Blog Commenting and Forum Posting

Profile picture of Commissioner
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
49 replies
Hi I am starting to do SEO for my website and i will begin posting on forums and blogs. I have started to build websites so what kind of posts should i be leaving so that it doesn't look like i am spamming forums and blogs with a link to my website. Also do you think it is a good idea to put a link to your website in the signature box on forums?

#blog #commenting #forum #posting
  • Profile picture of the author dadamson
    Profile picture of dadamson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Commissioner View Post

    Hi I am starting to do SEO for my website and i will begin posting on forums and blogs. I have started to build websites so what kind of posts should i be leaving so that it doesn't look like i am spamming forums and blogs with a link to my website. Also do you think it is a good idea to put a link to your website in the signature box for forums?

    Good job. Also explore some other backlinking avenues like social bookmarking, article marketing, guest posting, etc.

    A signature link is usually a good idea for SEO.
  • Profile picture of the author highave1
    Profile picture of highave1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Nice stuff! Yes we're getting more value by signature links.
    You can add: article, book marking, blog and directory linking as well.
  • Profile picture of the author Shirlyn
    Profile picture of Shirlyn
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    Blog commenting can help you to get backlink as well as niche forum participation can help you to get traffic as well as backlink for your website.
  • Profile picture of the author escortbayan
    Profile picture of escortbayan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    anyone has high pr do follow blog list
  • Profile picture of the author hilhilginger
    Profile picture of hilhilginger
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    Originally Posted by Commissioner View Post

    Hi I am starting to do SEO for my website and i will begin posting on forums and blogs. I have started to build websites so what kind of posts should i be leaving so that it doesn't look like i am spamming forums and blogs with a link to my website. Also do you think it is a good idea to put a link to your website in the signature box for forums?
    Originally Posted by Commissioner View Post


    Putting a signature link will not contribute much on the traffic. Your time and effort would be the key things to get huge traffic. Hence you need to participate in all discussions.

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  • Profile picture of the author businesswarrior121
    Profile picture of businesswarrior121
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    you are going in the right direction my friend. good work and keep posting on blogs good contents. best of luck and carry on
  • Profile picture of the author Tad 100
    Tad 100
    Profile picture of Tad 100
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    It is one of the best ideas to go with high quality forum comments, but I have one website that I rank with 90% forum profiles only.

  • Profile picture of the author jonnyhardbaked
    Profile picture of jonnyhardbaked
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    just leave comments that are related to that particular blog and to your niche. Avoid leaving one sentence posts. In forums, yeah it is good to have your signature while you are participating in a forum. Just don't post spammy replies.

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    • Profile picture of the author webtrafficnoob
      Profile picture of webtrafficnoob
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      Originally Posted by jonnyhardbaked View Post

      just leave comments that are related to that particular blog and to your niche. Avoid leaving one sentence posts. In forums, yeah it is good to have your signature while you are participating in a forum. Just don't post spammy replies.
      I agree I find relevant posts that 'add value' work the best


  • Profile picture of the author dilnaj
    Profile picture of dilnaj
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Diversify! Forum profiles and blog comments (high pr pages mainly) are good ways to get backlinks but you should get a little of everything. Forum signature, Web 2.0, Articles, Linkbacks, etc. to be really effective.
  • Profile picture of the author Moneyerr
    Profile picture of Moneyerr
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    Post relevant replies and new threads relevant to the questions and forums to avoid spamming. For SEO of your websites you should also get backlinks from other sources like article directories, social bookmarking etc.
  • Profile picture of the author shuvo
    Profile picture of shuvo
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You can put your link in your signature in forums without any hesitation.Now try to focus on other backlinking methods like web 2.0,article marketing,social bookmarking,press release etc.
  • Profile picture of the author JSProjects
    Profile picture of JSProjects
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    An often overlooked benefit to forum posting is the amount of traffic you can generate from the posts themselves. This is, in my opinion, the fastest way to build a pretty targeted list at no cost. Posting for an hour or so each day at a handful of active, niche related forums can build a good sized list in no time.
  • Profile picture of the author trytolearnmore
    Profile picture of trytolearnmore
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Blog Commenting is great for backlinks and getting traffic. But i have used Forum Profiles + Social Bookmarking with great success also.
  • Profile picture of the author webhostingrvw
    Profile picture of webhostingrvw
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    i prefer forum posting. blog owners mostly do not allow anchor text.
  • Profile picture of the author App Developers
    App Developers
    Profile picture of App Developers
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    blog commenting is very hard IMO. Even if you make it relevant and a great post sometimes blog owners don't like you to link to your blog with keywords at all. And with a click of the button on wordpress can report you as a spammer. A few times of that and you are then not able to blog comment on blogs using askismet. So, it is hard and each blog owner has their own thoughts on what spam actually looks like! I would find other ways to find back links and use all of your options including the commenting. good luck.
  • Profile picture of the author aspnaren
    Profile picture of aspnaren
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    Ya including your site in your is not an offense if you are an eligible member of the forum..You see 10/10 member so the same here
  • Profile picture of the author GuidoB
    Profile picture of GuidoB
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    I really recommend you to post on forums and blogs to get more backlinks. They are really usefull
    • Profile picture of the author joebel
      Profile picture of joebel
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      Those strategy is proven that gives backlinks to our sites. It's just we must put the links of our site intelligently and in a nice manner to not consider it as a spam. On Blog commenting, you must first make sure that your comment is related to the topic of the blog. Other one is take a look on other comments if they allowed to put a link to it. If not just put the link on your name. On the Forum posting, yes it's advisable to have your signature a link. Also put your link to your profile on the website text box.
  • Profile picture of the author bulkbacklinks
    Profile picture of bulkbacklinks
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    Really it's a good way to get backlinks, but it takes lots of time for getting a single backlink. Anyways you choose the right way.
  • Profile picture of the author jack jastin
    jack jastin
    Profile picture of jack jastin
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    Originally Posted by Commissioner View Post

    Hi I am starting to do SEO for my website and i will begin posting on forums and blogs. I have started to build websites so what kind of posts should i be leaving so that it doesn't look like i am spamming forums and blogs with a link to my website. Also do you think it is a good idea to put a link to your website in the signature box for forums?


    Forums are the very best place to make a healthy discussions regarding any topic you are having some confusions relevant to your product or business, And as you told You are starting your business for SEO, So this will give you a very good start for your site. Beside that you will get back links for your site as if you are putting the signature. You need to understand, In the SEO world there are a lot of methods to get the back links for your site. One of the very excellent method regarding this is forum posting as well. In addition to that keep clear in your mind, All off site techniques are based on the magic of back links and content relevancy as well as uniqueness; That's all.
    • Profile picture of the author zita123
      Profile picture of zita123
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Yes, blog commenting and forum posting(with signature) play an very important role in improving page rank to your website. I use blog commenting, forum posting and article submission methods to increase pagerank.
  • Profile picture of the author Aruna29
    Profile picture of Aruna29
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    To achieve high page rank, blog commenting and forum posting is too good.You have to comment proper and relevant.
  • Profile picture of the author phupha
    Profile picture of phupha
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  • Profile picture of the author marknel
    Profile picture of marknel
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    Its always advisable to participate in relevant forums and blogs that are close to your website subject .Regarding blog commenting,remember your comments should add value to the post and check the commenting rules of the blog and follow them.You can emphasize your authority in your niche by making helpful forum posts .This will not only help in getting backlinks but also traffic to your site.Before you start off ..check whether the signature links are dofollow or nofollow .
  • Profile picture of the author Quasha
    Profile picture of Quasha
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    Whatever you are trying to do is great. Just remember that it is obvious that you have to choose the relevant niche do follow blogs or forums and please don't talk like a bot or spammer. That's it.
  • Profile picture of the author azncute0228
    Profile picture of azncute0228
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    Forum is posting is good, but you could actually use some social networking sites to speed it up. Anyways just keep on your game right now. You are on the right path, just take it step-by-step until it grows.
  • Profile picture of the author Justinpage
    Profile picture of Justinpage
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    Make sure that you leave comments that are helpful so that it will not be considered as spammy comments. Always remember the relevancy of your post.
  • Profile picture of the author LisaGoogle
    Profile picture of LisaGoogle
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    Like most people here suggested, the most important thing is to leave comments that are relevant to that particular blog. Best of luck^^
  • Profile picture of the author shanemorgan
    Profile picture of shanemorgan
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    If you are new in any forum site and start posting with your signature.Sometime if your post not relevant or good than forum will count you as spammer but if your actively participate in discussion in forum and write good post than there is no problem with your signature.
  • Profile picture of the author Webster Logan
    Webster Logan
    Profile picture of Webster Logan
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    Just make relevant posts and try to post in a forum of your interest thats always helpful.
  • Profile picture of the author LinkMasters4All
    Profile picture of LinkMasters4All
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    I would vote for Signature Links on the Forums. Some forums may have a cap of 15-20 posts, before you can include your signature links in your posts.
  • Profile picture of the author iphonesupport
    Profile picture of iphonesupport
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    if you want to get more benefits for your website then you should search forums related to your site's subject. signature has important role in SEO
  • Profile picture of the author marilynlia00
    Profile picture of marilynlia00
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    you can use both blog commenting and forum posting to get quality backlinks by providing valuable posts
  • Profile picture of the author June8
    Profile picture of June8
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    Link building through forum posting or blog commenting are the nice way of getting instant links
  • Profile picture of the author bilzz
    Profile picture of bilzz
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    Blog commenting has become more popular in today’s world and it helps to increase traffic and improve search engine ranking of websites.Blogging helps people to share ideas and views with others,post some new information which is not added in the article and paves the way for discussions,etc.While posting we add our name and URLs that helps us in creating back links.

  • Profile picture of the author fernades
    Profile picture of fernades
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    Do not post your links directly on your posts, instead of this you can use your links in Signature.
  • Profile picture of the author dagaul101
    Profile picture of dagaul101
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    Just ensure that the post provides value to the reader, imagine you as the reader, and what kind of comment/post you would like to read so much that you would visit the site in the signature to find out more
  • Profile picture of the author jmackenzie008
    Profile picture of jmackenzie008
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    The comment which we are posting relevantly will help to bring some traffic
  • Profile picture of the author Jessicavictoria
    Profile picture of Jessicavictoria
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    Blog comments helps to improve your website ranking in major search engines and forum posting is best effective method in getting quality traffic
  • Profile picture of the author fernades
    Profile picture of fernades
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    Yes! its also a better solution.
  • Profile picture of the author kumar125
    Profile picture of kumar125
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    Both techniques are more affordable and important to link the building does not have to spend a penny to generate ad quality them.Both links.Forum back are commonly used for some kind of discussion or provide information in this blog comment is used to generate traffic.
  • Profile picture of the author Gadi
    Profile picture of Gadi
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    I would join a leading forum related to your website and post useful, real, information on there, answer peoples questions and build yourself a reputation as an expert in your field. Have a signature with a link to your site with the anchor text you want and Google will reward you for providing good content. Spamming in random forums may work for now in some cases, but eventually Google will tighten their algorithm more and more and you'll suddenly be left behind.
  • Profile picture of the author Tylos
    Profile picture of Tylos
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    Yes, Still forum signature links are most effective and blog comment links as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicktyler
    Profile picture of nicktyler
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    I have recently started doing a lot more blog commenting along with the other techniques mentioned. It is quite time consuming but it seems the value is there if you search well

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  • Profile picture of the author businesswarrior121
    Profile picture of businesswarrior121
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Commissioner View Post

    Hi I am starting to do SEO for my website and i will begin posting on forums and blogs. I have started to build websites so what kind of posts should i be leaving so that it doesn't look like i am spamming forums and blogs with a link to my website. Also do you think it is a good idea to put a link to your website in the signature box on forums?

    absolutely it is a good idea to promote your website via your signature link.if you wanna to make your site visited by warrior members, then you should just post nice contents regarding your site issue. post relevant post of your site. do not start spammy thread. if you do it, people will spam your website. discuss various problems and future development of your site.

    be sure that people will help you and will visit your site too.

    thanks a lot.
  • Profile picture of the author hikerguy777
    Profile picture of hikerguy777
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    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure you post relevant content on forums. The purpose of posting on forums is multiple, but primarily you are trying to establish a relationship with people on the forum.

    IM is about building businesses, not getting rich quick. You build business by servicing a need better than other people. Figure out the need and contribute to the forum in a positive, informative way otherwise it will be construed as spam (like a lot of the posts on this thread).
  • Profile picture of the author HKSEO Rotzee
    HKSEO Rotzee
    Profile picture of HKSEO Rotzee
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    For what its worth, I have a PR5 blog, and I will approve any comment that is OBVIOUSLY related to topic. I don't generally allow "Great posts", or "Thanks". If you are going to say "Great Post" you need to add why and tie in something that lets me know you read the article. If you DO type relevant comments, I accept it and allow links.
  • Profile picture of the author reinstenanoventures
    Profile picture of reinstenanoventures
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    I was also like you and asked same questions from guys. But you will not believe that due to forum comment posting with the signature of my linking website, I got lot and lot of traffic and my site not only gain good ranking but also lots of visitors same as my business.
    So what are you looking for go ahead and move forward for a better ranking.

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