Want Fast High PR Backlinks?

Derek Soto
Profile picture of Derek Soto
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If you want a way to get high PR backlinks, there is a quick way to find them easily.

step one: use firefox. then install SEO Quake

step two: go to google.com and copy and paste this code:

"xxxxxxxxxxx" + siteurl:.edu + "112 comments"

step three: replace the xxxxxxxxxxx with your BROAD keyword.

step four: replace .gov to .edu or .com or any extention you want.
(.gov and .edu will usually have higher PR )

step five: replace 112 with a smaller number like 12 or erase the number so it looks like this: "comments"

So, if you were in the make money at home niche, your code would look like this:

"make money at home" + siteurl:.edu + "25 comments"

you'd actually copy and paste this into google and hit enter.

Then google will pull up many sites, a lot of them may be blogs that have comments on them.

If you got no results, lower the number of comments or just leave the word "comments" with no number before it and change .gov to .edu or .com

step six: SEO Quake will show you what the PR is for each site.

step seven: click through and find sites where people have commented on and have left links.

A lot of these sites are not moderated.

step eight: write a relevant post. DO NOT SPAM! and at the end be creative and tie in your niche and then leave your link. Make sure to make it as relevant and as helpful as possible.

You now have yourself a high PR backlink!

step nine: rinse and repeat, ( great to outsource this work. )

NOTE: The higher the PR links you can get, the less links you'll need! However, don't stop link building, as a good mix of links is great.

But if the majority of the links you manually go for are higher, you'll have less work and better results.


Derek Soto

P.S. There is USUALLY a better way to do things, if you know of a BETTER WAY feel free to share it. Everyone can benefit from what you know.
#backlinks #fast #high

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