Adsense / Adbrite alternative for gambling content

by Hughra
2 replies
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I came to this community seeking some help in finding a good adsense alternative that supports poker related content.

I currently run a poker resource, like an actual one, not a front that trys to generate leads. I focus on content.

The issue that comes is that it is against the terms and conditions of adsense to run ads on sites with this content. I have been trying to monetize with adbrite but I am only generating minimal amounts. like 3 cents a week.

I do not wish to run poker / casino lead ads as it is been said to have a negative effect on SERP.

I am averaging 500 Uniques a day from a heavy marketing campaign i ran for the site launch in December and I want to cash in on this. Currently my domain is PR2.. Good for 2 months.

Anyhelp is appreciated!!

- Ray
#adbrite #adsense #alternative #content #gambling
  • Profile picture of the author kiwiviktor81
    I also have a poker site, I monetise it through Amazon affiliates. Plenty of poker books there.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5683794].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Hughra
    Do you have a store on your site set up or advertisements or reviews?. I I follow this approach I am going to do it review based
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5683855].message }}

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