Google adsense, can I choose my own ads?

Profile picture of thedog
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
7 replies
Hi guys, I have a site I'm developing and I don't like the google ads that are being displayed. Can I change these?

Ideally I'd like them to use the post titles as a reference. Anyway to do this?


... actually, just realized, I should have put this in another section.. bad habit, sorry.
#ads #adsense #choose #google
  • Profile picture of the author dotcosecrets
    Profile picture of dotcosecrets
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There are filters in the Adsense management page.
    You can filter out the website addresses and keywords, and then these kinds of ads would not display in your site.
    I haven't tried it yet, but I think it can help you. You can search "Adsense filter" in Google to find more information.
  • Profile picture of the author DR's Fynest
    DR's Fynest
    Profile picture of DR's Fynest
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by thedog View Post

    Hi guys, I have a site I'm developing and I don't like the google ads that are being displayed. Can I change these?

    Ideally I'd like them to use the post titles as a reference. Anyway to do this?


    ... actually, just realized, I should have put this in another section.. bad habit, sorry.
    Ask and you shall receive!

    What you need is called section targeting. Google explains how to do it and how to use it to emphasize a portion of your site for Adsense. It's really simple to do...

    All you have to do is edit your single.php file (if using Wordpres) to include
    <!-- google_ad_section_start -->
    right at the beginning of the post title. And then
    <!-- google_ad_section_end -->
    right after the content you want to target. I make sure to end it right after the post ends. This way I'm targetting 100% only the content within my posts.

    You can also IGNORE certain parts of your website if you'd like. For example, after using the above for the posts, I use the following for the comments:
    <!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) -->
    This one tells Google that I don't want this part of my site to be considered when it's deciding what ads it should show.

    I probably made this sound more difficult than it actually is. I'm not the best at explaining this sort of thing lol. I managed to do it myself and I didn't know all that much about .css or .php.

    Just make sure to make a backup of all the content in your single.php file before editing it. This way if something goes wrong, you can always just re-paste what it had before.

    This works and it does improve the type of ads you're getting. Of course, if there's no advertisers bidding for your keywords, the ads will be a bit less relevant so in the end, it all comes down to keyword selection

    Good luck and let me know if you have any issues.
    • Profile picture of the author thedog
      Profile picture of thedog
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by DR's Fynest View Post

      Ask and you shall receive!

      What you need is called section targeting. Google explains how to do it and how to use it to emphasize a portion of your site for Adsense. It's really simple to do...

      All you have to do is edit your single.php file (if using Wordpres) to include
      <!-- google_ad_section_start -->
      right at the beginning of the post title. And then
      <!-- google_ad_section_end -->
      right after the content you want to target. I make sure to end it right after the post ends. This way I'm targetting 100% only the content within my posts.

      You can also IGNORE certain parts of your website if you'd like. For example, after using the above for the posts, I use the following for the comments:
      <!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) -->
      This one tells Google that I don't want this part of my site to be considered when it's deciding what ads it should show.

      I probably made this sound more difficult than it actually is. I'm not the best at explaining this sort of thing lol. I managed to do it myself and I didn't know all that much about .css or .php.

      Just make sure to make a backup of all the content in your single.php file before editing it. This way if something goes wrong, you can always just re-paste what it had before.

      This works and it does improve the type of ads you're getting. Of course, if there's no advertisers bidding for your keywords, the ads will be a bit less relevant so in the end, it all comes down to keyword selection

      Good luck and let me know if you have any issues.
      Thanks, seems straight forward enough... where exactly do i put the code...

      after this bit of code?

      <h1 class="entry-title">

      I'll have to get back to this... I'm now trying to get a simple star rating plugin up... very slow chinese internet, and gd star rating... with no gui or instructions doesn't help matters....

      Cheers, will see if this works, if i have any hair left later
  • Profile picture of the author DR's Fynest
    DR's Fynest
    Profile picture of DR's Fynest
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Exactly, you'd put the code right at the beginning of that. So it would look:

    <!-- google_ad_section_start -->
    <h1 class="entry-title">
    and then the other code to end it wherever you want it to end. For example at the end of the post. This varies a lot from theme to theme, but just look for where a section starts that says "comments" or something and past it right before that just like I did up there.
  • Profile picture of the author mandark
    Profile picture of mandark
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If the problem is that you don't like the specific ads that are showing up, the tips people have mentioned about filtering are exactly what you need.

    However, if you don't like the TYPE of ads that are showing up (for example, if your site is about animal training and the ads are all for training wheels), take a look at the content surrounding the ads. Are there keywords in there which would lead AdSense to choose these non-relevant ads? Tweaking your content can have a big effect on this.

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