15 replies
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I just created a quick website that live streams my hamsters..i put some Adsense ads on there and was thinking that i could add some other stuff like search bars. Give me some feedback on what you see...how could i improve?

Also how does Google Adsense determine what ads and what they pay when clicked on? Im getting paid really low CPC right now, like under 10cents per click.

Thanks my site is HamsterCrazy.com if you can check it out and give me some feedback.
#adsense #cpc #question
  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    Is there much call for a site such as this. For the life of me, I can't think what anyone would want to see a live shot of your hamsters, and thus the low CPC you are getting.

    Tim Pears

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  • Profile picture of the author AdWorkMedia
    Haha, as nice looking as your hamsters might be, this site will probably not be getting lots of traffic. If you're after large revenues then you really need to focus on subjects with a greater audience. Large traffic = Large revenue!

    AdWork Media » Global Affiliate Network & Content Locking Solutions

    Custom Platform, Flexible Lockers, Offers For Every Country
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    • Profile picture of the author bigcaveman
      Adsense is like a bidding system. The more people that are willing to bid on your keyword the higher your clicks will be.

      According to the keyword tool, the term "hamsters" is bidding at 0.23 a click which is why you are getting 10c per click.

      You live streamed your hamsters?
      Just curios, but how many page views are you getting a day?:confused:
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      • Profile picture of the author MrMysteryBox
        Originally Posted by bigcaveman View Post

        Adsense is like a bidding system. The more people that are willing to bid on your keyword the higher your clicks will be.

        According to the keyword tool, the term "hamsters" is bidding at 0.23 a click which is why you are getting 10c per click.

        You live streamed your hamsters?
        Just curios, but how many page views are you getting a day?:confused:
        What keyword tool are you referring to? google keyword tool? i checked "hamsters" today and it said .53 i just want to make sure im looking at the right thing, thanks for your help
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  • Profile picture of the author MIRENGE
    Adsense is good but sometime very discouraging to see how low it pays, This depends on your Keywords, get traffic and high paying keywords and you will rock.
    Interior design .... where beautiful homes is all we care.
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    • Profile picture of the author MrMysteryBox
      thanks for the help guys...how does AdSence figure out what keywords my site will bid? If instance someone said that "hamster" is only bidding at .23 per click... how can i make my site have different keywords that will have higher bids? Say: "animal camera" or "live streaming camera" may have higher bids...how do i get those keywords?
      -right not im getting about 200 visits per day - only been up 1 1/2 weeks

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  • Profile picture of the author xylement
    Nice site, I think your hamster is sleeping now, it doesn't move... good site overall but I guess it is not that appropriate for Adsense as you might be getting low impression on it and it might cause your CTR to be low.
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  • Profile picture of the author siteline
    You have a nice site, I would add some clickbank hampster related products and also an optin box and offer a free hamster report that way you can build a list and market to them in the future.
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    • Profile picture of the author ashishbhatnagar
      The click rate of adsense in depend on the advertiser means how much amount he wold like to pay for per click.
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  • Profile picture of the author guarino1235
    the hamsters are cute... may google does not like hamsters
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  • Profile picture of the author jennifermartinez
    In a recent panda update, Google penalized many content farm sites which source of business is only through AdSense. So you better be careful, your only source of income is advertisement on live streaming of your hamster which is good for start. But you must think something new and different to get more traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author pickthat apple
    You do know that hamsters sleep during the day and are active at night?

    Solution n. 1
    have some American hamsters and European Hamsters in the same site ooor...

    Have different animals in the same site, some active in the day and some in the night.
    (iguanas for example are active in the day)
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    • Profile picture of the author paulgl
      My friend, you have stumbled upon what a lot of people do to
      make adsense income. They choose something they already like
      and know something about, and probably will devote the needed

      The live feed is a start. Now do articles on hamster care, feeding, etc.
      Create a blog for your hamsters, do posts as if the hamster was writing

      The possibilities are endless. Tweets on twitter, facebook page...go for it!
      Upload hamster videos on youtube...Have a place for people to post
      their own hamster pics, videos, etc.

      If people would take this approach, instead of that get rich quick
      "gee what keyword should I make a site about" crapola, the
      world would be a better place.

      I guarantee you can make money no matter what the niche.

      If you have the time and love, no reason you can't build a hamster
      empire. BTW: hamster-empire.com is available.


      If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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  • Profile picture of the author dburk
    Hi blackfinreality,

    Your page lacks textual content. You need to add content that contains the keywords that advertisers might be be targeting.

    Make a list of everything you spend money on related to your hamster keeping. Do a little keyword research to discover which terms people are using when shopping for those items on your list. Add a few paragraphs of text that adds value to your visitors and includes those keywords. Click through rate and earnings will increase.
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  • Profile picture of the author RayW
    OP, You have two leaderboards at the bottom (where people aren't likely to click) and Link ads at the top (where people are likely to click). You might not know this but link ads don't pay when the user clicks on them. When a user clicks on a Link ad, they are taken to another page with ads and if they click on one of them, THEN you make money.

    My advice: Put the leaderboard at the top, take out the link ads. That should improve revenue significantly.

    Nice site btw
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