying customers and right now it feels as if we are being left in the dark.

    I just want to finish the challenge and hope that everything comes through in the end.
  • Profile picture of the author lefty359
    Profile picture of lefty359
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I don't think it's a scam, but poorly poorly organized and done.
  • Profile picture of the author physicianbiller
    Profile picture of physicianbiller
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Don't loose your money.Analise before buy.
    • Profile picture of the author kingW
      Profile picture of kingW
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I thought they have plugged the loophole when the final mind map came out?:confused:
      • Profile picture of the author thegreatwarrior
        Profile picture of thegreatwarrior
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        "Day 11 will start on Monday of next week."

        Where did Days 9 and 10 go? Surely those "samples" don't count.
        • Profile picture of the author thegreatwarrior
          Profile picture of thegreatwarrior
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          My Helpdesk Ticket To Daniel Tan, Submitted Thursday 2 Sept:

          = = =


          Have you been following what's been happening with the Live SEO Challenge?

          It really hasn't been satisfactory so far. They've been doing a number of bad things, and they're not releasing any videos this week, even though they said it was every day, Monday to Friday, and even though their support had told me that they wouldn't miss any more videos.

          Dan, I got in largely because of your recommendation, and I'm not the only one who says that this has gone bad.

          Plus, your name is on the line:


          I really like your products, and trusted you. Please look into this and, since you strongly recommended it and even defended it, you really have to do something, otherwise you'll probably lose me as a customer, and I'll tell more people about this horrible experience.

          I'm not the only one who feels this way.

          Here's the helpdesk response I got from Daniel Tan, 2 Sept:

          = = = =

          I am in to watch the challenge as well. George told me there are a lot of people not understanding what he is showing, so there was unexpected delays and extra clarifications etc coming in due to different skill levels of the buyers.

          I recommended George because he is a true SEO guy. However, SEO and content production can be very different, I will see how he continues with the course. Rest assured, let him know about your problem and get him to resolve it.

          I know he is getting a headache because some gets it, some does not, those getting it say it is progressing slow; those do not say it is taking too much time. This happens when they are from different levels.


          = = = ==

          So, I thought I'd share that with you all. I'm happy Dan responded to me. Everyone should see this, and watch the progress of this, because I'm really jaded by some of the things in this industry, and we have to start holding people accountable.
          • Profile picture of the author AdamWB
            Profile picture of AdamWB
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by thegreatwarrior View Post

            I am in to watch the challenge as well. George told me there are a lot of people not understanding what he is showing, so there was unexpected delays and extra clarifications etc coming in due to different skill levels of the buyers.

            I recommended George because he is a true SEO guy. However, SEO and content production can be very different, I will see how he continues with the course. Rest assured, let him know about your problem and get him to resolve it.

            I know he is getting a headache because some gets it, some does not, those getting it say it is progressing slow; those do not say it is taking too much time. This happens when they are from different levels.


            = = = ==

            So, I thought I'd share that with you all. I'm happy Dan responded to me. Everyone should see this, and watch the progress of this, because I'm really jaded by some of the things in this industry, and we have to start holding people accountable.
            That's total BS. He's stalling the entire course because a few slow people don't get how to write a sample article? That's their fault, let them figure it out in their own time. This course isn't about teaching people how to do basic stuff like writing an article or registering a domain. If he has to stall a week to explain basic principles like these, I can only imagine what it will be like when he gets into harder concepts. I'm all for helping people out but come on...

            You can't cater to everyone. At least hold your end of the bargain and share the information you have to share, and be done with it - otherwise this "course" is going to take all year to spit out information that can be shared in a 5 page e-book. You're going to lose the interest of your real customers who value this information before you even get to the good stuff...(assuming there is any).
            • Profile picture of the author Global365
              Profile picture of Global365
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Adam is right, not only are their excuses totally lame, it doesn't take someone 5 days to learn how to write a 500 word article and if it does they should not have signed up for the course.

              And the excuse for shutting off comments in hilarious beyond belief. " Our Hosting Company Asked us to shut off Comments"

              HOW FRIGGIN STUPID DO THEY BELIEVE WE ARE? Next week is going to be the tipping point here and I am getting my pillow case full of valencia oranges ready for those guys if things do not take a dramatic turn for the better. If people are having problems learning it is probably because you SUCK at teaching. Find a presenter that does not have there heads up there ass and get back on track....

              Originally Posted by AdamWB View Post

              That's total BS. He's stalling the entire course because a few slow people don't get how to write a sample article? That's their fault, let them figure it out in their own time. This course isn't about teaching people how to do basic stuff like writing an article or registering a domain. If he has to stall a week to explain basic principles like these, I can only imagine what it will be like when he gets into harder concepts. I'm all for helping people out but come on...

              You can't cater to everyone. At least hold your end of the bargain and share the information you have to share, and be done with it - otherwise this "course" is going to take all year to spit out information that can be shared in a 5 page e-book. You're going to lose the interest of your real customers who value this information before you even get to the good stuff...(assuming there is any).

              Collection Agency Harassment STOPS NOW! 100% Effective!, GUARANTEED!
              The Master Key System MP3 Audio Course"
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        • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
          Black Hat Cat
          Profile picture of Black Hat Cat
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          Originally Posted by thegreatwarrior View Post

          "Day 11 will start on Monday of next week."

          Where did Days 9 and 10 go? Surely those "samples" don't count.
          Just another example of their ineptness. I knew there would trouble early on when it became clear that they don't even know how to count, lol.
          • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
            Profile picture of L41db4ck
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            As if the course wasn't erratic enough, now Google has changed...
            1, It's keyword search numbers(seriously downwards)
            2, The way searches are shown(From the Google website at least)

            I seriously doubt that the organisers can be certain now what anyone will be able to earn. I'm not saying that you won't be able to earn $200/month but that the whole setup will need re-testing/re-structuring.
            Won't it?

            Rgds, our password-named poster

            Google LOVES aged domains!
            Premium Aged Domains - - Make An Offer Now!

            • Profile picture of the author vinhoo
              Profile picture of vinhoo
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Just got to suck it up and follow all the way through before slamming this course. Afterall, Daniel Tan's name is on the line. It's about time we hold people fully accountable for.
  • Profile picture of the author GilS
    Profile picture of GilS
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    "Nobody is being ripped off and anybody crying foul at this point I can't take seriously."

    I've taken lots of WSO courses and this one's the worst by far! Instead of producing videos, they're probably vacationing in Spain with our money! And I'm dead serious!
    • Profile picture of the author thegreatwarrior
      Profile picture of thegreatwarrior
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      So...homework was posted yesterday.

      Dave D, in his forum, brought up a good point: they're also offering some validation of our selections, yet they want us to do this homework.

      What if our selection doesn't pass their assessment, and yet, we've wasted our time on this homework?

      Another thing, which I wondered about, was due to the vagueness of their instructions. Like, what keywords is this homework supposed to be based around? Our main one? Variations of our main ones? Other closely-related keywords?
      • Profile picture of the author rlaramli
        Profile picture of rlaramli
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by thegreatwarrior View Post

        So...homework was posted yesterday.

        Another thing, which I wondered about, was due to the vagueness of their instructions. Like, what keywords is this homework supposed to be based around? Our main one? Variations of our main ones? Other closely-related keywords?
        Agree with you. It is still not clear to me too on this issue. Are we supposed to do the SEO Competition for each of the generated keywords?
  • Profile picture of the author E-supreme
    Profile picture of E-supreme
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I bought into this just to see if it was possible to get a brand new site making $200 a month. I have many adsense sites already and don't really have time to be doing the homework. I just wanted to see what they were doing different. However there is absolutely no way they will make $200 this month from the site unless there writing about 50 articles while aiming at getting each article ranked highly.

    To be honest I am not going to bother with a refund but I know for a fact that many people will if they don't hit the target. If thats the case their account will be shut down for too many refund requests.

    Its better off waiting to see what the results are like and then making a judgement. As for the 5 minutes a day thing, you could easily do everything they say each day in 10 minutes.
    • Profile picture of the author thegreatwarrior
      Profile picture of thegreatwarrior
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      For those in the Challenge, you know that theyvsaid they were
      offering a validation service, to help people who had a rough
      time getting past their validation criteria.

      I had already found a phrase that, except for one rather insignificant
      shortcoming, deemed appropriate. But just to see if they actually
      meant what they said (that they were offering a validation service),
      I decided to give it a try.

      Late Friday night, I sent in my research, stating what I found, and
      where my phrase fell short. I explained that, overall, I still thought
      it was a good phrase.

      I got a reply this morning. I'd post the reply here, but I'm a bit
      hesitant to do so on a public forum.

      But the details of the reply aren't that important. I'm just happy
      that they actually followed through on their word this time.

      Let's just hope that they continue to do so.
  • Profile picture of the author Teleologist
    Profile picture of Teleologist
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    What is the "loophole"? I never saw an explanation of exactly what this is. And does anyone find the mind map confusing? This is what we are suppose to be going by and not the video, right? So we are now looking to rank in the #1 position and not the top three? And we don't try to outrank anything over PR 2? And what is the dotted line going from the "no box" telling us?

    Jack Wyatt

    • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
      Profile picture of L41db4ck
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Teleologist View Post

      What is the "loophole"? I never saw an explanation of exactly what this is. And does anyone find the mind map confusing? This is what we are suppose to be going by and not the video, right? So we are now looking to rank in the #1 position and not the top three? And we don't try to outrank anything over PR 2? And what is the dotted line going from the "no box" telling us?
      I don't think there ever was an explanation but they told me that the mind map closed it. I think you're supposed to follow the dotted line...

      Rgds, our password-named poster

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      • Profile picture of the author Teleologist
        Profile picture of Teleologist
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        Originally Posted by L41db4ck View Post

        I don't think there ever was an explanation but they told me that the mind map closed it. I think you're supposed to follow the dotted line...
        There is a dotted line and a straight line that leave the "no box". How are we suppose to know which one to follow?

        Jack Wyatt

        • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
          Profile picture of L41db4ck
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          Originally Posted by Teleologist View Post

          There is a dotted line and a straight line that leave the "no box". How are we suppose to know which one to follow?
          Really? Which 'no box' are you talking about?

          Rgds, our password-named poster

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          • Profile picture of the author Teleologist
            Profile picture of Teleologist
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            Originally Posted by L41db4ck View Post

            Really? Which 'no box' are you talking about?
            On the mind map there is a box that asks the question:
            Is the first result a keyword
            containing domain?

            From there you go to yes and no boxes. Leaving the "no box" is a straight line and a dotted line. I can't figure out what the dotted line means.

            Jack Wyatt

            • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
              Profile picture of L41db4ck
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              Originally Posted by Teleologist View Post

              On the mind map there is a box that asks the question:
              Is the first result a keyword
              containing domain?

              From there you go to yes and no boxes. Leaving the "no box" is a straight line and a dotted line. I can't figure out what the dotted line means.
              The dotted line has a small arrow head on the end, it's coming into the no box not leaving. So, if you're at that no box then you should follow the straight line.

              Rgds, our password-named poster

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              • Profile picture of the author Teleologist
                Profile picture of Teleologist
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                Originally Posted by L41db4ck View Post

                The dotted line has a small arrow head on the end, it's coming into the no box not leaving. So, if you're at that no box then you should follow the straight line.
                Thanks, I missed the arrow head.

                Another thing that confuses me about the mind map is that it looks to be easier to out-rank a site that has the keyword in the domain than a site that doesn't have the keyword in the domain. I thought if you found a site that didn't have the keyword in the domain that gave you a big advantage in out-ranking it. That's the way it was on the SEO video. In the video you only had to check the PR, the age, and the backlinks if the keyword was in the domain. But on the mind map if the first result in google doesn't have the keyword in the domain then you have to pass two tests involving the PR and the anchor text but if the first result in google does have the keyword in the domain then you only have to pass the one test involving the anchor text. So far I have found the latter to be easier and that doesn't make sense to me.

                Jack Wyatt

                • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
                  Profile picture of L41db4ck
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                  Originally Posted by Teleologist View Post

                  Thanks, I missed the arrow head.
                  Yes, It looks like a triangle the way they have it. I think we're the only 2 left :confused:

                  Rgds, our password-named poster

                  Google LOVES aged domains!
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                  • Profile picture of the author reliablepat
                    Profile picture of reliablepat
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    Hi fellow SEO challenge members,

                    I'm a member of the 30 day challenge. And like I lot of you, I am seriously disappointed.

                    So far, the only people who are working 5 minutes a day (sometimes a week) are the people who are running the challenge.

                    They rush through everything, and if you're like me, you're usually more confused than when you started.

                    I don't know how they thought they would successfully run a 30 day challenge on the fly, but somehow they did. These guys didn't have any material prepared in advance. This is unbelievably unprofessional. I'm trying not to jump the gun here, but I think we've been scammed. What else is new in the world of internet marketing.

                    Anyway, I guess we should wait till the end of thirty days, which by their time clock should be sometime around Christmas, and see if anyone has made any money.

                    These people have made some huge claims, and have barely lived up to any of them, so if no one has made money, we could have a serious class action lawsuit on our hands.

                    I'm sick of getting burned by internet marketers. So many of them produce garbage products and think they should be considered heroes for their halfhearted efforts. It's honestly sickening, and it turns me off from this whole business.

                    That's one of the major reasons I'm attracted to the adsense business model, oddly enough. I do not want to have to listen to internet marketers anymore. I can't stand most of them at this point in my life.

                    So, I guess we see this thing through to the end, follow the challenge to the best of our abilities, which is practically impossible due to lack of quality information provided, and seriously sue them if they don't live up to their words.

                    How many times are we going to let Internet Marketers get away with this crap without fighting back? I say it ends right here, right now.

                    That's my two cents.

                    • Profile picture of the author thegreatwarrior
                      Profile picture of thegreatwarrior
                      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                      Originally Posted by reliablepat View Post

                      How many times are we going to let Internet Marketers get away with this crap without fighting back? I say it ends right here, right now.

                      That's my two cents.

                      Me too. I'm tired of this nonsense.

                      But you know what, I'm coming to the point where I can honestly admit to myself that I know everything--literally everything--I need to know to succeed. Sure, I need to stay on the cutting edge and continue to grow (which is why I continue to invest in myself), but at this point, I really know enough.

                      For me, I think I just need to focus on what I know, pick one solid business model, and go with it.
  • Profile picture of the author D Baker
    D Baker
    Profile picture of D Baker
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This Live Challenge pretty much suc*****

    I seriously doubt anyone will learn how to make $200/m.

    What I learned is how to ask people for $88 and than how to waist their time with a very poorly organized challenge/course/or whatever they call this thing they created.

    I am so disappointed with this purchase and all there excuses wouldn't change the way I feel...

    Anyone asked for a refund yet?
    • Profile picture of the author SteveSch
      Profile picture of SteveSch
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I sent a request for a refund on 9-1-10. I also sent PMs to Daniel Tan and lanta99 indicating the same thing. I have not received a response from anyone. I will call the bank today.

      With the exception of making a bunch of people mad, you have to admit that you're $88 comment is right on. It is a successful business plan.


      PS. Only requested full refund. Not 300%.

      Originally Posted by D Baker View Post

      This Live Challenge pretty much suc*****

      I seriously doubt anyone will learn how to make $200/m.

      What I learned is how to ask people for $88 and than how to waist their time with a very poorly organized challenge/course/or whatever they call this thing they created.

      I am so disappointed with this purchase and all there excuses wouldn't change the way I feel...

      Anyone asked for a refund yet?
      • Profile picture of the author justtony
        Profile picture of justtony
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by SteveSch View Post

        I sent a request for a refund on 9-1-10. I also sent PMs to Daniel Tan and lanta99 indicating the same thing. I have not received a response from anyone. I will call the bank today.

        With the exception of making a bunch of people mad, you have to admit that you're $88 comment is right on. It is a successful business plan.


        PS. Only requested full refund. Not 300%.
        I have purchase another course from George, SERP Blueprint, since I am curious about the SEO technique he offering, the course is nothing but general SEO overview. I request for refund, but yet no reply. I honestly think he shouldn't close his thread for live seo challenge or at least setup forum for their subscriber to share opinion if he is confidence with his product.
  • Profile picture of the author dagaul101
    Profile picture of dagaul101
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The problem with marketing courses such as this, is the big G can change their algorithm at nay minute, making what you were banking on null and void
  • Profile picture of the author Kelly Greene
    Kelly Greene
    Profile picture of Kelly Greene
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm just coming back to this from being away for a bit, but looks like they did follow through on posting a video each day this week.

    I too was part of the 30DC 2 years back or so but I wouldn't try to compare it to this.

    My first site I made with it was pretty weak looking back, but it still made a little money with adsense, despite being poorly optimized and a host of other mistakes.

    I wish I would have stuck with it though and kept on going instead of losing interest, and giving up on it, otherwise I would probably be a lot better off than I am today.

    So I'm just going to stick with this and see how things pan out.
  • Profile picture of the author Dave d
    Dave d
    Profile picture of Dave d
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Guys has anybody managed to get a refund yet or even a response to a refund request as I know a number of people have put in refund requests.
    • Profile picture of the author bcongl
      Profile picture of bcongl
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I put in for a refund last Tuesday and am STILL waiting for a reply.
    • Profile picture of the author SteveSch
      Profile picture of SteveSch
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      It took 10 days but I got a response.

      It is very distressing to know that we have delivered less of what you have expected. Anyhow, you may re-post your request for a refund on the 17th since that's when Plimus adds the revenue to our account.


      Originally Posted by Dave d View Post

      Guys has anybody managed to get a refund yet or even a response to a refund request as I know a number of people have put in refund requests.
      • Profile picture of the author D Baker
        D Baker
        Profile picture of D Baker
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by SteveSch View Post

        It took 10 days but I got a response.

        It is very distressing to know that we have delivered less of what you have expected. Anyhow, you may re-post your request for a refund on the 17th since that's when Plimus adds the revenue to our account.

        Makes me feel so good that they are sending the same stupid answers to everyone... Really great service. I am sure they are all very distressed there.

        I seriously don't understand these people. It seems they live in La La land and they don't really see the response from many of their clients. Amazing.
  • Profile picture of the author lefty359
    Profile picture of lefty359
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I was told to wait till challenge is over before I could get a refund.
  • Profile picture of the author D Baker
    D Baker
    Profile picture of D Baker
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I was told to email them again after the 17th, because that is when the money will be released to them by Plimus. Doesn't make a lot of sense.
    • Profile picture of the author bcongl
      Profile picture of bcongl
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      UPDATE!!! I just got this email, as well:
      I was told to email them again after the 17th, because that is when the money will be released to them by Plimus.
      • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
        Black Hat Cat
        Profile picture of Black Hat Cat
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        Originally Posted by bcongl View Post

        UPDATE!!! I just got this email, as well:
        I was told to email them again after the 17th, because that is when the money will be released to them by Plimus.
        And you know what? It's BS. If you paid through Plimus, they do not have to wait for any funds to be transferred. They can issue refunds through Plimus, and they will come out of the funds that are waiting to be transferred. So, they are putting refunds off for a reason. Gee, I wonder what that reason could be?

        May be time to start doing a little seo of my own so that people can learn a little more about Matt, George, and Daniel.
    • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
      Black Hat Cat
      Profile picture of Black Hat Cat
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      Originally Posted by D Baker View Post

      I was told to email them again after the 17th, because that is when the money will be released to them by Plimus. Doesn't make a lot of sense.
      It makes zero sense. Apparently, they aren't aware of this fancy new concept known as "making a list". But don't worry, they know how to make $500 a day....they just don't know how to make a list of people wanting a refund so they can issue the refund once the funds become available.
  • Profile picture of the author D Baker
    D Baker
    Profile picture of D Baker
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I decided not to wait for them and opened a dispute with Plimus. Will keep you updated about the results.

    I wonder when someone from the SEO Challenge will make an appearance here...
  • Profile picture of the author Dave d
    Dave d
    Profile picture of Dave d
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There was an error in my previous post which I have corrected now. Because of the error the full sentence may not have made sense but just to confirm I have had a full refund from these guys which I am very happy about.
  • Profile picture of the author Dave d
    Dave d
    Profile picture of Dave d
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Quite a few people have asked how I got the refund so Im going to copy and paste what I wrote in my forum.

    "In a previous post I stated that I would email them every 24 hours until I got my refund, this was to pile on pressure.

    Then just ask them every 24 hours for a refund again but in a different way from the previous.

    eg. my 2nd ticket started something like. Following on from my previous refund request I have still not heard from you and would at least appreciate a reply here are my reasons again ……

    eg 3rd ticket. Guys do you have any morals or integrity why are you ignoring my refund requests and those of others, you have not delivered as promised on your sales letter reasons being ….

    At the end of each refund request I demanded a full and immediate refund.
    Hope that helps.

    If they have refunded me then you can use that as a basis to get your own refund. There is no reason that they should refund one and not the other"
    • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
      Profile picture of L41db4ck
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Thanks, now is there anyone apart from me still following the challenge? :confused:

      Rgds, our password-named poster

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      • Profile picture of the author rlaramli
        Profile picture of rlaramli
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        Originally Posted by L41db4ck View Post

        Thanks, now is there anyone apart from me still following the challenge? :confused:
        I am still following, but very slowly..

        For me there are a couple of new things that I pick up from the Challenge, such as introduction to Market Samurai tool, creating articles relevant to our keywords.
      • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
        Black Hat Cat
        Profile picture of Black Hat Cat
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        Originally Posted by L41db4ck View Post

        Thanks, now is there anyone apart from me still following the challenge? :confused:
        I am. It's like a train wreck. You want to look away, but you can't. I'm still waiting for a refund too. By the way, does anyone know what George's last name is?
        • Profile picture of the author Dave d
          Dave d
          Profile picture of Dave d
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          Originally Posted by Black Hat Cat View Post

          I am. It's like a train wreck. You want to look away, but you can't. I'm still waiting for a refund too. By the way, does anyone know what George's last name is?
          While I was waiting for my refund I seen more mistakes and corrections omg Im glad I got out alive. Im now in AJ Silvers coaching program and its world away from this.

          Maybe George's last name is Ella or Tan. Seriously though he has not showed his mug once during this whole mess although he was quite happy to be around while the WSO was runinng collecting everybodys money.

          This type of thing makes me sick. Whats worse is all he has to do is create a new profile on here and start again.

          It seems like he has paid other people peanuts to run the challenge while he drinks pina coladas and cavorts with near naked ladies somewhere very sunny courtesy of Warriors.
      • Profile picture of the author Frank Ayres
        Frank Ayres
        Profile picture of Frank Ayres
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        Originally Posted by L41db4ck View Post

        Thanks, now is there anyone apart from me still following the challenge? :confused:
        I am still following it and am not having any problems or issues, i am happy to see it out, what is the worst that will happen, i have an adsense site i can flip for more than the $88 paid and the best is i have a site earning adsense income everymonth.

        The $88 has been invested and gone so i am not worrying about it and just getting on with the task in hand

        • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
          Profile picture of L41db4ck
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          Originally Posted by SpudDS View Post

          I am still following it and am not having any problems or issues, i am happy to see it out, what is the worst that will happen, i have an adsense site i can flip for more than the $88 paid and the best is i have a site earning adsense income everymonth.

          The $88 has been invested and gone so i am not worrying about it and just getting on with the task in hand
          I share your sentiments, I just wish they would open a forum for the members/the two of us

          Rgds, our password-named poster

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          • Profile picture of the author Kelly Greene
            Kelly Greene
            Profile picture of Kelly Greene
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            Originally Posted by L41db4ck View Post

            I share your sentiments, I just wish they would open a forum for the members/the two of us
            Hah make that three. If you want to PM your AIM name, etc I'll add you or whoever and we can chat.

            I'm sticking around till the end. I know adsense sites can work and the information being covered does seem to match other snippets of info I've since found on making it more profitable.

            So I'm going to go ahead and do a few sites for the challenge at once using the methods. If even one of them can get close to the $/day figure I'll be satisfied.

            Also did read that "Google Grinder" course mentioned. It was very basic.
            • Profile picture of the author nige1
              Profile picture of nige1
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              I'm still in but am wondering why.
              I haven't seen anything much recently that I didn't already know but will try to complete the tasks .
              This is generally where I can fall short because I start with good intentions and then life happens and throws me off course.
  • Profile picture of the author nandu26
    Profile picture of nandu26
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I am following the instructions but wondering whether we can really make $200/month with just one straight line ad.

    Can we apply the techniques in a sub domain?
    • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
      Black Hat Cat
      Profile picture of Black Hat Cat
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Looks like they skipped another day. Since they can't count either, maybe they got confused and thought Wednesday was actually Sunday.
      • Profile picture of the author nige1
        Profile picture of nige1
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I think even I have had enough now.I was waiting to see if they actually have anything worthwhile to give but I now doubt it.

        I have only just discovered that there is no new content when I have taken most of the day off to catch up .

        Yes, I have many other things I can get on with to help my business progress whilst forgetting this joke of a 'live' challenge but it still grates that I was taken in by this.

        I am beginning to think that ,with probably many requests for money back ,they have taken flight.
    • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
      Profile picture of L41db4ck
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by nandu26 View Post

      I am following the instructions but wondering whether we can really make $200/month with just one straight line ad.
      Traffic x CTR = amount/month

      Didn't they claim that the template CTR was 20%? If so and you did the keyword bit correct with the required minimum searches AND you can get to #1 spot then you should be able to work it out.

      Originally Posted by nandu26 View Post

      Can we apply the techniques in a sub domain?
      Not sure what you mean.

      Rgds, our password-named poster

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      • Profile picture of the author AdamWB
        Profile picture of AdamWB
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        So looks like nothing's been posted since Tuesday, and now it's late afternoon on Thursday. I'll be surprised if they actually honor the refund.
        • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
          Black Hat Cat
          Profile picture of Black Hat Cat
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          Originally Posted by AdamWB View Post

          So looks like nothing's been posted since Tuesday, and now it's late afternoon on Thursday. I'll be surprised if they actually honor the refund.
          If they don't, I recommend everyone file a report at ripoffreport dot com, and let them know all about George Wang, Daniel Tan, and Matt Blake.
          • Profile picture of the author Jacob Martus
            Jacob Martus
            Profile picture of Jacob Martus
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            Originally Posted by Black Hat Cat View Post

            If they don't, I recommend everyone file a report at ripoffreport dot com, and let them know all about George Wang, Daniel Tan, and Matt Blake.
            I'm not a member of this challenge but it's a shame that these 3 guys were able to get away with this. I'm not familiar with their payment processor but do they have a similar dispute/refund policy as paypal? If so, then I would just get to getting my money back.

            I would definitely do everything in my power to make sure they can't rip more people off in the future.

            I only read one of these warriors products and to be honest, it was terrible, freely accessibly information and a lot of it was in all honestly incorrect. As soon as I read the product I knew the warrior in question was a fake.

            Showing stuff like #1 out of millions of competing sites even though that represents no real information about how competitive a niche is.

            I am #1 for the big boy went hungry on Tuesday and there are millions of """competing sites""".
  • Profile picture of the author lefty359
    Profile picture of lefty359
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I wish I had used PayPal for this. But if these guys don't refund my money i'm going to takeit up with my credit card co. I wrote them again yesterday. I can't go through support because it says it doesn't recognize my e-mail. What a low class operation.
    • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
      Black Hat Cat
      Profile picture of Black Hat Cat
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Today is the magic day. I hope everyone is re-filing their refund requests today per the instructions you received from support in response to your original request.
      • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
        Black Hat Cat
        Profile picture of Black Hat Cat
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I think it's official now....these guys have scammed a lot of people out of their money. 3 straight days with no new lessons, no refunds being issued today despite promises to do so by support, and a supplemental posting yesterday that, for all intents and purposes, implies they have given up, and are leaving folks to figure the rest out on their own. Hopefully the Warrior Forum will see to it that this thread remains so that folks can learn about the fraud perpetuated thus far by George Wang(lanta99) and Mark West, with Daniel Tan serving as an accomplice. Since he hasn't chimed in on this thread that I am sure he knows about, I can only assume he participated willingly.
  • Profile picture of the author Happyade
    Profile picture of Happyade
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I am persisting with the challenge. My issue with them is not so much the material presented, but the teaching of that material. They backed themselves into a corner with the dishonest promise of "5 minutes a day", and seem to think that if their video goes for about 5 minutes then that validates the promise.

    The result of these abbreviated teaching videos is inadequate teaching, in my opinion. I personally don't care if the videos take 30 minutes or even more, as long as they explain PROPERLY the steps required in any given task.

    The problem is that someone can be an expert in their field, but that doesn't mean that they are an expert teacher, and this principle applies online and off.

    Good luck to all,
    • Profile picture of the author caseycase
      Profile picture of caseycase
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I am with Adrian. I get the feeling that this is not so much a purposeful rip-off as it is a lack of teaching experience. Sometimes it is hard to explain things in a way that everyone will understand, and sometimes it is easy to forget that what might take one person 5 minutes could take another person an hour, especially if they are new. Also, I wonder if some better planning and testing ahead of time would have helped.

      However, I think it is worth sticking it out. I could be wrong, but I am going to give it a try. Anybody else who is doing the same can hit me up on skype and we can collaborate if you want.

      Best of luck to everybody!

      Free IM Info, No Junk -

      • Profile picture of the author nige1
        Profile picture of nige1
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Well whatever the reason for their abject failure to provide us with the product that was promised I've had enough .

        I've been patient but I think now they're just taking the p**s

        Their total ineptitude is demonstrated by the fact they don't even try to communicate on even a very basic level when ,for whatever

        reason ,they cannot provide what we have been promised.
      • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
        Black Hat Cat
        Profile picture of Black Hat Cat
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by caseycase View Post

        I am with Adrian. I get the feeling that this is not so much a purposeful rip-off as it is a lack of teaching experience. Sometimes it is hard to explain things in a way that everyone will understand, and sometimes it is easy to forget that what might take one person 5 minutes could take another person an hour, especially if they are new. Also, I wonder if some better planning and testing ahead of time would have helped.

        However, I think it is worth sticking it out. I could be wrong, but I am going to give it a try. Anybody else who is doing the same can hit me up on skype and we can collaborate if you want.

        Best of luck to everybody!
        Not sure how you expect to continue on when it seems they have stopped producing lessons for the course. As for lack of teaching experience being the culprit, not buying it. You don't need teaching experience to issue refunds. I have no doubt it was a purposeful rip-off. I had no doubt it would be even before I hit the buy button. But I was in a gambling mood, and rolled the dice anyway.

        Anyway, good luck to you.
        • Profile picture of the author caseycase
          Profile picture of caseycase
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          Originally Posted by Black Hat Cat View Post

          Not sure how you expect to continue on when it seems they have stopped producing lessons for the course. As for lack of teaching experience being the culprit, not buying it. You don't need teaching experience to issue refunds. I have no doubt it was a purposeful rip-off. I had no doubt it would be even before I hit the buy button. But I was in a gambling mood, and rolled the dice anyway.

          Anyway, good luck to you.
          You may be right. However, I do not see where they have stopped producing lessons. There have been lessons this week up to day 19, which, according to the homework, we are doing through tomorrow. Day 20 doesn't say that the lessons are over, it just says that the lessons will be more step-by-step instead of sending so much time explaining the concept since it is in the latest PDF, an idea I am ok with.

          Concerning refunds, I do agree that it is downright silly not to just issue them when people are asking. They are certainly guilty of dragging their feet and making it a bit difficult, but I am not ready to declare outright fraud quite yet.

          Free IM Info, No Junk -

          • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
            Black Hat Cat
            Profile picture of Black Hat Cat
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            Originally Posted by caseycase View Post

            You may be right. However, I do not see where they have stopped producing lessons. There have been lessons this week up to day 19, which, according to the homework, we are doing through tomorrow. Day 20 doesn't say that the lessons are over, it just says that the lessons will be more step-by-step instead of sending so much time explaining the concept since it is in the latest PDF, an idea I am ok with.
            They were supposed to produce training/video daily; they have not. The last "training" video was released on Tuesday, the 14th, around 11:00pm. In case you need a reminder:

            But with my Live SEO Challenge, you’ll receive:

            1. Videos delivered to you, Monday through Friday for a month, showing you exactly what to do (plus watch us as we do it with you)
            2. Live help (again, we do it with you)
            3. Step-by-step, hands-on guidance
            4. A workbook telling you exactly what you should be doing each day
            5. A 300% money back guarantee, so you have absolutely nothing to lose

            As for day 20 not saying lessons were over, I didn't say it did. I said the day 20 release was, reading between the lines, pretty much an implication(combined with everything else to date) they weren't going to continue. They haven't even continued with this week's lessons, lol. But you could be right. They may eventually get around to delivering what they were supposed to.

            Concerning refunds, I do agree that it is downright silly not to just issue them when people are asking. They are certainly guilty of dragging their feet and making it a bit difficult, but I am not ready to declare outright fraud quite yet.
            No offense, but are you really that naive? That's like saying a pick pocket is dragging his feet to return a wallet, but I'm not ready to call him a thief quite yet, lol. Ok, let's not call it fraud. Instead, let's just say they took people's money under false pretenses, haven't delivered as promised, instructed support to lie about refunds until funds were transferred to an untouchable account, and then, as expected, refused to issue refunds and stopped responding to those support inquiries altogether.

            When someone rubs dog doo in my face, I don't sit back and tell myself, as the smell continues to get worse, that it could still be a rose. Sorry, I'm NOT that naive.
            • Profile picture of the author caseycase
              Profile picture of caseycase
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              Originally Posted by Black Hat Cat View Post

              They were supposed to produce training/video daily; they have not. The last "training" video was released on Tuesday, the 14th, around 11:00pm. In case you need a reminder:

              But with my Live SEO Challenge, you'll receive:

              1. Videos delivered to you, Monday through Friday for a month, showing you exactly what to do (plus watch us as we do it with you)
              2. Live help (again, we do it with you)
              3. Step-by-step, hands-on guidance
              4. A workbook telling you exactly what you should be doing each day
              5. A 300% money back guarantee, so you have absolutely nothing to lose

              As for day 20 not saying lessons were over, I didn't say it did. I said the day 20 release was, reading between the lines, pretty much an implication(combined with everything else to date) they weren't going to continue. They haven't even continued with this week's lessons, lol. But you could be right. They may eventually get around to delivering what they were supposed to.

              No offense, but are you really that naive? That's like saying a pick pocket is dragging his feet to return a wallet, but I'm not ready to call him a thief quite yet, lol. Ok, let's not call it fraud. Instead, let's just say they took people's money under false pretenses, haven't delivered as promised, instructed support to lie about refunds until funds were transferred to an untouchable account, and then, as expected, refused to issue refunds and stopped responding to those support inquiries altogether.

              When someone rubs dog doo in my face, I don't sit back and tell myself, as the smell continues to get worse, that it could still be a rose. Sorry, I'm NOT that naive.
              As far as I know, they never promised to offer refunds along the way. The refund was if you weren't making the money when the challenge was over. I would certainly go ahead and give refunds now if I were them, but unless I missed something, it seems to me that giving them out now is not necessarily a requirement of their initial agreement.

              Certainly, however, the case can be made that they have not held up their end of the deal, so they could be legally required to give the money back.

              All I am saying is they could still just be bad at what they are doing (especially customer service), not fraudsters. We will know soon enough, but I am willing to suspend my better judgment for another 9 days and keep it going. Why not? I have already gone this far.

              Maybe I am naive, but if it start making that $200/month, I'll mail you a printout of my adsense account so you can eat it.

              Free IM Info, No Junk -

            • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
              Mike Anthony
              Profile picture of Mike Anthony
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              Originally Posted by Black Hat Cat View Post

              But with my Live SEO Challenge, you’ll receive:

              1. Videos delivered to you, Monday through Friday for a month, showing you exactly what to do (plus watch us as we do it with you)
              2. Live help (again, we do it with you)
              3. Step-by-step, hands-on guidance
              4. A workbook telling you exactly what you should be doing each day
              5. A 300% money back guarantee, so you have absolutely nothing to lose
              I can actually see what both of you are saying but looking at that list it just seems to me they got caught promising the world. I don't know Daniel peronally but it doesn't make sense to me that he went in with a nice sized list and reputation and just decided to take a big payday and run. He just might be a victim as well but I don't know their relationship. Looks to me like they projected what they would be able to do and it didn't (as always happens in the real world) happen.

              So I can see some people being really ticked because what was promised was not delivered and I can see some people cutting some slack because it was an awful lot to promise for the money (videos, support, hands on assistance). Neither of you is stupid

              Without giving anything away is the course itself progressing your business? What I have seen seems too intricate of a formula for my experience. SEO in my experience has been more following principles and techniques and adjusting as needed - not a paint by number formula. I mean I follow a system but especially when it comes to competitive analysis you have to look at the realities of the niche results not a formula

  • Profile picture of the author blog
    Profile picture of blog
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    I submit my refund request again as per Ella say fund will ...on 17/9

    Still no reply yet
  • Profile picture of the author bryce84
    Profile picture of bryce84
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    I am still in it, I will give them the full 30 days that the course takes... If it proves to be b.s. then I will be back to let everyone know. I can say that the support defiantly needs to be stepped up though. I have had a couple of issues and it is never a quick response.
  • Profile picture of the author Kelly Greene
    Kelly Greene
    Profile picture of Kelly Greene
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    I checked the other day or so what the deal was with Plimus and they're not like paypal where it's instant receipt of payment. It's a full 30 days, hence why they probably asked to wait till the 17th.

    For those who are planning to see this through and want to form a group to exchange knowledge and help each other out PM me your skype or add me @ greene _ kelly
    • Profile picture of the author nige1
      Profile picture of nige1
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      You can plan as much as you like Kelly but there is no guarantee that you are going to be able to complete the challenge judging them by their lack of customer care, inability to keep to a schedule or respond to legitimate requests .

      For your sake I hope that you are able to complete the challenge ,and good luck to you ,but I wouldn't bet your house on making the $200/month they promised .

      You will probably find that you already have enough knowledge now, to make some money on the web, by what you have learnt so far ,plus there is a lot of infomation in this forum to help you.
  • Profile picture of the author Dave d
    Dave d
    Profile picture of Dave d
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    One of the main biggest things that pulled me in was the fact they would take an adsense blog from scratch and get it $200 a month while we watched and copied.

    What a complete lie that turned out to be.

    I really hope the rest of you get your money back. Im not too sure about Pilmus but if you paid by Pay Pal then try not to request a refund through Pay Pal as you will most likely be turned down then they will be under no obligation to refund you.

    Get in contact with your bank or credit card company or as I said earlier just bombard them with refund requests.
    • Profile picture of the author AdamWB
      Profile picture of AdamWB
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I've recently come "into possession" of this guys other WSO's - and so far this challenge is just a rehash of all that information. The last days "transcript" is an exact carbon copy of the PDF he gives in another WSO.
      • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
        Profile picture of L41db4ck
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by AdamWB View Post

        I've recently come "into possession" of this guys other WSO's - and so far this challenge is just a rehash of all that information. The last days "transcript" is an exact carbon copy of the PDF he gives in another WSO.
        That doesn't mean it's worthless.......or good for that matter. It just means that he's sold parts of this course before. What are you getting at?

        Rgds, our password-named poster

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        • Profile picture of the author SteveSch
          Profile picture of SteveSch
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          As some of you guys know I requested a refund on 9-1-10. After 10 days I was told to re-post my refund request on 9-17-10.

          I re-posted on 9-16-10 and opened a new ticket on 9-18-10 demanding a full refund.

          On 9-19-10 I received a response. Seems that now we are supposed to go through Plimus directly, to get the refund. I went to Plimus and noticed an email address for PayPal somewhere.

          I went to my PayPal account and found the Plimus payment. I opened a dispute with PayPal. At least now I believe I will get some attention. I doubt that PayPal will send me an email telling me to wait until 9-28-10 and submit the request again.

          If you want a refund, I suggest that you go to your PayPal account and dispute this. Keep in mind that there is a time limit on disputing a payment made with PayPal.

          I'll let you know how it works out.

          I see questions about why Daniel T or George aren't here answering questions. I PM'd both directly and they have yet to answer at all. I really don't expect to hear from them any more.

          Good luck,
          • Profile picture of the author blog
            Profile picture of blog
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            why Daniel T or George aren't here answering questions?

            Too busy counting $$$$?

            Originally Posted by SteveSch View Post


            As some of you guys know I requested a refund on 9-1-10. After 10 days I was told to re-post my refund request on 9-17-10.

            I re-posted on 9-16-10 and opened a new ticket on 9-18-10 demanding a full refund.

            On 9-19-10 I received a response. Seems that now we are supposed to go through Plimus directly, to get the refund. I went to Plimus and noticed an email address for PayPal somewhere.

            I went to my PayPal account and found the Plimus payment. I opened a dispute with PayPal. At least now I believe I will get some attention. I doubt that PayPal will send me an email telling me to wait until 9-28-10 and submit the request again.

            If you want a refund, I suggest that you go to your PayPal account and dispute this. Keep in mind that there is a time limit on disputing a payment made with PayPal.

            I'll let you know how it works out.

            I see questions about why Daniel T or George aren't here answering questions. I PM'd both directly and they have yet to answer at all. I really don't expect to hear from them any more.

            Good luck,
        • Profile picture of the author AdamWB
          Profile picture of AdamWB
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          Originally Posted by L41db4ck View Post

          That doesn't mean it's worthless.......or good for that matter. It just means that he's sold parts of this course before. What are you getting at?
          I'm not sure if you're joking or not..but...

          If you've read his previous WSO, this entire course is just rehashed from his other seo course, not parts of it. Some of the information is really old and is not relevant anymore. Just goes to show - I don't think they took this course seriously - maybe wanted to make a quick buck. Who knows.
    • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
      Black Hat Cat
      Profile picture of Black Hat Cat
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      Just to follow up on a comment I made that was challenged:

      As for day 20 not saying lessons were over, I didn't say it did. I said the day 20 release was, reading between the lines, pretty much an implication(combined with everything else to date) they weren't going to continue.
      They haven't produced any new content in a week. I hate to say I told you so, but.....
      • Profile picture of the author caseycase
        Profile picture of caseycase
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        Originally Posted by Black Hat Cat View Post

        Just to follow up on a comment I made that was challenged:

        They haven't produced any new content in a week. I hate to say I told you so, but.....
        I must concede to naivety (Casey says as he wipes egg off his face!). Refund requested.

        Free IM Info, No Junk -

        • Profile picture of the author jeremynet
          Profile picture of jeremynet
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Ok fellow LiveSEO Challenge creator, enough is enough. I've been waiting the new release of lessons since 22th Sep until today but there is no new release. The support ticket also not response as well. So who can we contact? Is this the end of LiveSEO challenge?

          I am giving so much hope on this course to learn as much as adsense stuff but this is really a big bluff. Not deliver as George as promised and I signed up this course on behave Daniel Tan. Too bad, now I'm heading to another better adsense course. Before that, I've filed a refund ticket from plimus.

          Did you see the skin miracle video? >>> Click here to watch

        • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
          Black Hat Cat
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          Originally Posted by caseycase View Post

          I must concede to naivety (Casey says as he wipes egg off his face!). Refund requested.
          That's ok, we've all been there.
  • Profile picture of the author blog
    Profile picture of blog
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    why is lanta, tan, ella not reply here?

    P/s: got reply from Ella, for refund process must done via Pilmus
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    Mike Anthony
    Profile picture of Mike Anthony
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    Oh if things don't work out I have a new forum I can set a private area for you guys (didn't buy the product though). Prefer to see whether things are ironed out first. Not having a forum seems odd to me.

    But then again judging by the comments might not be anyone left in the program anyway.

  • Profile picture of the author sixstring
    Profile picture of sixstring
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    I have been lurking on this thread and trying keeping up with it. I bought this WSO because it not only seemed like it may help me become more diverse by using Adsense, but Dan's recommendation weighed heavily.

    I am not going to go into great detail, but the overall content is good in my opinion. Just the presentation of that information and the support be blunt.

    I actually found the first website I created using their system has reached #10 on Google this morning. I think with a little effort I can easily take over number 1.

    I find it hard that people are asking for refunds even before the Challenge is over. But to each their own. I am sticking this one out and I hope it pays off for me in the long run.

    @Mike Anthony - I am hoping the techniques in this Challenge do help my business in the long run. I am testing with this first site. It is doing well and climbing the rankings. I have 2 more keywords chosen and domains secured.
    • Profile picture of the author rlaramli
      Profile picture of rlaramli
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      Originally Posted by sixstring View Post

      I have been lurking on this thread and trying keeping up with it. I bought this WSO because it not only seemed like it may help me become more diverse by using Adsense, but Dan's recommendation weighed heavily.

      I am not going to go into great detail, but the overall content is good in my opinion. Just the presentation of that information and the support be blunt.

      I actually found the first website I created using their system has reached #10 on Google this morning. I think with a little effort I can easily take over number 1.

      I find it hard that people are asking for refunds even before the Challenge is over. But to each their own. I am sticking this one out and I hope it pays off for me in the long run.

      @Mike Anthony - I am hoping the techniques in this Challenge do help my business in the long run. I am testing with this first site. It is doing well and climbing the rankings. I have 2 more keywords chosen and domains secured.
      Hi sixstring,

      Glad to hear that you are progressing well. Good luck to you!
      I have a question for you:

      in your keyword research in the early part of the course, did you manage to get good keyword meeting all the criteria that they mentioned in the mind map as well as using the given formula.

      • Profile picture of the author sixstring
        Profile picture of sixstring
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        Originally Posted by rlaramli View Post

        Hi sixstring,

        Glad to hear that you are progressing well. Good luck to you!
        I have a question for you:

        in your keyword research in the early part of the course, did you manage to get good keyword meeting all the criteria that they mentioned in the mind map as well as using the given formula.



        I actually was able to find around 18 to 20 keywords that fit their strict metrics. Granted, this took me much longer than 5 minutes and it also took me having Market Samurai.

        Personally, I love doing keyword it may be one of my strong points.

    • Profile picture of the author ivory355
      Profile picture of ivory355
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      I am looking forward to grab a copy as well and tried it myself. Thanks man!

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    • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
      Black Hat Cat
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      Originally Posted by sixstring View Post

      I find it hard that people are asking for refunds even before the Challenge is over. But to each their own. I am sticking this one out and I hope it pays off for me in the long run.
      People were/are asking for refunds because it became clear early on that they didn't know what they were doing, and weren't delivering on what they sold. If they had, there wouldn't be any problems.

      Now, as an update, after requesting it on Sept. 10, and after getting yanked around, then ignored, then yanked around some more, I can say that I finally received my refund yesterday, or at least I received an email from Plimus stating the refund had been issued. So, at this point, I haven't been defrauded. Does that change my opinion of the course? Not at all. It is without a doubt the most disorganized, incompetent, and disingenuous product I have ever had the (non)pleasure to be a part of. The entire premise of the offer was bogus, in my opinion and experience, and I doubt the product owner has one site making $200/month following these methods, let alone several.

      As of now, I am done with this issue. For those continuing on, good luck to you. I hope it works out for you.
  • Profile picture of the author jeremynet
    Profile picture of jeremynet
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow! Seems like the "hate topic" on LiveSEO Challenge is getting hot and hotter!
    Hey wso friends out there and some others LiveSEO members, I'm also participate in the challenge but recently stuck in Day 19 - Build XXX.

    My personal view on LiveSEO challenge so far
    1) This course is not meant for total newbie, frankly speaking. Because whatever they told us in the 5min videos, is short and simple. *They pretended you pre-understood it.
    2) The support system from Ella - Too bad. They are trying to answer your ticket as fast as possible but not cleared enough.
    3) The material about building LW on Day 19, is not up to date. Some web2.0 properties is closing down and stop registration. And they don't specified either use follow or nofollow anchor text.

    As for today, I have stop in Day 18 and wait for further materials to be posted before I progress. Personally, I'm making small incomes in adsense and understood the basic of SEO.

    Did I learn something new? Yes I do.
    Did I satisfy with the material so far? 5/10
    Will 1 domain target 1 single keyword can earn $200/m by the website itself? May be yes, may be no.

    What I forsee here is, with just 1 single keyword targeting a domain based on GOOGLE traffic itself, would be difficult to generate $200/m in adsense. I believe the traffic is a combo of organic, direct and referral.

    Making $200/day per domain in adsense is not easy, it would take countless of trial and errors. Even today, I did make $2/day for 1 website but it is not consistent. For me, the true way is SCALEUP.

    Gang, this is just my own perception. Nothing to do with George, Daniel or whoever.

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  • Profile picture of the author Dave d
    Dave d
    Profile picture of Dave d
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    The problem is this.

    They promised one thing and delivered another. Now if the alternative is very good do you get mad and demand a refund. Thats the big debate.

    I supsect this will split people right down the middle. I can see many people like six string above who will say I followed and got some results Im happy.

    I can also see many people like me who will want a refund. You see I already have a number of systems for ranking sites that do well as well as a number of experts I can ask for help. Im not saying Im an SEO guru or anything like that but I didn't just want to buy another SEO plan regardless of whether it worked or not. I'd like to make my own mind up as to whether I need another SEO system because thats all I seen. I wanted to buy extactly what was stated on the sales page and nothing else.

    Granted if they fell short in one or two areas that was fine by me but this was like buying steak and getting fish.
  • Profile picture of the author blog
    Profile picture of blog
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    still no new lesson uploaded!
  • Profile picture of the author Yogini
    Profile picture of Yogini
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    I put in a paypal dispute as my plimus payment went through paypal. Then I e-mailed plimus to let them know I had done that and gave them the information of the PP Dispute number etc. Support from Plimus wrote me back to fill out their own support form. I wrote that all the information was already put into the paypal dispute form so I didn't think this step was necessary (it was just a canned e-mail they sent me anyway). I am not sure what the next step is or if anything will be done. Plimus wrote they are a 3rd party processor. Nonetheless, the payment in paypal was to them and it seems that people are being told to contact Plimus. Does anyone else have any progress on this?

  • Profile picture of the author lefty359
    Profile picture of lefty359
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I was told to contact plitmus too. I did so 4 days ago and not a word...
  • Profile picture of the author Jacob Martus
    Jacob Martus
    Profile picture of Jacob Martus
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hah. It seems like the reason they offered a 300% money back guarantee is because they knew nobody would ever be able to get a refund period with Plimus.

    This looks more and more like a scam everyday. And I noticed a post from Mr. Tan yesterday in this section of the forum. If I were you guys I'd go after him.

    If you guys want some answers, check here: - For those people who bought this because of his endorsement, - If you bombard him with enough emails, maybe he'll do enough to help you guys get a refund as he did to persuade you to purchase in the first place.
  • Profile picture of the author blog
    Profile picture of blog
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    no more new lesson provided?
    • Profile picture of the author kingW
      Profile picture of kingW
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I've submitted a refund request through Plimus immediately after Ella said I need to submit through them.

      But until today, I haven't received any reply from George or Matt (There are so quick to reply when they want our money but not when dealing with a refund).

      Again today I've submitted a query to Ella and waiting for the answers.

      I still don't want to expect the worst just yet.
    • Profile picture of the author azombay
      Profile picture of azombay
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I think this would've needed to be done much differently to even have a chance at success. The no comments / no forum thing was a huge disaster. We could've all learned so much from each other. For example, someone might know a good outsourcer for those dozens of "5 minute" articles you'll need. Someone else might be a whiz at keyword research, but with all but no communication between the members this is impossible. Plus, with the amount they were raking in on this thing they should have gotten one of their team to do a live webinar each night for an hour or two to help clarify and elaborate. It also seems as if they did this thing "on-the-fly". The keyword research and metrics changed so many times it confused many people and had them buying domains they could not hope to rank for in 30 months let alone 30 days! I'm glad I'm getting a refund... I've had enough.
      • Profile picture of the author kingW
        Profile picture of kingW
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        Originally Posted by azombay View Post

        but with all but no communication between the members this is impossible.
        Probably they are purposely organize it this way?

        Originally Posted by azombay View Post

        I'm glad I'm getting a refund... I've had enough.
        When did you get your refund?
        • Profile picture of the author azombay
          Profile picture of azombay
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          Originally Posted by masterwaldo View Post

          Probably they are purposely organize it this way?

          When did you get your refund?
          I said getting not got... Plimus said to expect one shortly, but if i don't get one in the next day or two I'm calling my credit card company and I'll do a chargeback.
          • Profile picture of the author blog
            Profile picture of blog
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            the charged already appear in my statement....can do a chargeback?

            Originally Posted by azombay View Post

            I said getting not got... Plimus said to expect one shortly, but if i don't get one in the next day or two I'm calling my credit card company and I'll do a chargeback.
  • Profile picture of the author Happyade
    Profile picture of Happyade
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hello fellow sufferers,

    I have just sent the following query to Daniel Tan via the link posted above by Jacob.

    "I am wondering if you know what is going on with the Live SEO Challenge. No complete new lessons have been posted for eight days now, and I have a query which I sent them on the 18th. of September, for which I have yet to receive a reply, and it is now the 22nd. of September.

    You are receiving this (and I reckon many other) queries about the course because they are not answering, and you were instrumental in getting many people to undertake the course, so must bear some responsibility for it."

    I'll let you know if I get a response.
    • Profile picture of the author blog
      Profile picture of blog
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Good one...

      For "them" silent is NOT an option!

      Originally Posted by Happyade View Post

      Hello fellow sufferers,

      I have just sent the following query to Daniel Tan via the link posted above by Jacob.

      "I am wondering if you know what is going on with the Live SEO Challenge. No complete new lessons have been posted for eight days now, and I have a query which I sent them on the 18th. of September, for which I have yet to receive a reply, and it is now the 22nd. of September.

      You are receiving this (and I reckon many other) queries about the course because they are not answering, and you were instrumental in getting many people to undertake the course, so must bear some responsibility for it."

      I'll let you know if I get a response.
  • Profile picture of the author Frank Ayres
    Frank Ayres
    Profile picture of Frank Ayres
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I am still following this course as i have outsourced the articles and while there are still lessons being published i will stick with it.
    I think problem on here is people get the herd mentality and beause one person asked for a refund everyone else copies rather than trying to make ir work.

    If you cant afford to invest $88 in your business then you are doing something wrong.

    If and when i see this is going nowhere i will ask for a Paypal refund as i have 60 days but until then i am happy following it.

    more people that drop out means less competition for me!

    • Profile picture of the author blog
      Profile picture of blog
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Good for U then :-)

      Originally Posted by SpudDS View Post

      I am still following this course as i have outsourced the articles and while there are still lessons being published i will stick with it.
      I think problem on here is people get the herd mentality and beause one person asked for a refund everyone else copies rather than trying to make ir work.

      If you cant afford to invest $88 in your business then you are doing something wrong.

      If and when i see this is going nowhere i will ask for a Paypal refund as i have 60 days but until then i am happy following it.

      more people that drop out means less competition for me!
    • Profile picture of the author AdamWB
      Profile picture of AdamWB
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by SpudDS View Post

      I am still following this course as i have outsourced the articles and while there are still lessons being published i will stick with it.
      I think problem on here is people get the herd mentality and beause one person asked for a refund everyone else copies rather than trying to make ir work.

      If you cant afford to invest $88 in your business then you are doing something wrong.

      If and when i see this is going nowhere i will ask for a Paypal refund as i have 60 days but until then i am happy following it.

      more people that drop out means less competition for me!
      Trust me when I say I know this business, I know how it works. I've bought a lot of products, and been on the selling end as well - and I know a bad product when I see one. Nobody is "herding" to a refund just because someone said they were getting one. Intelligent people can see this product for what it is. This was a WAY WAY WAYYYY overhyped underdelivered product - it's as simple as that. And the info they give is just horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE. I mean look at their keyword research method - what the...? You'd be better off just guessing a random keyphrase and hoping for the best than using their methods.

      There is no "investment" about this course. If you want to give me your $88 instead, I'll give you 2 sentences worth of adsense/seo content that you would get more value out of than this entire course put together.
      • Profile picture of the author Frank Ayres
        Frank Ayres
        Profile picture of Frank Ayres
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        Originally Posted by AdamWB View Post

        Trust me when I say I know this business, I know how it works. I've bought a lot of products, and been on the selling end as well - and I know a bad product when I see one. Nobody is "herding" to a refund just because someone said they were getting one. Intelligent people can see this product for what it is. This was a WAY WAY WAYYYY overhyped underdelivered product - it's as simple as that. And the info they give is just horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE. I mean look at their keyword research method - what the...? You'd be better off just guessing a random keyphrase and hoping for the best than using their methods.

        There is no "investment" about this course. If you want to give me your $88 instead, I'll give you 2 sentences worth of adsense/seo content that you would get more value out of than this entire course put together.
        I dont think i would take any advice from you, you just sound like a jumped up know it all that probably knows nothing.

        Why dont you get a life and stop having a go at people that want to give things a go, it is my money and i will spend/invest/waste as i see fit!

        • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
          Profile picture of L41db4ck
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          Originally Posted by SpudDS View Post

          I dont think i would take any advice from you, you just sound like a jumped up know it all that probably knows nothing.

          Why dont you get a life and stop having a go at people that want to give things a go, it is my money and i will spend/invest/waste as i see fit!
          Maybe just ignore him next time, I don't think we need a tit-for-tat slanging match in the thread.

          Rgds, our password-named poster

          Google LOVES aged domains!
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        • Profile picture of the author AdamWB
          Profile picture of AdamWB
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          Originally Posted by SpudDS View Post

          I dont think i would take any advice from you, you just sound like a jumped up know it all that probably knows nothing.

          Why dont you get a life and stop having a go at people that want to give things a go, it is my money and i will spend/invest/waste as i see fit!
          As I recall you were the one telling people they were jumping on the bandwagon by getting refunds. Maybe you should take your own advice.

          And telling people to get a life over an internet forum is like.....well nevermind.

          Good luck with your investment =)
          • Profile picture of the author azombay
            Profile picture of azombay
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Have they released anything after the "Final Supplemental Reading Assignment" three days ago? If they have not then it's not looking good for those of you hanging in there!
            • Profile picture of the author Kelly Greene
              Kelly Greene
              Profile picture of Kelly Greene
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Nothing has been released since late Tuesday and there has been no communication letting us know what's going on unlike the previous times. My patience is all but gone.

              I intend to continue on with making adsense sites regardless though.
        • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
          Black Hat Cat
          Profile picture of Black Hat Cat
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          Originally Posted by SpudDS View Post

          Why dont you get a life and stop having a go at people that want to give things a go, it is my money and i will spend/invest/waste as i see fit!
          You mean the way you had a go at people who aren't dumb enough to believe wasting $88 on a bogus offer is a sound investment, lol? Maybe you feel the way to get ahead is to make bad investments simply for the sake of making an investment. More power to you. Some of us have more sense than that though.
      • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
        Profile picture of L41db4ck
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        Originally Posted by AdamWB View Post

        Trust me .....I'll give you 2 sentences worth of adsense/seo content that you would get more value out of than this entire course put together.
        Instead of us just 'trusting' you like we did with the course writers why don't you prove how good you are by giving us one of the sentences here. who knows, you may get some business out of it

        Rgds, our password-named poster

        Google LOVES aged domains!
        Premium Aged Domains - - Make An Offer Now!

        • Profile picture of the author AdamWB
          Profile picture of AdamWB
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          Originally Posted by L41db4ck View Post

          Instead of us just 'trusting' you like we did with the course writers why don't you prove how good you are by giving us one of the sentences here. who knows, you may get some business out of it
          Here you go: get your refund from this course. =)
  • Profile picture of the author Happyade
    Profile picture of Happyade
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you look at my post number 175 above, you will see that I sent a query to Daniel Tan. I have received the following reply.

    "Hi Adrian,

    I do not run the course. I said it was good because I know George is an SEO guy, so I actually joined as well to learn what he has that I don't already know.

    I am still following. I will send your enquiry to him.

    Thank you.

    Daniel Tan"

    I am actually persisting with the course as well, and I will not attempt to get a refund unless I am convinced after some time after the end of the course that it has achieved little or nothing in terms of increased profit.

    That doesn't mean that I am satisfied with the conduct of the course though. It has been badly taught in my opinion, and we have not been looking over their shoulder while they produced a site that makes $200 per month, as we were led to believe, and as for the 5 minute promise...well, that was just silly, and I never really believed it anyway.
    You may describe me as a dissatisfied but persistent consumer of the product.

    • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
      Profile picture of L41db4ck
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Happyade View Post

      we have not been looking over their shoulder while they produced a site that makes $200 per month, as we were led to believe, and as for the 5 minute promise...well, that was just silly, and I never really believed it anyway.

      Oh come on! they didn't promise all those things!

      Originally Posted by lanta99

      But with my Live SEO Challenge, you'll receive:
      1. Videos delivered to you, Monday through Friday for a month, showing you exactly what to do (plus watch us as we do it with you)
      2. Live help (again, we do it with you)
      3. Step-by-step, hands-on guidance
      4. A workbook telling you exactly what you should be doing each day
      5. A 300% money back guarantee, so you have absolutely nothing to lose

      ...And it requires just 5 minutes a day to start making at least $200 a month!

      Rgds, our password-named poster

      Google LOVES aged domains!
      Premium Aged Domains - - Make An Offer Now!

  • Profile picture of the author D Baker
    D Baker
    Profile picture of D Baker
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    Anyone getting a refund from these guys ?
    • Profile picture of the author blog
      Profile picture of blog
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      me....Not yet... :-(

      submit refund to Pilmus on 17/9

      Originally Posted by D Baker View Post

      Anyone getting a refund from these guys ?
      • Profile picture of the author nige1
        Profile picture of nige1
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi SpuDS,

        Quote "while there are still lessons being published i will stick with it."

        Well that was another great lesson today wasn't it ?

        In fact because you have been around for a while when was the last time they published something that you didn't know already ?
        • Profile picture of the author Frank Ayres
          Frank Ayres
          Profile picture of Frank Ayres
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          Originally Posted by nige1 View Post

          Hi SpuDS,

          Quote "while there are still lessons being published i will stick with it."

          Well that was another great lesson today wasn't it ?

          In fact because you have been around for a while when was the last time they published something that you didn't know already ?
          I detect some sarcasm, just because i am not rushing to get a refund like everyone else and am willing to give the benefit of the doubt and can afford to invest $88 in my long term business doesnt make me wrong

          • Profile picture of the author nige1
            Profile picture of nige1
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Hi SpudDS,

            I actually was interested to know if you had learnt much from this ?

            Perhaps there was just a little sarcasm there but I'm not so much wanting to have a go at you for trying but more to vent my anger at these people who take money under false pretenses.

            Just so as you know I have spent 10's of thousands in building business's more offline than online admittedly but a very expensive business education neverltheless.

            I still object to being fleeced !

            Have a good day
            • Profile picture of the author azombay
              Profile picture of azombay
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Refund processed today! I feel like I just got out in time!

              Another thing I'd like to point out for anyone that is sticking it out. If after 90 days you go to get your "300% money back guarantee" and they don't follow through then you will be screwed. Since paypal and most credit card companies will not let you go back that far. So, is it really wise to trust these folks who've not honored their word in almost every way?
          • Profile picture of the author ahefner33
            Profile picture of ahefner33
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by SpudDS View Post

            I detect some sarcasm, just because i am not rushing to get a refund like everyone else and am willing to give the benefit of the doubt and can afford to invest $88 in my long term business doesnt make me wrong
            I'm not trying to jump on you here but why are you getting on people for asking for a refund because they dont "give the benefit of the doubt and can afford to invest $88"? The 88 has nothing to do with it. That's like having everyone tell you to buy there product cause they will show you such and such and you pay each one. Then they turn around and not provide what they sold you on. You think you would give the benefit of the doubt if you go to a car dealer and buy a car from a guy that says that the car will have a motor put in it in a week, then never gives you the motor but just a battery instead? They sold people on actual statements that was used in there sales letter and didn't/haven't provided what they said. Its GOOFY to think or say that if you can't afford such and such you shouldn't be in this business. I call the people asking for refunds intelligent and they realize they are being pushed over.

            Adam Hefner

   - Warning - Don't go to if you are hawngry

  • Profile picture of the author Brian Mullis
    Brian Mullis
    Profile picture of Brian Mullis
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    I received a refund today via Plimus.

  • Profile picture of the author wrc1010
    Profile picture of wrc1010
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi guy. Just receive email from Plimus today say that my money have been refund. Lucky can get back my money.
  • Profile picture of the author blog
    Profile picture of blog
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    received my refund today via Plimus as well...

    why I ask for refund?

    their promise= How to easily rank as a top 5 result in Google for any keyword, no matter what the competition!

    any keyword? U must be joking....anyway, Good luck for those takes the course

    I'll show you:
    • How to start earning at the very least, $200 a month using Adsense
    • How to easily rank as a top 5 result in Google for any keyword, no matter what the competition!
    • A step-by-step approach that ensures that you make money....and if for some reason you still fail--you'll still make money, because you're backed by a 300% money back guarantee
    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      Mike Anthony
      Profile picture of Mike Anthony
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by blog View Post

      I’ll show you:
      • How to start earning at the very least, $200 a month using Adsense
      • How to easily rank as a top 5 result in Google for any keyword, no matter what the competition!
      • A step-by-step approach that ensures that you make money….and if for some reason you still fail—you’ll still make money, because you’re backed by a 300% money back guarantee

      If thats an actual quote from the offer I'll get off the fence. As a SEO guy that likes to think he has some tricks up his sleeve - no SEO guy/gal could ever make that claim (the one in red) honestly. The word "easily" is a dead give away for fluffing it.

      • Profile picture of the author kingW
        Profile picture of kingW
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Just received a refund from plimus today.
      • Profile picture of the author blog
        Profile picture of blog
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Maybe they got "Top Secret" tricks to rank the keyword called DATING in 30 days!

        Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

        If thats an actual quote from the offer I'll get off the fence. As a SEO guy that likes to think he has some tricks up his sleeve - no SEO guy/gal could ever make that claim (the one in red) honestly. The word "easily" is a dead give away for fluffing it.
  • Profile picture of the author SteveSch
    Profile picture of SteveSch
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    If you have been following this thread then you know that I tried to use their support to request a refund.

    Then I tried a second time as requested by their support, on Sept 17th.

    Then I was told to go directly to Plimus. I went to PayPal instead. I filled a dispute with PayPal. The next day I escalated the claim. Within hours they, PayPal, refused my claim based on their terms of service. Quality of digital products.

    On 9-21-10 I opened a claim with Plimus.

    Today, 9-23-10, I received an email from Plimus stating that they have issued a full refund. I just checked my PayPal account and the funds are showing. They are headed back to my debit card.

    I hope this information helps someone else out. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. I won't be checking this thread any longer.

    Good luck. And for the ones that seem to want to continue, I wish you good luck too. I hope this is your key to making $200 a day. I wish it had been mine.

  • Profile picture of the author nandu26
    Profile picture of nandu26
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Is there any time frame for getting refunds?
  • Profile picture of the author mkl3377
    Profile picture of mkl3377
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is just a thought but maybe, just maybe, George's real name is Daniel???? Hmmm...scam a bunch of people under a different name and still be able to cash out afterwards cuz there's no real loss of reputation. If so, is minimal and nothing a quick appology won't cure such as: "I'm sorry for backing such a bad product. I had no idea it was gonna turn out this way. I thought George was good guy. I paid to follow along too. I really regret making such a bad referral."

    And Matt on the video, well he is just a video production specialist who gets paid to do videos. Does anyone remember a few months back when product came out selling the service of producing videos?

    Just a thought....I'm gonna go get my refund now.

    Michael Lee

  • Profile picture of the author Aristocratic
    Profile picture of Aristocratic
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The only reason I am so wary about this is that he has not come here to answer everyone's concerns. I hate to ask for refunds, but I may just have to in this case. The setup is so horrible. There is not clear day 1, 2, 3 etc. They broke up the stuff over a couple of days, promised stuff they did not deliver, and refuse to show themselves here. Poor all around.


    • Profile picture of the author Kelly Greene
      Kelly Greene
      Profile picture of Kelly Greene
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Well I just submitted my refund request.

      I tried to be patient and give them the benefit of doubt but it's now a week past the 30 days promised, at least a weeks+ worth of content to be given, and nothing new posted or communicated to us since Tuesday. A question I asked nearly two weeks ago has gone unanswered.

      It would appear once everyone starting requesting refunds that was the final nail in the coffin for them.

      I am now working through Xfactor's adsense course and recommendations from InternetMarketer99 and couldn't be happier with the strategies given.
      • Profile picture of the author bulleleven
        Profile picture of bulleleven
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Anybody staying or did everyone give up?
        • Profile picture of the author azombay
          Profile picture of azombay
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          Originally Posted by bulleleven View Post

          Anybody staying or did everyone give up?
          Staying? From what I understand they've released nothing in a week. I surely hope everyone has by now realized that this ship is sinking fast and they best get off whilst they still can. Abandon ship! Abandon ship!
      • Profile picture of the author Paul Hooper
        Paul Hooper
        Profile picture of Paul Hooper
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Kelly Greene View Post

        I am now working through Xfactor's adsense course and recommendations from InternetMarketer99 and couldn't be happier with the strategies given.
        I agree, John's (Xfactor) course is much easier to implement, achievable keyword goals and no overly complicated promotional methods. If people are still keen to build adsense sites, then use your refund money (if you get one...) to buy Johns course, and you will be left with a workable blueprint, and some change too

        • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
          Profile picture of L41db4ck
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by Paul Hooper View Post

          I agree, John's (Xfactor) course is much easier to implement, achievable keyword goals and no overly complicated promotional methods. If people are still keen to build adsense sites, then use your refund money (if you get one...) to buy Johns course, and you will be left with a workable blueprint, and some change too

          Isn't Xfactor out of date now though?

          Rgds, our password-named poster

          Google LOVES aged domains!
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          • Profile picture of the author Paul Hooper
            Paul Hooper
            Profile picture of Paul Hooper
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            Originally Posted by L41db4ck View Post

            Isn't Xfactor out of date now though?
            I believe it came out last year sometime, not sure exactly when. But i bought it about 2 months ago and i have two sites up and ranking and earning between $2 to $4 a day each.

            Nothing huge, but the sites were easy to build, keywords easy to find and promotional methods were easy. Both sites were built and promoted using John's mathods exactly, so they are obviously still working.

            I will be building plenty more sites using John's XFactor methods, much easier than this 30 day challenge, which has just been a complete waste of time.

            • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
              Profile picture of L41db4ck
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Originally Posted by Paul Hooper View Post

              I believe it came out last year sometime, not sure exactly when. But i bought it about 2 months ago and i have two sites up and ranking and earning between $2 to $4 a day each.

              Nothing huge, but the sites were easy to build, keywords easy to find and promotional methods were easy. Both sites were built and promoted using John's mathods exactly, so they are obviously still working.

              I will be building plenty more sites using John's XFactor methods, much easier than this 30 day challenge, which has just been a complete waste of time.

              Ok thanks, That's good to know.

              I'm not sure, but when you say Xfactor sites are easier to build are you saying that building the site for this course was hard? 'Keywords were easier to find' or they have a better method for finding good keywords is always worth looking in to, as is 'easy' promotional methods because building 1000's of links, creating link wheels, opening multiple blog sites/bookmarking profiles/you tube vids/press releases just seems like hard work to me :rolleyes:

              Rgds, our password-named poster

              Google LOVES aged domains!
              Premium Aged Domains - - Make An Offer Now!

              • Profile picture of the author Paul Hooper
                Paul Hooper
                Profile picture of Paul Hooper
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                Originally Posted by L41db4ck View Post

                Ok thanks, That's good to know.

                I'm not sure, but when you say Xfactor sites are easier to build are you saying that building the site for this course was hard? 'Keywords were easier to find' or they have a better method for finding good keywords is always worth looking in to, as is 'easy' promotional methods because building 1000's of links, creating link wheels, opening multiple blog sites/bookmarking profiles/you tube vids/press releases just seems like hard work to me :rolleyes:
                No, not saying that the site was hard to build on this course, just when you compare the two methods (XFactor's and 30 day challenge), it just seemed that the challenge went the long way around everything. XFactors course just makes things very simple and easy to follow, plus if you take the time to do some thorough research you will be able to find keywords that don't require thousands of backlinks for you to rank.

                You will be able to build a lot more sites using XFactors methods than you would this 30 day challenge. You can see just from reading this thread how much of a problem some people had finding a suitable keyword that met the 30 day challenges requirements. And then when you get to the link building part, it just seems a whole lot of work to do for a tiny micro niche adsense site. The whole point of these small sites is to get a lot of them up and ranking in as quick a time as possible, but when you have to go through all of the link building methods suggested in the challenge for a tiny micro niche site, it just doesn't seem practical. Those are the kind of promotional techniques you would need for a much bigger authority site.

                Originally Posted by Kelly Greene View Post

                Paul did you use the micro niche finder, and if so is it able to calculate multiple SOC numbers at once?

                Personally I think the template used in Xfactor looks a bit dated to today's standards, and due to it being overused anyway I am looking at finding or making a similar but more modernized wordpress template with some nicer typography to highlight the content better.
                Yes, i did use Micro Niche Finder to find the keywords for XFactors course. To be honest, i haven't tried calculating multiple SOC numbers at once for fear of getting my IP banned.

                I actually contacted John a while back with a few questions about his report, one of them was about the template he used. He recommended a Wordpress theme that intergrates several different templates (including his template). I purchased the theme and have been using it for my adsense sites. I like the simplicity of them, plus they are geared up for adsense sites so make things like adding you adsense blocks to the pages very easy. Here's the link for that theme (not an affiliate link)

                Create An Adsense And Clickbank Monetized, Search Engine Optimized, Niche WordPress Site in 2 Minutes

                Hope that helps,
                • Profile picture of the author Kelly Greene
                  Kelly Greene
                  Profile picture of Kelly Greene
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Originally Posted by Paul Hooper View Post

                  Yes, i did use Micro Niche Finder to find the keywords for XFactors course. To be honest, i haven't tried calculating multiple SOC numbers at once for fear of getting my IP banned.

                  I actually contacted John a while back with a few questions about his report, one of them was about the template he used. He recommended a Wordpress theme that intergrates several different templates (including his template). I purchased the theme and have been using it for my adsense sites. I like the simplicity of them, plus they are geared up for adsense sites so make things like adding you adsense blocks to the pages very easy. Here's the link for that theme (not an affiliate link)

                  Create An Adsense And Clickbank Monetized, Search Engine Optimized, Niche WordPress Site in 2 Minutes

                  Hope that helps,
                  It's just a temporary ban. It happens to me all the time when I do intitle + inurl queries for a batch of keywords, so I would do it on firefox until it happened, then use chrome, etc but gets very tedious. Will see about buying the tool after I get some more sites running.

                  Thanks for those template ideas. I've been using the Thesis theme and it looks pretty to close right now to some of those. Just going to figure out what to do for individual page siloing and split testing w/ css templates, and I'll be good to go.

                  Still haven't heard back regarding the refund. Did you guys go to the transaction page and select the drop down for problem with transaction or go about it a different way?
                  • Profile picture of the author azombay
                    Profile picture of azombay
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

                    Visit Plimus customer support, enter the transaction number, tick refund, click next, tell them why you want a refund, submit.
                    • Profile picture of the author nandu26
                      Profile picture of nandu26
                      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                      Originally Posted by azombay View Post


                      Visit Plimus customer support, enter the transaction number, tick refund, click next, tell them why you want a refund, submit.
                      I submitted a refund request last friday to plimus. I got a reply that they have contacted the seller. If no reply is received for the next couple of days then your payment will be refunded. Is it the normal process?
                      • Profile picture of the author kingW
                        Profile picture of kingW
                        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                        Originally Posted by nandu26 View Post

                        I submitted a refund request last friday to plimus. I got a reply that they have contacted the seller. If no reply is received for the next couple of days then your payment will be refunded. Is it the normal process?
                        Yes. It's normal. In my case, I got my refund on the next day after I received the message.
                    • Profile picture of the author rlaramli
                      Profile picture of rlaramli
                      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                      Originally Posted by azombay View Post


                      Visit Plimus customer support, enter the transaction number, tick refund, click next, tell them why you want a refund, submit.

                      Thanks so much. I was about to ask this question and saw the answer in your post. I have just submitted my request after reading your post.

                      For those who want to request for refund and if you purchased it via PayPal please ensure that you submit Plimus 8-digit ORDER REFERENCE and not 7-digit Order Reference number stated in PayPal account.That's what I noticed.
                      • Profile picture of the author blog
                        Profile picture of blog
                        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                        I got my refund as it was posted into my credit card statement yesterday

                        Originally Posted by rlaramli View Post


                        Thanks so much. I was about to ask this question and saw the answer in your post. I have just submitted my request after reading your post.

                        For those who want to request for refund and if you purchased it via PayPal please ensure that you submit Plimus 8-digit ORDER REFERENCE and not 7-digit Order Reference number stated in PayPal account.That's what I noticed.
                      • Profile picture of the author pingo123
                        Profile picture of pingo123
                        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                        Originally Posted by rlaramli View Post


                        Thanks so much. I was about to ask this question and saw the answer in your post. I have just submitted my request after reading your post.

                        For those who want to request for refund and if you purchased it via PayPal please ensure that you submit Plimus 8-digit ORDER REFERENCE and not 7-digit Order Reference number stated in PayPal account.That's what I noticed.
                        Well they haven't replied to my last couple of support requests sent a few days ago. I had been prepared to see it through but I guess I have to face facts. I have taken myself off Daniel Tan's email list and cancelled a subscription I had with him. rlaramli could you tell me where I can find the 8 digit plimus order number as I can only see the paypal one?


                        • Profile picture of the author datuk77
                          Profile picture of datuk77
                          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                          Hi Lisa,

                          You can find the 8 digit on plimus email confirmation. Go check your email's inbox

                          Originally Posted by pingo123 View Post

                          Well they haven't replied to my last couple of support requests sent a few days ago. I had been prepared to see it through but I guess I have to face facts. I have taken myself off Daniel Tan's email list and cancelled a subscription I had with him. rlaramli could you tell me where I can find the 8 digit plimus order number as I can only see the paypal one?


                        • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
                          Profile picture of L41db4ck
                          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                          Originally Posted by pingo123 View Post

                          I have taken myself off Daniel Tan's email list and cancelled a subscription I had with him.
                          You would have thought that Daniel Tan would have stood up and apologized to the members of his list that bought this on his recommendation but it's obvious he couldn't care less.

                          Originally Posted by George

                          Again, we really want EACH and EVERY one of you to succeed which is why we’re devoting a huge chunk of our time to help you guys. We take your feedback very seriously so if you have anything, anything at all on your mind just send a support request to our help desk with the subject of “Feedback”.
                          Again, this is to you success!
                          Warmest Regards,

                          Rgds, our password-named poster

                          Google LOVES aged domains!
                          Premium Aged Domains - - Make An Offer Now!

                        • Profile picture of the author rlaramli
                          Profile picture of rlaramli
                          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                          Originally Posted by pingo123 View Post

                          rlaramli could you tell me where I can find the 8 digit plimus order number as I can only see the paypal one?


                          Has been responded by datuk77 and you should check the Plimus confirmation email dated around the date you purchased the WSO and mine was dated Aug 18, 2010.
                • Profile picture of the author Jacob Martus
                  Jacob Martus
                  Profile picture of Jacob Martus
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Originally Posted by Paul Hooper View Post

                  No, not saying that the site was hard to build on this course, just when you compare the two methods (XFactor's and 30 day challenge), it just seemed that the challenge went the long way around everything. XFactors course just makes things very simple and easy to follow, plus if you take the time to do some thorough research you will be able to find keywords that don't require thousands of backlinks for you to rank.

                  You will be able to build a lot more sites using XFactors methods than you would this 30 day challenge. You can see just from reading this thread how much of a problem some people had finding a suitable keyword that met the 30 day challenges requirements. And then when you get to the link building part, it just seems a whole lot of work to do for a tiny micro niche adsense site. The whole point of these small sites is to get a lot of them up and ranking in as quick a time as possible, but when you have to go through all of the link building methods suggested in the challenge for a tiny micro niche site, it just doesn't seem practical. Those are the kind of promotional techniques you would need for a much bigger authority site.

                  Yes, i did use Micro Niche Finder to find the keywords for XFactors course. To be honest, i haven't tried calculating multiple SOC numbers at once for fear of getting my IP banned.

                  I actually contacted John a while back with a few questions about his report, one of them was about the template he used. He recommended a Wordpress theme that intergrates several different templates (including his template). I purchased the theme and have been using it for my adsense sites. I like the simplicity of them, plus they are geared up for adsense sites so make things like adding you adsense blocks to the pages very easy. Here's the link for that theme (not an affiliate link)

                  Create An Adsense And Clickbank Monetized, Search Engine Optimized, Niche WordPress Site in 2 Minutes

                  Hope that helps,
                  In my experience lately, even small micro-niche sites are taking significant amounts of time to backlink. Less than a bigger site for sure, but things have a changed a bit since the Xfactor book. I have a feeling you'll realize this down the road.

                  But it's just an obstacle, so don't let it get you down. Building links isn't tough, it's just something that you have to be invested in. Build links consistently for 3 to 6 months and you can take #1 spot for a large variety of valuable keywords.
            • Profile picture of the author Kelly Greene
              Kelly Greene
              Profile picture of Kelly Greene
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              I can't replay to PMs just yet, but to the person asking about Xfactors course I think this speaks to the question:

              Originally Posted by Paul Hooper View Post

              I believe it came out last year sometime, not sure exactly when. But i bought it about 2 months ago and i have two sites up and ranking and earning between $2 to $4 a day each.

              Nothing huge, but the sites were easy to build, keywords easy to find and promotional methods were easy. Both sites were built and promoted using John's mathods exactly, so they are obviously still working.

              I will be building plenty more sites using John's XFactor methods, much easier than this 30 day challenge, which has just been a complete waste of time.

              Paul did you use the micro niche finder, and if so is it able to calculate multiple SOC numbers at once?

              Personally I think the template used in Xfactor looks a bit dated to today's standards, and due to it being overused anyway I am looking at finding or making a similar but more modernized wordpress template with some nicer typography to highlight the content better.
              • Profile picture of the author AdamWB
                Profile picture of AdamWB
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Oh good, please please please do not use his standard theme. I'm getting so tired of seeing those black and green simple websites plastered all over Google - plus they are cracking down on it - I know this for a fact - and don't ask me how I know =)
          • Profile picture of the author Jacob Martus
            Jacob Martus
            Profile picture of Jacob Martus
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            Originally Posted by L41db4ck View Post

            Isn't Xfactor out of date now though?

            Adsense strategies that are built on a solid foundation don't get dated. Adsense is about keywords, content, and promotion fundamentally.

            Write enough keyword optimized content and build enough backlinks to that content and you'll do well with Adsense.

            Nothing sticking to the fundamentals of Adsense publishing will get dated. You are an adsense publisher. Publishers produce lots of content and lots of promotion. It is really that simple. Put in massive effort on keyword optimized content and backlinks and you will do well.
  • Profile picture of the author Happyade
    Profile picture of Happyade
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    As I said in a previous post (183), I had intended to go the distance with this course, but in view of the fact that they appear to have abandoned their students, I think it is about time for me to also apply for a refund.

    I am going to do the course by Ed Dale, called "The Challenge", which has a track record going back a few years, apparently, and which looks to be professionally run by people who are accountable. There is a forum on which people can become involved in any interaction regarding the course, and the videos, from what I've seen so far, look to be well structured and clearly articulated.

    Oh...and another small point is that the course is FREE! It can be found at "challenge dot co/" (not sure if I'm allowed to put links here or not).

    All the best,
  • Profile picture of the author Dave d
    Dave d
    Profile picture of Dave d
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Will the person that now has a $200 a month adsense site please stand up
    • Profile picture of the author blog
      Profile picture of blog
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      waiting here as well

      Originally Posted by Dave d View Post

      Will the person that now has a $200 a month adsense site please stand up
  • Profile picture of the author lefty359
    Profile picture of lefty359
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Plitmus answered me and gave me a link and said request refund through that link.
    I clicked at and got a big PAGE CANNOT BE FOUND
    Anybody else have the same experience?
  • Profile picture of the author Dave d
    Dave d
    Profile picture of Dave d
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Are any of you guys and gals going for the 300% refund after following the entire course (wishfull thinking I know) or just a regular refund. Obviously a straight refund will be easier to get as Pilmus or Pay Pal can issue that but I presuming these guys are gone underground and wont honour the 300% refund even if you have followed everything.

    Also I think the mods should reopen the original WSO thread so we can all leave feedback and let everybody know what a %$$$** he is incase George resurfaces with another WSO who has remainded deadly quiet throughout all this.
    • Profile picture of the author blog
      Profile picture of blog
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I vote to open the original WSO thread for feedback

      Originally Posted by Dave d View Post

      Are any of you guys and gals going for the 300% refund after following the entire course (wishfull thinking I know) or just a regular refund. Obviously a straight refund will be easier to get as Pilmus or Pay Pal can issue that but I presuming these guys are gone underground and wont honour the 300% refund even if you have followed everything.

      Also I think the mods should reopen the original WSO thread so we can all leave feedback and let everybody know what a %$$$** he is incase George resurfaces with another WSO who has remainded deadly quiet throughout all this.
      • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
        Profile picture of L41db4ck
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Everybody who stuck with it for 30 days should get 300% money back as they failed to deliver what they stated they would.

        I don't believe we have much chance of that though.

        Originally Posted by George

        Again, we really want EACH and EVERY one of you to succeed which is why we’re devoting a huge chunk of our time to help you guys. We take your feedback very seriously so if you have anything, anything at all on your mind just send a support request to our help desk with the subject of “Feedback”.
        Again, this is to you success!
        Warmest Regards,

        Rgds, our password-named poster

        Google LOVES aged domains!
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  • Profile picture of the author seoed
    Profile picture of seoed
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    what a shame!

    And I thought we can fully trust Daniel Tan. "Oh, Daniel recommended it, then its a no-brainer". And now, we lost our brains.
    • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
      Profile picture of L41db4ck
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by seoed View Post

      what a shame!

      And I thought we can fully trust Daniel Tan. "Oh, Daniel recommended it, then its a no-brainer". And now, we lost our brains.
      I'm not sure if you're taking the piss :p

      Originally Posted by George

      Again, we really want EACH and EVERY one of you to succeed which is why we’re devoting a huge chunk of our time to help you guys. We take your feedback very seriously so if you have anything, anything at all on your mind just send a support request to our help desk with the subject of “Feedback”.
      Again, this is to you success!
      Warmest Regards,

      Rgds, our password-named poster

      Google LOVES aged domains!
      Premium Aged Domains - - Make An Offer Now!

    • Profile picture of the author blog
      Profile picture of blog
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Live SEO was my first WSO purchase & I buy because the high recommendation fr "fully trust" Daniel Tan!

      What a let down!

      Never ever trust any so called "Guru" recommendation when they get a cut! They are more interested to fill their pocket

      Originally Posted by seoed View Post

      what a shame!

      And I thought we can fully trust Daniel Tan. "Oh, Daniel recommended it, then its a no-brainer". And now, we lost our brains.
  • Profile picture of the author justtony
    Profile picture of justtony
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Post a question to helpdesk Ella about the course last week, didn't have any feedback so far, I assumed they have run away. LOL. Refund before it is too late.
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Tan
    Daniel Tan
    Profile picture of Daniel Tan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Warriors,

    If you have bought SEO Live Challenge and not entirely satisfied, you are free to ask for refund. I am not behind this Challenge. For the past 4 emails I sent George, he has not answered. I was hoping George gave me some explanations, but I have waited too long. I am as lost as you.

    I recommended earlier because I know George as one of the SEO provider and I am personally interested as well in what he has to offer. My word on the thread turned many people into the offer. I deeply apologize for it, from now on, I will place my recommendations more carefully.

    This course turned out not meeting what it promised, if you wish to withdraw, you may proceed with a refund now. I am sure Plimus will honour your request.

    Again, I am not part of the organizer. This is NOT my product.

    I do sincerely apologize to you if you got onto this course because of my recommendation and found this a total disappointment. I promise, I will place my recommendations strictly selectively in the future.

    Thank you.

    Daniel Tan
    • Profile picture of the author blog
      Profile picture of blog
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Good that at last, U gave a respond!

      Originally Posted by Daniel Tan View Post

      Hi Warriors,

      If you have bought SEO Live Challenge and not entirely satisfied, you are free to ask for refund. I am not behind this Challenge. For the past 4 emails I sent George, he has not answered. I was hoping George gave me some explanations, but I have waited too long. I am as lost as you.

      I recommended earlier because I know George as one of the SEO provider and I am personally interested as well in what he has to offer. My word on the thread turned many people into the offer. I deeply apologize for it, from now on, I will place my recommendations more carefully.

      This course turned out not meeting what it promised, if you wish to withdraw, you may proceed with a refund now. I am sure Plimus will honour your request.

      Again, I am not part of the organizer. This is NOT my product.

      I do sincerely apologize to you if you got onto this course because of my recommendation and found this a total disappointment. I promise, I will place my recommendations strictly selectively in the future.

      Thank you.

      Daniel Tan
    • Profile picture of the author Dave d
      Dave d
      Profile picture of Dave d
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Daniel Tan View Post

      Hi Warriors,

      If you have bought SEO Live Challenge and not entirely satisfied, you are free to ask for refund. I am not behind this Challenge. For the past 4 emails I sent George, he has not answered. I was hoping George gave me some explanations, but I have waited too long. I am as lost as you.

      I recommended earlier because I know George as one of the SEO provider and I am personally interested as well in what he has to offer. My word on the thread turned many people into the offer. I deeply apologize for it, from now on, I will place my recommendations more carefully.

      This course turned out not meeting what it promised, if you wish to withdraw, you may proceed with a refund now. I am sure Plimus will honour your request.

      Again, I am not part of the organizer. This is NOT my product.

      I do sincerely apologize to you if you got onto this course because of my recommendation and found this a total disappointment. I promise, I will place my recommendations strictly selectively in the future.

      Thank you.

      Daniel Tan
      Well well Mr Daniel Tan. Spoken like a true politician the White House would be proud of you.

      For the record I dont blame you, your recommendation may have had some very minor influence but at the end of day the decision was mine and mine alone.

      But I beg you, for 5 minutes at least to take your rose tinted glasess off because it seems as though your speaking about a totally different course than what everybody else is on this thread.

      To excuse these clowns is ridiculous.

      Originally Posted by Daniel Tan View Post

      If you have bought SEO Live Challenge and not entirely satisfied, you are free to ask for refund
      Not entirely satisfied, thats a joke right ? How about if you were duped into this challenge by pure lies on the sales page then you should demand and stop at nothing until you get your money back that was taken under false pretences.

      Originally Posted by Daniel Tan View Post

      This course turned out not meeting what it promised, if you wish to withdraw
      I cant believe you even said that. You may wish to withdraw ? Withdraw from what ? It has been abandoned, there is no course to withdraw from. Your pal George has taken the money and ran.
      • Profile picture of the author Daniel Tan
        Daniel Tan
        Profile picture of Daniel Tan
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Dave d View Post

        Well well Mr Daniel Tan. Spoken like a true politician the White House would be proud of you.

        For the record I dont blame you, your recommendation may have had some very minor influence but at the end of day the decision was mine and mine alone.

        But I beg you, for 5 minutes at least to take your rose tinted glasess off because it seems as though your speaking about a totally different course than what everybody else is on this thread.

        To excuse these clowns is ridiculous.

        Not entirely satisfied, thats a joke right ? How about if you were duped into this challenge by pure lies on the sales page then you should demand and stop at nothing until you get your money back that was taken under false pretences.

        I cant believe you even said that. You may wish to withdraw ? Withdraw from what ? It has been abandoned, there is no course to withdraw from. Your pal George has taken the money and ran.

        Again, this is NOT my product.

        I recommended because George is an SEO Provider and I am PERSONALLY interested to what he has to offer. He is my DIRECT competitor and I want to see what he has under his belt that I don't already know.

        I said 'withdraw', that means getting a refund for yourself.

        Don't release your anger on me. I am as lost as you. This obviously gave me a lot of problem and I got emails everyday asking me why the challenge stopped, I tried to contact George but my emails were left unanswered, what else can I do? I have tried and done my best to get his explanation.

        Again, I apologize to people getting into this course because of my recommendation. That's all I can do. I am not part of the organizer and I have ZERO control over this.

        I do hope everyone got their refunds. I will take this as a lesson and will no longer place recommendations leniently.

        Thank you,

        Daniel Tan
        • Profile picture of the author blog
          Profile picture of blog
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hey Daniel,

          You are giving me the expression that you have go thru(have full access) the complete program before making yr "Honest" Review as shown below....

          Originally Posted by Daniel Tan
          George, you know I am a SEO guy. When I see SEO, I am the first to get interested!

          This is a killer product. Good for both beginner and expert. It is comprehensive and covers almost all aspect of SEO, from on-page to off-page. Best part, it reveals many link building techniques, some of them are rarely used, so the information is golden.

          Some of the things I especially like is the footprints, where you show how to find high PR links using various footprints. The other module I like is the linkbuilding module, where you actually show the various sources we can use for link building, I think this is very valuable. Oh yeah, the competition assessment module is golden as well. Many people don't know how to assess the competition in SEO, most have wrong concepts over competition. You made it clear, good job.

          There are a total of 5 modules. Each module comes with a Video, Manual, Workbook and MP3 recording.

          Great product, you can do a ClickBank launch with this. It is a mega product. 5 videos, 5 manuals, 5 workbooks, 5 mp3s, might command a price $697.


          Originally Posted by Daniel Tan View Post


          Again, this is NOT my product.

          I recommended because George is an SEO Provider and I am PERSONALLY interested to what he has to offer. He is my DIRECT competitor and I want to see what he has under his belt that I don't already know.

          I said 'withdraw', that means getting a refund for yourself.

          Don't release your anger on me. I am as lost as you. This obviously gave me a lot of problem and I got emails everyday asking me why the challenge stopped, I tried to contact George but my emails were left unanswered, what else can I do? I have tried and done my best to get his explanation.

          Again, I apologize to people getting into this course because of my recommendation. That's all I can do. I am not part of the organizer and I have ZERO control over this.

          I do hope everyone got their refunds. I will take this as a lesson and will no longer place recommendations leniently.

          Thank you,

          Daniel Tan
          • Profile picture of the author jeremynet
            Profile picture of jeremynet
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Come on guys. Don't blame Daniel Tan for the recommendation. Remember, nobody use a gun to pin point or force you to sign up the course. I'm one of the "victim" too but I did not blame Daniel for it. Just use it as a lesson learned and be smart next time. As long as we can get our money back, forget about it and keep on going.

            What if one day you see a course recommendation from newspaper then you blame because the fault of newspaper advertising? Remember, we are the only initiator. period.

            Did you see the skin miracle video? >>> Click here to watch

            • Profile picture of the author Daniel Tan
              Daniel Tan
              Profile picture of Daniel Tan
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              Originally Posted by blog View Post

              Hey Daniel,

              You are giving me the expression that you have go thru(have full access) the complete program before making yr "Honest" Review as shown below....

              Originally Posted by Daniel Tan
              George, you know I am a SEO guy. When I see SEO, I am the first to get interested!

              This is a killer product. Good for both beginner and expert. It is comprehensive and covers almost all aspect of SEO, from on-page to off-page. Best part, it reveals many link building techniques, some of them are rarely used, so the information is golden.

              Some of the things I especially like is the footprints, where you show how to find high PR links using various footprints. The other module I like is the linkbuilding module, where you actually show the various sources we can use for link building, I think this is very valuable. Oh yeah, the competition assessment module is golden as well. Many people don't know how to assess the competition in SEO, most have wrong concepts over competition. You made it clear, good job.

              There are a total of 5 modules. Each module comes with a Video, Manual, Workbook and MP3 recording.

              Great product, you can do a ClickBank launch with this. It is a mega product. 5 videos, 5 manuals, 5 workbooks, 5 mp3s, might command a price $697.


              That was a review for George's previous product, not for SEO Live Challenge. It was a review for this product:


              Originally Posted by jeremynet View Post

              Come on guys. Don't blame Daniel Tan for the recommendation. Remember, nobody use a gun to pin point or force you to sign up the course. I'm one of the "victim" too but I did not blame Daniel for it. Just use it as a lesson learned and be smart next time. As long as we can get our money back, forget about it and keep on going.

              What if one day you see a course recommendation from newspaper then you blame because the fault of newspaper advertising? Remember, we are the only initiator. period.
              Hi Jeremy,

              Thanks for your understanding. I indeed deeply feel bad about this that people got onto this via my recommendation and I sincerely apologize. I have had few sleepless nights, thinking how I may help everyone out with this tragedy, it is seriously one of the worst things I have experienced to-date.

              Daniel Tan
            • Profile picture of the author blog
              Profile picture of blog
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              Yes...lesson learn & life go on

              Originally Posted by jeremynet View Post

              Come on guys. Don't blame Daniel Tan for the recommendation. Remember, nobody use a gun to pin point or force you to sign up the course. I'm one of the "victim" too but I did not blame Daniel for it. Just use it as a lesson learned and be smart next time. As long as we can get our money back, forget about it and keep on going.

              What if one day you see a course recommendation from newspaper then you blame because the fault of newspaper advertising? Remember, we are the only initiator. period.
            • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
              Black Hat Cat
              Profile picture of Black Hat Cat
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              Originally Posted by jeremynet View Post

              Come on guys. Don't blame Daniel Tan for the recommendation. Remember, nobody use a gun to pin point or force you to sign up the course. I'm one of the "victim" too but I did not blame Daniel for it. Just use it as a lesson learned and be smart next time. As long as we can get our money back, forget about it and keep on going.

              What if one day you see a course recommendation from newspaper then you blame because the fault of newspaper advertising? Remember, we are the only initiator. period.
              But if things had gone well, it would have been perfectly fine to credit him for the recommendation though, right? Sorry, you can't have it both ways. You have to take the good with the bad.
              • Profile picture of the author caseycase
                Profile picture of caseycase
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                Originally Posted by Black Hat Cat View Post

                But if things had gone well, it would have been perfectly fine to credit him for the recommendation though, right? Sorry, you can't have it both ways. You have to take the good with the bad.
                Agreed. Any purchase you make is a chance you take. I can't blame Daniel for my decision.

                Free IM Info, No Junk -

        • Profile picture of the author Dave d
          Dave d
          Profile picture of Dave d
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          Originally Posted by Daniel Tan View Post


          Again, this is NOT my product.

          I recommended because George is an SEO Provider and I am PERSONALLY interested to what he has to offer. He is my DIRECT competitor and I want to see what he has under his belt that I don't already know.

          I said 'withdraw', that means getting a refund for yourself.

          Don't release your anger on me. I am as lost as you. This obviously gave me a lot of problem and I got emails everyday asking me why the challenge stopped, I tried to contact George but my emails were left unanswered, what else can I do? I have tried and done my best to get his explanation.

          Again, I apologize to people getting into this course because of my recommendation. That's all I can do. I am not part of the organizer and I have ZERO control over this.

          I do hope everyone got their refunds. I will take this as a lesson and will no longer place recommendations leniently.

          Thank you,

          Daniel Tan
          Daniel I dont blame you because we are all grown ups with our own minds and I know this is not your product. I just wanted you to acknowledge the severity of this sorry excuse for a WSO.

          Also I am not angry as I believe I was one of the first people to get a direct refund from the SEO challenge itself without having to go throught the official channels.

    • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
      Profile picture of L41db4ck
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Daniel Tan View Post

      If you have bought SEO Live Challenge and not entirely satisfied
      Makes it sound like there were people satisfied!

      Rgds, our password-named poster

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      • Profile picture of the author Khondoker
        Profile picture of Khondoker
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I paid with Pay pal and asked for refund yesterday through their help desk and PM to George. I wonder I can get any refund, they are not responding to anything! Refund from Plimus is understandable, that is a third party payment processor.

        I like to know any one got refund or not among those paid with PayPal?

        • Profile picture of the author bulleleven
          Profile picture of bulleleven
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by amreen View Post

          I paid with Pay pal and asked for refund yesterday through their help desk and PM to George. I wonder I can get any refund, they are not responding to anything! Refund from Plimus is understandable, that is a third party payment processor.

          I like to know any one got refund or not among those paid with PayPal?

          Not yet, I hope soon.
      • Profile picture of the author bulleleven
        Profile picture of bulleleven
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by L41db4ck View Post

        Makes it sound like there were people satisfied!
        Who? Really? How? That would be a surprise.
  • Profile picture of the author LegendZelda
    Profile picture of LegendZelda
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Guess I am having the same problems as everybody else. I found this thread looking for a place to voice my concerns.

    Has been no day update in almost 2 weeks. Has been a couple of filler updates here and there but no real update in weeks.

    I have also been waiting weeks for tech support because several of the directions are highly unclear throughout the challenge.

    Then when tech support does answer my questions half the time they end up contradicting what is later revealed.

    Not happy with this
    • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
      Profile picture of L41db4ck
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by LegendZelda View Post

      Guess I am having the same problems as everybody else. I found this thread looking for a place to voice my concerns.

      Has been no day update in almost 2 weeks. Has been a couple of filler updates here and there but no real update in weeks.

      I have also been waiting weeks for tech support because several of the directions are highly unclear throughout the challenge.

      Then when tech support does answer my questions half the time they end up contradicting what is later revealed.

      Not happy with this
      Put a refund request in with plimus, it seems the ship which was full of holes has gone off the radar and we can now only assume it has sunk!

      Rgds, our password-named poster

      Google LOVES aged domains!
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  • Profile picture of the author LegendZelda
    Profile picture of LegendZelda
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    How can I request a refund from Plimus? I no longer have my email where i made my purchase cause it got lost when i moved servers.

    Do you guys think it would be best just to file a credit dispute with my card company?
  • Profile picture of the author EmanuelR
    Profile picture of EmanuelR
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I didn't want to go through my credit card company, but after a week of trying to communicate to help desk or support without success, I just file a dispute with my credit card company and got my money back in less than 6 minutes.

    It depends on your credit card company's dispute claims policy.

    In my case, I just stated that the merchant did not keep its end of the contract agreement.
    They sent me a claims form via email; I filled it out, signed it and faxed it back to them.
    My account was credited $88 before I had completed the form. Done.

    I would not try to get a refund through PayPal because they do not protect you well against digital products. Also do not escalate your dispute to PayPal, it will automatically side with the merchant (because PayPal doesn't cover digital products at this time). You may want to check with PayPal refund policy updates concerning digital items, for they may change from time to time.

    If you had filed a dispute with paypal, then just leave it as is and wait for the merchant reply back status. If the merchant does not reply back within a certain time period, then paypal will automatically side with you.

    Since Plimus will be the merchant's representative in this case, I don't think they will give you a hard time in refunding you, since they are a third party provider and will side with you in this case since the merchant did not held up his end of the contract.

    If you have not request a refund yet, I would go through Plimus first for a refund. I have read that a lot of people had success dealing with Plimus directly instead of paypal.

    support @

    Also you can initiate a refund through email with the receipt you had received from Plimus through paypal. http://www. the X will be the 8 digit Order Number you will use to replace the X place holders.


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  • Profile picture of the author Teleologist
    Profile picture of Teleologist
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Okay guys, I'm confused. I ordered the SEO Challenge through PayPal using my credit card. On my credit card statement it says PayPal *Plimus under the transaction description. Next to that is a phone number for PayPal customer service. Do I request a refund through PayPal or Plimus? If Plimus how do I contact them? Going through my credit card company won't work as they say I must not have fully paid for the purchase. What a crock that is.



    Jack Wyatt

    • Profile picture of the author blog
      Profile picture of blog
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Do refund through via Plimus

      Originally Posted by Teleologist View Post

      Okay guys, I'm confused. I ordered the SEO Challenge through PayPal using my credit card. On my credit card statement it says PayPal *Plimus under the transaction description. Next to that is a phone number for PayPal customer service. Do I request a refund through PayPal or Plimus? If Plimus how do I contact them? Going through my credit card company won't work as they say I must not have fully paid for the purchase. What a crock that is.


  • Profile picture of the author blog
    Profile picture of blog
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I guest this program is one of the Biggest WSO Lies & SCAM!!!!!
    • Profile picture of the author Jacob Martus
      Jacob Martus
      Profile picture of Jacob Martus
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by blog View Post

      I guest this program is one of the Biggest WSO Lies & SCAM!!!!!
      It wouldn't have been without half ass endorsements from people who really had no idea whether or not the guy running the WSO had any experience or knowledge on the subject.

      I'd let them know with my wallet. Stop buying from people who endorsed this WSO.
  • Profile picture of the author Teleologist
    Profile picture of Teleologist
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    How do I contact Plimus?

    Jack Wyatt

    • Profile picture of the author kingW
      Profile picture of kingW
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Teleologist View Post

      How do I contact Plimus?
      Did you received a confirmation email when you purchased the course? Go find the email as it contains the link and transaction ID to the dispute page.
      • Profile picture of the author Teleologist
        Profile picture of Teleologist
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by masterwaldo View Post

        Did you received a confirmation email when you purchased the course? Go find the email as it contains the link and transaction ID to the dispute page.
        Thanks. I found the confirmation email from Plimus and requested a refund.

        Jack Wyatt

  • Profile picture of the author Teleologist
    Profile picture of Teleologist
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Some of you guys got your refund in one day? I just got this
    email from Plimus concerning my request for a refund:

    You have reported a problem to Plimus related to your recent order of Live SEO
    Challenge - Limited Offer Full Version.

    This action has triggered our Dispute Resolution Process that enables you to
    communicate with your Vendor through the dispute system.

    Our objective is to resolve the matter to your satisfaction as soon as possible
    by providing both parties an opportunity to communicate on the matter.

    The Vendor is given a week to make a response to your initial message. After
    that, you are asked to reply within 5 days of his response.If the Vendor does
    not receive your response within 5 days, we assume that you are satisfied with
    the answer and automatically close the dispute.

    If the dispute is not resolved after 2 weeks, it will be reviewed by the Plimus
    team to progress towards a final resolution.

    We understand that this may require time and thank you for remaining patient and
    courteous throughout the process.

    If you are not obtaining the results you are looking for through the
    communication with the vendor, please let us know and we will enter the
    resolution process directly.

    Jack Wyatt

    • Profile picture of the author blog
      Profile picture of blog
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Normal process...

      They need some time to process.....just wait a couple more day more for refund

      Originally Posted by Teleologist View Post

      Some of you guys got your refund in one day? I just got this
      email from Plimus concerning my request for a refund:

      You have reported a problem to Plimus related to your recent order of Live SEO
      Challenge - Limited Offer Full Version.

      This action has triggered our Dispute Resolution Process that enables you to
      communicate with your Vendor through the dispute system.

      Our objective is to resolve the matter to your satisfaction as soon as possible
      by providing both parties an opportunity to communicate on the matter.

      The Vendor is given a week to make a response to your initial message. After
      that, you are asked to reply within 5 days of his response.If the Vendor does
      not receive your response within 5 days, we assume that you are satisfied with
      the answer and automatically close the dispute.

      If the dispute is not resolved after 2 weeks, it will be reviewed by the Plimus
      team to progress towards a final resolution.

      We understand that this may require time and thank you for remaining patient and
      courteous throughout the process.

      If you are not obtaining the results you are looking for through the
      communication with the vendor, please let us know and we will enter the
      resolution process directly.
    • Profile picture of the author kingW
      Profile picture of kingW
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Teleologist View Post

      Some of you guys got your refund in one day? I just got this
      email from Plimus concerning my request for a refund:
      You will receive one more email from them, and you should get your refund not long after that.
  • Profile picture of the author lefty359
    Profile picture of lefty359
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow, and here i am still trying to get a refund and getting nowhere!
    • Profile picture of the author tatawari
      Profile picture of tatawari
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      We don't know if the Live SEO Challenge was a scam to begin with, or if their poor teaching and communication skills resulted in them being overwhelmed with support questions that they could not cope with.

      I have put a lot of effort into this and have written almost 50 articles for 2 sites. If this was not a scam, what they have presented so far and the adsense site itself may be worth continuing with. It is impossible to assess this and we are missing the remainder of their promotional strategy.

      However, there are 2 possibilities that could be persued:

      Firstly, if there is anyone here who purchased George Wang's original blueprint, I would be interested in getting their feedback about it, and a copy if possible. This may be a way of continuing with their method and seeing if it works.

      Secondly, although Daniel has apologised, words are cheap.
      After glowingly praising George and promoting his course on the forum, he sent me this email:

      "Wow, so many of you got onto it because of my recommendation and
      I sincerely thank you for all the support. It is so overwhelming and seriously,
      thank you for the mention on the thread!
      I told George, since my name is almost THERE, I have no problem
      backing it up, so I will personally pay attention to this and make sure this
      turns out to be a great learning experience for everyone. Guys, I am in
      learning too, but I will probably give some feedback behind the scene if
      need be."

      He also indicated on the forum that he had enrolled in the course.

      Of course Daniel did not need to enroll, and I doubt if he did, because when I emailed him many weeks ago he had no idea what was going on.. So, saying that he had enrolled may have been a small lie to encourage others to do so.
      Daniel has been aware of peoples dissatisfactions with the course for some time now, and he has contacted George and passed on emails, but he has certainly not treated any of these complaints seriously enough to participate in the course and see what was going on as he implied. His effort to ensure that things were going well was pretty lame.
      Daniel, talk is cheap. Alot of people have been hurt by this who enrolled on your half true recommendations. So now help us. Look through the course and assess what has already been presented. You say that you have read George's previous course and you probably have a lot more expertise than him. So help us to move forward with the promotion of our sites. Instead of apologizing, do something to show that you care.
      • Profile picture of the author datuk77
        Profile picture of datuk77
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I have initiated a dispute on plimus 2 days ago, but until now there is no progress at all.

        Does anybody here already received the refund? especially for people who pay using paypal?
      • Profile picture of the author blog
        Profile picture of blog
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Totally is CHEAP!

        Anyway, how much cut he get for getting us(sucker) to be in the course?

        Originally Posted by tatawari View Post

        We don't know if the Live SEO Challenge was a scam to begin with, or if their poor teaching and communication skills resulted in them being overwhelmed with support questions that they could not cope with.

        I have put a lot of effort into this and have written almost 50 articles for 2 sites. If this was not a scam, what they have presented so far and the adsense site itself may be worth continuing with. It is impossible to assess this and we are missing the remainder of their promotional strategy.

        However, there are 2 possibilities that could be persued:

        Firstly, if there is anyone here who purchased George Wang's original blueprint, I would be interested in getting their feedback about it, and a copy if possible. This may be a way of continuing with their method and seeing if it works.

        Secondly, although Daniel has apologised, words are cheap.
        After glowingly praising George and promoting his course on the forum, he sent me this email:

        "Wow, so many of you got onto it because of my recommendation and
        I sincerely thank you for all the support. It is so overwhelming and seriously,
        thank you for the mention on the thread!
        I told George, since my name is almost THERE, I have no problem
        backing it up, so I will personally pay attention to this and make sure this
        turns out to be a great learning experience for everyone. Guys, I am in
        learning too, but I will probably give some feedback behind the scene if
        need be."

        He also indicated on the forum that he had enrolled in the course.

        Of course Daniel did not need to enroll, and I doubt if he did, because when I emailed him many weeks ago he had no idea what was going on.. So, saying that he had enrolled may have been a small lie to encourage others to do so.
        Daniel has been aware of peoples dissatisfactions with the course for some time now, and he has contacted George and passed on emails, but he has certainly not treated any of these complaints seriously enough to participate in the course and see what was going on as he implied. His effort to ensure that things were going well was pretty lame.
        Daniel, talk is cheap. Alot of people have been hurt by this who enrolled on your half true recommendations. So now help us. Look through the course and assess what has already been presented. You say that you have read George's previous course and you probably have a lot more expertise than him. So help us to move forward with the promotion of our sites. Instead of apologizing, do something to show that you care.
  • Profile picture of the author Dave d
    Dave d
    Profile picture of Dave d
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Guys I really dont think we should turn this thread into a witch hunt against Daniel Tan. Even though it was not his product he was the only one out of that shower that decided to come to this thread and give his side of the story in any role he had to play in this.

    I challenged Daniel on what was on my mind and he responded. Please try to keep it constructive and not just random rants and Im sure Daniel will be happy to explain what it is you want explained.
  • Profile picture of the author Jacob Martus
    Jacob Martus
    Profile picture of Jacob Martus
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    No need to rant against him. Just ignore any future endorsements and products.
    • Profile picture of the author azombay
      Profile picture of azombay
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Jacob Martus View Post

      No need to rant against him. Just ignore any future endorsements and products.
      Exactly! I simply unsubscribed from any of his lists and know better to ever trust Daniel Tan again.
      • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
        Mike Anthony
        Profile picture of Mike Anthony
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by azombay View Post

        Exactly! I simply unsubscribed from any of his lists and know better to ever trust Daniel Tan again.

        You are certainly justified in making any decision regarding who you subscribe to but I am going to step up and say that No one who recommends a live course can be expected to know how it will turn out.

        Sure Daniel might have been exuberant in recommending this product but lets face it -

        It looked good to a lot of people

        and in no small part because it was live and you could get mentoring along the way. So the very thing that made it appealing was also what made it impossible to see all the problems ahead by Daniel.

        So keep that in mind. If this were an ebook or set of videos that he could , should and probably would review beforehand then you could nail him to the wall but it wasn't so there is some real room not just an excuse to see that the nature of the offer left him as wide open to loss than you.

        I don't go head over heels for any seller and buy very few things on Warriors or elsewhere but Daniel has had two programs I liked. I don't agree with him on some things but as one of the "senior" SEO guys around I don't think i can say that of many other sellers (and those who know me on warriors know I can be a hard critic)

        So on a live training that he couldn't possibly see what was coming I think the reality of what was being sold deserves some consideration. Fair is fair.

  • Profile picture of the author typo3techie
    Profile picture of typo3techie
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    • Profile picture of the author marksinclair
      Profile picture of marksinclair
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Just a word of warning to all those duped by this WSO like I was -

      In the course, there was nothing about putting up a privacy policy on the site. This is necessary to do. If you don't have a privacy policy and are running Adsense ads, Google will ban you.

      So for those keeping the sites they built, be sure to put up a privacy policy or take down the Adsense ads.

      Losing your Adsense account because of these clowns is far costlier than the original $88.
  • Profile picture of the author RichardTurnerJr
    Profile picture of RichardTurnerJr
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I subscribed to this course because I wanted to compliment what I am doing now. I look at $88 dollars as an investment, the truth is that most people (including me) already have WAY too much "digital inventory" on their hard drives as it is but I wanted to see what else this had to offer.

    The template they provided I will gladly test and I have just the juicy niche with fat CPC kw to test it out on! Thanks @ marksinclair I will make sure to include my privacy policy.

    I personally, like @ Dave d, enjoy KW research so the amount of time it takes to do that doesn't bother me at all so no problem there with it being a longer process than 5 minutes.

    I REALLY think they were trying to show us how to create articles quickly to submit to article directories, article creation may have been the 5 minute a day part of this project.

    Maybe they should have named it accordingly and the expectation level wouldn't have reached the dizzying heights that it did.

    With the proper article template one can create an article in under 10 minutes once they get used to the creation process. It seems like it could go hand and hand with their adsense template... so I guess these were the steps they wanted us to follow:

    1) KW Reasearch

    2) Create Adsense Page

    3) Throw traffic at it through Article Marketing

    the 5 minute part is creating fresh content (daily) through articles to get your adsense site to move up in serps. Daniel Tan knows about SEO so would this make sense? Heck, I imagine if you chose to syndicate those article puppies through RSS Aggs you could be getting a nice stream of organic traffic.

    I am saddened that they apparently chose to abandon this project without any explanation. God Bless 'em is all I can say. I did find some value in the course so i don't personally consider it a complete bust but I am a little thrown off by the apparent "ship abandonment" part of this whole deal. Again, sad.

    On another note, I'm "testing" something for this month and if all goes well, I will share my results... be forewarned though, this stuff IS work and it isn't hardly a 5 minute deal but if my calculations are correct it could be some very nice paydays involved... and yes it is scalable so I'll check back in with everybody.


    I have no issues with Daniel Tan as he has provided me with excellent content and I imagine he will continue to do so. As a matter of fact, he provided me with a replacement copy of Rank Mover as I lost it due to issues with my laptop... no questions asked and with a hurry he replied to my request so great customer service there!
  • Profile picture of the author lefty359
    Profile picture of lefty359
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    My I got an email that my refund has been granted. So persevere, guys.
    • Profile picture of the author EmanuelR
      Profile picture of EmanuelR
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I just received another REFUND, but this one is from plimus:

      ************************************************** ************************
      IMPORTANT: This receipt is best viewed with a fixed width font. (Courier)
      ************************************************** ************************
      Dear Emanuel Rolle,

      We hereby confirm the refund for Live SEO Challenge - Limited Offer - Full Version to you on 10/01/2010.

      Please see the statement below for further details.

      IMPORTANT: We have already sent this credit to your credit card, however, some banks may take up to 5 business days to post it in your account. If you do not see this credit immediately and 5 days have not past, please contact your credit card company, they will be able to confirm the credit.

      If you need further assistance, please visit:

      Well, I log into PayPal and there it was $88.00 credited.

      If you need information on speeding up this process you can see my previous post here:

      Make sure you call the 800 number I posted there and tell them you have already filed a request for refund and have not received a response from the vendor. They will credit you immediately.

      Get Free Lifetime GrooveFunnels. No Credit Card Required! Create Your Lifetime Account Here.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kelly Greene
    Kelly Greene
    Profile picture of Kelly Greene
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by marksinclair View Post

    Just a word of warning to all those duped by this WSO like I was -

    In the course, there was nothing about putting up a privacy policy on the site. This is necessary to do. If you don't have a privacy policy and are running Adsense ads, Google will ban you.

    So for those keeping the sites they built, be sure to put up a privacy policy or take down the Adsense ads.

    Losing your Adsense account because of these clowns is far costlier than the original $88.
    I came here to post this also. Aside from all the other reasons people have pointed out as to why this course did not live up to its promises or being misleading this is the most telling that it was not legit.

    Originally Posted by EmanuelR View Post

    Make sure you call the 800 number I posted there and tell them you have already filed a request for refund and have not received a response from the vendor. They will credit you immediately.
    Thanks I filed a dispute 5 days ago, received an email 3 days ago stating they would refund if there was no response, and was getting impatient so gave them a call and they refunded me right away.

    And just in case it wasn't obvious to anyone, "Matt" was obviously a voice actor hired by "George."
  • Profile picture of the author LegendZelda
    Profile picture of LegendZelda
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Got the number from the recovery tool. Thanks for the link

    What is the best way to go about this? Creating a dispute or calling them up and flat out asking for a refund
  • Profile picture of the author mkl3377
    Profile picture of mkl3377
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    WoW!!! Great Tip EmanuelR.

    I submitted my refund on 9/26. Received the email to wait a week. Then nothing happened and today just read your post here and followed it. I just called them on the phone and got the refund IMMEDIATELY!!! I mean IMMEDIATELY. After I hung up with them the funds were in my account. Even banks don't work that fast when I deposit money. LOL..

    For all those that need refunds follow Emanuel's advice. Hope you all get your money back. Make sure this guy gets to keep nothing as he didn't deliver what was promised.

    @ Daniel -
    I don't blame you for the fallout here but I do blame you for such a crappy recommendation. To make a simple recommendation like "good program check it out" I'd be ok but you sold it as if it was your own product. C'mon 3 emails in 3 days promoting it...and to say you you have no stake in this??? Very hard to believe.

    Yes it is our own responsibility to check out the product. Yes no one put a gun to our head to buy but you have built yourself a reputation and with that comes responsibilities. Carelessly making recommendations and backing it with your rep, you should be man enough to take the good and the bad. So don't whine and complain about the backlash because you deserve it for making a bad biz decision. Man up to it dude. I still have my doubts about the truth of this whole situation but thats my opinion.

    Michael Lee

  • Profile picture of the author EmanuelR
    Profile picture of EmanuelR
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You're welcome Micheal and Kelly,

    I am happy I can help. I'm delighted it worked for you all.

    Hopefully everyone else who are having trouble getting their refund reads the tip.

    At least on the positive side, people are able to get their money back in time.

    Please do not delay filing a dispute for a refund or wait too long.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kaphoen
    Profile picture of Kaphoen
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Mes amis, bonjour from France...

    The last time I looked at the challenge was 23 September... after which, I enjoyed/endured the various experiences of a quick helicopter lift to an emergency cardiac operation followed by several days of intensive care.

    So I return to the challenge with a somewhat different perspective.

    There are many and various reasons why communication with the Live SEO Challenge may be poor... and I will not be trying to defend them.

    But, having read through these posts and observations on success or the lack of it, I cannot but help get a feeling of "self-fulfilling prophecy".

    As I understood the original offer, this was to be a programme that would help the person with average intelligence and, perhaps, little SEO skill develop a web-site over a period of 30 days.

    By the end of that 30 days, the individual should have developed some key skills following instructions provided by the sellers in web site creation, SEO and web hosting services.

    The sellers also said that they would provide a template for the website that, from their own research, would be good for ad-sense earnings with a click through rate of circa 20%.

    The sellers indicated that, having once published this web-site, it should go on to produce an increasing revenue stream. By the end of 90 days this revenue should be in excess of $200 per month.

    Now, in my view, so far George and Matt have kept up their end of the offer. They have provided me with the instructions and indicated which resources are appropriate. They have given me direction and provided a template. (I'm not saying that I always, straight away, understood those instructions - but with a little further research and willingness to learn on my part, I have progressed.)

    At the end of 30 days I now have a published web site and continue to follow their direction on how best to generate traffic.

    Is that not what George and Matt offered?

    Is that not what Daniel Tan supported?

    Prior to this, I had never invested in a WSO, I did not know these two gentlemen and was only vaguely aware of Daniel. But for the cost of $88... I think that an investment in education well made...

    Will the site generate $200 a month in ad-sense revenue? Only time will tell.

    However, I expect that George and Matt will continue to direct me.

    If, at the end of 90 days, I am not achieving the income stream indicated, then, and only then, might I feel it appropriate to invoke their guarantee.

    bon continuation

    further thought Those of you who have already requested your refunds may have just shot yourselves in the foot.
    • Profile picture of the author azombay
      Profile picture of azombay
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Kaphoen View Post

      Mes amis, bonjour from France...

      The last time I looked at the challenge was 23 September... after which, I enjoyed/endured the various experiences of a quick helicopter lift to an emergency cardiac operation followed by several days of intensive care.

      So I return to the challenge with a somewhat different perspective.

      There are many and various reasons why communication with the Live SEO Challenge may be poor... and I will not be trying to defend them.

      But, having read through these posts and observations on success or the lack of it, I cannot but help get a feeling of "self-fulfilling prophecy".

      As I understood the original offer, this was to be a programme that would help the person with average intelligence and, perhaps, little SEO skill develop a web-site over a period of 30 days.

      By the end of that 30 days, the individual should have developed some key skills following instructions provided by the sellers in web site creation, SEO and web hosting services.

      The sellers also said that they would provide a template for the website that, from their own research, would be good for ad-sense earnings with a click through rate of circa 20%.

      The sellers indicated that, having once published this web-site, it should go on to produce an increasing revenue stream. By the end of 90 days this revenue should be in excess of $200 per month.

      Now, in my view, so far George and Matt have kept up their end of the offer. They have provided me with the instructions and indicated which resources are appropriate. They have given me direction and provided a template. (I'm not saying that I always, straight away, understood those instructions - but with a little further research and willingness to learn on my part, I have progressed.)

      At the end of 30 days I now have a published web site and continue to follow their direction on how best to generate traffic.

      Is that not what George and Matt offered?

      Is that not what Daniel Tan supported?

      Prior to this, I had never invested in a WSO, I did not know these two gentlemen and was only vaguely aware of Daniel. But for the cost of $88... I think that an investment in education well made...

      Will the site generate $200 a month in ad-sense revenue? Only time will tell.

      However, I expect that George and Matt will continue to direct me.

      If, at the end of 90 days, I am not achieving the income stream indicated, then, and only then, might I feel it appropriate to invoke their guarantee.

      bon continuation

      further thought Those of you who have already requested your refunds may have just shot yourselves in the foot.
      So, let me make sure I get this straight. You're thinking that the Challenge is still ongoing? Interesting point of view considering we've not heard squat from any of them for several weeks now, and even Daniel Tan said that George has not replied to like five of his emails. You think George kicked him out of the challenge too? Good luck on invoking that 300% guarantee.
    • Profile picture of the author mkl3377
      Profile picture of mkl3377
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Since you last logged in on Sept 23, Sept 22 was the last anyone heard from Matt & George(if that is even their names). And NO the lessons are not complete. How is providing 19 Days of confusing semi-understandable lesson fulling the promise of 30 days of lessons. Yes, if you continue to do what they've taught so far eventually you will make 200/mon. But it wont be anytime soon and it wont be within the 90 days. the reason for many people jumpin on this course is the idea there was some special SEO technique to get adsense site earning quicker.(which turns out they had none to offer).

      If i'm not mistaken there was also a promise of the over the shoulder to show us how to build a site. Well we've not seen even the domain name of the site they were gonna build with us.

      So NO this is not a case of self fulfilling prophecy. This is a clear cut case of greed, deceit, and fraud. People are not asking for refunds because the websites that we build were not getting results. We ask for the refunds because we were lied to and strung along in a course that was never going to materialize.

      So if you still feel like you got your monies worth, then all the power to you. Good luck with your site.

      Originally Posted by Kaphoen View Post

      Mes amis, bonjour from France...

      The last time I looked at the challenge was 23 September... after which, I enjoyed/endured the various experiences of a quick helicopter lift to an emergency cardiac operation followed by several days of intensive care.

      So I return to the challenge with a somewhat different perspective.

      There are many and various reasons why communication with the Live SEO Challenge may be poor... and I will not be trying to defend them.

      But, having read through these posts and observations on success or the lack of it, I cannot but help get a feeling of "self-fulfilling prophecy".

      As I understood the original offer, this was to be a programme that would help the person with average intelligence and, perhaps, little SEO skill develop a web-site over a period of 30 days.

      By the end of that 30 days, the individual should have developed some key skills following instructions provided by the sellers in web site creation, SEO and web hosting services.

      The sellers also said that they would provide a template for the website that, from their own research, would be good for ad-sense earnings with a click through rate of circa 20%.

      The sellers indicated that, having once published this web-site, it should go on to produce an increasing revenue stream. By the end of 90 days this revenue should be in excess of $200 per month.

      Now, in my view, so far George and Matt have kept up their end of the offer. They have provided me with the instructions and indicated which resources are appropriate. They have given me direction and provided a template. (I'm not saying that I always, straight away, understood those instructions - but with a little further research and willingness to learn on my part, I have progressed.)

      At the end of 30 days I now have a published web site and continue to follow their direction on how best to generate traffic.

      Is that not what George and Matt offered?

      Is that not what Daniel Tan supported?

      Prior to this, I had never invested in a WSO, I did not know these two gentlemen and was only vaguely aware of Daniel. But for the cost of $88... I think that an investment in education well made...

      Will the site generate $200 a month in ad-sense revenue? Only time will tell.

      However, I expect that George and Matt will continue to direct me.

      If, at the end of 90 days, I am not achieving the income stream indicated, then, and only then, might I feel it appropriate to invoke their guarantee.

      bon continuation

      further thought Those of you who have already requested your refunds may have just shot yourselves in the foot.

      Michael Lee

      • Profile picture of the author Jacob Martus
        Jacob Martus
        Profile picture of Jacob Martus
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by mkl3377 View Post

        the reason for many people jumpin on this course is the idea there was some special SEO technique to get adsense site earning quicker.(which turns out they had none to offer).
        The truth is though that there is no secret SEO techniques for Adsense. Adsense is fundamentally about content and backlinks. With enough of each, you will do well with Adsense.

        Take what you learned so far and run with it. Write lots of keyword optimized content and build lots of backlinks and in the end you will make good money with Adsense.
    • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
      Black Hat Cat
      Profile picture of Black Hat Cat
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Kaphoen View Post

      Mes amis, bonjour from France...

      The last time I looked at the challenge was 23 September... after which, I enjoyed/endured the various experiences of a quick helicopter lift to an emergency cardiac operation followed by several days of intensive care.

      So I return to the challenge with a somewhat different perspective.

      There are many and various reasons why communication with the Live SEO Challenge may be poor... and I will not be trying to defend them.

      But, having read through these posts and observations on success or the lack of it, I cannot but help get a feeling of "self-fulfilling prophecy".

      As I understood the original offer, this was to be a programme that would help the person with average intelligence and, perhaps, little SEO skill develop a web-site over a period of 30 days.

      By the end of that 30 days, the individual should have developed some key skills following instructions provided by the sellers in web site creation, SEO and web hosting services.

      The sellers also said that they would provide a template for the website that, from their own research, would be good for ad-sense earnings with a click through rate of circa 20%.

      The sellers indicated that, having once published this web-site, it should go on to produce an increasing revenue stream. By the end of 90 days this revenue should be in excess of $200 per month.

      Now, in my view, so far George and Matt have kept up their end of the offer. They have provided me with the instructions and indicated which resources are appropriate. They have given me direction and provided a template. (I'm not saying that I always, straight away, understood those instructions - but with a little further research and willingness to learn on my part, I have progressed.)

      At the end of 30 days I now have a published web site and continue to follow their direction on how best to generate traffic.

      Is that not what George and Matt offered?

      Is that not what Daniel Tan supported?

      Prior to this, I had never invested in a WSO, I did not know these two gentlemen and was only vaguely aware of Daniel. But for the cost of $88... I think that an investment in education well made...

      Will the site generate $200 a month in ad-sense revenue? Only time will tell.

      However, I expect that George and Matt will continue to direct me.

      If, at the end of 90 days, I am not achieving the income stream indicated, then, and only then, might I feel it appropriate to invoke their guarantee.

      bon continuation

      further thought Those of you who have already requested your refunds may have just shot yourselves in the foot.
      So, basically what you're saying is you're still heavily under the influence of the meds they gave you at the hospital.
      • Profile picture of the author azombay
        Profile picture of azombay
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Black Hat Cat View Post

        So, basically what you're saying is you're still heavily under the influence of the meds they gave you at the hospital.
        That's what he's saying.

        Especially this gem:

        However, I expect that George and Matt will continue to direct me.
        Have not heard from them in weeks, but they will continue to direct him. Perhaps they'll be communicating telepathically?
      • Profile picture of the author GilS
        Profile picture of GilS
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        "further thought Those of you who have already requested your refunds may have just shot yourselves in the foot."

        It's obvious where you were shot and it wasn't in the foot. :rolleyes:

        Just kidding!
    • Profile picture of the author Dave d
      Dave d
      Profile picture of Dave d
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Kaphoen View Post

      Mes amis, bonjour from France...

      The last time I looked at the challenge was 23 September... after which, I enjoyed/endured the various experiences of a quick helicopter lift to an emergency cardiac operation followed by several days of intensive care.

      So I return to the challenge with a somewhat different perspective.

      There are many and various reasons why communication with the Live SEO Challenge may be poor... and I will not be trying to defend them.

      But, having read through these posts and observations on success or the lack of it, I cannot but help get a feeling of "self-fulfilling prophecy".

      As I understood the original offer, this was to be a programme that would help the person with average intelligence and, perhaps, little SEO skill develop a web-site over a period of 30 days.

      By the end of that 30 days, the individual should have developed some key skills following instructions provided by the sellers in web site creation, SEO and web hosting services.

      The sellers also said that they would provide a template for the website that, from their own research, would be good for ad-sense earnings with a click through rate of circa 20%.

      The sellers indicated that, having once published this web-site, it should go on to produce an increasing revenue stream. By the end of 90 days this revenue should be in excess of $200 per month.

      Now, in my view, so far George and Matt have kept up their end of the offer. They have provided me with the instructions and indicated which resources are appropriate. They have given me direction and provided a template. (I'm not saying that I always, straight away, understood those instructions - but with a little further research and willingness to learn on my part, I have progressed.)

      At the end of 30 days I now have a published web site and continue to follow their direction on how best to generate traffic.

      Is that not what George and Matt offered?

      Is that not what Daniel Tan supported?

      Prior to this, I had never invested in a WSO, I did not know these two gentlemen and was only vaguely aware of Daniel. But for the cost of $88... I think that an investment in education well made...

      Will the site generate $200 a month in ad-sense revenue? Only time will tell.

      However, I expect that George and Matt will continue to direct me.

      If, at the end of 90 days, I am not achieving the income stream indicated, then, and only then, might I feel it appropriate to invoke their guarantee.

      bon continuation

      further thought Those of you who have already requested your refunds may have just shot yourselves in the foot.
      Are you Goerge in disguise

      Omg you have such low expecatations of what a WSO should be.

      They promised that they would do everything with us. They openly stated numerous times that they would get a site to $200 a month and we would just need to follow along as they did it.

      Now if they cannot do what their teaching you to do what makes you think their instructions are any use if they cannot follow it themselves as they said they would.

      If a proclaimed expert says to you watch and copy as I build a house and they cant do it do you continue anyway even though you dont know what your doing ?

      In case you haven't noticed the course has been abandoned. They relinquished on every promise they made. They made numerous mistakes throughout and could not put them right and in the end decided to run without any word at all and now there is queue of people filing claims to get refunds because they wont communicate with anybody because their hiding out somewhere.

      If these people were genuine and sincere do you not thinking they would be on this thread right now defending themselves and their reputation as any other reputable WF member would be.

      Good luck ! Maybe you should head over to DP because I have heard there are some great money makers being sold over there :rolleyes:
  • Profile picture of the author Teleologist
    Profile picture of Teleologist
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I was willing to see the SEO Challenge through to the end without asking for a refund so long as I received the entire course and thought I received valuable information on setting up adsense sites that made me just $50 per month. So far what I got was confusing and sometimes contradictory information. But of course, the final straw was that for some reason the promoters of the SEO Challenge decided to not even finish the course and not even bother to give an explanation! Why? I've purchased dozens of WSO's over the past two years and have never seen anything like this. This looks like outright fraud. These guys should be banned from ever promoting a WSO on the Warrior forum but I'm not sure that is going to happen. Does the Warrior form have a policy of dealing with those that commit fraud?

    Jack Wyatt

  • Profile picture of the author ninal
    Profile picture of ninal
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I finally got a refund from plimus. It was actually taking them so long (7 days) so what I did was open another ticket via customer support. I simply stated that my refund was taking too long to process and in just a few hours I got my refund.

    Hopefully everyone else got their refunds.
    • Profile picture of the author Tintin4u
      Profile picture of Tintin4u
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      I joined the SEO Live Challenge but now everything is at standstill. There has been no update in the members area since Day19 of the 30day challenge. The day 19 video was uploaded on Sept.14,2010.

      Similarly, no response from the support. I have 2 open tickets which are 10 and 5 days old respectively.

      Is this a scam? I see a lot of members asking for refund.

      Thnx a Lot.
  • Profile picture of the author ninal
    Profile picture of ninal
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Tintin4u, a lot of people have already opted for a refund maybe you should do so as well. Not sure if they will even continue on with the lessons as majority of the members already decided to leave.
  • Profile picture of the author Sitechamp
    Profile picture of Sitechamp
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I was wondering what was going on. Thanks for all the advice on how to go about getting a refund.
  • Profile picture of the author Techology
    Profile picture of Techology
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Anyone else thinking of starting a live seo challenge? How's about $10 with no guarantees, sold through clickbank (so no problem about refunds). You only need to state adsense earnings of $10+ a month are possible. I bet you would get loads of takers. There must be some guru out there who could do that and make some of the people here happy?
    • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
      Black Hat Cat
      Profile picture of Black Hat Cat
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Techology View Post

      Anyone else thinking of starting a live seo challenge? How's about $10 with no guarantees, sold through clickbank (so no problem about refunds). You only need to state adsense earnings of $10+ a month are possible. I bet you would get loads of takers. There must be some guru out there who could do that and make some of the people here happy?
      I might think about that, if there's any interest. I can get a site to $10 in adsense a month with my eyes closed. And I'm not even a guru.
      • Profile picture of the author Techology
        Profile picture of Techology
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Black Hat Cat View Post

        I might think about that, if there's any interest. I can get a site to $10 in adsense a month with my eyes closed. And I'm not even a guru.
        Then you should do it. Here's the math:
        .info site: $1 a year
        hosting: $3 a month
        Time/cost to do = if you are doing nothing else: $0
        Profit: $6+ a month ($72 a year)
        Go for it Black Hat Cat Think how many thanks you will get, plus you will become a guru

        NB: For the first time you can post a WSO with no BS! Here's a stab at your copy:

        "Fed up with scams! For the first time ever I announce a no BS WSO. Make $10 a month from Adsense. I show you exactly how. Look over my shoulder. The only thing that differs from my offer and everyone else is that I do not claim to make $979,797 a second. This WSO is through Clickbank so you have 60 days to claim a refund if you are unhappy in anyway. Now that last part IS guaranteed 100%. If you ever wondered how to make money online, and just want to see it actually working for YOU, this is the real deal."
    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      Mike Anthony
      Profile picture of Mike Anthony
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Techology View Post

      Anyone else thinking of starting a live seo challenge?
      How live does it have to be?

      I'm not an adsense guy myself but I'd throw in some videos on how to do keyword research on page SEO and link building strategies. 90% of adsense is traffic as with any web business. too few people know how to drive enough traffic. Videos are part of another project I am working on. Never bought the challenge but have been following the outcome - hate to see people ripped off.

      Terribly doubtful from day one at the criteria for keywords they were pushing. My approach is to get down in the trenches with the top ten on the first page. trying to find all kinds of little rules that get you around doing that is just playing games. Once you know what to look for it takes about 3 seconds to determine if you want to dive deeper into researching the niche or moving on to another.

      Hope you guys make something good of it. $10 is probably setting it too low. Like Black hat stated thats pretty easy to do .

      • Profile picture of the author Techology
        Profile picture of Techology
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

        How live does it have to be?
        It doesn't, it's just that that is a great marketing strategy (like "look over my shoulder to see exactly how I do it" etc.).

        Mike, why not put up a page on your site with the basics. Especially the tantalising "3 seconds to determine if you want to dive depper..." from your post above. Make it an optin so you get the value from an increased list, plus the trust from giving something away.
        • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
          Mike Anthony
          Profile picture of Mike Anthony
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by Techology View Post

          Mike, why not put up a page on your site with the basics. Especially the tantalising "3 seconds to determine if you want to dive depper..." from your post above. Make it an optin so you get the value from an increased list, plus the trust from giving something away.
          Not a problem. The page is up, the videos are being uploaded and the forum is ready. Everyone who has participated in this thread until now can review it for free. Needed some reviewers anyway. Just PM me. I Don't want to highjack the thread.

          • Profile picture of the author LegendZelda
            Profile picture of LegendZelda
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

            Not a problem. The page is up, the videos are being uploaded and the forum is ready. Everyone who has participated in this thread until now can review it for free. Needed some reviewers anyway. Just PM me. I Don't want to highjack the thread.
            I cannot pm since i am still a newer member. Can i email you or something?
          • Profile picture of the author london27
            Profile picture of london27
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

            Not a problem. The page is up, the videos are being uploaded and the forum is ready. Everyone who has participated in this thread until now can review it for free. Needed some reviewers anyway. Just PM me. I Don't want to highjack the thread.
            Hey Mike

            Can I be a reviewer for your new site too? I can't PM either. It was me that emailed Daniel Tan and told him he should put in an appearance to explain why he recommended this joker in the first place and I'm still waiting for my refund. Anyway, would love to see your stuff.

          • Profile picture of the author bulleleven
            Profile picture of bulleleven
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

            Not a problem. The page is up, the videos are being uploaded and the forum is ready. Everyone who has participated in this thread until now can review it for free. Needed some reviewers anyway. Just PM me. I Don't want to highjack the thread.
            Can you PM also I'm a newbie and can't PM, thanks
          • Profile picture of the author 9ball
            Profile picture of 9ball
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

            Not a problem. The page is up, the videos are being uploaded and the forum is ready. Everyone who has participated in this thread until now can review it for free. Needed some reviewers anyway. Just PM me. I Don't want to highjack the thread.
            Hi Mike, please pm me too. Thanks..

          • Profile picture of the author Happyade
            Profile picture of Happyade
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

            Not a problem. The page is up, the videos are being uploaded and the forum is ready. Everyone who has participated in this thread until now can review it for free. Needed some reviewers anyway. Just PM me. I Don't want to highjack the thread.
            Hello Mike,
            I would appreciate a pm on this as well. I don't know how you qualify to send a pm, but I don't think I have reached that rarified status yet.
      • Profile picture of the author Jacob Martus
        Jacob Martus
        Profile picture of Jacob Martus
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

        How live does it have to be?

        I'm not an adsense guy myself but I'd throw in some videos on how to do keyword research on page SEO and link building strategies. 90% of adsense is traffic as with any web business. too few people know how to drive enough traffic. Videos are part of another project I am working on. Never bought the challenge but have been following the outcome - hate to see people ripped off.

        Terribly doubtful from day one at the criteria for keywords they were pushing. My approach is to get down in the trenches with the top ten on the first page. trying to find all kinds of little rules that get you around doing that is just playing games. Once you know what to look for it takes about 3 seconds to determine if you want to dive deeper into researching the niche or moving on to another.

        Hope you guys make something good of it. $10 is probably setting it too low. Like Black hat stated thats pretty easy to do .
        I'd be willing to put in my knowledge on the subject. I'm not an Adsense guru by any means but I'm over 4 figures per month so I definitely know how to make Adsense work well.
        • Profile picture of the author 9ball
          Profile picture of 9ball
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by Jacob Martus View Post

          I'd be willing to put in my knowledge on the subject. I'm not an Adsense guru by any means but I'm over 4 figures per month so I definitely know how to make Adsense work well.
          please share..


  • Profile picture of the author Happyade
    Profile picture of Happyade
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey...Has anyone looked at the Challenge site lately? Would you believe they have made a post? It says this:

    " Hi guys,
    Here’s the final material that was supposed to be uploaded last week!
    As promised these videos are in the exact same format that we gave to our outsourcers (we just re-shot them in a higher resolution).
    Feel free to take these videos and distribute them to your virtual assistants or outsourcers. Additionally, since we’ll be updating our own outsourcer training videos, just swing by here every month or so when we update these videos. (The idea is that by using these last videos and instructions which will be updated, you’ll be able to maintain your website’s rankings and status for infinity).
    Additionally, we’ll be sure to send out email updates when something changes.
    Good luck!

    Download Process Map

    Download Link Request Outsourcer Training Video "

    Are they serious?
  • Profile picture of the author mkl3377
    Profile picture of mkl3377
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just out of curiosity I actually watched the videos. It looks like they even outsources the video making as many of the blurbs weren't worded correctly. I cant believe they want us to give this crap to our outsourcers. If I gave them this S&^* I'd be in so much trouble.

    And they had audacity to ask us to log back in every once in awhile because they want to release more crappy videos like this to us.

    I don't get what they are thinking?

    Michael Lee

  • Profile picture of the author Happyade
    Profile picture of Happyade
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Whoopee! Got my refund.
    • Profile picture of the author mkl3377
      Profile picture of mkl3377
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by GilS View Post

      "further thought Those of you who have already requested your refunds may have just shot yourselves in the foot."

      It's obvious where you were shot and it wasn't in the foot. :rolleyes:
      Dude totally uncool. The guy just had cardiac surgery. Give him a break... But so funny though

      Originally Posted by Happyade View Post

      Whoopee! Got my refund.
      Congrats. It's a great feeling knowing we survived a scam. I think we should form a WSO Scam Survival Club. Think there will be lots of members. LOL...

      Michael Lee

      • Profile picture of the author Happyade
        Profile picture of Happyade
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by mkl3377 View Post

        Congrats. It's a great feeling knowing we survived a scam. I think we should form a WSO Scam Survival Club. Think there will be lots of members. LOL...
        Ha...I like that idea. Perhaps we could create a WSO on surviving a scam! :rolleyes:
  • Profile picture of the author Techology
    Profile picture of Techology
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Sounds interesting Jacob. I have PM'd you.
  • Profile picture of the author LegendZelda
    Profile picture of LegendZelda
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    They just updated again lol.
  • Profile picture of the author Techology
    Profile picture of Techology
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I believe the only one saying that was George
  • Profile picture of the author seoed
    Profile picture of seoed
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    yes, they really put up another video and I really dont understand where the "secret seo" stuff should be? So far, everything has been basic stuff.
    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      Mike Anthony
      Profile picture of Mike Anthony
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by seoed View Post

      yes, they really put up another video and I really dont understand where the "secret seo" stuff should be? So far, everything has been basic stuff.
      there is no secret seo stuff. Search engine optimization is done by too many people for too many years for no one else to know how to do it. The only trick is putting everything together. We all have little tips and different ways of doing things but anyone trying to tell you they have the inside secret info is just in selling mode.

  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    Mike Anthony
    Profile picture of Mike Anthony
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've sent you a PM ( i believe you can receive them) with contact infrormation. Please contact me. Based on the responses I am getting We will begin early next week - Monday/Tuesday

  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    Mike Anthony
    Profile picture of Mike Anthony
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Pms all sent. had no idea so many people couldn't send PMs. Anyone who can - please don't post here about my offer to teach SEO - just feel free to send me a PM. Like I said I don't want to derail this thread.

  • Profile picture of the author mkl3377
    Profile picture of mkl3377
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Mike,

    Can you please PM me your info I still can't PM yet.



    Michael Lee

  • Profile picture of the author newwave
    Profile picture of newwave
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    they won't let me PM you either...can you send me the info? thanks!!!
  • Profile picture of the author LegendZelda
    Profile picture of LegendZelda
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I got my refund today.
    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      Mike Anthony
      Profile picture of Mike Anthony
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Update on our little free members helping members project.

      I'll be closing out invitations this evening (8:00 PM - US EST). If you know anyone else that got burned but still want to learn SEO then let them contact me by then. By tomorrow those who have contacted me will have access to the video area etc.

      marcus and Black Hat you are more than welcome to join in. We can all learn from each other. There are techniques I might not use but in a learning environment people need to know about all kinds of SEO and make their own decisions.

      We are approaching 40 people in the little project . The more the merrier.

      • Profile picture of the author hi14all
        Profile picture of hi14all
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Can you please PM me as well, Mike. Thankyou.
        • Profile picture of the author mtntgr
          Profile picture of mtntgr
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          I am still getting the royal run-around from Plimus
          stall, stall, stall
          form-letter emails
          phonelines busy, then failure to transfer
          the dial-tone


          never again...


          • Profile picture of the author mtntgr
            Profile picture of mtntgr
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Just got through to a real person!
            Refunded while we spoke.

            All it took was the threat to -
            • file complaint to BBB
            • file a complaint with FTC
            • whatever else it would take! ;-)
            in this case the money was 2ndary to the principle


            ps. Plimus - 2 thumbs down!

            Originally Posted by mtntgr View Post

            I am still getting the royal run-around from Plimus
            stall, stall, stall
            form-letter emails
            phonelines busy, then failure to transfer
            the dial-tone


            never again...


        • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
          Mike Anthony
          Profile picture of Mike Anthony
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by hi14all View Post

          Can you please PM me as well, Mike. Thankyou.
          Sorry hi4all. I'm only opening this up to people who have participated in the previous program or to people who have participated at warriors.

          • Profile picture of the author hi14all
            Profile picture of hi14all
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

            Sorry hi4all. I'm only opening this up to people who have participated in the previous program or to people who have participated at warriors.
            Hi Mike,
            I am a bit lost here.
            Can you define previous program and participated at warriors for me.
            Sorry for being a bit thick. Shucks
            • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
              Mike Anthony
              Profile picture of Mike Anthony
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Originally Posted by hi14all View Post

              Hi Mike,
              I am a bit lost here.
              Can you define previous program and participated at warriors for me.
              Sorry for being a bit thick. Shucks

              You now have two posts at Warrior forums. Why do I need to define it any better than that?

              • Profile picture of the author hi14all
                Profile picture of hi14all
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                OK and apologies. I'm English... wrong use of word shucks.
              • Profile picture of the author bulleleven
                Profile picture of bulleleven
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

                When are you thinking of starting?
                • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
                  Mike Anthony
                  Profile picture of Mike Anthony
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  We'll be good to go tomorrow. I had a few stragglers today wanting in and a few things pop up for a project I am working (a new white hat link building system I might just throw in for you guys to test out) . Also had to do some training on the new Google keyword tool which just came out a few weeks ago while the program was being developed. I had a technique for drilling into those results that no longer works with the new tool.

                  I have everyone's email and will send access info sometime tomorrow
                  if all goes well. Please bare in mind that offering it now for review was impromptu after seeing what happened to you guys. So this isn't like a planned launch. Still I think we WILL be ready to go tomorrow a day off schedule.

                  Originally Posted by bulleleven View Post


                  When are you thinking of starting?

                  • Profile picture of the author Lifelong Learner
                    Lifelong Learner
                    Profile picture of Lifelong Learner
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    Please forgive my lack of comprehension: I purchased the Live SEO Challenge, but have only lurked in this thread (until now). I would like to participate in your training - will there be an opportunity for me to purchase it?

                    I would have PMed you but I don't have enough posts.

                    Thank you very much.
      • Profile picture of the author rlaramli
        Profile picture of rlaramli
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

        Update on our little free members helping members project.

        I'll be closing out invitations this evening (8:00 PM - US EST). If you know anyone else that got burned but still want to learn SEO then let them contact me by then. By tomorrow those who have contacted me will have access to the video area etc.

        marcus and Black Hat you are more than welcome to join in. We can all learn from each other. There are techniques I might not use but in a learning environment people need to know about all kinds of SEO and make their own decisions.

        We are approaching 40 people in the little project . The more the merrier.
        Sent PM to you a couple of days ago, but not sure if you receive it.

  • Profile picture of the author shabach
    Profile picture of shabach
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I am still struggling with keywords and hope more members tune in here.
    • Profile picture of the author atya
      Profile picture of atya
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I really dissapointed with the support of this challenge, in fact that the admin or support ignoring my question for about 13th days. I still have no answer yet. I just wanna ask about the differences between index.html, index_1.html, and index1.html. Maybe anybody could explain this to me ?
  • Profile picture of the author caseycase
    Profile picture of caseycase
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Atya, honestly, from the feedback I am getting, I wouldn't use their template at all. Sending you a pm.

    Free IM Info, No Junk -

  • Profile picture of the author bryce84
    Profile picture of bryce84
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I went ahead and got my refund.. I really wanted to give it a shot but too many failures on their side. Going many days at a time with no new vids or info combined with very bad support. There is too many good programs out there to put up with their b.s.
  • Profile picture of the author coolseek
    Profile picture of coolseek
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    How can I join. I am an ex-live SEO challenge member. And I cannot Pm because of my amount of post.
  • Profile picture of the author motoaavtar
    Profile picture of motoaavtar
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This thread will probably be deleted, why do not you form your own group of Skype, where you can meet and share the results, etc? It's free and easy. You can check that signature so that members can join their group challenge Skype. But I agree with Jill, and I would be pist!
    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      Mike Anthony
      Profile picture of Mike Anthony
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by motoaavtar View Post

      This thread will probably be deleted, why do not you form your own group of Skype, where you can meet and share the results, etc? It's free and easy. You can check that signature so that members can join their group challenge Skype. But I agree with Jill, and I would be pist!
      Well I've offered a forum as well and its finally all ready to go. As some of you know I had some technical problems with it but just finished fixing everything. Unfortunately i won't be available tomorrow but if you guys want a section I can set it up tomorrow evening (the other class will begin then too - finally)

  • Profile picture of the author Billsimon
    Profile picture of Billsimon
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Signed up now, thanks Mike.
  • Profile picture of the author Teleologist
    Profile picture of Teleologist
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Anyone having a problem seeing the videos? I can't get them to work.

    Jack Wyatt

  • Profile picture of the author Wayne OS
    Wayne OS
    Profile picture of Wayne OS
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Can someone please inform me as to how you went about requesting a refund and on what grounds the refund is granted as the helpdesk does not function at all anymore (something about the software license has expired) so I basically can get no help / response from George or the Live challenge so what is the point to continue really. I am not impressed at all.

    If someone could let me know. Thanks
    • Profile picture of the author Lifelong Learner
      Lifelong Learner
      Profile picture of Lifelong Learner
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I requested a refund directly from Plimus following the guidelines from Black Hat Cat in post 301 of this thread. Plimus waited a week to give the merchant a chance to respond and then agreed to issue the refund (presumably because they never heard from the merchant).
    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      Mike Anthony
      Profile picture of Mike Anthony
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Wayne OS View Post

      Can someone please inform me as to how you went about requesting a refund and on what grounds the refund is granted as the helpdesk does not function at all anymore (something about the software license has expired) so I basically can get no help / response from George or the Live challenge so what is the point to continue really. I am not impressed at all.

      If they have completely shut down then everyone needs to get out now because once three months have gone even a chargeback request to your cardholder is not likely to work

    • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
      Profile picture of L41db4ck
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Wayne OS View Post

      Can someone please inform me as to how you went about requesting a refund and on what grounds the refund is granted as the helpdesk does not function at all anymore (something about the software license has expired) so I basically can get no help / response from George or the Live challenge so what is the point to continue really. I am not impressed at all.

      If someone could let me know. Thanks
      Are there people out there that still haven't requested a refund???? OMG

      Rgds, our password-named poster

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  • Profile picture of the author checkerpatterson
    Profile picture of checkerpatterson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you for opening this thread. I think it's a good idea to bounce ideas with each other without exposing any trade secrets here. I'm still struggling with keywords, and I hope more members to an amount here.
  • Profile picture of the author LegendZelda
    Profile picture of LegendZelda
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey Mike. I never got a pm from you about your course.
    If you are still doing that it would be awesome
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    Mike Anthony
    Profile picture of Mike Anthony
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Alright A lot of people have been PMing who didn't get in. It has started but some people are still getting going with the tools so if you have participated in this thread or can prove you got ripped from that offer I will open it again to you. We'll wait for you.

    Not in this thread now by this post and no other proof sorry - no go.

  • Profile picture of the author Techology
    Profile picture of Techology
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have been following a guy named Spencer who is doing a similar thing BUT his is totally free! He not only tells you what he is doing, but you also to get to see his site as it builds up. I have been following this for about 8 weeks or so, and his website has just brought in the first income. If you have been stung by the Live SEO Challenge, go and see how it should be done and for no cost whatsoever. BTW I haven't got my refund yet

    Anyway here's his link. It's a blog with the latest results at the top, so scroll down to the bottom, click the Read Older entries so you get back to week 1:
    Niche Adsense Challenge |**Earn More with Google Adsense**
    • Profile picture of the author chackett
      Profile picture of chackett
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Regarding Technology's post about following Spencer over at Niche Adsense Challenge |**Earn More with Google Adsense** .. I have been following him as well. His blog is awesome, and I would highly recommend you read both challenges. The first is about his goal of building 100 niche adsense sites in 30 days, and the second challenge is about building a larger authority site (also monetized with adsense).

      If you have some time and are looking for a great read, you should check it out. It is definitely worth the time.


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  • Profile picture of the author Nspire
    Profile picture of Nspire
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hello Mike i am logged into IMrocket but i do not see any videos or any class?

    thanks for your help.
    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      Mike Anthony
      Profile picture of Mike Anthony
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Nspire View Post

      Hello Mike i am logged into IMrocket but i do not see any videos or any class?

      thanks for your help.
      Did you go to the forums? Thats where we are. We are getting back under way by tonight. Had to wait for some stragglers to catch up AND Google changed their keyword tool again so I had to do a video for that . SO let me know if you find it in the forums and come on in because we 'll be moving along at a steady clip now.

      • Profile picture of the author ingomkt
        Profile picture of ingomkt
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Yeah!! Just got my refund from Plimus! Called them after the second email and it took another week to get my refund. If you still think about getting a refund file a request with Plimus and make sure to follow up with a call.
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    Mike Anthony
    Profile picture of Mike Anthony
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    For those that signed up for the free SEO traffic class as a result of the challenge - everyone seems to be up to speed now and we are going on to lesson eight. So make sure you log back in. If you haven't logged in since October then I will eventually assume you won't be working through to ranking your site with us and may delete you. Thanks.

  • Profile picture of the author Villa7
    Profile picture of Villa7
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey anyone here got a refund!!!

    I am going to ask them for refund!!!

    The challenge was not that good and cleared!!!
    Please let me know if any one got there money back!!
    • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
      Profile picture of L41db4ck
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Villa7 View Post

      Hey anyone here got a refund!!!

      I am going to ask them for refund!!!

      The challenge was not that good and cleared!!!
      Please let me know if any one got there money back!!
      Where have you been? I think everyone got their money back some time ago.
      It may be too late now, check with Plimus.

      Rgds, our password-named poster

      Google LOVES aged domains!
      Premium Aged Domains - - Make An Offer Now!

  • Profile picture of the author Villa7
    Profile picture of Villa7
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey please can some one help me in getting refund!!

    I need it..
  • Profile picture of the author Villa7
    Profile picture of Villa7
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey i had opened a dispute on Plimus.
    They gave me message: Forced resolve - Please contact the vendor directly to resolve these issues -

    What should i do now?

    I have emailed to given email id.
    • Profile picture of the author kingW
      Profile picture of kingW
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Villa7 View Post

      Hey i had opened a dispute on Plimus.
      They gave me message: Forced resolve - Please contact the vendor directly to resolve these issues -

      What should i do now?

      I have emailed to given email id.
      Where have you been all this while? Based on the message, I guess you have to contact George directly. I believe you will have a hard time to get in touch with them.

      If you pay using a credit card, you might contact the bank for advice.
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    Mike Anthony
    Profile picture of Mike Anthony
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    You might have to kiss that money goodbye. Looks like over 90 days since you purchased it (according to the WSO thread it was offerred in). Even banks sometimes won't help when you wait that long.

  • Profile picture of the author Villa7
    Profile picture of Villa7
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    I have opened a dispute in plimus. Can i get a refund?
  • Profile picture of the author john smith1
    john smith1
    Profile picture of john smith1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Actually what is WSO and its significance
  • Profile picture of the author stevenjotello
    Profile picture of stevenjotello
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you for opening this thread. I think it's a good idea to submit their ideas to each other here, without exposing trade secrets. I'm still struggling with keywords and hope that more members tune here.
    • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
      Black Hat Cat
      Profile picture of Black Hat Cat
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by stevenjotello View Post

      Thank you for opening this thread. I think it's a good idea to submit their ideas to each other here, without exposing trade secrets. I'm still struggling with keywords and hope that more members tune here.
      So, I'm guessing you need the links, lol.
    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      Mike Anthony
      Profile picture of Mike Anthony
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by stevenjotello View Post

      Thank you for opening this thread. I think it's a good idea to submit their ideas to each other here, without exposing trade secrets. I'm still struggling with keywords and hope that more members tune here.

      Steven as stated earlier in this thread I have videos training that covers that so PM me. I've closed down the free offer but I will allow if for you.

  • Profile picture of the author fannyballard
    Profile picture of fannyballard
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you for opening this thread. I think it's a good idea to submit their ideas to each other here, without exposing trade secrets. I'm still struggling with keywords and hope that more members tune here.
  • Profile picture of the author kingwarrior
    Profile picture of kingwarrior
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    it's too bad this course is closed
    am i right ?
  • Profile picture of the author Soulofinfamy
    Profile picture of Soulofinfamy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think it's a good idea to bounce ideas off one another here without exposing any trade secrets.

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