Changing Static Site to Wordpress -- Risky in SERPS?

by momo3
6 replies
  • SEO
  • |

I have a long-form sales pitch with a WP back-end to it.. but I would like to change the sales pitch so IT is in the background and the foreground (home page) is a WP page.

If I change this, will it dramatically change my rankings?
#changing #risky #serps #site #static #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author vem
    Depends on the backlinks and the urls in them. If they are all to your homepage then you don't need to worry
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  • Profile picture of the author Look4VGames
    i wouldn't say goodbye to your serps, but expect a significant dance.
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  • Profile picture of the author momo3
    Do you guys think that long-form sales pitches will eventually get filtered out of the top 10 rankings?
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  • Profile picture of the author Look4VGames
    I would think half the sites i land on after doing a search would have never been indexed in the first place, so I'm going to go with a no. Google is confusion sometimes.

    If the sales pitch has a lot of content it is likely to stay for as long as you have the back-links to beat the competition. Hell my "about us" page on one of my websites is ranking above a pr 3 website. My website has 0 pr, but my about us page has 10 back-links, so the power is all in the back-link.
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  • Profile picture of the author gtk29
    make sure you do a 301 redirect in htaccess for important pages which have good number of backlinks.
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    • Profile picture of the author momo3
      I just feel google will start to look at the length of the page, load time, and they'll desire navigation at the top -- and they'll also look for stop words such as GUARANTEE! or FREE! etc. etc.

      Google hates sales stuff I feel. They want to deliver free content
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