Setting up Adsense/ Affiliates on website

by 2 replies
I am relatively new to the IM area. However, I don't believe in slouching. I have a number of IM ideas that I am trying to run with. I do intend to learn website design at a later date. However, right now I need to be active, as I am confident that my ideas will reap rewards through a carefully thought out process. Prudence is key!

I am outsourcing my new personal website design. It will also include a Adsense/ Affiliate section. I have already uploaded a blog (not related or connected to the new website because the themes are different), and I have an Adsense section on the blog. It is connected to my Google Adsense account.

Again, I am inexperienced in the area of website design, but I was wondering - in order for the selected web designer to link my personal website with appropriate adsense/ affiliate links, do I have to give him my passwords/ usernames to my google adsense account or any other google account?
#search engine optimization #adsense or #affiliates #setting #website
  • never give out your passwords

    just got into adsense

    click "adsense setup" and go through the wizard

    and then copy and paste the code they give you and give THAT to the designer

    unless your really trust your designer
    • [1] reply
    • ... is the process for the affiliate info. similar?

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    I am relatively new to the IM area. However, I don't believe in slouching. I have a number of IM ideas that I am trying to run with. I do intend to learn website design at a later date. However, right now I need to be active, as I am confident that my ideas will reap rewards through a carefully thought out process. Prudence is key! I am outsourcing my new personal website design. It will also include a Adsense/ Affiliate section. I have already uploaded a blog (not related or connected to the new website because the themes are different), and I have an Adsense section on the blog. It is connected to my Google Adsense account.