Google + 1 Tribe

Profile picture of kelseydeshaz
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
44 replies
Hi... fellow Warriors

I had an idea and recently started a Google + 1 Tribe in our Mastermind group. Basically what we are doing is Google + 1-ing each others content to bring more social proof.

But there has been some debate on whether it is adding any real SEO value to our sites,blogs,content etc...

Some people say yes and some say no what do you think?
#google #tribe
  • Profile picture of the author CPA Andrew
    CPA Andrew
    Profile picture of CPA Andrew
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    Of course! More Social Exposure = More Traffic = More Money. If done correctly and targeted.
  • Profile picture of the author TJ Cox
    TJ Cox
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    You bet! This is obviously just the beginning too. They will monetize it soon.

    Need to check your rankings on the go? Check out Keyword Monitor for Android.

  • Profile picture of the author numbermoja
    Profile picture of numbermoja
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    Originally Posted by kelseydeshaz View Post

    Hi... fellow Warriors

    I had an idea and recently started a Google + 1 Tribe in our Mastermind group. Basically what we are doing is Google + 1-ing each others content to bring more social proof.

    But there has been some debate on whether it is adding any real SEO value to our sites,blogs,content etc...

    Some people say yes and some say no what do you think?
    Hey Kelsey
    Thanks for this post. This is a good idea because I have included the google plus one button on my blog and I recently got a google plus tatoo on my arm jk... yes I am happy that I am a part of this and in my opinion I think google has already included this in their search engine algorithms. Heck just today I got a visitor from Panama with a highly competitive keyword on google. I think google likes me not because of the google+ 1 tattoo i got but because I have included the plus one button on my blog.
    plus one plus one...

  • Profile picture of the author seo slayer
    seo slayer
    Profile picture of seo slayer
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    +1 is really helpful for SEO!
  • Profile picture of the author Daret
    Profile picture of Daret
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    Yeah, +1s will be really helpful for SEO

    If you need +1s (hundreds or even thousands), hit me up, I am providing this service at the Forum (see my signature)
  • Profile picture of the author Lucas Adamski
    Lucas Adamski
    Profile picture of Lucas Adamski
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    How effective is +1 google, can it bring a lot of traffic?
  • Profile picture of the author bheeelaat
    Profile picture of bheeelaat
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    please add me in the tribe
  • Profile picture of the author Targeted Traffic
    Targeted Traffic
    Profile picture of Targeted Traffic
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    It is always good to make the most of social media, social sharing and social search
  • Profile picture of the author Vinchenz
    Profile picture of Vinchenz
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    You can even +1 this post on the WF, ( which I did for You )
    See you at the tribe
  • Profile picture of the author nathanielf
    Profile picture of nathanielf
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think +1s are going to be important once Google+ becomes a popular social network. I think that if you're part of it, the search results you're going to get will be influenced by the +1s that have been added by your Circles.

    But I'm still very much doubting that your content will rise in the SERPs for people not in your Circles simply because of all the +1 sharing/selling that will happen.

    In the end though, like Shane said, it definitely won't not help
  • Profile picture of the author rosesmark
    Profile picture of rosesmark
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    yeah,Its boost your traffic but when users like your content then it is helpful to you otherwise not
    • Profile picture of the author Talen
      Profile picture of Talen
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I think everyone is placing way too much importance on +1 and as far as SEO goes it won't do much especially with people already gaming it.

      There are several free sites already up and running where you can get thousands of +1's a day to any page or site you want...all you have to do is click all day long.
      • Profile picture of the author Spags
        Profile picture of Spags
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I agree with others that it is too early too tell yet how it will help SEO. I do think it will help clicks on Google though, if you are looking at a few sites, and one has a bunch of +1s, it would probably get more clicks.

        +1? it's kind of a stupid name... Guess Like was already taken? LOL You'd think they could have come up with something a little better.

        John Spagnolo - You can INSTANTLY reach me and other warriors in my Skype Mastermind Group. Join now while my group still has room!

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      • Profile picture of the author friedman
        Profile picture of friedman
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        Some important thoughts on plus one and Panda:

        - is it better to put plus +1 button on the page and plus 1 from there as opposed to +1 the SERP result?

        - Would it be EVEN BETTER to search google for desired keyword for site, click the SERP, then +1 the site from it's page?

        - Is it important to stay on the page for a time, then navigate to the contact page?

        - Will google discount your +1 clicks if they detect widespread patterns - i.e. a "chain" of sites being plus oned by many people from many IPs
  • Profile picture of the author howto
    Profile picture of howto
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    Well google +1 just makes pages rank higher in the SERPS for people who are related to your google account. This only has SEO benefit if somone with a lot of friends +1 on your site. If +1 count alone mattered you could just created hundreds of google accounts to +1 your pages with. Thankfully this isn't the case as spamming is very boring.

    If you want more info just read the +1 FAQ it explains all in there
  • Profile picture of the author strategic seo services
    strategic seo services
    Profile picture of strategic seo services
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    Originally Posted by kelseydeshaz View Post

    Hi... fellow Warriors

    I had an idea and recently started a Google + 1 Tribe in our Mastermind group. Basically what we are doing is Google + 1-ing each others content to bring more social proof.

    But there has been some debate on whether it is adding any real SEO value to our sites,blogs,content etc...

    Some people say yes and some say no what do you think?
    That's an excellent idea. How can I get involved in this?
    • Profile picture of the author kelseydeshaz
      Profile picture of kelseydeshaz
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by strategic seo services View Post

      That's an excellent idea. How can I get involved in this?
      Hi Julia, it`s simple... just join our mastermind live group and you will be able to reap the benefits of +1 syndicate, knowledge,partnerships, and network, all in one. Check out my sig for details.


  • Profile picture of the author hotftuna
    Profile picture of hotftuna
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    No concern that Google will detect a bunch of site owners +1 ing each other?
    Signature ranks #1 for "human edited web directory"

    • Profile picture of the author kelseydeshaz
      Profile picture of kelseydeshaz
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      Originally Posted by hotftuna View Post

      No concern that Google will detect a bunch of site owners +1 ing each other?
      Lets say you are on the Google plus site and you post a share which is your link to something funny and 1,000 people are laughing at the content. They all decide to +1 it....and now everything you post from then on out gets +1ed just cause of the first video you Google gonna spank you for something they created to happen this way?


  • Profile picture of the author FtlLuke
    Profile picture of FtlLuke
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    Just be very careful what you are doing. I reluctantly added Google +1 to one of my sites figuring I would eventually be forced to do so anyway. This is a very interactive site so I figured it was a good site to experiment with. I recently launched a Facebook Fan Page for the site and placed an order on Fiverr for some targeted Fans. This should not have caused a problem but the person I ordered from processed my order as an order for Google +1's. He added about 100 Google +1's spread across 8 different pages on my site over the course of a 3 days without me realizing it. Unfortunately, Google must have seen the activity as suspicious and spanked me hard in spite of the fact the +1's were from different users and unique IP addresses (based upon +1 stats in Google Webmaster Tools & feedback from the individual that had them added).

    Before this happened, all but one of my keywords was in the top 10 with several in the top five. My most profitable keyword was bouncing between #9 & #13. The instant Google decided they didn't like what was taking place, I stopped getting traffic and discovered I wasn't even ranking in the top 1000. A week has passed since this occurred and my easiest to rank for keywords are back in the 500's - 600's but I suspect it will take me a long time to recover from this assuming I can.

    It's a hard lesson to learn especially since I wasn't trying to game the system. It was a simple error related to an outsourced job but I guarantee it has changed my approach to how I handle my sites. When I saw this thread, I thought I should share my experience as a cautionary tale. If you decide to actively acquire +1's for your site, I'd make sure they look as natural as possible. I really didn't think the activity I was seeing on my site was suspicious until Google pointed out it was.
    • Profile picture of the author Kurt
      Profile picture of Kurt
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      Originally Posted by FtlLuke View Post

      Just be very careful what you are doing. I reluctantly added Google +1 to one of my sites figuring I would eventually be forced to do so anyway. This is a very interactive site so I figured it was a good site to experiment with. I recently launched a Facebook Fan Page for the site and placed an order on Fiverr for some targeted Fans. This should not have caused a problem but the person I ordered from processed my order as an order for Google +1's. He added about 100 Google +1's spread across 8 different pages on my site over the course of a 3 days without me realizing it. Unfortunately, Google must have seen the activity as suspicious and spanked me hard in spite of the fact the +1's were from different users and unique IP addresses (based upon +1 stats in Google Webmaster Tools & feedback from the individual that had them added).

      Before this happened, all but one of my keywords was in the top 10 with several in the top five. My most profitable keyword was bouncing between #9 & #13. The instant Google decided they didn't like what was taking place, I stopped getting traffic and discovered I wasn't even ranking in the top 1000. A week has passed since this occurred and my easiest to rank for keywords are back in the 500's - 600's but I suspect it will take me a long time to recover from this assuming I can.

      It's a hard lesson to learn especially since I wasn't trying to game the system. It was a simple error related to an outsourced job but I guarantee it has changed my approach to how I handle my sites. When I saw this thread, I thought I should share my experience as a cautionary tale. If you decide to actively acquire +1's for your site, I'd make sure they look as natural as possible. I really didn't think the activity I was seeing on my site was suspicious until Google pointed out it was.
      I agree.

      Let's look at it from Google's point of view. Wouldn't you expect people to try to game the system?

      If so, wouldn't you also try to include some ways to detect gaming? If one site in the SERPs gets 20 +1's, and no other site for that search gets any, that would look very suspicious to me.

      I'd be willing to bet that Google has some type of formula based on probability as to how many +1s they should expect, based on things like number of search queries. If a keyword gets 100 searches per day, those sites should have far fewer +1s that sites in the SERPS for keywords that get 1000 arches per day.

      I'd also be willing to bet that Google will pay more attention to people using Chrome. This is because Google can ID and track Chrome users. So, I'll also guess that you're better off not only voting for your own site, but also plenty of other sites.

      Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Google doesn't tie the +1 in with other data they can get from the toolbar or Chrome, such as bounce rate and click depth rate. If other users aren't clicking through your site and instead hitting the back button, the +1 may not matter.

      I'm not saying don't do it. I'm only saying think about it before just jumping in. It's very likely Google has already thought about this and has counter measures in place.
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    • Profile picture of the author nathanielf
      Profile picture of nathanielf
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      Originally Posted by FtlLuke View Post

      Just be very careful what you are doing. I reluctantly added Google +1 to one of my sites figuring I would eventually be forced to do so anyway. This is a very interactive site so I figured it was a good site to experiment with. I recently launched a Facebook Fan Page for the site and placed an order on Fiverr for some targeted Fans. This should not have caused a problem but the person I ordered from processed my order as an order for Google +1's. He added about 100 Google +1's spread across 8 different pages on my site over the course of a 3 days without me realizing it. Unfortunately, Google must have seen the activity as suspicious and spanked me hard in spite of the fact the +1's were from different users and unique IP addresses (based upon +1 stats in Google Webmaster Tools & feedback from the individual that had them added).

      Before this happened, all but one of my keywords was in the top 10 with several in the top five. My most profitable keyword was bouncing between #9 & #13. The instant Google decided they didn't like what was taking place, I stopped getting traffic and discovered I wasn't even ranking in the top 1000. A week has passed since this occurred and my easiest to rank for keywords are back in the 500's - 600's but I suspect it will take me a long time to recover from this assuming I can.

      It's a hard lesson to learn especially since I wasn't trying to game the system. It was a simple error related to an outsourced job but I guarantee it has changed my approach to how I handle my sites. When I saw this thread, I thought I should share my experience as a cautionary tale. If you decide to actively acquire +1's for your site, I'd make sure they look as natural as possible. I really didn't think the activity I was seeing on my site was suspicious until Google pointed out it was.
      This is interesting because if Google would take this approach as standard, anyone could buy +1s for their competition (if they use the button, of course) and watch and laugh as their competitors are falling to page 60-100.
      • Profile picture of the author VladWorks
        Profile picture of VladWorks
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Google wont harm your site by adding +1s because just like the above posted you could ruin competitors rankings by bombing them with +1s or any other link or share.

        Google my devalue overly rapid use much like the devalue some backlinks but it is and always has been Googles stand that no person can harm another persons website with any sort of activity.
        • Profile picture of the author kelseydeshaz
          Profile picture of kelseydeshaz
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          Originally Posted by VladWorks View Post

          Google wont harm your site by adding +1s because just like the above posted you could ruin competitors rankings by bombing them with +1s or any other link or share.

          Google my devalue overly rapid use much like the devalue some backlinks but it is and always has been Googles stand that no person can harm another persons website with any sort of activity.
          Good point.


      • Profile picture of the author kelseydeshaz
        Profile picture of kelseydeshaz
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        Originally Posted by nathanielf View Post

        This is interesting because if Google would take this approach as standard, anyone could buy +1s for their competition (if they use the button, of course) and watch and laugh as their competitors are falling to page 60-100.
        LOL...the Ultimate Google attack, and then they would create a wso on it and everyone would be doing it.


  • Profile picture of the author VladWorks
    Profile picture of VladWorks
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    Like anything you have to do it carefully and in moderation. If you simply gather hundred or thousands of +1's in a short time you will get penalized. Its the same as building your backlinks too fast!
  • Profile picture of the author seanpar
    Profile picture of seanpar
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    And from the research i've done adding too many social things like FB likes, +1, tweet and others can really slow down the loading time of your pages and your overall website speed which can be worse.
    • Profile picture of the author VladWorks
      Profile picture of VladWorks
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      Originally Posted by seanpar View Post

      And from the research i've done adding too many social things like FB likes, +1, tweet and others can really slow down the loading time of your pages and your overall website speed which can be worse.
      You mean adding buttons to your website?
      Yes you should really be careful not to add too many as page load is part of Google Algorithm.

      However you need to have atleast the 3 bigs ones: FB, +1 and TW

      They are all part of Googles rankings metrics.

      However having user +1 you from the search engine results, share your link on FB or TW are all good ways to increase your rankings
  • Profile picture of the author Daret
    Profile picture of Daret
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Getting a lot of Google +1s has multiple benefits:
    • When people will see a website / website pages/ blog posts having lots of +1’s, they will feel that a lot of people have recommended the website/web pages and so, they would be happy to be on a website which has been recommended by many!
    • Looking at +1s done by other users, they might recommend the site on other social networks as well !
    • Google + 1 can influence the ranking of a site within Google’s Search results listings
    • and thus, it can get more traffic for the website!!
  • Profile picture of the author dagaul101
    Profile picture of dagaul101
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    I don't think Google would look on it favorably, but since +1 follows the Facebook like system, and people do buy likes, they may just turn a blind eye
  • Profile picture of the author staceymattew
    Profile picture of staceymattew
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    It will not affect in the SERP.
  • Profile picture of the author bheeelaat
    Profile picture of bheeelaat
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    I want to join but sadly, I don't have a site :-(
    • Profile picture of the author kelseydeshaz
      Profile picture of kelseydeshaz
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      Originally Posted by bheeelaat View Post

      I want to join but sadly, I don't have a site :-(
      Check out my signature link and see if our Mastermind is a fit for you. If you don`t have a site their are many people in our group including me that can asist you in that area and much more.


  • Profile picture of the author stabilus
    Profile picture of stabilus
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by kelseydeshaz View Post

    Hi... fellow Warriors

    I had an idea and recently started a Google + 1 Tribe in our Mastermind group. Basically what we are doing is Google + 1-ing each others content to bring more social proof.

    But there has been some debate on whether it is adding any real SEO value to our sites,blogs,content etc...

    Some people say yes and some say no what do you think?
    With Plus it will be like it is with backlinks. You will want one way Plus clicks!
    If getting unlimited targeted leads (like: you don't know what to do with them all) sounds good, find out more about the leads angle of RepWarn.PW:

  • Profile picture of the author laustinseo
    Profile picture of laustinseo
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    +1ing deffinatly has seo value, but i assume the value will increase once G+ is operational. I imagine they will incorporate your G+ acc and other peoples +1s into consideration
  • Profile picture of the author Vinchenz
    Profile picture of Vinchenz
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Has anyone tried out the Google +1 exchanges yet?
    There free to join, you add your +1 link and then +1
    other members sites and earn free credits towards
    your own +1 links. Seems to be working very nice.

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