Orange Soda?

by 10 replies
Local Internet Marketing | OrangeSoda

Has anyone used before? I called them today to talk about advertising and stuff. They said it takes about 3 months to really start seeing results. However is cost $100 a month for a guaranteed 40 clicks which seems extremely pricey. I guess they have pro's who run all the campaigns for you and test the best keywords for getting you traffic.

Any success stories from people here on WF?
#search engine optimization #orange #soda
  • Banned
    40 clicks or 40 sales?

    40 clicks has to be a joke for $100?
    • [1] reply
    • Profile picture of the author Sylent
      No he said 40 clicks =\
  • I'll get you 40 clicks for a hundred bucks. I'm sure everyone on this forum would be happy to do so ;-)
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    • Banned

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  • PR6 domain, looks legit. haha
    • [1] reply
    • Save your money and the heartburn. That's all I can to say about that without getting into hardcore bashing.

      I've been up against them several times in the seo dept, my kids do better than they do.

      They do have the local market saturated in the Chicago area because they are backed by the major yellow pages up there. btw...they only do local.
  • Orange Soda is all name and no substance IMO.
  • really love their design just enough more than my own local SEO site to keep me up all night tweaking my design LOL

    You're in a marketing forum filled with marketers, we wouldn't really be good marketers if we needed to use another's marketing company would we LOL

    I'm getting you're trying to get local traffic to an offline businesses website? 40 clicks a month sounds right depending on the market and size of your city. Plus assuming the keywords are very targeted towards consumer intent.

    You can do everything they will do yourself for $12 a month based on $0.30 per click. Not really hard and google gives you all the help/walk-through you need to get it going. Just start small and work your way up.

    More personally involved you are with the marketing of your company the better anyways. If you try it and still decide to hire an out of house company, you will at least have your own ability to compare theirs too.
  • Profile picture of the author goldhome
    Really sounds pricey to me. Thats a lot of money for 40 clicks! Checked their website and loved their way of presentation though

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    Local Internet Marketing | OrangeSoda Has anyone used before? I called them today to talk about advertising and stuff. They said it takes about 3 months to really start seeing results. However is cost $100 a month for a guaranteed 40 clicks which seems extremely pricey. I guess they have pro's who run all the campaigns for you and test the best keywords for getting you traffic.