How do I guage my websites multiple positions in Google?

6 replies
  • SEO
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I would love to see a list of where my site ranks in various Google searches.

For myself, I would love to see where I rank for a specific keyword like "Dating Coach."

I wold love to check rankings without searching through every page.

I use google analytics in wordpress, but haven't seen this sort of option.

my blog is – Vancouver Dating Coach - Attraction Coaching For Men

It in on the first page for "Dating coach Vancouver."

Thanks you!!
#google #guage #multiple #positions #websites
  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
    In my experiences there are products that do this, but I have always had issues with them. I check my rankings once a month and try not to focus on them the rest of the month. This keeps me going with everything else that I am trying to do.

    Benjamin Ehinger
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    • Profile picture of the author Ben Armstrong
      use the rank checker plugin for firefox.

      You can save a list of all the keywords you want to rank for and quickly check the rank for each one at the click of a button every day.

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  • Profile picture of the author Sebastion
    Hey thanks Ben. I'll try that out.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt281
    I have rank checker and it doesn't seem to be able to find most of my rankings. I have 10 or 12 ranking between 7th and 30th, but rank checker only picked up the one ranked 7th. I've tried it about half a dozen times.

    Anyone know why this is?

    Btw I've been using SE Scout, which has some issues too, but keeps constant tabs on your rankings.
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  • Profile picture of the author madmmd
    There are many tools available in the market which can check the rank of your website for multiple keywords.. i use rank tracker and it works fine for me.. if you try searching google then you might get some free softwares which will do the job for you.. There are lots of open source scripts which can do this.. PM me if you want to know more.. I can help you in that..
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  • Profile picture of the author webapex
    I do my light duty rank checking with the free eval version of the SEO Power Suit, comes in Windows, Unix and Mac flavors. You can check any? number of keywords for Google, Bing Yahoo up to position 100.

    “An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field” Niels Bohr

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