Looks like Panda wasn't enough!

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Today will be a memorable day as far as SEO goes.
Here's the news on the latest changes:

Google search undergoes 'most radical transformation ever' - CNN.com
#google #panda #search changes #seo
  • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
    Customizing the search results per individual...that's pretty cool.

    This is also significant:
    Google+ profile and topic pages also will get better play in search results after the change
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  • Profile picture of the author DavidTT
    Keynote: Google+

    already have a pretty nice page anyways

    were in 2012 and everyone should know that social bookmarking/networks play a big role online
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    How I use the net is very, very different from how friends and family use the net.

    Therefore, I will keep the "no personal results" toggle turned off...

    But if it turns out to be like other Google options of the past, such as real-time queries, that were once optional and now system-wide, then I will finally dump Google as a search tool.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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    • Profile picture of the author BloggingPro
      Originally Posted by tpw View Post

      But if it turns out to be like other Google options of the past, such as real-time queries, that were once optional and now system-wide, then I will finally dump Google as a search tool.
      And use what...? What could you possibly use that will deliver more accurate results? Yahoo/Bing? Even with my somewhat personalized results pages I get now... they are leaps and bounds more helpful than anything else I've tried using.

      Love ya Bill... but to say your gonna dump it? Seem's a bit dramatic, wouldn't ya say!?
      You're going to fail. If you're afraid of failure then you do not belong in the Internet Marketing Business. Period.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5400787].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author tpw
        Originally Posted by BloggingPro View Post

        And use what...? What could you possibly use that will deliver more accurate results? Yahoo/Bing? Even with my somewhat personalized results pages I get now... they are leaps and bounds more helpful than anything else I've tried using.

        Love ya Bill... but to say your gonna dump it? Seem's a bit dramatic, wouldn't ya say!?


        I am already using Bing for half of my searches anyway...

        Who is more "accurate" with the search results is usually only a matter of how one "perceives" them to be... And the "perception of accuracy" is frequently determined ahead of time by the user.
        Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
        Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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    • Profile picture of the author Damielle
      Not surprised, I saw this coming from the moment Google went into social networking.

      It seems kinda cool at first but I'm guessing there could be some privacy issues in the future not to mention one more loop to jump through to get first page rankings.

      Time will tell...
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    • Profile picture of the author MikeTucker
      Originally Posted by tpw View Post

      How I use the net is very, very different from how friends and family use the net.

      Therefore, I will keep the "no personal results" toggle turned off...

      But if it turns out to be like other Google options of the past, such as real-time queries, that were once optional and now system-wide, then I will finally dump Google as a search tool.

      Originally Posted by BloggingPro View Post

      And use what...? What could you possibly use that will deliver more accurate results? Yahoo/Bing? Even with my somewhat personalized results pages I get now... they are leaps and bounds more helpful than anything else I've tried using.

      Love ya Bill... but to say your gonna dump it? Seem's a bit dramatic, wouldn't ya say!?

      As a consumer, I'm already looking for something else. Over the last few months, every time I Google anything, it is either on the third or fourth page. (Or, in the AdWords, [insert conspiracy theory here ])

      I haven't found a new one that I like yet, but I'm sure that there are already some small, little known search engines out there that is doing a great job. I remember reading a while back that MC Hammer had his own search engine, LOL

      The bartender says: "We don't serve faster-than-light particles here."

      ...A tachyon enters a bar.

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      • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
        Originally Posted by MikeTucker View Post

        As a consumer, I'm already looking for something else. Over the last few months, every time I Google anything, it is either on the third or fourth page. (Or, in the AdWords, [insert conspiracy theory here ])

        I haven't found a new one that I like yet, but I'm sure that there are already some small, little known search engines out there that is doing a great job. I remember reading a while back that MC Hammer had his own search engine, LOL
        LOL, yes it's called WireDoo...and unfortunately for Hammer, they are still in beta.
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        • Profile picture of the author Iriss
          2013 "Orangutang" Google update:

          All Google+ accounts who tried to SEO their own websites will be banned.

          We know who you are because we can see you log in to Webmaster Tools with your G+ account.
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          • Profile picture of the author zaco
            Originally Posted by Iriss View Post

            2013 "Orangutang" Google update:

            All Google+ accounts who tried to SEO their own websites will be banned.

            We know who you are because we can see you log in to Webmaster Tools with your G+ account.
            That's why you don't use your main account! and they won't ban anyone because if they ban the SEO accounts + IM accounts then they will find that they were the only people who signed up for Google+ lol I signed up long time ago to see how it was but never added anything and I will never add anything

            Google needs to get over it..you are a search engine and it's social networks is not for you..

            I expect the next thing in 2011 to be Facebook creating their own search engine, that would be a killer.. why would people go to Google to search if they are already logged in to Facebook and can do the search?

            I think Google knows that this will be the next Facebook step so they are trying to avoid it
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    • Profile picture of the author SEOAdvice
      Originally Posted by tpw View Post

      How I use the net is very, very different from how friends and family use the net.

      Therefore, I will keep the "no personal results" toggle turned off...

      But if it turns out to be like other Google options of the past, such as real-time queries, that were once optional and now system-wide, then I will finally dump Google as a search tool.
      I'm with you, 100%. I've found the use of Google search to be a great resource (on a personal level as a user, not as an IMer), but have slowly grown to hate the way they invade our lives. I remember a funny video a while back which really drove the point home (something like: "Google is everywhere" and, by God, they are ).

      As far as IM is concerned, well, we're fast getting used to it, I suppose, but this latest move sucks. Let's say for a moment you're not actually an IMer, you're just a plain and simple small business person or entrepreneur with a great idea for a product (digital or not).
      Nowadays, as well as having your idea turned into reality, in order to "get to market" you also have to be a creative, quality content writer (pretty much full-time if you want to get noticed at all), a creative copywriter or marketer, a networker, a site designer and, since yesterday, also a social guru?
      And ALL this to comply with how Google wants the world to be, because the "masses" are being led by them, so, if you're not "up there" in G's eyes, you're as good as invisible and will remain so.
      THAT's a bucket of freezing water being poured over entrepreneurs, creative minds, and free marketing, in general.
      I'm related to the guy whom invented the staple, yes, the simple staple. He wasn't very socially adept so, in present times, that invention would never have seen the light of day.
      Is this what we really want for the world?

      Otoh, I'm all for greater and faster communication, better technology, and so many of the current advances, but does it all have to be dictated by Google???
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  • Profile picture of the author zaco
    Hmm I just tried to search for a keyword when I am logged in to one of my accounts that has Google+, the results came back with alot of ads, I logged out and I did the same search.. the results came with no ads! the results were different tho, some sites stayed and some vanished!

    I logged in from an account that doesn't have a Google+ account and the results showed without ads and similar to searching when logged out!

    That sux! and why do I need to know things that I already know? I don't want to know what my friends posted or were looking for even if it was related to my search! I want to know things that I don't know about..

    They are trying to force Google+ to compete with facebook.. on the other hand I am going to try to create a page on Google+ for my keyword..maybe they will give it some rankings
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  • Profile picture of the author mysterrio

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    • Profile picture of the author UpNorthGuy
      This entire scheme is predicated on the assumption that people will be signing up for Google+. News flash...NOT!

      Even after G put the big red arrow pointing up to the "+You" link, no one really knows about Google+ except for those involved in IM. Signing up for G+ is a real pain. What, you're supposed to upload all the same pics and interests you already have on Facebook? Then spend hours on end tracking down all your friends that are already on Fbook?

      What are they smoking and where are they getting it?

      G needs to face the fact that they are too late. No one is going to be toggling back and forth between Facebook and Google+ to be social with their friends and family. It's like carrying 2 cell phones with the same number.

      Then there's the privacy aspect. Facebook's privacy leaks made people hypersensitive to privacy leaks. Now people are supposed to take G's word that their privacy will be protected? People don't want their private pictures showing up in search. It's a mentality. People are human beings, not market units. Google better wake up.

      Here's my opinion: Google has data about groups of people. Fbook has data about individuals. Fbook has an enormous advantage over G in terms of what they know about their users. Google knows this and is tripping all over it's own phallic device to try and get in on the action.

      G better hope Fbook doesn't get into the search engine business. Can anyone say brain drain at G?

      Google is starting to act a lot like Sears. Sears is great at selling tools and appliances. Why they would get into financial services is a mystery.

      G has gotten too large and as a result, too aggressive in trying to be all things internet. In the words of Eastwood, "A man's got to know his limitations."

      Prediction: Facebook will launch an integrated search product and Google will be in danger of losing market dominance.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jon Patrick
    I do find the fact that they can't stop changing things irritating. It's the same with platforms like eBay, Yahoo Mail, etc... since the product is an internet website which can be changed constantly, they do.

    I understand that change is necessary in some cases, but I don't need a fee increase or a newer, more buggy user interface every six months. I really don't.
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  • Profile picture of the author MajonInt
    Hmm this is interesting. Reminds me of when they had the live twitter feeds in Search. Lets see if this lasts.
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  • Profile picture of the author onegoodman
    have we seen that coming ? yes

    Is it a smart move ? no

    Not everyone using Google+. Customize result is not even close to be a smart idea. I guess if it become mandatory not only tpw will be dumping google as a search engine
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    • Profile picture of the author Hooker
      I don't have a Google+ account and really can't see why I would need one. Unless you are going to use it to grow an entire different audience than you have on other social networks, it's pointless.

      I'm not going to reach anyone new with Google+ since I know of no one who has a Google+ account that does NOT have a Facebook account. Why would you need one aside from where everyone is already?

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      • Profile picture of the author Ralph Moore
        The word Metamorphosis comes to mind. It ain't always pretty.

        That reminds me. I need to take another look at Copernic.
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  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
    Just one more reason why I am so glad I have not spend my entire IM career trying to chase the top Google Position. Sure I try to get listed high on Google, but I also use other strategies that produce traffic, so go ahead, do what you want Google. We all know they will anyway.

    HATE being at the mercy of the evil G!

    Benjamin Ehinger
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  • Profile picture of the author THK
    So basically they are trying to convert a Search Engine into a Search Function for Google Properties. It is good for people who use G properties, not for many who doesn't.

    The function of a search engine is to find information I don't know exist or don't know where to find. This change simply makes search results very limiting and redundant. More I think, it seems to me that it is designed for people with low self esteem who needs hand holding in every step of their life. Can't see how it is better.

    I think the good part is it might create the need for a proper search engine that can find relevant information from anywhere with no strings attached. Just where Google started. Go back to the basics I guess .

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  • Profile picture of the author mosthost
    I'm not even going to react to this since it's an announcement. In other words, it's more hype from Google!

    They didn't get to be the most over-hyped over-inflated company in history without all these BS announcements.

    They might be changing at the speed of light but GRANDMA AIN'T People aren't going to switch all their habits over night.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      I don't know about the rest of you but when I use search I don't want to FIND my own stuff or things I am already aware of from social interactions.

      ANyway practically its has the cool factor to it for news hype but when searching for something new I suspect it will have little impact.

      For the usual response that his somehow invalidates Google as a safe way to get traffic and makes something else superior - Really?

      If you don't see social networking as something you have to do anyway you are behind the wave.

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  • Profile picture of the author thebitbotdotcom
    I deleted my Google Plus profile the other day.

    I wasn't using it anyway. I definitely saw its effect in search results.

    It was annoying. It was showing me a bunch of "old news" FAIL!
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