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I got a list of at least 30,000 websites and I got an auto backlink submitter, I don't know what I should do with it so I would like WF's help on this.
  • Originally Posted by CPAplanet View Post

    I got a list of at least 30,000 websites and I got an auto backlink submitter, I don't know what I should do with it so I would like WF's help on this.
    Does this auto submitter allow you to place anchor text backlinks?
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  • Profile picture of the author cheesee
    Manual is the only way for link building. Auto are usually spam links, and will not benefit you in anyway only for short term success until google penalizes your site.

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    • Profile picture of the author guarino1235
      Originally Posted by cheesee View Post

      Manual is the only way for link building. Auto are usually spam links, and will not benefit you in anyway only for short term success until google penalizes your site.
      I agree, use auto submitter at your own risk.
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      • Profile picture of the author CPAplanet
        Originally Posted by strategic seo services View Post

        Does this auto submitter allow you to place anchor text backlinks?
        I have never used backlinks so I'm just a beginner and not sure what anchor text backlinks mean? Please explain?

        Originally Posted by cheesee View Post

        Manual is the only way for link building. Auto are usually spam links, and will not benefit you in anyway only for short term success until google penalizes your site.
        No, this is a tool where you can submit your backlinks, it's not automatically into it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Caspir
    Manual has its own advantage and you have check on it how much you have got response from your work. Should go for manual.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cameron Nabeel
    Never ever try to use an automated tool for link building. Google 100% finds such sites ans bann immediately in most cases. Link building is a tough job and required hands on efforts..
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  • Profile picture of the author CPAplanet
    This tool is much better though, it doesn't get caught form google and it tells you the progress.
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  • Profile picture of the author JSProjects
    Auto backlinking tools aren't terrible if you're looking for a quick boost and don't care if your site eventually gets the banhammer. (For example, if you're trying to rank for a news story or current event.) But if you're trying to establish a site for the long term you'll definitely be better off building links manually.
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    • Originally Posted by JSProjects View Post

      Auto backlinking tools aren't terrible if you're looking for a quick boost and don't care if your site eventually gets the banhammer. (For example, if you're trying to rank for a news story or current event.) But if you're trying to establish a site for the long term you'll definitely be better off building links manually.
      agreed. Even if you're trying to rank for a current news story...probability is you won't rank high even then, there will be another news site which will probably rank better than you :/
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    • Profile picture of the author ARVolund
      Originally Posted by JSProjects View Post

      Auto backlinking tools aren't terrible if you're looking for a quick boost and don't care if your site eventually gets the banhammer. (For example, if you're trying to rank for a news story or current event.) But if you're trying to establish a site for the long term you'll definitely be better off building links manually.
      Of all the "manual is better" comments this cracks me up the most....

      You are selling a list of 24k blogs in you sig. Is anyone really going to manually post to 24k blogs?? Seriously?

      Seriously guys stop being such a bunch of luddites. There is absolutely nothing wrong with automation.

      Do you walk everywhere?
      Do you wash you clothes by hand?
      Do you go out and cut firewood every day?
      Do you walk down to the river and manually collect your water?
      Use indoor plumbing?
      etc etc etc...................

      Automating your backlinking is no different from automating any other part of your life. It frees you up to make better use of your time.

      Google has no way of knowing how a link was created all it can do is look at the end result and determine the quality of the link. A lot of people who say that automation is bad are the same ones that say outsourcing to odesk or similar sites is the way to go. Really? Somehow some $3 an hour worker is going to magically make such high quality links that Google is gong to love them better than automated links? Yeah sure......

      Are there some level of links that are worth doing manually? Sure there is but not all of them by any means. It is all about the ROI of you time and energy. If you spend all your time manually creating links then how are you going to spend any time looking for new ways to make money and that is what it is all about.
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  • Profile picture of the author mervyngoh
    i totally agreed that back link should be done manually to prevent spam and link farming as this will affect your reputation with google.

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    • Profile picture of the author Pravir
      You should avoid to blast 30000 sites through your automated software...You could come any time under the radar of google so take care..
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  • Profile picture of the author kiranraj19
    I think manuall submission is better than auto submission
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