a cost of click in adsense

6 replies
  • SEO
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Hello my friends,

I am a newbie and I just starting my way as an IM. I am reading ebooks and posts more than a year, but I finally got the guts to jump in the water.

My question is that:

I build a small website, in order to make money from adsense.
Right now the click rating is 15% from my traffic, which I believe is not bad at all, but I get paid only 0.09$ per click, which is very very low.

I assume finding a way to earn more money per click will be easier than do something to make people click more on the ads.

So, what can I do in order to earn more money per click?
Is it about my niche?
How can I find a well profitable niche, in order to get paid more than 0.09$ per click?

#adsense #click #cost
  • Profile picture of the author dburk
    Hi Yaniv,

    There are a lot of variables that influence your EPC. There are many things you can do to tweak your website layout, but those things are not going to make a huge difference in earnings. The key to greater earnings lies in your traffic sources.

    The more targeted your traffic the greater the earnings potential. Selecting keywords to target that have high advertiser demand and high traffic potential will be watershed event that boosts your earning to substantially higher levels.
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  • Profile picture of the author jkuhry
    You need to find high paying keywords that match you niche.. you do this by going to Google Adwords keyword tool. Do a search for the whatever your niche keywords are.. this will pull up a large amount of keywords. Now on the right side you should see a Cost Per Click link,,, click on this now this will show highest to lowest keywords,, you can usally find keywords even $50.00 a click... or more but I would stick with $5.00 or less.. Now just write some articles with these keywords and put them in your website. hope this helps..
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    • Profile picture of the author BarryWheeler
      Originally Posted by jkuhry View Post

      You need to find high paying keywords that match you niche.. you do this by going to Google Adwords keyword tool. Do a search for the whatever your niche keywords are.. this will pull up a large amount of keywords. Now on the right side you should see a Cost Per Click link,,, click on this now this will show highest to lowest keywords,, you can usally find keywords even $50.00 a click... or more but I would stick with $5.00 or less.. Now just write some articles with these keywords and put them in your website. hope this helps..
      I think the days of $50 a click is a thing of the past. I haven't seen those is such a long time.

      I do still have sites that do high $x.xx per click, but the competition in the niche is horrendous. It's almost a fulltime job keeping the site on the first page.
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh MacDonald
    Mention higher paying keywords in your articles.
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    • Profile picture of the author paulgl
      Higher paying keywords is just bogus advice. You can't just come
      up with pie-in-the-sky keywords and think google is going to make
      you rich. I wish that myth would die.

      You can make boatloads of cash with any niche, any keyword.

      It's all about your site's performance. Clicks, traffic, etc. The better
      your site is, the higher paying ads you get.

      One must take what they have and go with it.

      Try adding 3 ad blocks and make them all image/text. That will
      get more people in on the bidding process.

      If you have only one ad, and text, the high QS adwords users
      get first crack. If they want it. And they pay less than the others
      do. Sometimes the highest bidder isn't even chosen.

      If adsense users knew how adwords on the content network worked,
      they would instantly have a leg up on making more money.


      If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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      • Profile picture of the author yalaniv
        Dear friends,

        Thank you all for your great replies.
        I learn a lot from each reply,
        And I am about to do my check my website.
        I will let you know how things were change.

        Thanks again,
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