Your opinions about flash impact on bots and serp

4 replies
  • SEO
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Couple years back I was told, "never put any flash on your site because the bots can't or won't enter to review." But what's going on today? There's so much flash - swf, flv, etc. on sites now I would think the search engines have moved on.
I don't mean the completely all-flash sites, I just mean using flash elements on the page. We have a new flash header on our Joomla home page along with other extensions and players, etc. throughout the website.
What's your opinion about this?
Thanks so much, Warriors!
#bots #flash #impact #opinions #serp
  • Profile picture of the author NiyazK
    they have changed as well i guess.. check the web 2.0
    Free Website Builder | Create a Flash Website at

    EDIT: here is the way u view a page as googlerobot

    So i think it has not changed
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  • Profile picture of the author DJ DeMarco
    Maybe search engine already change their bot configuration, because a lot of web specially web 2.0 style is using flash at their pages
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    • Profile picture of the author paulgl
      Maybe places like facebook use flash because they want to avoid spam.
      Anyway, the real links on facebook are nofollow anyway, flash is never seen.

      Google claims to be able to read text in flash, but one must ask oneself:
      For what reason? Just because?

      Even google tells you to have text, text, and more text.

      The best practice would be to not rely on flash. Web 2.0 creators
      and operators are not there to help you spam links. Most of the
      ones that matter allow links that are nofollow.

      Facebook is a moot point. Even if the link could be read by some bot,
      which I am almost sure it could not in that case, a wall posted link
      would never even be crawled by google if it's on a facebook page
      behind a login. Not all facebook pages are open to search engines.

      Now before people scream, yes, I do think facebook links have some
      value. Just not to bots.


      If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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  • Profile picture of the author dadamson
    Great answer Paul!

    Agreed completely, flash elements are fine to use but ensure the rest of the page is optimized.
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