My 10 Step Guide To SEO Success (For Newbies)

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What's up Warriors!

I've been seeing a lot of people new in online marketing asking a lot of questions on how to get started making money online using SEO. Now what I'm going to share with you is my personal strategy that I've been using for the last year and a half with consistent success. What I am not here to do is debate what each person feels is outdated or not effective because each person does have their own strategy and therefore different results. All I can do is share what I'm doing from the last year or two with you and what is still currently working for me. So here we go.

I've been doing CPA marketing for about 5 years now, making great money with it for the last 4 (first year I lost money, that is all). In the last 4 years I've used many strategies from paid traffic to SEO and while I find that paid traffic converts 10 times more and faster, you're also gonna pay 10 times more than you would with SEO. In addition you're gonna have to keep on advertising if you're going to make money and who wants to do that?

With SEO you have the ability to stop advertising at some point in time, if you even do it at all, and you will still make decent money online. So I've put together over the years an 10 step process to doing this. This is really MY 10 step process to how I approach a CPA product. When I do SEO for my own products I follow much of this but a few things are different and we'll get into that later.

First of all...

• You need good on page SEO which is the obvious, metas, title, keywords in body, body content and we'll get into that later.
• You need lots of content that is keyword targeted to the keywords you want to get ranked for in the Google search engine.
• You need to connect all of your pages with xml sitemap so that Google can easily surf your site and see all of the pages on it.
• You need all of your pages linking back to the homepage which is very important. Google doesn't just count off site links as backlinks, they count on site links too...more later.
• You need powerful sites linking back to your site. Without this Google won't take your links too seriously because it's not "authenticated" by a more respectable site.

There can be argued that there are many other factors needed but these 5 are the most key in my experience. Now that we've got the outline of SEO success outline it's now time for me to show you...

My 10 Steps To SEO Success

This may come as a shock to you (sarcasm of course) but I'm not a big time marketing Guru, I'm just a guy who knows a few things. And one of the things I know is...

Step 1: The Right Niche

Most people would tell you to not pick a niche that's too competitive. Makes it too hard to get ranked in that niche. You hear this all of the time. Go for the low hanging fruit, don't waste your time with a big niche, you will never get ranked high for it. And while I KINDA believe that to be true, I also know that it's just as easy to get ranked for a tough niche as an easy niche if you know what you're doing. I've found that in my experience getting ranked high for a big niche just means you need more on page content and more powerful backlinks.

So when I go looking for a niche, I don't pick an "easy" to rank for niche, I pick a competitive one and I do that for two reasons.

REASON # 1: A competitive niche means that's where the biggest demand is at that time. If 1000 people are in one niche and 10,000 are in another, my first observation is that the more competitive niche has more competition because there is more DEMAND in that niche. Which means there's plenty of money to go around for everyone.

REASON # 2: A competitive niche has longer lasting results. A niche that is low in comp COULD just mean it's a trend that won't last very long. I don't ignore it but at the same time if I want to make a long term income stream (not a quick hustle) I'll go for a niche that is seemingly always in demand. Just makes more business sense to me.
So we all know I like high in demand niches. Period. I don't mess with small niches unless I want to make a quick hustle.

And how do I find that niche? Keyword research. I go to Google Keyword Tool and put in some common terms like "diet" or "weight loss" or "home business" or "credit repair" or "auto insurance" and so on. When I see a keyword with millions of searches a month (or even 100's of 1000's) that's the niche I pick because if people are searching for it in that quantity, it must be a HUGE need for it and there are plenty of revenues to be made. Again, this is backwards from what "experts" and "guru's" tell you and I have my theories on that (which is beyond the scope and the point of this guide). I've found that in most cases going for the bigger niches gives me the longest lasting income stream.

Now, what are the biggest niches? I know you guys want a shortcut so here goes...Insurance (Auto, Life, etc), Financial, Credit Repair, Debt Consolidation, Fitness, Weight Loss, Health (many different sub niches like Snoring, Back, Foot, etc). These are very stable niches that last every year, all year long but out of all of these, health and Fitness are the most steady and consistent of them all.

Step 2: The Right Keywords

After you've picked your niche, it's now time to get the keywords. This is easy if you've picked a good niche using the guide above first. Say you picked "Weight Loss" niche which currently has 11 million global monthly searches. Obviously, one of your keywords would be "Weight Loss" and your main keyword would always be "weight loss." This is the hardest keyword to get ranked for in your niche because it's searched so much and found by reputable sites.

How we remedy this is simple. We optimize our pages for the keyword "Weight Loss" and use the Google keyword tool to find other related keywords that will be easier to get ranked for. I see "Rapid Weight Loss" has only 246,000 searches a month as well as "Diets For Weight Loss" and "Weight Loss Diets" to name just a few at the time of this posting using the Google Keyword Tool on the keyword "Weight Loss." So now I'm gonna pick a couple dozen or more of these, including some easier to ranked keywords like "New Weight Loss" with 60,000 searches and "Weight Loss Diet Plans" with 60,000 searches for example.

These will later on make up my keyword list that I'll be targeting on my site to get better SEO results. What we do is we use the lower hanging fruit/keywords to begin to get us some Google attention. They help get us ranked for SOMETHING and then the more we get ranked for those lower words, the higher they climb in results, the easier and higher we get ranked for a main keyword "Weight Loss."

Step 3: The Domain Name

If you're following the steps in order then this is a quick and painless process. You have the "Weight Loss" niche, using the "Weight Loss" main keyword for ranking purposes, now the domain part is simple. You find SOME KIND OF WAY to put your main keyword in your domain name. It doesn't matter if it's .biz, .com, .net, .info....whatever....just have the words "Weight" and "Loss" in that order in the domain name.

It can be www . My-Weight-Loss-Plan .whatever. If it's taken throw in some numbers My-Weight-Loss-Plan-2011.whatever or something. If that's taken then do something like this My-Weight-2011-Loss-Plan or How-My-Weight-Was-Loss or something. Doesn't matter. Obviously, you want your domain name to make sense but as long as your main keyword is somewhere in the title IN THAT ORDER you will be just fine with Google. The domain name is another key component in giving you a jumpstart in your SEO campaign. Just a sidenote, when you buy this domain name, pay extra money to have this name private. You don't want your comp seeing your domain, searching whois and stealing your idea. They could do that either way but don't make it easy for them. All of my CPA domains are private.

Step 4: The Blog

I see people all of the time with one page lander sites. All over the place. And that's good only if you're gonna advertise for the rest of your life but if you want good, consistent, converting traffic from search engines then you're gonna have to develop a WEBSITE with MANY pages, not just one page. The bigger your site, the better chances of getting indexed and ranked higher. The easiest way to do that is to create a Wordpress blog.

Keep it simple, clean, nothing overly fancy. The standard "Twenty Eleven" theme that comes with a wordpress installation or update is sufficient and clean enough. Just change the header image a little so that it has an image of your niche. For weight loss, find a weight loss image. What I do is I cheat. I'll find out the dimensions of that header, then go to google, click on "images" at the top left, then do an advanced search, enter in my banner dimensions, put the keyword "Weight Loss" in it and see what it pulls up. Yeah, shame on me, but if it's CPA who cares anyway, right? It's fair game to me and a shortcut to getting the job done faster...and cheaper.

Now for the SEO. Normally, you want your keywords in the Meta Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords, H1 Tag (for headline), H2 Tag (for subhead), and sprinkled throughout the body LIGHTLY. Don't have the keyword every other sentence or you'll just get slapped by Google. Plus it makes for a terrible reading experience to your visitors.

Another important thing to note is that you want to take advantage of Wordpress tagging. This has very good SEO qualities which we'll explain in step 6 later. The good thing about wordpress is every blog post turns into a page. Your blog title turns into a H1 so if you have "Weight Loss" somewhere in the title you're doing great! You don't have to ALWAYS have it there but the more you have it there, the stronger your site will become. You also want to setup a category for each keyword and post keyword targeted posts in each category. So for "Weight Loss" setup a category called "Weight Loss" and only post blogs optimized for "Weight Loss" in that category. You can then tag with 5-10 other keywords if you want.

A Quick Sidenote

You'll also want to use Tracking 202 to track your conversions. In addition you'll want to setup a Google Analytics account for all of your domains and place the tracking code before the </body> tag in all of your sites. If you're using Wordpress then you can just edit the "footer" file in the "appearance" and "editor" tab. One other thing to note is that you'll need to setup a free Google Webmasters account too and link your Google Analytics to it. This will help you keep track of all the inbound links, which keywords your indexed for, what position it's in, how many searches they're getting a day and so on. Setup for those is beyond the scope of this guide but is really easy and Google gives you great tutorials to complete the process. Quick and painless.

Step 5: The Wordpress Plugins

There are quite a few plugins you can use but I'm gonna shorten your search with a few key to start off with.
WP Robot. This is an autoblog software that allows for you to create amazing auto content blogs that are triggered by keyword. It's gonna cost just a little cash but at once you have it, you have it and it's amazing for keeping your content fresh and bots coming back. Set, forget, that's that that is about for those of you who don't have time to write a bunch of content. They also come with great tutorials to show you the power of it. This even comes with an article spinner and a translator if you have an international blog. Check out the WP Robot site to see what all it does, truly amazing and I've been using it for years with success.

All In One SEO. It's a simple plugin that lets you edit your Meta Title, Meta Description and Meta Keywords so that they show up a on all your pages leaving none of them blank. For the blog pages, the blog title will become the Meta Title but for the pages with no blog postings, it will default at this edited meta information you setup in the plugin. There are probably better plugins, this is just what I use. And it's free.

Popup Domination. This is like the best javascript popup generator I've used. It's increased my options by 30% in a lot of cases. Basically, it will popup a closeable popup that offers them something for opting in. That's for later but this is how I recommend newcomers. Always build a list so that you can retain a following and make more money. I make more money from my list than I do from paid traffic sometimes. This plugin will cost a little but worth it.

Page Comments Off Please. Free plugin that gets rid of comment spam by disabling people from comment at all. You'll need this, trust me.

Google Sitemap Generator. You NEED an xml sitemap so that Google can crawl through. It just makes your indexing go faster. Nuff said.

Optimize Press. This is an optional plugin that is the only plugin you'll need for premium optin forms, sales page, blog postings, etc. Look it up to see what it does. It costs, but worth it. It's not a need but I recommend it heavily.

Step 6: The Content

Now there are all KINDS of talks about dup content versus orginal content, the dangers of using dup content...a lot of it is myth really. I want to clear up something about dup content. It's recommended that you use your OWN ORIGINAL content as it gives you the best success ratios for your SEO campaigns. At the same time, dup content doesn't get you slapped or banned like people say, quite the opposite. When we're dealing with on page content (not off page) dup content will bring you pages to your blog, increased searches to your blog, and traffic. Period.

I've sites that I use dup content on, I have sites that I use 100% original content on. Honestly? No huge difference. Either way I get traffic, either way I get indexed, either way I get first page on Google. I just haven't noticed a huge difference honestly. Now I DO KNOW that you get first page FASTER with original content but I don't have any horror stories with using dup content on my page. What I WILL say however is if you are planning on using dup content, don't take one article and spin it 100 times and post it because then your ON SITE uniqueness will be diminished BIG time. If you take 100 articles from a third party article zine site or something, that works 20 times BETTER than spinning 1 article 100 times and putting it on your site.

The only way to make spinning the same article a lot and using it on your site if your content is at the very least 30% unique from the other content on your site. I would try to shoot for 50% though but 30% is the absolute bare minimum to work with. But, when you take articles from other sites, you get 100% uniqueness on your own site. Understand this, Google judges your sites power two ways. By the uniqueness ON page and by the uniqueness in comparison to OTHER sites on the internet.

You can have a strong site with great on page uniqueness using dup content from other sites. You'd just have to make up for it by doing a lot of off site backlinking using 100% original content. Now, the more original content you have on page and off page via backlinks, the faster you will get ranked higher in Google. Yet, you will still get ranked well if you have dup content just make sure it's above 50% uniqueness on page and off.

Now I say all of that because WP Robot uses dup content. It pulls from RSS, news sites, yahoo answers, amazing, ebay, CJ, clickbank, youtube, and article sites using the keywords you choose and places them on YOUR site. It also creates the category, pulls the article title, the article content, the tags, videos, and places them in your blog on autopilot. You can set it up to post in intervals. I normally choose 1 article posting per day for smaller sites and maybe 6 -12 a day for bigger ones. You'll be AMAZED how fast you get indexed, how fast you get high search results, how many clicks etc just by doing that. No spinning, no writing, no blog editing...just simply bringing in content automatically and providing quality to your visitors.

Now you all you have to do is monetize the site by having either Adsense or some strategic placement of promotions through your posts. Some Wordpress templates allow you to append a header and footer before and after each post that you setup in the main panel once. You can have your CPA offer at the bottom of each post. I usually put something like this at the bottom of each post: "Did You Enjoy This Read? Click Here To See Recommended Weight Loss Solutions In Your Area!" and have that be a hyperlink to my CPA offer (of course tracked by Tracking 202).

And of course if they don't buy they MIGHT optin to your list from pop up dominator so we're not worried. We'll just give them something of value and deliver it to them over time. But you need content and you need a lot of it, the more the better. I recommend getting in some orginal content as well to give your site some extra power but still use the autoblog content to give you juice.

NOTE: To all you conspiracy theorists out there who think dup content is the death of any campaign, ask Google why they don't slap Press releases syndicated sites. They are NEVER spun but if I send out a PR to PRWeb or something, it goes out to 1000's of sites and they usually get indexed pretty high still. Just a thought.

Now about page linking. Remember we said we need every page on your site pointing to your homepage? Well this is because every link linking to your homepage is a backlink. It doesn't matter if it's on page or off page, google counts those as backlinks. If you don't believe me, setup your Google Webmasters account and after it finishes cataloging all of your site links, it counts all those links as backlinks to your site (your homepage). Now, these are all WEAK backlinks but they are backlinks nonetheless and we'll get to that in step 8.

Another thing to take into account is the tagging and why we do it. Tagging is a way to make your site appear BIGGER to google by taking the same content on a blog post, and placing it on a different link on your site with the keyword being tagged. The more tags you have, the more pages you have. So if I post a blog post that's just one page. But if I post a blog post with 5 tags I just created 6 keyword optimized pages. That's why we tag and that's why it works so well. Tagged pages will get indexed too and helps send, yet again, more backlinks to the homepage. So If I have 100 posts on my site with no tags I have 100 backlinks to my homepage. But if each post has 5 tags then I now have 600 backlinks. More later.

Step 7: The Metas

This is probably the most USELESS SEO requirement. Back in the day, before black hatters screwed it up with keyword stuffing, these metas were the MAIN REASON you were getting indexed and traffic. Now Google practically ignores them but do you know why we don't? Because the first thing people see when they search for "Weight Loss" is they get results and those results have Title and Descriptions in them. Well you want that Title and Description to speak RIGHT TO THEM because if you have blank metas, Google will sup it out with "index of..." in the results and you won't appeal to your visitors.

What this does is makes the visitor think you aren't relevant, go on to the next result that actually HAS a meta Title and Description in it and click them. When google sees people passing you buy to get to the next guy, they're gonna slap you and push you down the ladder because the user experience has diminished...and this alone is a HUGE topic of discussion for another post.

So our niche is Weight Loss so we're gonna put something like this for the meta title "Looking For The Fastest and Safest Weight Loss Solution?" and then have our description say something like "Our weight loss plan will help you shed inches from your waist line a week...." and just go into benefits mode. Your meta title should be a short sentence about 15 words or less and your description should be about 50 words or less. This is like your biggest ad so make it good! Think benefits and you'll be fine. Also, put your main keyword within the first 10 words of each meta title and meta description. This will let visitors see the keywords they searched for and say "this is what I'm looking for" and click. If it's a blog post then make sure the blog title is compelling enough to make them want to click and read.

Step 8: The Off Page Linking

Off site backlinking is immense and can't be fully explained in this post. What I can say about it is you want to link to high Page Ranked (PR) sites. I hear all the time of guys selling 100,000 backlinks a month for 50 bucks and people are like "wow, that's a lot of linking, I'm in!" But the vast majority of those sites are low PR rankings. For the newbies, Page Rank or PR is googles way of judging the power of the site. Many factors go into play when they make the determinations but the rankings range from 0-10. Sites that are PR0 have the lowest ranking by google and sites with PR10 rankings are the most respected.

Sidebar alert, I find it funny that Google isn't even a PR10 but a PR9 and they created the ranking system....but I digress.

Now as a rule of thumb, you don't want to waste your time with low PR sites. Some say don't backlink to a site below PR2. I say PR2 is far too mediocre. I never backlink to a site that is below PR5. I can backlink 1000 times to PR5+ sites and beat your 10,000 backlinks to PR4 or lower sites...landslide victory. On top of that, because my sites are linked from better respected sites, I'm not gonna get slapped by google in 3 months and lose all of my rankings overnight. Also, I'm gonna grow faster than you because I have more powerful sites linking to mine than you have.

Another thing I want to say before I get into the strategy is that I really don't need a LOT of PR5 backlinks to my actual site, I just need a handful of maintained sites linking to it consistently. In fact, having TOO MANY sites linking directly to YOUR site can HURT YOU! Everyone I've talked to over the last few years getting slapped were doing 1000s of links to their site a day, doing article marketing and blog commenting. I'm not saying they don't work, I'm just giving you what I've picked up from experience (not someones course...take that how you want I don't care what someone's book or video say, all the ones doing article marketing and blog commenting have gotten slapped like crazy from the people I've talked to.

The ones NOT getting slapped (from people I've talked to...if you haven't gotten slapped then it must be something else you're doing right to keep you from getting slapped) are using the same strategy I'm getting ready to give to you.

My strategy.

I create my blog using these above steps obviously. I then setup maybe 5-10 sites that I'm going to use as my buffer sites. Buffer sites are sites somewhat immune to google slaps and can take a lot of links to it without penalties. Let's take 10 sites for this example. Blogspot (which is own by google), Hubpages (which is an article site, yes, but a very respected one), Squidoo (and you can create lenses which is POWERFUL), Blogger, Wordpress (.org site), Newsvine, Technorati, Bloglines, Youtube, Meta Café and Vimeo (to name a VERY SELECT few).

You create accounts here, try to use the main keyword "Weight Loss" in all of your account creations, lens creations, subdomain creations etc for these sites. Next, you get a regular posting to these 10 sites (for example) maybe like once or twice a week but it HAS to be 100% original. It's ok to write one thing, spin it 10 times, make sure it's readable and post them. For the videos you can make free videos at Animoto. All you're going for is linkage anyway. You want to have your linkbacks to you money site in your postings and your profiles on these sites.

Post regular weekly steadily if possible and THEN if you want to do all that spamming crap with a million backlinks from blog comments and all that foolishness, you backlink THESE sites. What you do is you make your profiles or accounts more powerful with the backlinks, which then passes it's power down to your money site. So your site only has 10 links to it, but they are powerful links and you won't get slapped for it. Meanwhile, on your site, you have 100's maybe 1000's of pages that makes your site a strong standalone so it's a win win for you.

But that's the GIST of backlinking. You can either do this yourself or outsource. I personally don't have that much time so I have a team that does mine for me but they do it based on my instructions...I just don't trust a lot of people doing my backlinking.

Step 9: The Mailing List

This is actually easier than it seems. I don't know why there are $1k courses on this. It's simple. Provide valuable information and eventually people will buy from you. All you have to do is promote a 10 day "Weight Loss" tip guide that they get delivered to their email daily. Find someone who knows about weight loss and get him/her to write you 15 -20 short 500 word articles on tips to lose weight....or get PLR for all I care. Then you put one article per day for the first 10 days on autopilot.

On day 11, have an email that leads them to an offer but when you sell to them, don't be hype filled and pushy. Just sound like one friend to another friend making a recommendation. "Hey I see you've been learning a lot about weight loss and I hope you have success with that. I came across this weight loss solution that is supposed to be 100% effective. Check it out here and let me know what you think about it [link]." And that's your email. Obviously, it needs to be formatted so that it's not hard to read, keep short sentences about no more than 60 characters across. Anything beyond that should be placed on the next line.

Then on day 12, begin with a bonus tip but now for the rest of the month, only deliver about 2 tips a week. The format for the rest of the month is 2 tip emails, 1 small pitch email and you pitch the same way you did on day 11...friend to friend. If they don't buy anything by day 30, I stop sending them auto responses and just send broadcasts only. Now if you're short on budget, I recommend using Mail Chip for auto responder service. They don't have a standard 30 day trial. How they work is, your first 1000 leads are free for life and you can send up to 12,000 emails a month. After you get more than 1000 leads or start sending more than 12,000 emails a month then you have to pay. But chances cares, if you're doing things right, by that time you'll be making money.

Step 10: The Upsell

Occasionally you'll want to follow up send your 30 day+ subscribers emails to buy another product. You still keep content going on your site but you stop autoresponding to the 30 day prospect, broadcasts only. It can be a sales pitch or a link to a resource to provide value. I recommend doing 1 promotion per 4 emails after the 30 day subscriber mark. I know a lot of people don't want the headache of having a list but if you have one solid system like this then you can sell many health related products, not just one.

When I build systems like this I usually take one powerful niche at a time. There are a ton of other ways to do SEO but this is how I do it and thought sharing it with you guys will at LEAST give you ideas on what to do with it to make it your own. Hope this helps, if so, click the "thanks" button
#back link #guide #newbies #seo #step #success
  • Profile picture of the author MI Used Cars Guy
    Long post, but it well-worth the read. You really think metas are useless, though? I still do it just to have more variety.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4301451].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
      Originally Posted by MI Used Cars Guy View Post

      Long post, but it well-worth the read. You really think metas are useless, though? I still do it just to have more variety.
      Not 100% useless, but it's something Google doesn't look at as strongly anymore. I will say that the meta title and meta description has more power than the meta keywords.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4301684].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bigcat1967
    You really think metas are useless, though?
    Yes - they are 100% useless. At least through G's eyes. However, Yahoo/Bing - I believe it is different.

    <a href="">How to Lower Your Water Bill</a>

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4302087].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author nmk
      Originally Posted by bigcat1967 View Post

      Yes - they are 100% useless. At least through G's eyes. However, Yahoo/Bing - I believe it is different.
      Wouldn't it still be worth doing the metas even if it was only Yahoo or Bing who used them, not to mention international search engines?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4302105].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
        Originally Posted by bigcat1967 View Post

        Yes - they are 100% useless. At least through G's eyes. However, Yahoo/Bing - I believe it is different.
        Absolutely. Google is making it hard for us but the other engines still like it metas. Only problem is....Google has 83% of the search market.

        Originally Posted by nmk View Post

        Wouldn't it still be worth doing the metas even if it was only Yahoo or Bing who used them, not to mention international search engines?
        It's still worth it yes because even though it's not useful anymore, again, when people search a keyword and find YOUR results, wouldn't it be nice they find a catchy headline (which pulls from meta title) and a convincing summary (which pulls from your meta descriptions)? You have to think about both google and your user experience so we still do metas for our users but Google doesn't care about it.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4302136].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author jwmann2
        Long post, some good info. I think the email strategy does not work for every niche. Depends on the niche your site belongs in. Plus most people consider it to be spammy. I do not believe Metas are useless. If you are not positive, why ignore the practice?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4310850].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
          Originally Posted by jwmann2 View Post

          Long post, some good info. I think the email strategy does not work for every niche. Depends on the niche your site belongs in. Plus most people consider it to be spammy. I do not believe Metas are useless. If you are not positive, why ignore the practice?
          Of course not EVERYTHING works for every niche, that's understood. That's why this is a blueprint to get a general direction to go in. There's not enough space to break down every niche one by one so I made it general so people can get an idea but tweak and test for optimal results. Everyone here is an internet marketer so we all are supposed to always test and optimize accordingly.

          The metas...I'm not sure if you read the whole post carefully or just skimmed...but I not even one time said ignore the practice. I said it doesn't have much SEO value anymore as in it doesn't get you ranked higher just because you do it.

          I also explained that you are SUPPOSED to STILL do metas simply because the Title and description will show up in search results. Also you want to do it for Google Adwords so you can get cheaper CPC's (but that's a different topic). So at no point did I or do I recommend leaving metas blank. Always fill them in with something.

          On another note, metas don't matter, I have pages with blank metas that get first page results.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4310880].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author nmk
    Interesting stuff. I hadn't heard of linking to profiles which link to your main site. I may have to try that out.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4302092].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
      Originally Posted by nmk View Post

      Interesting stuff. I hadn't heard of linking to profiles which link to your main site. I may have to try that out.
      The linking to profiles AND articles on these types of sites are very effective for getting power passed to your site without the penalties. All of these 1000's and 1000's of backlinks to a new site with no PR ranking is damaging in the long run.

      You'll have a nice boost but get slapped eventually. But linking to profiles and blog posts on web 2.0 sites like blogger, squidoo, etc will only send limited links to your site, and then you can juice up the profiles with "spam" links to it since it's not gonna get slapped by google.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4302149].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author paulgl
        meta title? That's friggin funny. That tag has not been used in years.

        You don't need an xml sitemap. If google has trouble surfing your site,
        then so will visitors.

        Google never has trouble surfing my sites.

        Some of the stuff is not bad, but....
        When someone talks about meta title, well, what should one make
        about the rest of the stuff?

        Note: There is a title tag, very, very useful, but it aint the meta. The
        meta title went out with <blink>


        If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4302176].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
          Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

          meta title? That's friggin funny. That tag has not been used in years.

          You don't need an xml sitemap. If google has trouble surfing your site,
          then so will visitors.

          Google never has trouble surfing my sites.

          Some of the stuff is not bad, but....
          When someone talks about meta title, well, what should one make
          about the rest of the stuff?

          Note: There is title tag, very, very useful, but it aint the meta. The
          meta title went out with <blink>

          Sounds like you got the cliff notes of what I I explained that metas have NO seo value at all but they do put a nice little description in the search engines for your viewers.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4302199].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author paulgl
            has nothing to do with whether metas are useful or not.

            You are mixing stuff up. The title tag is NOT a meta tag.

            Nobody doing SEO in the past 10 years would have even heard
            of the old fashioned meta title.

            You need a title, but it aint meta.

            No maybe you will go back and edit the post and remove the meta part
            and do separate section on the useful title tag.

            But anyone that does not know that the title tag is not a meta, well,
            what can I say?


            If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4302230].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
              Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

              has nothing to do with whether metas are useful or not.

              You are mixing stuff up. The title tag is NOT a meta tag.

              Nobody doing SEO in the past 10 years would have even heard
              of the old fashioned meta title.

              You need a title, but it aint meta.

              Oh please forgive me for saying "meta title" instead of "title." I think people got the point though.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4302235].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author paulgl
                Originally Posted by PPV Guru View Post

                Oh please forgive me for saying "meta title" instead of "title." I think people got the point though.
                Sorry, your whole post, over and over, mentions meta title. You obviously
                wrote what you thought. There is no way anyone who knew better would
                ever call a title tag a meta.

                Unless they did not know better. Which, again, makes the whole thing suspect.


                If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4302254].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
                  Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

                  Sorry, your whole post, over and over, mentions meta title. You obviously
                  wrote what you thought. There is no way anyone who knew better would
                  ever call a title tag a meta.

                  Unless they did not know better. Which, again, makes the whole thing suspect.

                  Yeah it's very suspect to give away free information with no links to a product for sale.

                  And tell me why again would I waste 45 minutes of my time typing all of this up just to deceive people? Apparently I must be convinced internally that what I'm talking about works to do this for no reward but criticism.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4302266].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
          Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

          meta title? That's friggin funny. That tag has not been used in years.

          You don't need an xml sitemap. If google has trouble surfing your site,
          then so will visitors.

          Google never has trouble surfing my sites.

          Some of the stuff is not bad, but....
          When someone talks about meta title, well, what should one make
          about the rest of the stuff?

          Note: There is a title tag, very, very useful, but it aint the meta. The
          meta title went out with <blink>

          And the sitemap is to make it easier to surf your site. Now with the blog it's already easy for them to surf. Nevertheless, I still had to explain sitemaps for people who don't use wordpress but build sites in html. Either way I'm not understanding where the negativity is coming from.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4302231].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author markowe
    Great post dude - thanks for taking the time. Actually, you make it sound nice and simple, which it is really. Newbies usually get overwhelmed and give up too quickly - when you stick at a plan like this for any length of time (say a couple of months) you DO start seeing results. Hopefully someone will follow up.

    Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4302261].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
      Originally Posted by markowe View Post

      Great post dude - thanks for taking the time. Actually, you make it sound nice and simple, which it is really. Newbies usually get overwhelmed and give up too quickly - when you stick at a plan like this for any length of time (say a couple of months) you DO start seeing results. Hopefully someone will follow up.
      Thanks. It is that simple really. Obviously there are 100's of ways to do this so my way isn't "promoted" as the BEST way, but just a way to help shape peoples thinking to reduce the learning curve. But I've been doing this for the last 2 years, just as described, and it's been working pretty good for me. Thanks for your comment.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4302295].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author paolo83
    Awesome post dude!

    It has been time well spent

    Great the fact that you actually share your own strategy , so Thanx!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4306912].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author alyessamoore
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4306931].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
        Originally Posted by paolo83 View Post

        Awesome post dude!

        It has been time well spent

        Great the fact that you actually share your own strategy , so Thanx!

        Originally Posted by alyessamoore View Post

        Nice post.
        Thanks for sharing this.
        No problem!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4308079].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author IprovideSEO
    Quite the long post but I enjoyed learning an unbiased guide to SEO. I appreciate the way you listed each step of your strategy because some people (like myself), learn so much at one time and then can't pull it all together or figure out where to start.

    I also provided a "thanks"!
    Need high quality SEO services at the best price for your small business? Call today for a free SEO or Web Design quote!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4309174].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
      Originally Posted by nadeeshasmith View Post

      these seo steps are really good, thanks for sharing all these steps

      Computer rentals
      No problem

      Originally Posted by IprovideSEO View Post

      Quite the long post but I enjoyed learning an unbiased guide to SEO. I appreciate the way you listed each step of your strategy because some people (like myself), learn so much at one time and then can't pull it all together or figure out where to start.

      I also provided a "thanks"!
      Yeah sometimes when I start explaining things I get carried away...LOL! Same time I wanted to include as many good steps for people to copy and paste and read later as possible (although there was a LOT left out due to too much information to present).

      I just hope this helps get some people going in the right direction as I never had anyone teach me anything, I had to learn on my own and that's always a million times harder than having a blueprint to follow. Good luck!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4309250].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author NRC1983
        I'm not a newbie, but it was still a very informative and well written post that taught me some new things. Thanks!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4309398].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
          Originally Posted by NRC1983 View Post

          I'm not a newbie, but it was still a very informative and well written post that taught me some new things. Thanks!
          Thank you. I'll do another post later on involving my backlinking strategy
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4309566].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author webladder

            I just read your post about your 10-step guide to SEO and WOW!!! I am really happy that somebody FINALLY spelled it out the way you did.

            I own an SEO company and I'm just starting out, but I do have basic knowledge and I've produced some pretty good results for my clients. I want to know if I could contact you either via AIM or SKYPE and ask you a few questions regarding some keyword research I'm doing for a client. They are a swimming pool company and comp is very high, but like you said, that's a GOOD thing. I really just need to know what you think about some of my keywords and their numbers. if I could, I would like to share my screen with you.

            Would this be possible ? Thanks. My skype handle is webladder.
            WEB Ladder Consulting, LLC
            Search Engine Optimization and Consulting
            Local Search Specialists!

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4309717].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
              Originally Posted by webladder View Post


              I just read your post about your 10-step guide to SEO and WOW!!! I am really happy that somebody FINALLY spelled it out the way you did.

              I own an SEO company and I'm just starting out, but I do have basic knowledge and I've produced some pretty good results for my clients. I want to know if I could contact you either via AIM or SKYPE and ask you a few questions regarding some keyword research I'm doing for a client. They are a swimming pool company and comp is very high, but like you said, that's a GOOD thing. I really just need to know what you think about some of my keywords and their numbers. if I could, I would like to share my screen with you.

              Would this be possible ? Thanks. My skype handle is webladder.
              With pleasure. I love talking about SEO. I'll add my skype and AIM details to my WF profile so that it shows up under my avatar.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4310229].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
              Originally Posted by webladder View Post


              I just read your post about your 10-step guide to SEO and WOW!!! I am really happy that somebody FINALLY spelled it out the way you did.

              I own an SEO company and I'm just starting out, but I do have basic knowledge and I've produced some pretty good results for my clients. I want to know if I could contact you either via AIM or SKYPE and ask you a few questions regarding some keyword research I'm doing for a client. They are a swimming pool company and comp is very high, but like you said, that's a GOOD thing. I really just need to know what you think about some of my keywords and their numbers. if I could, I would like to share my screen with you.

              Would this be possible ? Thanks. My skype handle is webladder.
              OK it's posted under my avatar now and I'm usually online so it's easy to catch me. Skype is best option and AIM is second best.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4310252].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author webladder
                Originally Posted by PPV Guru View Post

                OK it's posted under my avatar now and I'm usually online so it's easy to catch me. Skype is best option and AIM is second best.
                Thanks a bunch. I've sent you a contact add request. I appreciate it.
                WEB Ladder Consulting, LLC
                Search Engine Optimization and Consulting
                Local Search Specialists!

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4310309].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author kabb
          Thanks for taking the time to post, I am a newbie and have got some good pointers from it. Much appreciated.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4310260].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
            Originally Posted by kabb View Post

            Thanks for taking the time to post, I am a newbie and have got some good pointers from it. Much appreciated.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4310274].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author simonbuzz
    hmm nice post dude...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4310361].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Magim
      There are two things I found VERY interesting in your post: Your usage of duplicate content, and your backlinking strategy. This is the first time I've heard anyone actually advocate using duplicate content, but if it's working for you, more power to ya. I'll definitely have to try your backlinking strategy-- never heard of it done that way before, but it does make a lot of sense.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4310563].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
        Originally Posted by Magim View Post

        There are two things I found VERY interesting in your post: Your usage of duplicate content, and your backlinking strategy. This is the first time I've heard anyone actually advocate using duplicate content, but if it's working for you, more power to ya. I'll definitely have to try your backlinking strategy-- never heard of it done that way before, but it does make a lot of sense.
        Well it's ALWAYS better to use original content. Always. However, the concept of using dup content on your OWN site and getting penalized by Google are myths. My sites do quite well getting indexed and traffic using auto content from article sites etc.

        Now, if I were to do SEO for a client? Different story. It would be all original. If I had to do a project for my OWN product, same deal...original content and I do that mostly for the value of original content and branding purposes. But for CPA and stuff I don't ALWAYS use original content I guess is what I was getting at.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4310630].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Magim
        Question: Did you find that CPA offers resulted in larger profits than other avenues (Clickbank products etc.) when using the techniques described here?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4310631].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
          Originally Posted by Magim View Post

          Question: Did you find that CPA offers resulted in larger profits than other avenues when using the techniques described here?
          Actually, CPA works best with this but so does amazon and ebay too. Most people don't think beyond clickbank and CPA but this works well with real, tangible products as well and sometimes BETTER because the visitor doesn't have to figure out if it's another scam or not.

          If I search for an opinion on imac vs pc and find your article, chances are I already know I want either one or the other. I don't have to go lookup forums to see if mac or pc has ever scammed anyone in the past, these products are already well known, branded and trusted.

          So if I find your article and want a mac or pc and you have an article talking good about mac, if you have ebay bids that are closing in 35 mins on your page somewhere I MIGHT JUST click and bid. So when you want to figure out what works best with this method you have to first ask yourself these things:

          1) What's the cost to the customer (IF there is a cost to the customer)?
          2) Is the product offer easily trusted?
          3) Is the product/service in high demand?

          So it's less about what works best (cpa, dropship, ebay, clickbank, etc) and more about whether one of those answers are what your visitor is looking for.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4310683].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Magim
            Good points here. I've been considering creating a site based around eBay products. Sadly I'm a California resident, so that kinda rules out Amazon for the time being.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4310742].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
    And again everyone, I'm not speaking from conjecture or some $37 a month course that I purchased. I don't know what the "guru's" are saying about SEO. All I know is my OWN personal experience with SEO so I talk about what I've personally seen's not theory and it's not neccessarily perfect....but it's what I've been doing.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4310922].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Magim
      A couple things I was wondering about your backlinking strategy:

      Do you only link to your buffer sites with PR5+ links? Or was the PR5 thing only referring to your main site?

      How long do you continue posting to your buffer sites?

      Do you post links to all of the internal pages of your main site (or at least the ones you're trying to rank for) on each of your buffer sites?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4311012].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author chilote77
      big thanks for the long and educational post. it is evident that you preach what you practice, it is also clear that it´s a process that has been working favorably for you
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4311087].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author John F Kennedy
        I think your post is very good although a little misleading with the terminology used. I knew what it was you were referring but Newbies might find themselves confused.

        I will never understand why some Senior Warriors puff their chest out to show authority in this forum when a simple explanation and some sound advice goes such a long way.

        Your post was great, thanks for sharing it.

        Looking forward to the backlinking post already...
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4311110].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Legit SEO
          Very good post, thanks for sharing this.

          One use adsense on blogs with wp zon? I've always been too afraid of getting banned to do that.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4311353].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
            Originally Posted by Magim View Post

            A couple things I was wondering about your backlinking strategy:

            Do you only link to your buffer sites with PR5+ links? Or was the PR5 thing only referring to your main site?

            How long do you continue posting to your buffer sites?

            Do you post links to all of the internal pages of your main site (or at least the ones you're trying to rank for) on each of your buffer sites?
            I'm gonna do a separate post on the backlinking strategy I use (again, just what I use, not saying it's the best to follow) because it is extensive. But every site I deal with for backlinking, including buffer sites, are PR 5 or better. I just don't deal with lower sites in my strategy.

            Usually, I try to get a steady posting to the buffering sites on a daily cycle with new content or at LEAST 3 postings a week. For Squidoo, this means creating a new "Lens" 2-3 times a week with the same keyword or a related one and linking the lenses together so that they are backlinking each other as well (wait till you hear that linking strategy, it's pretty cool).

            It's hard to tell how long you need to keep backlinking but how I do things, I go by the niche. If it's really really competitive (like millions of monthly searches) I'll keep it going for 3-6 months. Remember all you're doing here is trying to get some powerful link linking to your site to give IT power so you'll know when to quit linking when your site gets higher page ranks (usually between PR3-PR5) and getting traffic on its own.

            Originally Posted by chilote77 View Post

            big thanks for the long and educational post. it is evident that you preach what you practice, it is also clear that it´s a process that has been working favorably for you
            Thanks. Yeah I do everything I'm telling you. You can't show it if you don't know it

            Originally Posted by beatlechan View Post

            Thanks for your post. I appreciate the details and I certainly understood about what you meant about meta title.

            Are the less competitive keywords that you are targeting used to help rank higher for the main keyword, or these keywords help you generate revenue? (sorry, if it's in the post. I may have missed it.)

            Also, do you review what WP-Robot generates before it posts or do you have it run on auto pilot?

            Again, thanks for putting together this detailed post.
            Good question about the keywords. What I've learned is if people are SEARCHING for it in high deman there is money to be MADE in it. We don't realize this because we live in a "PPC" world where we THINK a keyword isn't a buying term because we spent too much money on it and stopped it before we had a chance to see if it WOULD sell.

            In SEO it's all free so we're not worried about that too much. Plus, even though we're trying to get ranked for bigger competitive keywords, that's just one keyword. If you do like I do and build massive keyword lists (i'm talking 1000's.....yeah, a lot) then you build your articles around those keywords. If you're using WP Robot or something like it, it's actually a very quick and easy process to getting 1000's of keyword articles.

            So basically, you're using all of the little small keywords to bring in traffic which "draws attention" to your big keywords you're trying to get ranked for. I've found that in most cases, the most unlikely keywords convert.

            With WP Robot, you can set it to either pull and post automatically or pull and save as draft, then you can go in and moderate. WP Robot also has a tool to spin the article before it posts or drafts.

            Originally Posted by John F Kennedy View Post

            I think your post is very good although a little misleading with the terminology used. I knew what it was you were referring but Newbies might find themselves confused.

            I will never understand why some Senior Warriors puff their chest out to show authority in this forum when a simple explanation and some sound advice goes such a long way.

            Your post was great, thanks for sharing it.

            Looking forward to the backlinking post already...
            I apologize if some things are misleading (not my intent obviously) and I'll try to make my points more clear. And yes, some senior warriors think they can bully people because they have 7000 posts and you only have a few 100...well I do have other things to do than the warrior forum but I digress

            Originally Posted by JHC View Post

            Thanks for sharing what has worked for you. The 10 step system you outlined is very informative for those starting out learning SEO.
            Thank you. Use it as a guideline and fine tune it because it may not fit every niche the same way.

            Originally Posted by talkmeow View Post

            Very good post, thanks for sharing this.

            One use adsense on blogs with wp zon? I've always been too afraid of getting banned to do that.
            Ummm....never. I'll tell you why I don't use adsense at ALL on my blogs or sites. Adsense only works on a grander scale if you have either a HUGE site with 100% unique content and mega tons of traffic, or if you have 100's of little domains that are so close to the big domain names that it gets searched for by accident.

            And with ANY third party adsense tool....RUN FROM IT!!! Google is VERY good at detecting fraud. Google will ban you for LOOKING like you were THINKING about cheating the system. Just not worth it.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4311581].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author beatlechan
    Thanks for your post. I appreciate the details and I certainly understood about what you meant about meta title.

    Are the less competitive keywords that you are targeting used to help rank higher for the main keyword, or these keywords help you generate revenue? (sorry, if it's in the post. I may have missed it.)

    Also, do you review what WP-Robot generates before it posts or do you have it run on auto pilot?

    Again, thanks for putting together this detailed post.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4311089].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JHC
    Thanks for sharing what has worked for you. The 10 step system you outlined is very informative for those starting out learning SEO.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4311333].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author epathj
    google has said meta was useless

    but The title tag is NOT a meta tag.

    You need a title, but its not meta.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4312032].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author heavyjay
      Originally Posted by epathj View Post

      google has said meta was useless

      but The title tag is NOT a meta tag.

      You need a title, but its not meta.

      No offense meant here, I just couldn't resist.
      My New Blog - isn't much on it and your critique is more than welcome!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4315437].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author webladder
        Big shout out to PPV. He was nice enough to help me with some questions and obviously this guys know his stuff. Thanks a million!
        WEB Ladder Consulting, LLC
        Search Engine Optimization and Consulting
        Local Search Specialists!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4315711].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
          Originally Posted by webladder View Post

          Big shout out to PPV. He was nice enough to help me with some questions and obviously this guys know his stuff. Thanks a million!
          Hey sure thing man. Those weren't even updated stats. I just wished I wasn't moving over to a different server (and having server config issues) so I could show you more updated Google webmaster results but I guess you get the picture
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4315767].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author heavyjay
            Hey PPV,

            Thanks for all the good info. I picked up a lot of good tips, like with the .info domains. Most of the people selling WSO's about SEO say to never use a .info.

            That always meant more exact match domains available for me, but now everybody knows. LOL
            My New Blog - isn't much on it and your critique is more than welcome!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4316214].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
              Originally Posted by heavyjay View Post

              Hey PPV,

              Thanks for all the good info. I picked up a lot of good tips, like with the .info domains. Most of the people selling WSO's about SEO say to never use a .info.

              That always meant more exact match domains available for me, but now everybody knows. LOL
              LOL...yeah the "guru's" like to play games sometimes by telling you not to buy .info because they know if you don't buy them, they can...LOL!

              Just like when they tell you about Google PPC to never do exact match keywords because you're gonna lose your shirt. What they don't tell you is exact match keywords convert 5-10 times better than broad match. That's how they keep so many trade secrets by telling you to do the opposite while they do what works. But I digress.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4317031].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
        Originally Posted by heavyjay View Post

        No offense meant here, I just couldn't resist.
        That's a funny
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4315714].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dumkist
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4312083].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mcimicata
      Excellent post man, the info was straight to the point with no B.S!


      Real SEO gurus understand that they do not need to bring others down in order to feel better....simply bring yourselves up by providing constructive criticism, and I can guarantee that you will feel a lot better.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4312190].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
        Originally Posted by mcimicata View Post

        Excellent post man, the info was straight to the point with no B.S!


        Real SEO gurus understand that they do not need to bring others down in order to feel better....simply bring yourselves up by providing constructive criticism, and I can guarantee that you will feel a lot better.

        That's the Warrior Forum for ya. God forbid someone actually helps someone for free like they're supposed to because someone selling a product on that topic is gonna rip him to make his claim look bad.

        Glad you got SOMETHING out of it. Not a perfect post or perfect strategy but a good starting point.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4314882].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mmsearch
    Thanks for the info- great post

    I did have a quick question- what is an effective way to do the inner linking on our websites- (ie linking posts to the home page)
    How exactly is this done? Is there a plugin for this or is it done manually?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4312265].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
      Originally Posted by mmsearch View Post

      Thanks for the info- great post

      I did have a quick question- what is an effective way to do the inner linking on our websites- (ie linking posts to the home page)
      How exactly is this done? Is there a plugin for this or is it done manually?

      Well if you're doing blog posting you can just anchor another article to it. For example, if you're writing one article about closing calls and another one days later about prospecting, you can find a way to somehow tie in the closing calls article and link to it from the blog post.

      For example "....and if you read my article on closing calls then you know..." That "closing calls" part would be a hyperlink to your other blog.

      The easiest way is to have a sitemap. You'll need one for your visitors and one for Google (to anyone with issues, I will not debate why xml is faster for google to crawl versus html or php). Your sitemap should be in the footer (at least) of every page on your site or the header if you can't put it in the footer. If you're using wordpress, then you want to put this link in the either the header.php or footer.php somewhere or just go to "appearances" and "menu" and create a custom menu with all the links you want and CREATE a link somewhere to your sitemap file there. That's the best way.

      There are a few plugins for Google xml sitemap for wordpress. Just search for new plugins and search "Google XML Sitemap" and you'll find a few good ones to use. You'll have to run the tool first to build your first one but then after you set it up the first time, every time you make a post or changes are made to your site, it'll update the sitemap automatically.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4314845].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Steadyon
      Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

      Sorry, your whole post, over and over, mentions meta title. You obviously
      wrote what you thought. There is no way anyone who knew better would
      ever call a title tag a meta.

      Unless they did not know better. Which, again, makes the whole thing suspect.


      Chill out dude. I have heard it called meta title from time to time too. Probably because people mix it up with the meta tags etc as they all go in the head of the document.

      Why not look at the decent write up the guy gave rather than nit picking on one thing that makes you seem high and mighty?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4317312].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
        Originally Posted by Steadyon View Post

        Chill out dude. I have heard it called meta title from time to time too. Probably because people mix it up with the meta tags etc as they all go in the head of the document.

        Why not look at the decent write up the guy gave rather than nit picking on one thing that makes you seem high and mighty?
        Thank you.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4317324].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author noobjet
      Thanks alot, bookmark this thread for reference.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4350296].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author timpears
      I am not sure what you meant by this, "auto responses and just send broadcasts only". Can you explain.

      I have not used an auto responder so far, my list building was pathetic so I got rid of it.

      Awesome post by the way. Can I borrow it, I could sell it as a WSO or something?

      Tim Pears

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4351756].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
        Ok guys I posted that thread on backlinking. Not sure if it's as helpful as this one but here it is anyway:

        It's also in my sig line.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4351920].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
        Originally Posted by timpears View Post

        I am not sure what you meant by this, "auto responses and just send broadcasts only". Can you explain.

        I have not used an auto responder so far, my list building was pathetic so I got rid of it.

        Awesome post by the way. Can I borrow it, I could sell it as a WSO or something?
        Yeah that was a I meant that you dont' have to setup the autoresponder system to send emails automatically beyond 30 days. After 30 days you can send emails manually as you see fit.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4351932].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author freedomkuf
    10 steps to $$$ in the pocket! Really nice and helpful.
    Cheers for the success of all SEO's out there!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4312716].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dagaul101
    Nice tips, Google still pays attention to the meta description, not so much the meta keywords
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4313603].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
      Originally Posted by dagaul101 View Post

      Nice tips, Google still pays attention to the meta description, not so much the meta keywords
      You're absolutely right on that one.
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    • Profile picture of the author sahinrony
      Really very informative article.
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  • Profile picture of the author design2convert
    Big big thanks for your post , it looks great and effective , but i am agree with epathj i heard it too , that meta is useless now days , dont know exactly , any way i am going to bookmark it , to use it later
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  • Profile picture of the author deejayvirg
    That's an interesting and complex post.Thank you for that!
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  • Profile picture of the author OptimSeo
    Very Informative.. I appreciate
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  • Profile picture of the author stodary2000
    Originally Posted by PPV Guru View Post

    What's up Warriors!
    I create my blog using these above steps obviously. I then setup maybe 5-10 sites that I'm going to use as my buffer sites. Buffer sites are sites somewhat immune to google slaps and can take a lot of links to it without penalties. Let's take 10 sites for this example. Blogspot (which is own by google), Hubpages (which is an article site, yes, but a very respected one), Squidoo (and you can create lenses which is POWERFUL), Blogger, Wordpress (.org site), Newsvine, Technorati, Bloglines, Youtube, Meta Café and Vimeo (to name a VERY SELECT few).

    You create accounts here, try to use the main keyword "Weight Loss" in all of your account creations, lens creations, subdomain creations etc for these sites. Next, you get a regular posting to these 10 sites (for example) maybe like once or twice a week but it HAS to be 100% original. It's ok to write one thing, spin it 10 times, make sure it's readable and post them. For the videos you can make free videos at Animoto. All you're going for is linkage anyway. You want to have your linkbacks to you money site in your postings and your profiles on these sites.
    I really like your post, it is nice to have people like you helping us

    Please, I want 2 things from you

    1) If you can describe briefly what is meant by "Buffer sites are sites somewhat immune to google slaps and can take a lot of links to it without penalties."
    do you mean they can have a backlink to your site or what ??

    2) Also if you are doing more discussion about your backlinks strategy, please post the thread here as I am subscribed to your post and I want to be notified of it

    Blogging, Internet marketing and WordPress
    Do Your Blog With Me

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4316440].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
      Originally Posted by stodary2000 View Post

      I really like your post, it is nice to have people like you helping us

      Please, I want 2 things from you

      1) If you can describe briefly what is meant by "Buffer sites are sites somewhat immune to google slaps and can take a lot of links to it without penalties."
      do you mean they can have a backlink to your site or what ??

      2) Also if you are doing more discussion about your backlinks strategy, please post the thread here as I am subscribed to your post and I want to be notified of it
      Ok question 1. A "buffer site" is just a well respected site with a PR 5 or better ranking in Google that you link all your "spammed" links to. This buffer site then links back to your money site. For example, if I had a account, I would write blogs about a related topic then link that blog post to my money site at the end of the article. That's my buffer site. Then I'd backlink the ungodly heck out of that Blogger post.

      Question 2. Yeah I'm going to write the post in a new one, post here that it's out with a link to it, and probably put in my sig line too so people can get it easier.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bizboy949
    Bookmarked this Post. Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author JoePNY
    Good stuff, PPV! This is a great post that can help people who are struggling put things together.
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  • Profile picture of the author tecsys3
    Thanks for sharing this. Its definitely a quality piece. I hope youll write up that backlinking strategy soon :-)
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    • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
      Originally Posted by warrich View Post

      Its worth to read, thanks for taking time to add useful content..
      Hey no problem man
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  • Profile picture of the author merereilly
    Which affiliate networks are biggest in the SEM/SEO space?
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    • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
      Originally Posted by merereilly View Post

      Which affiliate networks are biggest in the SEM/SEO space?
      Most affiliate networks allow for SEO but I personally like Neverblue, Maxbounty (who scrubs a little too much at first but not so much after you get a steady flow of income with them), EWA Network and I now use Banana Ads which I LOVE but I haven't driven much traffic there yet. My account is new there but I just love their offers and their AM's...very good smart people there and are very helpful and SEO and PPV friendly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Strangiato
    Thank You PPV, Very informative and well thought out post! I must agree with the All-In-One plugin, provides excellent Titles (:p) and keywords based on the content provided.
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    • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
      Originally Posted by Strangiato View Post

      Thank You PPV, Very informative and well thought out post! I must agree with the All-In-One plugin, provides excellent Titles (:p) and keywords based on the content provided.
      Yes it's a very good plugin, love it. Got it on all of my blogs.
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      • Profile picture of the author chrisen
        Thank you PPV. I've been keeping track of this thread for a few days now. There was quite a bit of info in there I hadn't thought of. Like someone else posted about the .info domains. All I had ever heard was .info was bad news. Thanks again.
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        • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
          I'm working on the backlinking strategy now guys. I got tied up with some projects the last week. I'll post it here when I'm done typing it up. It will be a little more condensed but full of good valuable information.
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  • Profile picture of the author DancingHamster
    You can package that and sell it if you wanted! Thanks for the post

    Ask me about making screencast tutorials for your software/service.

    Follow me on Twitter @SomewhatJustin

    Check out my startup, Audio Press

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4350376].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
      Originally Posted by DancingHamster View Post

      You can package that and sell it if you wanted! Thanks for the post
      LOL. Sure thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author jkuhry
    Stephon,,, great thread,, I do agree that the meta title is one of the most important parts, sometime if I have a keyword riched title on a basic 300 to 500 word blog post, it will rank on Google super quick... just my typing in that title key words. Also include your title keywords inside your post a few times. Great thread!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4350453].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
      Originally Posted by jkuhry View Post

      Stephon,,, great thread,, I do agree that the meta title is one of the most important parts, sometime if I have a keyword riched title on a basic 300 to 500 word blog post, it will rank on Google super quick... just my typing in that title key words. Also include your title keywords inside your post a few times. Great thread!
      Exactly, that keyword in the Title is very key for conversions as well as getting ranked faster. Glad you liked the thread despite the 400 grammatical errors along the way.
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  • Profile picture of the author LucySands
    I completely agree with the importance of sitemap
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  • Profile picture of the author cantaxian
    This was Just Awesome buddy . I am bookmarking both of your threads. I was planning to get a website on some micro niche, the only problem is I am yet searching for a "micro niche" and I was going to get one with low competition keyword. But your post has encouraged me and I think I will try out a keyword with atleast medium competition. As more the competition more the click rate for it. BTW I am using adsense on my blog and not getting anything as yet. I get traffic of around 50 visitors per day and 2 of my pages even rank in top-ten in Google search. I haven't got any success with clickbank as well .

    Thank you again,
    Will definitely try to follow your guidelines .
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4352739].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author timpears
      PPV Guru,

      You gave me a hell of an idea with this post. I like the idea very much and am going to try it out on a new blog in the diet niche. I know that is competitive, so I am going to start out with the lowest hanging fruit on the GKT and use your system and add a little item I think will help that I read else where.

      I think I might have a winning idea here. I hope so. Thanks for your post.

      Tim Pears

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  • Profile picture of the author nonnasgarden
    I have read it thanks good tips I really like this post thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author messi1453
    wow great post thanks man
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  • Profile picture of the author thebitbotdotcom
    Wow PPV Guru. You really spelled it out on that one.

    That has to be one of the longest posts ever.

    But...all of it spot on. Great post...
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4353568].message }}
  • hey nice step thanks for sharing it
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  • Profile picture of the author martyJames
    Great post -thanks. Re outsourcing the linkbuilding strategy , can i ask who you use?


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    • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
      Originally Posted by LucySands View Post

      I completely agree with the importance of sitemap
      Absolutely. No matter how you look at it google likes sitemaps and it's also a good way to link all of your pages together so that you can pass the power from your other links back to each other and back to your homepage.

      Originally Posted by nonnasgarden View Post

      I have read it thanks good tips I really like this post thanks
      Originally Posted by timpears View Post

      PPV Guru,

      You gave me a hell of an idea with this post. I like the idea very much and am going to try it out on a new blog in the diet niche. I know that is competitive, so I am going to start out with the lowest hanging fruit on the GKT and use your system and add a little item I think will help that I read else where.

      I think I might have a winning idea here. I hope so. Thanks for your post.
      Originally Posted by messi1453 View Post

      wow great post thanks man
      Originally Posted by thebitbotdotcom View Post

      Wow PPV Guru. You really spelled it out on that one.

      That has to be one of the longest posts ever.

      But...all of it spot on. Great post...
      Originally Posted by philipmorrisdirect View Post

      hey nice step thanks for sharing it
      NP guys! I love talking about this stuff.

      Originally Posted by martyJames View Post

      Great post -thanks. Re outsourcing the linkbuilding strategy , can i ask who you use?


      Sure. I actually have my own team developed. I used to use softwares but then I kept getting slapped so I got a good team now. I'm sorry that I can't refer you to sources because, honest to goodness, I don't outsource to companies per se. I instead got a group of people from filipines and malaysia to link for me based on my instructions only (not their own "secret" solution that I don't trust).

      And you can get them real cheap, you can find them at sites like or
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  • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
    I posted this message in the other thread but decided to let you guys know here too. Here is the message repost:

    Hey guys. I lot of people have been asking me to create an SEO service using my outsources and utilizing my strategies explained in the linking method.

    So I whipped up a service for you guys interested in using a good SEO system from a good team to get back links. You can see the WSO at the following link:

    I'm still gonna do that linking video for those who would rather just do the work themselves and it should be available soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author Markony
    Very good informations for someone new in SEO.Thanks for sharing
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    • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
      Originally Posted by Markony View Post

      Very good informations for someone new in SEO.Thanks for sharing
      Sure thing. More is coming.
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  • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
    I posted something about link pryamid building. I didn't write it but I thought it was a good strategy when I saw it. Check it out at
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  • Profile picture of the author arifwahab
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    • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
      Originally Posted by arifwahab View Post

      Have a good ads in site and keyword optimized..
      I'm not sure I understand what you mean by that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lorraine2
    Hi PPV,
    I came across this thread and your backlinking thread yesterday. copied and pasted and read them both. Understood most except for the last part of step 6 in SEO strategy

    " Another thing to take into account is the tagging and why we do it. Tagging is a way to make your site appear BIGGER to Google by taking the same content on a blog post, and placing it on a different link on your site with the keyword being tagged. The more tags you have, the more pages you have. So if I post a blog post that's just one page. But if I post a blog post with 5 tags I just created 6 keyword optimized pages. That's why we tag and that's why it works so well. Tagged pages will get indexed too and helps send, yet again, more backlinks to the homepage. So If I have 100 posts on my site with no tags I have 100 backlinks to my homepage. But if each post has 5 tags then I now have 600 backlinks"

    Can you explain what you mean i.e are you writing the same post with 5 different keywords? Could not quite get the significance of the tags and backlinking


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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4511676].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
      Originally Posted by Lorraine2 View Post

      Hi PPV,
      I came across this thread and your backlinking thread yesterday. copied and pasted and read them both. Understood most except for the last part of step 6 in SEO strategy

      " Another thing to take into account is the tagging and why we do it. Tagging is a way to make your site appear BIGGER to Google by taking the same content on a blog post, and placing it on a different link on your site with the keyword being tagged. The more tags you have, the more pages you have. So if I post a blog post that's just one page. But if I post a blog post with 5 tags I just created 6 keyword optimized pages. That's why we tag and that's why it works so well. Tagged pages will get indexed too and helps send, yet again, more backlinks to the homepage. So If I have 100 posts on my site with no tags I have 100 backlinks to my homepage. But if each post has 5 tags then I now have 600 backlinks"

      Can you explain what you mean i.e are you writing the same post with 5 different keywords? Could not quite get the significance of the tags and backlinking

      Sure. Basically, wordpress has a "tag" option. When you setup tags in WP on a post, WP actually creates a different page that has all of the tags with that keyword on it plus another page with that same blog post optimized for the keyword being tagged.

      So if you put out a blog post with keyword1, then you would create a tag for keyword1 as well. Then, you have the option of adding more tags so you could add keyword2, keyword3, and keyword4 for example as additional tags. They would be different keywords that still relate to your message.

      WP will create pages for each of these optimized for that keyword for maximum SEO results.
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  • Profile picture of the author shaggy_
    You haven't mention outsourcing here. I think out sourcing is must in SEO.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4511887].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
      Originally Posted by shaggy_ View Post

      You haven't mention outsourcing here. I think out sourcing is must in SEO.
      I mentioned outsourcing in my other post. So I didn't feel a need to restate it.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4527451].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author crumpet
    Wow and again! such a valuable asset to WF~

    If this is what your offering for free I can't WAIT to see what your payed product's are like.

    Thanks again Stephon
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4511936].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
      Originally Posted by crumpet View Post

      Wow and again! such a valuable asset to WF~

      If this is what your offering for free I can't WAIT to see what your payed product's are like.

      Thanks again Stephon
      Thanks for the compliments! Actually, there is no informational product that I planned on putting out on this topic...that was never my intent to sell an informational product on this...but I MAY reconsider if I get the time in the future.

      Stay tuned because I have more stuff I'm gonna talk about.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4527466].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dhpkc
      Well you don't have to wait anymore. Check out his service HERE. I just purchased one of his pyramid packs and it should be excellent.
      Originally Posted by crumpet View Post

      Wow and again! such a valuable asset to WF~

      If this is what your offering for free I can't WAIT to see what your payed product's are like.

      Thanks again Stephon
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4527474].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Exel
    Thanks for taking time to write all that and giving it or free.

    You could easily sell this stuff, but it's always nice to see
    people giving information without any sales links.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4512863].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
      Originally Posted by Exel View Post

      Thanks for taking time to write all that and giving it or free.

      You could easily sell this stuff, but it's always nice to see
      people giving information without any sales links.
      Yeah, I love to help people. I like to make money too but I can do that many other ways than selling information although I've sold information before.

      I'm glad you're finding this stuff useful!
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  • Profile picture of the author jonrpatrick
    Good intro, thanks. ALways learn something new from reading posts on SEO. It's 50% art and 50% science as far as I can tell.
    not that I don't get frustrated with it. Have a pretty new site, okay backlinks, think SEO is pretty good, and i keep sinking in the rankings while some crappy site with few backlinks kills me.
    Yep, time to learn some more it appears!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4514532].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
      Originally Posted by jonrpatrick View Post

      Good intro, thanks. ALways learn something new from reading posts on SEO. It's 50% art and 50% science as far as I can tell.
      not that I don't get frustrated with it. Have a pretty new site, okay backlinks, think SEO is pretty good, and i keep sinking in the rankings while some crappy site with few backlinks kills me.
      Yep, time to learn some more it appears!
      Believe me....I'm STILL learning! This stuff evolves so much you HAVE to keep up to date or you're in trouble. So as much as I know there's still tons more to learn as time goes on.
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  • Profile picture of the author PPV Guru
    Originally Posted by GarciaTaylor View Post

    good one man!!
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    • Profile picture of the author wkly10k
      I have read through your long and excellent post and wanted to say thank you for taking the time to give back the this forum....... it is amazing that you are telling folks to go after the competative niches when most of the guru's say the exact opposite....

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4644754].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author warfore
        Hey, thanks for the effort of providing a very informative post. It's posts like yours that continue to make this forum worthwhile despite the efforts by some Warriors who posture and go over the top to be critical when pointing out an error. Keep it coming.



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