Part of my web content is copied into askvile

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The askville which is similar to yahoo answers, has a question by person asking for certain thing and out of nowhere. Part of my website if copied to reply the question without giving my website credit instead he inserted the official website. My site is about affiliate to that official company website.

I now used copyscape premium to check for copy of website, the askville one is 47% match. That's scary, will this be an issue that google see? Because site is recently hit hard after the 18th/19th Nov algo update, I used to rank #1 for multiple keywords variations then suddenly thrown back to page 4 and 5.

And another one is one paragraph is chopped, copied and pasted into blog. This one has about 9% match, exact paragraph match.

Should I just re write my content into new unique content?
#askvile #content #copied #part #web

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