Want 1st Page Of Google? From The Horse's Mouth So To Speak...

Profile picture of Chri5123
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
8 replies
Hey guys,

I thought this would be of interest if you are looking to learn more about SEO.

So many guides and methods out there all claiming to get you better positions or even guaranteeing positions.

Although whether they work or not they are NOT Google.

Well these is a FREE report from Google themselves which tells you what THEY (Google) consider to be good SEO!

Who better to learn from?

Check this out:

Google SEO Guide

Pure gold and it's free too!

To Your Success,

Chris Jones
#1st #google #horse #mouth #page #speak
  • Profile picture of the author aliduncan
    Profile picture of aliduncan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for sharing Chris, I'm just having a look through now.

    Can I ask where you found the report and also how old it is?

  • Profile picture of the author bigcat1967
    Profile picture of bigcat1967
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    thx for the share...

    <a href="https://changeyourbudget.com/save-money-on-your-water-bill/">How to Lower Your Water Bill</a>

  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Profile picture of yukon
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    FYI, the pdf is basic seo that has been standard practice for years.

    I'm not knocking the pdf, it's a must read If your new to seo. However, it's absolutely only a starting point for seo.

    Google will never tell you the good stuff, you'll have to learn that on your own, testing, etc...
    • Profile picture of the author Chri5123
      Profile picture of Chri5123
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by aliduncan View Post

      Ah yeah good spot. Any ideas as to where the report is from?
      Yes, it is taken from this page:

      Google Keyword Tool Box

      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      FYI, the pdf is basic seo that has been standard practice for years.

      I'm not knocking the pdf, it's a must read If your new to seo. However, it's absolutely only a starting point for seo.

      Google will never tell you the good stuff, you'll have to learn that on your own, testing, etc...
      I agree with you - SEO IS basic!

      In fact the techniques in this report are what a HUGE amount of SEO tools have been built around for instance SEO pressor etc...

      Using just the techniques in this report I have managed to get sites to the number 1 spot of Google in really competitive niches.

      At least it has been working for me for the last 5 years!

      The good stuff that you mention in my experience comes and goes - at least the push button solutions etc...

      Basic SEO has stayed pretty much the same.

      • Profile picture of the author imMindset
        Profile picture of imMindset
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        It's a good guide for newbies and even more advanced SEOs alike as it emphasizes the best practices of good on-page SEO. If that wasn't the case then lots of people could have probably avoided getting negatively affected by Panda. But for some reason a lot of people overlook the basics and don't really do everything they can for their sites, and just build a lot of backlinks thinking that's all that matters.

        Anyway, that being said, where there report is lacking considerably is link building and doesn't really share much regarding this. Sure they have some tips, but if you're competing in competitive markets, and just follow this guide, then you're only going to be frustrated with your lack of rankings and traffic. So all in all, a good report, and good for every SEO to return to from time to time, but still important to continue to educate yourself regarding the various aspects of evolving SEO.

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