Need help posting articles on BMR

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Hi all,
I am a newbie in IM, I just started my first affiliate website about a fitness workout program, I heard a about a service which is BMR, where you can write posts with your backlink and submit them to their high PR network so that the backlinks get indexed fast. I would like to write posts on a daily basis so that I could get most use of the service

I previously posted an article to ezine articles but it was a bit hard for me writing 400 words for my product. The problem is I actually don't know what to write my website has a lot of info there, and to write unique content every time on the same product is very hard.

I know I can outsource but the point is this a bit over my budget, and since I am new I would like to try to make things by myself.

So my question are:

1. Do you think I should write about a broader topic like fitness and then include my link of my product at the end?

2. Where do you think I could get ideas from to write different posts each day ?

3. Is 150 words/ post is good or should I write more?

4. Should I consider that posting on BMR is used for increasing PR, and getting backilnks, or do you get traffic from these posts as well?

5. If I got the right ideas, what do you think in average it takes to write 150 words?

6. Do you think writing 1 post/day is good for a new website targeting a medium competitive keyword, or should I write more than one?

I know that my question are a lot and stupid , you don't have to answer all of these but any advises will be highly appreciated

#articles #bmr #posting
  • Profile picture of the author LilBlackDress
    Originally Posted by mostafa999 View Post

    Hi all,
    I am a newbie in IM, I just started my first affiliate website about a fitness workout program, I heard a about a service which is BMR, where you can write posts with your backlink and submit them to their high PR network so that the backlinks get indexed fast. I would like to write posts on a daily basis so that I could get most use of the service

    I previously posted an article to ezine articles but it was a bit hard for me writing 400 words for my product. The problem is I actually don't know what to write my website has a lot of info there, and to write unique content every time on the same product is very hard.

    I know I can outsource but the point is this a bit over my budget, and since I am new I would like to try to make things by myself.

    So my question are:

    1. Do you think I should write about a broader topic like fitness and then include my link of my product at the end?

    Include your link within the body of the article - generally within the first three sentences is a good ide

    2. Where do you think I could get ideas from to write different posts each day ?

    It is easy. Just think about the keyword and let the ideas flow. These do not have to be heavily researched articles.

    3. Is 150 words/ post is good or should I write more?

    150 is good but you can add a few more as you write naturally. You can also write 300 word posts and add 2 links instead if you like.

    4. Should I consider that posting on BMR is used for increasing PR, and getting backilnks, or do you get traffic from these posts as well?

    Mostly backlinks.

    5. If I got the right ideas, what do you think in average it takes to write 150 words?

    I can write one, proof it and check the link within 5 minutes. But I write fast. It does not take long.
    You can also use a speech to text tool like Dragon Naturally Speaking and go quickly.

    6. Do you think writing 1 post/day is good for a new website targeting a medium competitive keyword, or should I write more than one?

    I would do more than one a day. BTW you can do up to 10 per site per day.

    I know that my question are a lot and stupid , you don't have to answer all of these but any advises will be highly appreciated


    Here are the answers to your questions, if you need more help, give a shout out on here and I will PM you as you are new.

    Pen Name + 8 eBooks + social media sites 4 SALE - PM me (evergreen beauty niche)

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    • Profile picture of the author mostafa999
      Thanks a lot @LilBlackDress for your advises, I have just want to ask about something you mentioned about how to get new ideas for new posts.

      You said that I should try to get ideas from the keyword, my keyword is "Product Name reviews" , I mentioned in my question 1 that I will try to find a broader topic to get more ideas, so I don't know how to relate that to my keyword, like how it is possible to post an article about a broad topic like example fitness and include my backlink of my specific product in the top of the post, it may sound a bit irrelevant.
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      • Profile picture of the author LilBlackDress
        It is really easy. I will send you a PM and teach you how to do it.

        Pen Name + 8 eBooks + social media sites 4 SALE - PM me (evergreen beauty niche)

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  • Profile picture of the author gillw254
    Why dont you outsource?? ofcourse it needs money for it, but it saves lot of your time.. In our WF itself, there are many who offfers are for cheap prices..

    here is the service what I found best for me here:

    I have almost ordered 3 times with them and im really glad with their quality and most importantly prices are cheap when compared with offers
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  • Profile picture of the author JeanneLynn
    Write them yourself. It doesn't take too long and you will save yourself a lot of aggravation. Some of the cheap BMR writers have terrible quality posts and horrendous grammar. You wouldn't want your website to be associated with garbage like that.
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    • Profile picture of the author AZMD
      Originally Posted by JeanneLynn View Post

      Write them yourself. It doesn't take too long and you will save yourself a lot of aggravation. Some of the cheap BMR writers have terrible quality posts and horrendous grammar. You wouldn't want your website to be associated with garbage like that.
      I thought that BMR proofreads all posts before they are approved for distribution. Bad grammar and misspellings should get rejected. Or at least that is what I thought.
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      • Profile picture of the author JeanneLynn
        Originally Posted by AZMD View Post

        I thought that BMR proofreads all posts before they are approved for distribution. Bad grammar and misspellings should get rejected. Or at least that is what I thought.
        I edited the bad posts before I submitted them to BMR. However, if I have to spend all that time doctoring them, I'd might as well just write them myself.
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  • Profile picture of the author CombatMode
    Writing 150 words related to your niche should not be a probelm. BMR is definitely over hyped. You need not have a super quality article to get approved at BMR , i am not a very good writer and my success rate is 100%. Just be specific and do not copy. That it.
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    • Profile picture of the author mrehan
      I think you should wait for your site to age (if it is brand new) a little bit before u start sending powerful backlinks to it. It is better to do it after about 8 months. Till then make regular backlinks like blog posts, article directories, blog comments etc.
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      • Profile picture of the author mostafa999
        Originally Posted by mrehan View Post

        I think you should wait for your site to age (if it is brand new) a little bit before u start sending powerful backlinks to it. It is better to do it after about 8 months. Till then make regular backlinks like blog posts, article directories, blog comments etc.
        My site has been for 6 months now but I haven't build any backlinks yet because I was very busy and didn't have the time, but now I have time to concentrate on my site. So do you recommend me that I should buy BMR now or wait a little bit, and why mentioned that I should give 8 months and then start sending powerful backlinks?
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        • Profile picture of the author mrehan
          Originally Posted by mostafa999 View Post

          My site has been for 6 months now but I haven't build any backlinks yet because I was very busy and didn't have the time, but now I have time to concentrate on my site. So do you recommend me that I should buy BMR now or wait a little bit, and why mentioned that I should give 8 months and then start sending powerful backlinks?
          8 months is something I feel comfortable with. Other people might have a lesser or higher number. But it is always better to have some regular backlinks , social bookmarks before sending the powerful backlinks. Also remember to maintain the link velocity.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bujuk
    Just outsource. Most important is to have kw in the article. As long as the article is original with good grammar, they will accept your submission. I ve been using them for 2 mo now.
    “Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it.”
    - Salvador Dalí
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  • Profile picture of the author redbearing
    Well, budget is not an issue if you know where to find the right place to find your virtual assistants. I would suggest you to get freelancers from sites like &

    Good luck.
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