I've done the research and it has MANY popular sub niches(so to speak) that can be written about, monetized, etc like cabins, water parks, camping, hiking, biking and attractions. Aside from something like city.com which is taken anyways, I've been trying to come up with a great domain name that has....
FOUND- Low competition keyword phrase
FOUND- At least 1,000 exact matches for domain keyword-
FOUND- .com available
FOUND- allintitle:"keyword" = 38.....which I think is good as someone has stated on warrior forum that lower the better.
Example: weather is actually used in keyword and domain
"keyword" = "weather (city name) (state abbreviated)" SO...weather lasvegas nv (just example)
Google shows 6,200 results for my chosen keyword phrase so ranking high should be attainable
domain = weather(city name)(state abbreviated).com
domain is available weatherlasvegasnv.com (just example)
Google keyword tool research shows:
Exact=1600 monthly searches
Phrase=1900 monthly searches
The sub niches or topics will be pages(weatherlasvegasnv.com/camping) and everything related to this city has high enough monthly searches like
cabin rental
hiking trails
My question
Is it stupid to grab this domain even if I plan on incorporating the weather into my site just to have additional pages that get great traffic in order to monetize my site?
Like weatherlasvegasnv.com/campinggear "camping gear" returns over 27,000 monthly searches. Would doing something like this help, hurt or not matter in regard to SEO?
As always I REALLY appreciate any assistance or opinions in answering my questions.