A Noob Needs Help!
- SEO |
Here's the scenario...
you are responsible for advertising for an existing local business website. You'll be targeting between 50-100 keywords over time, with the focus placed on a few at a time.
You're required to write short SEO blog posts, post them, back link, and essentially raise the 'core' website up the rankings.
I need to know the following...
1. what's the most effective way through writing blog posts, to drive traffic back to this website?
2. Do you know of any program/website that will track your keyword rankings over the course of a month for the 3 major search engines?
3. No paid traffic, just organic writing.
4. budget of around 2-300 per month worth of work. (not to spend on ppc)
Also, does it make sense to create blogs, and then post content onto them that will help drive traffic to the 'core' website? Is is worth doing this? For example, I have a site "cars.com" then I create a blog "ilovecars.com" with the sole purpose to drive traffic to original site.
any advice is helpful
Nicky Papers -
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adammaxum -
Thanks - 1 reply
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sandersailare -
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