6 replies
  • SEO
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Hey there.

I'm very new to the SEO game so please bear with me.

I've read a lot about creating unique content and posting it around the web linking back to my website, but I have some questions:

1) I have a blog. Do I just post my unique content there?

2) Do I have to create multiple blogs, websites, etc?

3) Where do I get other places to post my content besides forums/blog comments? I've heard Scrapebox is great for getting the list of sites to post to, filtering them out etc.

Thanks in advance,
#content #posting
  • Profile picture of the author tylerjaysen
    hey and welcome to the SEO game. SEO is kinda like taxes....in that the rules are changing from year to year...but the basics always stay the same.

    Yeah for your blog. Post unique content there with content that is high quality and has interesting topics. You can then spin that content (make sure 70% unique) and then post that spun article to other social sites like, squidoo, hubpages, live jounnal, blogger...with links from those site pointing to different pages within your blog.

    Also add videos, youtube, google videos etc and have link pointing back to your blog.

    Articles too...rinse and repeat.

    And then add links (back links slowly over time)

    You can find other blogs in your niche and comment on those with links back to your blog....etc.

    But yeah head over to google and search thier SEO forums and get a feel for what they want. And just simply do what the big G asks!!
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  • Profile picture of the author SammyBlackstar
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    • Profile picture of the author googleme0
      Originally Posted by SammyBlackstar View Post

      Scrapebox is for getting Cheap Low PR Spammy Backlinks. You usually point Scrapebox links at your other list of backlinks.

      Scrapebox>Web 2.0>Homepage/SubPage

      You will want to have 100% original content on your website if possible.

      Do you know what keyword you are trying to rank for ?
      I am currently doing keyword research with Market Samurai but everything seems very competitive. Computer Repair Orlando and Virus Removal Orlando (and variations of those), most likely.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gussieboi
    Always submit your most high quality content to your blog. Submitting to article directories such as ezine and articlebase have taken a hit in SEO value but i think it still has effect.
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  • Profile picture of the author googlepage1
    if you are writing "interactive" content then i would suggest you to keep your content on a single blog and share every post on social networks, participate in blogging communities. it would help your blog to develop authority and trust of users as well as the search engines.
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    • Profile picture of the author googleme0
      Originally Posted by googlepage1 View Post

      if you are writing "interactive" content then i would suggest you to keep your content on a single blog and share every post on social networks, participate in blogging communities. it would help your blog to develop authority and trust of users as well as the search engines.
      What do you mean "interactive" content? A lot of it is how-tos, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author bigcat1967
    Just add a lot of pages to your site. Make it into a mega-site...

    <a href="https://changeyourbudget.com/save-money-on-your-water-bill/">How to Lower Your Water Bill</a>

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