How To Make Bank With CPA and SEO

by 124 replies
Hi Warriors, here's a plan that will help you make bank with search engine
traffic and CPA products...

I'm going to show you how to easily find a product with low competition
and rank in the top 3 of Google using three linking strategies which work
for me time after time.

First, let's talk about how much it costs to run a full time Internet
Marketing business...

These methods involve the use of paid tools and outsourcing costs, you
can get away with doing this all manually, but be warned that the tasks
involved are VERY tedious.

The tools I use are SEnuke and My Article Network (MAN).

IMO SEnuke is the best investment you could ever make if you're going the
SEO route, using the tool for 1 hour will save you at least 8 hours of
manual work creating accounts, submitting content, and bookmarking
your pages.

Using the social network module will give you tons of backlinks from high
PR domains.

The social bookmarking module will give you some quility link juice and
get all your pages indexed quickly.

SEnuke costs $127 per month. See my sig for discounts.

M.A.N is a huge network of blogs which you can post your content to.
using this service will give you hundreds of contextual backlinks to any
page you wish, the PR of the blogs are mostly 0-1, but what we're after
here is link diversity.

M.A.N is $47 per month. See my sig for discounts.

Using freelancers to outsource your work to will make Internet Marketing
a hell of a lot easier and a whole lot more fun.

I outsource 3 things in my business:

1. Graphic Design - I SUCK at graphics. Over at you
can get stunning logos, banners, headers, any custom graphics you need
all for pennies on the pound (cheap!).

But BE WARNED... Set yourself a limited budget for graphic design, you can
get carried away making your site look just the way you want, on one of
my first blogs I went way over budget without realizing it.

I reccommend leaving the graphics till last, that's if you even need them.

2. Article Writing - I SUCK at writing articles, I have a short
concentration span and just don't enjoy writing at all!

At you can pay peanuts and get quality articles written on
any subject.

I outsource the writing of my product reviews and spun articles. I pay $5
for a 500 word product review and $15 for a 2,500 word spun article (I'll
get into this later).

3. Profile Link Building - I'm sure that by now you're all familiar with the
backlink packets available from Angela Edwards, Paul Johnson, Joe118, and
many more members on this forum.

I can't reccommend these enough, you can get lots of link juice from
dropping links in the profiles you create on the high PR domains that they
find, you should be using them, period.

You can either buy the link packets yourself and pass them to your
freelancer, or find a freelancer with link building experience and good
reviews because most will already have access to some packets.

I outsource this task as it's very tedious work. I pay $30 for 100 profiles
containing 2 links. Thats 200 links @ 15¢ each.

Only hire freelancers with experience and good reviews.

ALWAYS ask for samples of their work.

Give them a test before you hire them:

  • When posting a graphics job describe what you want doing, ask to
    be sent a mock up from all bidders, choose the one you think is best
    and workwith the winner until it's just the way you want it.
  • If your after an writer ask each of your bidders to write you a sample
    article on the given subject.
  • Ask link builders for previous work examples, they'll give you excel
    sheets containing links - check if they're all still active.

After a month or so of testing different freelancers you'll soon find yourself
with a great little team that you can rely on to get the work done without
breaking the bank.

Remember - the whole point of outsourcing is so you get more time to
spend working ON your business rather than IN it.

SEnuke comes with shared proxies, but due to other members of the
program spamming sites most of the shared proxies are useless.

I use this service:

Your Private Proxy

I buy 10 private US proxies each month for $29.97, you can refresh your
proxies each month.

Domain from Godaddy - $10 (search for coupons here)

Hosting at Hostgator - $0.01 hosting in my sig.

A lot of you will be pretty shocked at how much it can cost to run an
Internet business, I was.

Subscription tools and outsourcing costs can seem expensive at first,
but if you use the methods I'm about to show you, you could easily be
banking $200 days.

If you can't afford the expenses right now my only advice for you is....
Save up, get a job or sell your kidney.

Slugging it out in I.M with no budget to work with is business suicide.

Thats the truth!

You may get lucky making a few dollars here and there, but you'll soon find
out that you're earning less than minimum wage for at least 3 months.

Even if you worked for a week flipping burgers you'd be able to pay for
more than a months outsourcing. Seriously. Leverage.

Thats enough preperation, let's move onto the bit where you make some

We're going to be promoting free trial CPA products here, simply because
you need less traffic to make a sale (CPA converts much more than CPS)

To find a decent offer just ask your affiliate manager what the highest
converting NEW free trial offer is.

Remember we want NEW offers (2 months or less) as we want as little
competition as possible.

Now we need to analyze the competition to see if it will be possible to rank
for the highest converting longtail keyword -

"product name review"

For this next part you'll need the SEO for Firefox plugin from SEObook:

SEO for Firefox Extension: Free SEO Toolbar Firefox Browser Plugin
Install the plugin, restart your browser and you're good to go.

What we want to do now is search for each product using the following
search string:

allintitle: "product name review"

Using the 'allintitle:' query we're only going to be pulling up our direct
competition who are trying to rank for "product name review" by using on
page SEO.

I'll show you an example and you can follow along, I'm going to be looking
at the competition for a weight loss offer called 'HCG Ultra Diet Drops'.

It's a free trial offer that pays $36.50

Google: allintitle: "HCG Ultra Diet Drops review"

Here's what I find:

Using the SEO for Firefox plugin I can see some stats for the top three
direct competition pages.

The only stats I'm interested in right now are "PR" and "Yahoo! Page Links"

As you can see, the top three all have low pagerank and very few or no
backlinks to the page.

We've now worked out that the direct competition is weak, we'll move onto
step 2.

(If the direct competition is strong, choose another product)

Now we need to see if any of the top 3 direct competition are ranking for
the phrase without quotes.

I search for HCG Ultra Diet Drops Review with no quotes:

As you can see, position 4 is taken by one of the top three direct
competing pages. As this page has no pagerank and only 27 backlinks we
can easily take its place with some good on page SEO and link building.

Taking a look at the results above the position we're targeting I can see
they're pretty weak too. I think I'll easily be able to rank higher than
position 4 with the linking methods I'm about to show you.

  • Ask you affiliate manager for a new high converting offer.
  • Analyze the top 3 direct competition, if they're weak (low PR, low
    page links) move on, if they're strong (PR2+, 400+ page links) choose
    another product.
  • See if any of the top 3 direct competition are ranking for the
    keyword phrase without quotes, if they are - GO FOR IT.

This is the easiest part, most of you will already know how to set up a
blog so I'm not going to go into it in much detail here.

The steps:

1. Buy a domain. Theres big debate about wether or not to use the
keyword in the domain name... I don't. If I'm going to promote weight loss
products I'll just use a domain like

I concentrate on ranking the individual pages and not the root domain. This
way, after I've done a few link building campaigns to my blog there will be
plenty of internal link juice to spread around to any future reviews.

Over time you'll also own an authority site, one that you can flip for BIG

2. Get hosting - $0.01 hosting in my sig.

3. Install wordpress and get a SIMPLE theme.

4. Sort out your permalinks

5. Install the following Plugins:

(Included with your blog setup, just activate)


WordPress › All in One SEO Pack « WordPress Plugins

WordPress › SEO SearchTerms Tagging 2 « WordPress Plugins

WordPress › Dagon Design Sitemap Generator « WordPress Plugins

URL Rotator Plugin for Wordpress | Ad.Ventures in Internet Marketing

Use this plugin to mask your affiliate links.

6. Find 5 related keywords. For this just use the following:

Product Name Scam
Product Name Reviews (plural)
Buy Product name
Product Name Trial
Free Product Name

7. Write your product review and an article for each of the related
keywords above. Include the main keyword and 5 related keywords in the
body of all the articles. I outsource all this for $15.

8. Post the product review on your blog using proper on page SEO. Put
the search phrase at the beginning of the title and the URL, use it in the
subtitles, image names and tags.

9. Post one article a day for the next five days.

10. Done.

Your blog is now set up and you should have at least one post - The
product review.

You'll need to install the Rank Checker Firefox plugin from SEObook
to monitor your rankings:

Rank Checker - Track Google, Yahoo! Search, & Bing Rankings Free

Now lets get it to the top of Google!

There's three linking strategies below, as the keyword we've chosen
seems pretty easy to rank for you'd probably only need to use one of
them. I always use a minimum of two for safe measure.

To make this easier for you to follow I've included diagrams with each

Let's begin with the cheapest and less time consuming...

For this method we need to create 100 profiles on the high PR sites found
in any of the backlinking packets found here on this forum.

Creating the accounts, verifying them and dropping the links can take upto
2 days, a freelancer will cost you $30.

(There is a module in SEnuke for this, but it's very buggy at the minute and
I don't use it)

We're going to be linking to both the root domain and review page of our
site using anchor text variation.

What is anchor text variation?

To put it simply... Google count's all your backlinks. If all your backlinks use
exactly the same anchor text there's a good chance your blog will end up
in the supplemental index, and all your hard work will go to pot.

Using anchor text variation will make your links look more natural, avoiding
any punishment from Google. Ya dig?

Here's what I tell my freelancer to do:

1. Create 100 accounts.

2. Place 2 links in each account with the following anchor text:

HCG Ultra Diet Drops Review
HCG Ultra Diet Drops Scam
HCG Ultra Diet Drops Reviews
Buy HCG Ultra Diet Drops
HCG Ultra Diet Drops Trial
Free Product Name
Click Here

Please use each keyword equally

HCG Ultra Diet Drops Review
HCG Ultra Diet Drops Scam
HCG Ultra Diet Drops Reviews
Buy HCG Ultra Diet Drops
HCG Ultra Diet Drops Trial
Free Product Name
Click Here

NOTE: Please use "HCG Ultra Diet Drops Review" for every other link
(50%), the others can vary.

Make sure you look for a freelancer with previous
experience with backlink packets.

Just list your job as 'Angela Edwards type links' and you'll find plenty at

Once your freelancer gives you the completed report containing all your
profile URL's you can follow the steps below:

1. Go to Icerocket RSS builder and register a free account:

IceRocket Free RSS Builder

Once inside, create an RSS feed containing all of your profile URL's
and save the URL of the RSS feed.

2. Either manually or using SEnuke, create accounts of as many social
bookmarking accounts as possible.

3. Either manually or using SEnuke, bookmark the brains out of that RSS
feed! Now go to the RSS feeds of your social bookmarking accounts and
save the URL's. SEnuke grabs these for you automatically.

4. Go to and create a new feed that combines your
IceRocket and Bookmarking feeds.

5. Either manually or using SEnuke
, submit your new RSSmix feed to
every RSS Aggregator you can find.

6. DONE!

This linking strategy is killer! Follow it through and you'll index every single
profile URL in under 24 hours, giving you that awesome link juice all at


The next two methods require the use of spun articles. I don't have the
time to write a detailed spinning tutorial here, but here's a quick overview
of the process.

(I outsource this)

Step 1 - Write a 500 word article related to your niche.

Step 2 - Manually rewrite the title 10 times, and each sentence 4 times.
Add the proper spin syntax around the rewrites.

Step 3 - Using software, spin every 4th word. Add the deep spinning syntax.

Step 4 - Add links with anchor text variation.

* Article spinning is very time consuming, it takes practice and theres no
way around it if you want to do it yourself.

You may be able to find freelancers with spinning experience, but they're
pretty rare. I had to teach my writer how to spin, it took a few weeks but
it was worth it.

If you want to get your hands on pre spun articles, Vita Vee was a WSO


First we need to add our spun articles to My Article Network. I put 2 links
in each article with anchor text variation, 1 to my index page, and 1 to the
review page.

TIP - Add your article to the system 3 times in three different
sub-categories to get the maximum distribution.

Once your articles are live they will be distributed to other wordpress blogs
in the network.

Each time another blog publishes your article it will send a pingback to your

A pingback is just a notification that another Wordpress blog has linked to

You'll find each pingback in the comments section when you log in to the
admin area.

Follow the link from the pingback and you'll find one of your published
articles, along with a backlink.

What we need to do now is get those backlinks indexed.

Open up notepad and paste the URL's of all the blogs which have pinged
you. Each time you have 20 URL's to index, follow the steps below:

Step 1. Log into IceRocket and create a new RSS feed using the 20 URL's
you want indexing.

Step 2. Either manually or using SEnuke, bookmark that RSS feed as much
as possible. Now go to the RSS feeds of your social bookmarking accounts
and save the URL's. SEnuke grabs these for you automatically.

Step 3. Go to and create a new feed that combines your
IceRocket and Bookmarking feeds.

Step 4. Either manually or using SEnuke, submit your new RSSmix feed to
every RSS Aggregator you can find.

5. DONE!

Using a network like M.A.N creates the illusion that lots of different blogs
are writing about your content, and Google loves this.

And following the steps above it's possible to index hundreds of backlinks
to your site every week with very little work.


We're going to be posting our spun articles to article directories and social
networking sites, allowing us to get backlinks from lots of high PR domains
which Google loves.

For this method you'll need to create accounts on lots of sites, manually
this takes a LOT of time, SEnuke can automate 90% of the work for you.

I don't reccomend posting your spun articles to EzineArticles as 90% of
mine never make it through the review process.

Some article directories allow links within the articlebody, some do not.
This means you will have to do two different runs with SEnuke with 2
variations of the spun article, one with no links in the body, and one
with links.

Go easy on the links, I only put two links (index and internal page) in each
submission, this increases my stick rate.

And I don't try building link wheels of any variation, I'm only going for
backlinks here, not trying to rank each property I create.

Let's begin...

Step 1. First you need to create accounts on each site you want to
submit your content to, remember to use different proxies for each set of

Doing this manually can take forever, using SEnuke it takes under an hour.

Save your log in details and the I.P of the proxy you used in a text file
for future use. SEnuke can save your log in details for you.

NEVER log into multiple accounts on one site with the same proxy.

Watch the SEnuke training videos and read the message boards for more
information on account creation.

Step 2. When all accounts are ready, begin posting your content. Save
the URL's of each property you create.

Step 3. Add those URL's to an IceRocket RSS feed.

Step 4. Bookmark the IceRocket feed as much as possible. Save the URL's
of all your bookmarking account RSS feeds.

Step 5. Combine the IceRocket feed and bookmarking feeds using

Step 6. Submit your RSSmix feed to every RSS aggregator you can find.

7. Done!

Using this method will bring you lots of super high quality backlinks from
sites which Google loves. And following the steps above you'll be able to
index all your submissions in lightning speed.

*To save yourself disappointment, only expect around 50% of your
submissions to stick, that's just the way it is.


I'm gonna have to go buy a new keyboard now as if rubbed the letters
off half the keys!

But first I need to sleep, I appologise for any spelling mistakes or
gramatical errors, I told you I'm not a big fan of writing

If you have any questions please leave them below and I'll help you out

And if you want any discounts off the tools which I've mention just clicked
the link in my signature. I'm an affiliate marketer, sue me

Thanks for reading

#search engine optimization #affiliate marketing #bank #cpa #internet marketing #link building #make #myarticle network #senuke #seo
  • i'm still reading but that is a loooooooooooooooong post...
  • Whao,a long long post.Thanks for it,although,I would have recommend getting all this into an ebook for download,it would be more easier like that.A useful post here.Thanks again
  • Just bookmark the page
  • You could had sold that as a wso lol...

    I've done something similar to this before, the only downside is that some cpa offers can suddenly expire, making your seo/link building work go to waste. Other than that, it's a good method if the cpa offer stays for a long time.
    • [3] replies
    • Very interesting thanks
    • My post only contains things which I've learned for free right here on WF
      • [ 2 ] Thanks
      • [1] reply
    • That's why you don't buy the domain, you buy

      That way, if your CPA offer goes down the toilet then you can just find something similar and use all the accumulated link juice from your previous campaign to make your life easier. All visitors looking for your original CPA offer product can be subtly funneled to the page discussing your new offer
      • [ 3 ] Thanks
  • good post, i suggest to make a product out of it
  • thanks for that informative post.. thats very generous of you...
  • So cool!

    I've got a folder going of "best threads" for this forum. This is definitely in there. I'm blending bust your butt threads for my gameplan.

    Thanks Carl
    • [1] reply
  • Wow, that was really detailed and extremely well explained. Thanks for the tips!
  • What a nice post here! Excellent job man and thanks a lot for this share of knowledge.I could have go for a $20 WSO.
  • Very interesting and long post. I am still reading. Thank you for sharing.
  • Thanks & no problem
  • Thanks for great contribution and nice effort...
  • what a wonderful post... I like the way you explain everything...

  • Awesome information you have shared. Thanks so much.
  • Good Info.
  • Very nice backlinking guide
    • [1] reply
  • Cool step by step guide... Thanks..
    • [1] reply
    • Thank you so much for this very informative, well-written and easy to follow post! I am in the process of setting up a review site so this gives me a great outline to follow!
  • Holy hell that's a lot of information! Cheers for that.

    One question though, do you not do any keyword research?
    • [1] reply

    • My question is the same:

      How do you know their is traffic for the keyword method you're suggesting?

      I mean if its a brand new offer and you go for a PNK + review keyword, how many people would actually be searching for that?
  • I was wondering the same thing. Do you ever look for any traffic numbers for the keywords?
    • [1] reply
    • No not really, actually not at all!

      If a product is selling there are always going to be people searching for reviews on it. Most of the time the search numbers are so low that googles keyword tool will say 'not enough data', but believe me when I say you don't need lots of traffic to make good money with this.

      About 4 months ago I went crazy ranking a site for lots of broad high traffic keywords, it took a lot of effort to get in the top three and once I got there I was very dissapointed at the conversions I was getting. I was only making money on 1% of my visitors AT THE MOST!

      Traffic doesn't mean squat, it's all about the quality.

      Ranking for product reviews can get you conversions of 25% and over, as long as your review is good.
      • [ 3 ] Thanks
      • [2] replies
  • Banned
    • [1] reply
    • thats very kind of you that given credit to WF, i like to thanks because you have shared your thought what you have learn from here. nice post, not read full but bookmarked this post. keep up with good work.
      • [1] reply
  • OMG!! Great stuff!! Thanks for such detailed information!
  • Fantastic tips, always being able to index your site fast with RSS aggregators is a great idea
  • One of the best post ive read on here for a while, I especialy like your profile indexing technique.
    • [1] reply
    • Brilliant post Carl! I've bookmarked it already ;-)
  • This is a very welcomed post for any newbies to CPA and Affiliate marketing. Thanks for the solid read Carl.
  • How do u build your authority sites?

    U add every page about every product?

    Like product review, product scam etc...

    Wont it look wierd to have a good review and then a page that says scam in the same site?

    Also I have tons of experience with wordpress but was wondering do u have all previous posts listed in the sidebar? Does it get too big?

    How long does it take to rank with a domain that is new and the words in the review arent really the keywords in the domain. For example

    I know the competition is really weak but just wondering cause I have no experience with this.

    Your method seems really good but just need some advice before I build a big site and put lots of effort in.
  • Thanks for the info.Nice and long post.Just read half of it.I can only bookmark it at the moment
  • Even an experienced SEO'er can pick up a few useful tips from this detailed guide Thanks.
  • I have paid decent money for less informative products. Thanks for posting.
  • 1 more question also

    You say to use the word reviews as the title of the page for the product review.

    So do we just use that as the title and then use the keyword product review in the post/page?

    Because we are obviously doing only 1 review for 1 product
  • You just start one page at a time and keep building

    I add one main review 'product name review' then 4/5 other pages targeting related keywords 'product name scam' etc, all linking to the main product review

    No, if you're targeting 'product name scam' don't write that it is a scam... Write about why people would think it is a scam and why it isn't a scam.

    I have the latest 10 posts in the sidebar.

    The same amount of time it takes to rank an exact match domain, 1 or 2 weeks.

    Just take it one step at a time. Instead of building different sites for every product you're reviewing just add new reviews to your existing niche site and before you know it you'll have a big site.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Sorry I don't quite get what you're asking mate
  • Thanks for all the answers.

    What do you do about FTC disclaimers especially since these are auto rebill products.
    • [3] replies
    • That's one amazing post! I've bought wso with less than half of the information (and too much fluff).

      I'll definitely bookmark it for future reference.

      • [1] reply
    • Wow, you have certainly given detailed information in this thread. I am bookmarking this for future reference. The key seems to be to find an offer that converts with competition that doesn't use SEO well, choose buyer keywords, and write content that the big G finds important enough to share.

      Thanks for the valuable information.
    • A very good article Carl!. As a newbie, I appreciate it very much.
      Thank you again for sharing your knowledge.
  • Very nice & long article here, great job!
  • Hi Carl,

    Thanks - that's very long article -- need to print out & read...err...i'll use dbl sided printed.

  • FTC Disclaimers -

    You don't need a big long winded paragraph like you see on the actual product landing pages, just a little blurb in the footer about how you will be compensated if anybody buys through your affiliate links.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Thats what I figured

    Thanks sooo much for all the help!
  • Yes, all product related keywords, when a person is searching for these types of keywords you know they're on the verge on buying, they've shown that they have an interest in the product they just need you to reinforce their decision to buy.

    People searching for generic keywords are in browsing mode, this is the worst type of traffic to target.
    • [1] reply
    • Carl quick question regarding site structure.

      Do you use pages for each keyword you are targeting or posts?

      What is on the homespage (rootdomain)? the main product name review and all the other pages or posts link back to root domain which contains the review for the product?

      Or is the homepage generic something welcoming visitors or something?

      By far the best thread I have read. I'm implementing this right now as I write. I already have Senuke, and that makes things a lot less complicated.
      • [1] reply
  • I do have a question for the OP.

    Exactly how are you using icerocket to promote your profile link blasts?

    Do you use link2rss to make the lists and then just add thme as channels to icerocket?
    • [2] replies
    • I would like to hear what Carl says about site structure as well.

      Another question: Whats the point of building backlinks to the root domain when all it contains is a welcome message. Why not just concentrate on building links to review page and some other inner pages.

      Im leaning towards setting the site up with pages rather then posts.

    • Yeah what I do is covert the links to feeds using links2rss. Social bookmark all those feeds. RSSmix is down these days and the other rss comdine tools, you have to enter the links one by one. So what I do is go to links2rss again and post all the social bookmarked feeds and the original feeds and create a 2 mega feeds usually (with long titles and descriptions).

      I then blast through to various rss sites (I use Senuke so the task is easy).
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
      • [1] reply
  • Great post thanks for sharing.
  • Thanks Carl for this very informative SEO post. I am sure it can be very useful for advanced SEO Experts who might have missed something
  • I don,t have much idea about CPA.
    I think that being a Freelance SEO is a good job as compared to a fixed one.
  • I had the same question, "Do you use pages for each keyword you are targeting or posts?", so thanks for the answers.
  • i loved your write up, im glad to know another member of the forum uses SEnuke. I couldn't do it without it, although i really haven't made any money from my site im just in the learning process i suppose. Currently im just trying to rank my site for a few keywords just to prove to myself that i can do it, then im going to hit a great niche with low competetion. can i ask, where do you find your affiliate links?
  • Banned
  • HAHA and when i say inner pages I mean inner posts. Everything on the site is a post. But they are just called pages when speaking of a whole website.

    I always just use posts because there are many more options with all in one seo plugin using posts. They are much better seo'd.

    You only use pages to make your privacy policy, about, etc...
  • This post was too lengthy, but quite a good post, I had seen many post like this but ending nowhere, hope this work well here.
  • really nice article . But , a little bit longer .
  • Congratulations Stoaf88, now that your reviews are ranking you should concentrate on making them convert. I highly reccomend grabbing the book Ca$hvertising from Amazon, it'll cost you about $10 and it's one of the best books I've ever read on sales/pursuasion.

    Sorry for not answering all the questions earlier, I've been busy making money.

    Pages/posts = same thing. I just use posts.

    The post is a long one i know, but I wanted to make it as detailed as possible for you guys.

    The methods does work, but like all methods it takes time and effort, don't expect an easy ride in Internet marketing.

    Let me know how you guys get on
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • First of all the post was not too lengthy. It was straight to the point and told in as few words as possible to get the point across.

      Do you recommend linking to the affiliate product on every page such as trial etc...

      These pages are ranking well for me and I dont want the readers to have to jump through hoops in order to buy.

      Ill check out that book you recommended thanks again!
  • Thank you very much for this very useful, well written and easy to follow the latest!
  • You can link to the affiliate product in every post, I just find it difficult sometimes to write 5 unique review articles for the same product so I write one main review for the keyword 'product name review' then I write very short articles for the other keywords and link those to the main review.


    Product Name Scam!

    I've been hearing a lot about 'product name' this last few weeks, to be honest it looked too good to be true and I must admit I thought it was a scam.

    I went ahead and bought it anyway, if you want to read my review check it out HERE.

    (make it a little longer for SEO purposes)
    • [1] reply
    • Thats what I was wondering, how do you write a full blown article about "PNK SCAM" lol.

      I actually ended up doing it for all the supporting keywords for one product review by just using headings and sticking the keyword in there repeatedly.

      Now when you say for SEO purposes making it longer, Im guessing you are just saying that from the perspective of having more words in the article. Would that be the correct assumption?
      • [1] reply
  • Can anybody put up a short guide on how to go about creating an RSS Feed on IceRocket? I'm not really a newbie but not much into RSS feeds. I got lost on that step there. Let's say I have my 100 profile links ready. Do I create just 1 rss feed containing all those 100 links -- if so, how do you do that with IceRocket?
    • [1] reply

    • I had hard time grasping icerocket as well so instead I use LINKS2RSS.COM.

      This site was created by Areeb (Senuke owner) and it works like a charm. Easy to use as well.
      • [1] reply
  • OMG!! Great stuff!! Thanks for such detailed information!
  • Banned
  • This is one of my fave threads so far!


    When you say you place the "product review kw" 50% of the times, you mean out of all those 100 profiles, you place that "product review kw" in 50 profiles and then the other one is a random kw pointing the domain?
  • This is truly one of the best post I have seen thus far. Thanks so much for sharing.
  • Carl,

    Great share. Thank you.

    I contacted my manager at NeverBlue and was told that free trials are not converting that well at this time. Last year they did, but not today. My manager would NOT recommend that I do an entire site on a free trial. They recommended a sale instead. The sale is converting at approx 8-9%.

    It seems like a lot of people don't want to fill out the credit card info for the offer.

    I am waiting to hear back from my MaxBounty manager.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  • I just wanted to give an update:

    $$$$one sale made! $30.00!

    It really is amazing, 10 clicks and 1 sale! Its weird as well because google analytics shows not traffic whatsoever, but my CPA dashboard has over 230 impressions for this one offer and 10 clicks.

    I'm ranking for 1 product review 1st, another one 5th, another one 1st and another still needs to be worked on. All pages through one domain.

    I have a second site up in another niche, just need add content and start promoting.
  • Great tips, thanks.
  • Thanks for the free information. I really appreciate the help.
  • Banned
  • Very informative. I'm just wondering if this still works. I've heard that rebill offers don't convert as well right now?
    • [1] reply
    • Yeh rebill offers aren't converting as good as they were in 2010, but that's only with pretty broad traffic. Following the guide and ranking for product names means that the traffic you will be getting is only from people ACTIVELY LOOKING for the product, which equals much higher conversions Also, this isn't just a guide for rebills, it's basically a ranking guide that really works and you can use it to rank for any keywords you like, I just used rebills as an example as that's what I target.
  • Just read it half way though and i suggest you make a e-book out of it. You can give that away for free too and add some subscribers. Nice info.
    • [1] reply
    • [DELETED]
    • [DELETED]
    • Carl, when writing 5 articles, (which I have done) do you just put them up as posts, or do you create pages for each keyword/article, Regards, Mick.
      • [1] reply
  • this is fantastic information.

    never really thought about profile links even though when I do seo competition analysis I see those above me are. I guess it's time I start leveling the playing field.
    • [1] reply
    • Seriously, this guide is so freaking good that I read it every once in a while to remind me of the correct path to rank on the first page of google and have ultimate targeted traffic! The expense information in the beginning of your post is really, really helpful! Thank buddy
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • what a great post
  • Thanks for this!
  • This is really excellent. Great post you have in here. Thanks for sharing this detailed information. Cheers!
  • Thanks, Very generous of you.

    Is senuke worth the monthly price? I have incansoft's rss bot, social bot, article bot. I also have the best spinner. Should I really shell out for senuke?
    • [1] reply
    • I couldn't compare the tools you're using with senuke as I haven't used them sorry
  • I have bookmarked this page... useful information
  • I am glad that I found this post! I am a beginner and have found myself a bit overwhelmed. question: my current domain w w w dot fast belly fat diets dot com, is general enough to become a multi-product site with-in the same niche, but do you think that I need to get a new domain to try your method?
    Could I change my site's title page to add the word review and follow the same formula?

  • Since this has somehow been resurrected in 2012, I just wasn't to let the last poster and any in similar positions know that this thread is several years old and I (personally) don't recommend implementing the same type of mass seo manipulation that was effective back then. Build a site people want to link to and visit, the first time a site ever started making a good passive income for me was when I built it to be as helpful as possible, not to make a sale.
  • Excellent post. I found out many useful informations about SEO tricks and tips, thank you very much for your expertise.

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