backlink your backlinks - good service?

by phans
4 replies
  • SEO
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i am looking for a service that will backlink my backlinks of a linkpush with social bookmarks,blog comments,forum profiles, article submissions etc. so that my backlinks get some decent linkjuice.
I know that all this can be done with tools but for the beginning i would like to try this via a service.
Can you recommand any good service for backlinking your backlinks?

If i serach for a service in google i can find a few but would like to get some feedback from the community.

#backlink #backlinks #good #service
  • Profile picture of the author 36burrows
    Fiverr is a good place to backlink your backlinks. Use the UAW services and other gigs with lots of positive feedback.

    I wouldn't use Fiverr for backlinks to your main site though, but I've had good results for backlinking tier 1 backlinks.
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  • Profile picture of the author 4morereferrals
    Originally Posted by phans View Post

    i am looking for a service that will backlink my backlinks of a linkpush with social bookmarks,blog comments,forum profiles, article submissions etc. so that my backlinks get some decent linkjuice.
    I know that all this can be done with tools but for the beginning i would like to try this via a service.
    Can you recommand any good service for backlinking your backlinks?

    If i serach for a service in google i can find a few but would like to get some feedback from the community.

    IMHO a "service" will ultimately just leave a hole in your wallet - why not use a few link indexing methods that also allow you to build out a site network that in the future will and can be of seo value to you - longer term.

    The services you'd likely use are getting that, and youre paying them to build it - aged sites with gobs of content [ with your outbound links on them obviously ] but aged content filled sites nonetheless. These can be good seo sites later on in their lives - if handled appropriately. Mine are.

    More work up front to setup - but long term more valuable.
    Rank Ascend Network - High PR Links / Guaranteed Rankings Increase
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    • Profile picture of the author Trevor
      Originally Posted by 4morereferrals View Post

      IMHO a "service" will ultimately just leave a hole in your wallet - why not use a few link indexing methods that also allow you to build out a site network that in the future will and can be of seo value to you - longer term.

      The services you'd likely use are getting that, and youre paying them to build it - aged sites with gobs of content [ with your outbound links on them obviously ] but aged content filled sites nonetheless. These can be good seo sites later on in their lives - if handled appropriately. Mine are.

      More work up front to setup - but long term more valuable.
      I can second that. I used such "services" in the past, but they were of no help.

      Fortunately, though, there are automation tools you can use and speed up the backlinking creation process. I do this all the time, I have content written by my writers and use that unique (sometimes spun) content to create backlinks using automation tools, such as the Sick Submitter.

      As per backlinks to backlinks; it's a really great strategy, as it does two things at the same time: helps indexing the first-tier backlinks and strengthens them as well. I usually use content links as first-tier backlinks and profile links, blog comments and other lower-value links as second-tier links, using the mentioned tool.
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  • Profile picture of the author TopKat22
    I get backlinks and backlinks to backlinks once I set them up in the software I got free in the War Room.

    I used the fiverr gig he recommended for the one time set up of all the accounts but now it just runs an automatic and for free. I just make changes when I want to change or add new links.
    44 days in and we broke the $10K a month recurring bench mark.

    Guaranteed 60% Opt In Rate Traffic-Real People-Fresh Today-High Quality Biz Opp traffic![/URL]
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