Origin of the google page rank

Profile picture of miranon
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2 replies
I thought about the google page rank stuff and one thing came to my mind: when google first introduced the page rank system, how did they initially ranked pages? Was every page first at 0? So how can it be that some sites got pr5 or pr9 etc when the originally links were all pr0?
#google #origin #page #rank
  • Profile picture of the author Stephen Crooks
    Stephen Crooks
    Profile picture of Stephen Crooks
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It is a very complex algorithm that I am not even begin to explain in detail but basically when Google started they had a theory that a webpage's popularity can be measured by how many links it has coming into it. This largely still holds true today, but back to your question.. When Google began, they sent their spiders crawling the web and following links from webpage to webpage to webpage. Based on their PageRank algorithm, they could then say which webpages had the most and later as the algorithm evolved, the best backlinks.

    If you think of PageRank as a giant pie, each webpage has it's share of that pie.. The higher it ranks, the bigger the share of that pie it gets (higher pageRank). Over the years, the pie gets no bigger or smaller, it just gets shared among the trillions of webpages on the web. A link from a page that has a high PageRank is like giving that webpage a share of it's pie.

    All this talk of pie is making me hungry..

    Originally Posted by miranon View Post

    I thought about the google page rank stuff and one thing came to my mind: when google first introduced the page rank system, how did they initially ranked pages? Was every page first at 0? So how can it be that some sites got pr5 or pr9 etc when the originally links were all pr0?
    • Profile picture of the author deloriagod
      Profile picture of deloriagod
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Steve Crooks View Post

      It is a very complex algorithm that I am not even begin to explain in detail but basically when Google started they had a theory that a webpage's popularity can be measured by how many links it has coming into it. This largely still holds true today, but back to your question.. When Google began, they sent their spiders crawling the web and following links from webpage to webpage to webpage. Based on their PageRank algorithm, they could then say which webpages had the most and later as the algorithm evolved, the best backlinks.

      If you think of PageRank as a giant pie, each webpage has it's share of that pie.. The higher it ranks, the bigger the share of that pie it gets (higher pageRank). Over the years, the pie gets no bigger or smaller, it just gets shared among the trillions of webpages on the web. A link from a page that has a high PageRank is like giving that webpage a share of it's pie.

      All this talk of pie is making me hungry..
      Great post Steve! And about that pie.. Well I'm off to lunch

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