I'm reading a book right now called Outsmarting Google. It's about SEO. One of the first things the author does (and he claims to be a super-bad SEOer) is debunk the idea that PR is all that important. He says that Google is catching on and re-arranging their way of ranking sites (again). He proposes another standard what he calls TrustRank and says that Googles evaluates each site to give it a TR. He's saying that any site that sells links may have a high PR, but a low TR. I'm new to all this so I don't know.
But what thing he says is that, in the first month a website has no access to rankings. And slowly over time, Google drips out the actual ranking of the site. So after 6 months, the site would have access to 50% of its rankings and not the entirety of it for up to 4 years. Does anyone know anything about this? Is it possible to rank on the first page of Google in the first few months? (aside from the most random of keywords.)
The book is published in 2011 so me thinks its fairly recent, but what I have learned is that a lot of people claim to know what's going on, but they often conflict.
Wherever you go, there you are.
Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise