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I'm just curious about exactly how this works. I've always bought domain names that are exactly my keyword, but do I also get a bonus if the keyword is just used in the domain?

Like if my keyword is "make money online" and I found an available domain called "youcanmakemoneyonline.com", would I get the bonus for "make money online" or would it no longer count since more words were added?
#domain #keyword
  • Profile picture of the author Vincenzo Oliva
    It counts, not quite as much as makemoneyonline.com which gets a 100 for relevancy, yours might get a 50 score so to speak.
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    • Profile picture of the author bigbrian
      I would have to agree with Vincenzo Oliva. He pretty much summed it up in one sentence.

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    • Profile picture of the author paulgl
      Originally Posted by Vincenzo Oliva View Post

      It counts, not quite as much as makemoneyonline.com which gets a 100 for relevancy, yours might get a 50 score so to speak.
      A 50? For what? Out of what? From whom?

      Course we all know amazon.com is where to find info on the amazon.

      Relevancy is not about domain name.

      Let's give one more example in the latest myth killer.

      Kayak.com has shot to the head of it's niche. And it aint about
      kayaks. So, what relevancy has kayak.com to it's niche?

      In fact, kayak.com is the ultimate "scraped" content site. But it
      is golden to visitors. Hence, authority has been bestowed upon it.
      PR7 I might add.

      Kayak.com: Kills 2 myths with one stone.

      If you people concentrated on what matters.......This forum would be
      filled with success stories instead of failure and shoulda coulda hadda oughtas!

      Notice I NEVER say don't try for a keyword domain. I just say stop thinking
      too hard. Just choose something cool and get on with it! it is certainly
      important to put keywords in urls.

      You want a domain name people will remember! That alone will help tremendously
      in making you a better target for repeat visitors and viral.


      If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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  • Profile picture of the author deloriagod
    Thanks guys. I was thinking it might have been an all or nothing deal, but that makes a lot of sense.
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  • Profile picture of the author raksamuda
    youcanmakemoneyonline.com, nice name
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  • Profile picture of the author D Baker
    As long as you have your keyword phrase in the domain, it will help with your on page SEO.

    You should try to put your keyword phrase at the beginning of the domain and use suffixes instead of prefixes.
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    • Profile picture of the author HCLee
      The way I do it when doing keyword research is gather a good list of about 10 keywords which satisfy all your search criteria.Then I make sure in all these 10 keywords, the domain names are available. I do this using a bulk purchase check against the domain registra. To me having exact keyword phrase is vital in search engine domination. Why do you want to settle for second best - that's when you put prefix or suffix text before and after the keyword.
      Electric Foot Warmers -End your cold feet days now.
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  • Profile picture of the author socialbookmark
    Of course using your target keyword in the name of domain can help you to get a better position on search engines. But usually it makes domain names very long and i myself don't like it.
    Even if one word of the keyword to be in domain name, it can help you to rank higher.

    I love warriorforum. zendegiyesabz

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  • Profile picture of the author seoforu
    Having keywords in your domain always counts.So try choose a domain that has keywords in it..else Vincenzo has made it clear although.

    Guest post links are effective when they are contextual and natural!!

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  • Profile picture of the author priyaf2007
    Yeah keywords in domain counts.
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    • Profile picture of the author seomelbourne
      Keywords in domain help the search engine rankings the brandable and easy to remember domain name are more in (trendy). An easy to remember domain name will most likely increase the percentage of people that will come back to your site directly by typing your site URL in the URL bar of their browser, rather than making another search in the search engines and hoping you haven't lost ranking they will find you again.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnpaulhutchison
    If you can't get the direct keyword in your domain name, add a modifier keyword that makes sense to the end, rather than to the beginning, example;


    Just like mine makemoneyonlineentrepreneur

    At the end of the day it should be keyword rich if your going after a specific niche.

    You should also use modifiers in your anchor text for your backlinks too.

    Hope that helps.

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  • Profile picture of the author munstersg01
    Exact Match Domains are always the best for SEO. I find that if I cannot have an Exact Match Domain it is always so much more difficult to rank for that keyword. Takes so much more backlinking to make it happen.
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  • Profile picture of the author webdango
    Although all searchers are looking for information, there are really only three types of searches:
    1. Site specific
    2. Information specific
    3. Action specific
    When my wife wants to go to a web site, she doesn't type in the URL. She actually goes to Google and does a search for the website she's looking for. Usually, the site she's looking for is the number one result, which she then clicks. If my wife does it this way, you can bet there are a lot of other people using this method as well.

    When a user is conducting a site specific search, there is only one right answer: the website the searcher is looking for.

    This explains the strength of the exact match domain name. Google understands the concept of site search and is trying to service that user.

    As Internet Marketers, we use exact match keyword domain names in an attempt to take advantage of this aspect of Google's algorithm and target site specific searches.

    An Information Specific search is simply to gather information. Information searches are usually broad and not website specific. Although most people conducting information searches are not looking to buy or take any other action, some can convert to purchases, sign-ups or completing a form (lead generation).

    An Action search is performed by someone who is ready to take some sort of action. They've done their information gathering and are ready to use that information to drive an action.

    The more types of searches we can cross, the greater our potential for traffic and income.

    When researching keywords, consider the type of search you're targeting. The keywords for an informational search might be different than the ones for Action search. Keep Site searchers in mind as well, since integrating the keyword into your domain can have this added benefit.

    If you're looking to make income through affiliate sales of products or services, targeting Action searches makes sense. They might be searching by product number, or use indicator keywords in their search phrase, words like 'buy', 'for sale', ' store', or 'coupon' or some other associated word that indicates a readiness to buy.

    If your business plan is to make your income through ad-share advertising programs like Adsense, or through lead generation (completing forms), then targeting Information specific searches might be a good strategy. Information searchers tend to keep searching until they find the information that answers their question, which means they tend to click on links.

    The best strategy to combat search compartmentalization is to take an integrated approach. That's why the exact match domain name is such a powerful tool.

    When someone types in 'Flip UltraHD Camcorder', are they looking to buy or just looking for more information? In either case, the searcher would doubtless be inclined to click on a site of the same name: flipultrahdcamcorder.com. The domain name FlipUltraHDCamcorder.com establishes an instant credibility with the user because it is:
    1. Site Specific: It matches the exact question the searcher asked
    2. Information Specific: a site by that name would inspire a high degree of confidence that it contains the information they are looking for
    3. Action Specific: Someone looking to buy a Flip UltraHD Camcorder would also have a high degree of confidence that the site will provide them with the means to do so
    You can further strengthen the association of your result by maximizing the use of the title tag. You could try Flip UltraHD Camcorder Reviews or Flip UltraHD Camcorder Specifications. Want to appeal more to Action searches? Use Flip UltraHD Camcorder Coupons, or Flip UltraHD Camcorders for Sale.

    You can use buzzwords like 'review', 'price comparison', 'sale' , 'coupons', 'store' and more in combination with the keyword in your title tag to target informational or actionable intent.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Bleidt
    yea this post is great. it opened my eyes again Thank you!

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  • Profile picture of the author rypher21
    kws in domain name is a good idea, as long as it still relate with your site
    Business Consulting Services - Kittelson & Carpo Consulting
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  • Profile picture of the author webdango
    The keyword in the domain name is not required.

    If you have the money to launch a national TV/radio campaign (a la Kayak) then you can name it pretty much whatever you want.

    However, if your goal is to rank on a micro-niche long tail term, an exact match domain name is advantageous.
    I make $2,000 - $3,000 a month and YOU CAN TOO
    Get the exact methods I use in my No Joke Guides:
    How to Build Income Earning Websites
    Search Psychology and Keyword Brainstorming
    How to Find a Profitable Niche
    Read more tips at my NoJokeGuide blog
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    • Profile picture of the author Graemewhi
      Have to agree with paulgl in a way "A 50? For what? Out of what? From whom?"
      There are 187 factors in the google analysis according to readily available data so what anyone thinks they are mainly only an educated guess.
      Ok - keywords in the domain have been successful in getting sites to rank - so thats a good start but you still have more work to do to get up there,but to what extent a prefix or suffix is in devaluing your domain compared to the exact match is anyones guess and most likely not as much as the stated 100 to 50 rate.
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  • Profile picture of the author parker12
    Most of the webmasters prefer keyword domain because it is search engine friendly.
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  • Profile picture of the author brp002
    Yes it helps. It is like have makemoney.com/survey

    since survey is in the url it helps with SEO. So same applies for domain names..

    If you want a link here please email me!

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