Want to check youtube backlinks

Profile picture of success1990
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
9 replies
I want to check the backlinks of my yoututbe page. Kindly suggest me some software for this.
#backlinks #check #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author howto
    Profile picture of howto
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Check them for what exactly? Youtube links are mostly "no follow" links making them quite useless.

    You can check if a link is no follow or not though. Here is how: use Google Chrome web browser and right click on the link and go to "inspect element" next look at the link code and see if if contains "no follow" if the 'a href' tag does not then it is a good link. So far I have discovered that on youtube profiles the section where you post your website is a follow link.
    • Profile picture of the author GeorgettaSterling
      Profile picture of GeorgettaSterling
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      If you are asking "how do I check to see what backlinks my youtube video/user page has", then one way to get at least some of them is to do a "link:" search on Yahoo, using the basic youtube video link URL.

      The "basic" youtube vid link URL will be the www and youtube domain, a forward slash "/" and "watch?v=xxxxxxxx" where the x's are letters and numbers that identify the specific video. The basic "user" or channel page would be the same, except it would be "/user/USERNAME" where "USERNAME" would be the user/channel name.

      Best Regards, Georgetta
  • Profile picture of the author addyj672
    Profile picture of addyj672
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by success1990 View Post

    I want to check the backlinks of my yoututbe page. Kindly suggest me some software for this.
    For backlinks you can use web base solution like backlinkwatch and smallseotools. I am using the both and found it good in showing backlinks. I think this will help you too.... cheers...
  • Profile picture of the author Dr Livingston
    Dr Livingston
    Profile picture of Dr Livingston
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Type in the video url into yahoo site explorer. Or you can use Video Shadow. This is helpful to do on competitor videos to see who and where they are getting links from. The results may surprise you ;-)
  • Profile picture of the author sgoerger
    Profile picture of sgoerger
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey Dr.,

    Just took the plunge...software looks awesome. I just read that the license may take up to 24 hours to activate...ooh, I hope not, can you help make it quick please? I want to play with this sucker today!

  • Profile picture of the author sgoerger
    Profile picture of sgoerger
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Well nevermind, that message seemed to be a false alarm, didn't it?

    I like your tool a lot Dr. but was hoping you could help me puzzle something out. My primary objective in purchasing your tool was to use it as a video rank tracker on youtube. In particular I have a video that I was wondering about its youtube rank.

    So, I looked up the video with your software and was told it had a rank of #7 for my keywords. However, when I type in my keywords into youtube and do this search manually, my video is nowhere to be seen, in like the first 10 pages total. When I first posted this video I hit it with some backlinks and I could see it showing up in manual searches around #10 - #20. Do you know of any good reasons why I would not be able to see my video in manual searches, and why the discreptancy between the results I get with Video Shadow, and results I get with manual searching on my own videos?

    Do you think this is some filter YouTube puts on a users own videos, or do you think I have done something to upset youtube, possibly? Or just a fluke?

    I want to stress that I think your product is GREAT and this isn't even a question about whether or not that is true. I think everyone who's smart and serious about video marketing should jump on this tool! But my question is just to see if you have any ideas about why I would see a different set of results from Video Shadow on my own videos. I did a few searches on random keywords and then checked the results of a random video in Video Shadow, and VS got the same result as manual 100% of the time. So, I think it is down to something else going on with me. Is it just because I'm doing the searches on my computer (IP address or cookie or something), or do you think it is because of something else? If so, what?

    Thanks a lot Dr, I appreciate it!

  • Profile picture of the author sgoerger
    Profile picture of sgoerger
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Oh geez I put these on the wrong thread. Had two threads open at once. Sorry guys. I will move em to the right spot...
    • Profile picture of the author paulgl
      Profile picture of paulgl
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      There's really no such thing as a "backlink" to a youtube video.
      It exists in cyberspace like and image. When you go to
      a youtube video, on youtube, the page is generated dynamically
      for each person to display the video.

      Backlinks for a video are effectively useless. You want to backlink to
      your youtube channel, and real webpages that have your video
      code on.


      If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

      • Profile picture of the author Steven Miranda
        Steven Miranda
        Profile picture of Steven Miranda
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

        There's really no such thing as a "backlink" to a youtube video.
        It exists in cyberspace like and image. When you go to
        a youtube video, on youtube, the page is generated dynamically
        for each person to display the video.

        Backlinks for a video are effectively useless. You want to backlink to
        your youtube channel, and real webpages that have your video
        code on.

        This is good advice!

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