How to ping the comments for faster indexing in scrapebox?

3 replies
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I was using nohands seo and they had a nice option that automatically pinged all the comments it made.. but in scrapebox i am having troubles finding that option. Its also not exporting comments links but instead exporting page links where it posted.. so i cant even mass ping them.. any suggestions?
#comments #faster #indexing #ping #scrapebox
  • Profile picture of the author SeoSarah
    Maybe it's my fault, but I quite don't understand why you can't just mass ping the url's which contain your backlink. I'm doing it all the time, can't see a reason why I shouldn't :confused:
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    • Profile picture of the author Ayush Sharma
      cause when you export the links from scrapebox it leads to a page not your specific comment link.To get the specific comment link you will have to manually visit every page and get the link. So when you mass ping the link from SB it pings all the links on that page not just your comment link.

      Originally Posted by SeoSarah View Post

      Maybe it's my fault, but I quite don't understand why you can't just mass ping the url's which contain your backlink. I'm doing it all the time, can't see a reason why I shouldn't :confused:
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5260648].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author SeoSarah
        Originally Posted by Ayush Sharma View Post

        cause when you export the links from scrapebox it leads to a page not your specific comment link.To get the specific comment link you will have to manually visit every page and get the link. So when you mass ping the link from SB it pings all the links on that page not just your comment link.
        I understand what you said. But I still don't see any problem.
        Please explain why do you think it's somehow bad to ping the whole page instead of just the comment link. Like I said, I'm doing it all the time and lot of other scrapebox users I know do the same.
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