Sitemap for SEO

by 19 replies
Hey Warriors,

I'm having trouble figuring out sitemaps. I have created a sitemap.xml file, posted it correctly and submitted it to google but have noticed many sites also have an actual page that is a 'visual' sitemap and I know it's an essential part for SEO. Not sure if that makes sense....

Could anyone recommend any quality free sites or provide a quick tutorial on how to properly install a correct sitemap?

Thanks in advance!

#search engine optimization #seo #sitemap
  • XML and HTML (visual as you put it) sitemaps are 2 different files. To create the site map, the HTML one, that a visitor would see on a page you would simply create a page and it has all of the links to the pages on your site, just like you make a link to any other page/site in HTML with the appropriate anchor text.

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  • I used Wp. it have plugin for sitemap. Great
  • Both Sitemap important XML for search engine and HTML for visitors hope you know got an idea
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  • You have done the right thing for the xml sitemap. The "visual2 sitemap is easy. Just list the navigation structure of your site in the form of links on a page and put a link to that page inthe site footer.

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  • I think if you want to generate sitemap.xml file you can use google webmaster tool. You can also follow the SEO TIPS.
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  • The tutorial given by rasel786 is really helpful. I am also using
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    • I'm using google sitemap pluging for my wordpress blog and for visual sitemap, I am adding links manually.
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    • To be honest, unless you have a website with hundreds or thousands of pages, there really is not need for a sitemap. The spiders should have no trouble crawling your website without one, well, unless your linking and structure absolutely sucks. In that case, you still don't need a sitemap. You need to fix your site.
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  • Banned
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  • Thanks for the responses and I will get back to you with some details.

    Best regards!
  • A site can have two sitemaps.One is the XML sitemap that is for the search engine navigation of your site and the other is the html sitemap for the human users so that they too can easily navigate to all the important pages of the site. It can reduce the searching process and time for the user.
  • My website CMS is WordPress so, I using sitemap plugin and All in SEO pack
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    • It seems to me that the most common SEO misconception that occurs is the one regarding the sitemap. I often see discussions on business .

  • Banned
  • Both sitemap.xml and sitemap.html are very useful

    1). sitemap.xml navigate the search engines.
    2). sitemap.html or sitemap.php navigate the visitors
  • You shouldn't create your own sitemap from scratch, if you are using Wordpress you can use Google XML Sitemap to generate the sitemap (which usually located on Then the sitemap can be used on Google Webmaster Tool.
  • A visual sitemap makes sense when your website has many pages and a lot of content. This is always created to help users navigate easily within your site.

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  • 23

    Hey Warriors, I'm having trouble figuring out sitemaps. I have created a sitemap.xml file, posted it correctly and submitted it to google but have noticed many sites also have an actual page that is a 'visual' sitemap and I know it's an essential part for SEO. Not sure if that makes sense....